Daily Archives: June 8, 2011

have pit bull will brag

proud polka dot princess mama brags about her pooch… we also were asked to submit answers to questions for an interview, do not know when it will get published, but we answered right away and will let you know when it is published.  Meanwhile, check out the links below for some Cici bug photos that were published hither and yon. Thanks to StubbyDog project and American Dog Magazine.

Cici played with her Jack Russell friend Angel at the park after getting a bath, to try to get her itchies under control.  I had to pull her outside to get hosed down, reminded me of that dog in that video… the dog who played dead because he didn’t want to get a bath either.  cici survived her bath. Finally figured out the itchies are coming from some sort of bug bites, at last we know what the problem is, am now looking for answers how to resolve it. A bath seemed in order.

We also saw our neighbor’s mini poodle Lola at the park. We’ve been worried about her but it turns out that she has a new puppy companion, the cutest three month old Alaskan Husky, Lobo. Wanted to eat him up, so cute he’s edible. As we were leaving, Lola came running over to Cici, I guess to say goodbye. So adorable. The two little dogs staring at my Cici who’s tail was going 500 mph.  Power to the paws.

and when I asked some friends advice on how to handle an unfriendly/harassing neighbor who makes cruel and ignorant remarks about Cici because of her breed who just threatened to call the police because he knows where we live, for what, walking while pit bull mix? not illegal here, I was upset and here is the plan we came up with, too fun have to share…So the idea is to make up a gift bag consisting of cookies/cupcakes with chocolate and vanilla sprinkles and dog biscuits and give him this gift telling him that cici is half dalmatian and that it is the pits when people judge her based on her looks. And nasty things were suggested if that bit of diplomacy doesn’t work. I won’t go into those ideas here 🙂 but the funny thing was right afterwards, I saw an article about how a cupcake recipe was inserted into an Al Queda magazine to take the place of a bomb recipe. We roared with laughter about that. Cupcakes for Peace, what a concept !

my cici is on page 56


have pit bull will travel


now this is the funniest video, been watching it all day, making me laugh… reason why everyone should adopt a pit bull…  they are notorious love bugs…giving tons of pibble love… cannot hold their lickers…


another video we really love is about a pet store in Florida that offers only rescue pets…


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