Monthly Archives: November 2010

when cici met lola and pablo at the park…

well, folks, making plans is fun but you know what they say, we make plans and God laughs… so it was on my birthday… my car conked out and got towed, so no Harry Potter, no ice cream, no lunches…

did finally go to see Harry Potter yesterday… I liked it.  has been awhile since I read the book perhaps that’s why, don’t recall the book, but felt the movie was decent… better than the last movie…

anyway, cici had to spend the day yesterday in the yard, not happy, but she and Lola did whoop it up the day before, chased one another, played with a squeaky toy at the little park down the street from us. Lola is FAST, super poodle girl… cici could hardly keep up. Then Pablo came out in his yard and wanted to play, too… like their own little doggie park, was very cool for the dogs ! really good exercise for cici !

weather has been very frosty in the mornings, supposed to rain and has been warming up, thankfully…

cici was quite happy to come inside last night and slept in the middle of the bed with no budging her an inch !!!

this morning, we had cold pizza for breakfast again, since no car, cannot get to market… there is a small one nearby but not much in it…

so if anyone has a Toyota Scion (used) for sale, nearby, let me know, I did a test drive and that is the car I want asap…

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Filed under dog parks, dog toys, dogs, exercise your dog

happy birthday to me !

cici woofed me happy birthday this morning… I know that she is hoping to get in on some of the birthday freebies I found online…

happy birthday to jamie lee curtis, and mariel hemingway, too… so many amazing people were born on this date 🙂

and I always remember JFK, he was killed on my 14th birthday…

ask not what your country can do for you (yes, do ask now), ask what you can do for your country… ask and you shall receive… there are too many people, myself included, who have fallen through the cracks of a very broken system… and don’t qualify for anything despite having worked very hard for many many years…

anyway, am thankful to Denny’s for my free birthday breakfast, it was a Grand Slam ! 🙂

Benihana’s and/or Chevy’s for lunch…

Cold Stone Creamery for cake or ice cream…

and going to see Harry Potter…

too bad Jack in the Box, taco bell and other fast food places give nada… after all the money they make. tsk tsk tsk…



what do you think about our new look?


vote in our poll about tsa body scanning

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Filed under happy holidays, Happy Thanksgiving

sit spot stay part 2

everything i just wrote, several paragraphs just got wiped out, not liking this at all…

so I will start with what I wrote last, which was that cici made a sound i have never heard before, she was not howling, she sounded just like a siren, weird… maybe the siren was disturbing her nap?

anyway, am convinced that lola, the dog next door has been sending cici secret coded barked messages about the yard… something like: first they put you in the yard, next they tie you up to a brick, then they leave you out 24/7… your life as a princess is over !!! dog, run for your life, or go to death con 500000 and shake, look pathetic, rattle, roll, do whatever you can to win them back. (fyi I did call the spca about poor lola, but they never called back)…

meanwhile, cici has been exploring as many yards in the hood as she can possibly looking for a better yard she can escape to? greener pastures?

she did not like the other yards where we lived before either and she could escape them, this yard has a very very tall fence and there is no way she can climb out of it… and it also has no comfy cushy furniture, no pillows, no dog bed, no dog house, nothing she can rest her polka dot princess paws or butt upon… so you can see she is really deprived…

she went wild at the mall last night… lst time all week we’ve been out, just for a tiny time, had to meet someone there.. she wagged her tail and licked and said hello to all, friends and foes (one foe), desperately eager, as if to say rescue me, I am finally out of the dreaded yard…

poor baby…

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Filed under dog speak, dogs, Don't worry be happy, funny, seperation anxiety in dogs, silly dog

sit spot sit…

don’t know what is sillier us humans trying to understand our dogs or our dogs just being dogs…

for instance, cici and the yard. ok, it was a hard week, i was sick with a bad cold and she got to be a dog this week in the yard for a few hours a day, horrors of horrors !  she was not tied up to a brick, she was not tied up at all, she was not there for 24/7, she was not cold, wet nor overheated… she was not mistreated, except well maybe you know she got to be a regular dog for a couple of hours each day, sheesh… she is not a barker but she barked and yapped like the neighbor dog for awhile… and the way she barked, you’d have thought someone was killing her out there… or at least maiming her for life.

so then yesterday, i just put her in the yard for a few short minutes to let her do her business and then we could be together… so I guess she thought she was banished again. but this time, she sat down and looked pathetically at me, no barking, just acceptance of her fate. No doing her business in the yard either which frustrated me so her sitting there looking pathetic strategy became a self-fulfilling prophecy… i left here there for a half hour instead of staying there with her for a few minutes while she peed and pooped.

when i came back, she was still sitting in the same spot, as if that spot was going to save her from the dark, cold, wet night in the yard. I NEVER intended to leave her there all night but I guess she was ready to man the spot til morning. But I took her in and guess some time during my leaving her and coming back, she did what I wanted her to do (but she’d never let on, leaving me to wonder, roll my eyes, shake my head)…

perhaps since people ask me all the time if her name is spot, she was auditioning for a new series of sit spot sit books… starring the polka dot princess and her yard…

she woofed and woofed in her sleep and i wonder if she was still sitting in that spot in the yard while she slept or if she was running far far away from the yard… what do you suppose your dog dreams about?  do they like or hate their yard?

fyi, this doggie blog is soooo funny you just have to tune in, all about moving with two dogs,



who me, I’m just  a dog… don’t leave me all alone in the yard … I could die out there all by myself… there are killer weeds out there who eat puppy dogs like me!!!

(this photo is from when we lived in the house in Nevada. she hated that yard too and it had real grass)…

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Filed under dog dreams, dog speak, dogs, funny, silly dog

my spoiled brat dog

here is cici yesterday refusing to cooperate, you know sometimes a dog has other more important priorities…

but i thought that dogs were loyal, faithful and love to cooperate??? they don’t tell you that is NOT in the terrier k9 handbook…


cici to me: what do you want? I’m busy…



guess who won?


my stubborn terrier, of course…  score:  cici 100 million to celiasue once in a blue moon…  just because I feed her, walk her, take care of her every need 24/7 plus entertain her and transport her, why should she cooperate with me???


aaahh the joys of living with my best friend …  🙂


is your dog a spoiled brat?  tell us how???



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Filed under Best Friends, breeds, dogs, K9 handbook, spoiled brat dog

is your dog rude?

cici has another new doggie friend in the neighborhood, well not quite a friend… she discovered this tiny poodle sleeping in a crate in the front yard, presumably  24/7 since it is ALWAYS there yapping… but the first time was about 5:30 a.m. of course… that dog must have woken up the neighborhood…

then we went to the mall on a Saturday before turkey day and SPCA was doing Santa Paws and the place was a zoo… and this guy in a black Mercedes had his poor little dog in the car for at least 30 minutes WITH NO AIR… I don’t even care if the air conditioning was on, that poor dog, was yapping the whole time,  but the dog HAD NO AIR.  Finally, I told Petco who told me to tell someone else and then the mall security and it seemed no one was going to do anything and the owner showed up… He was extremely haughty and rude when I asked him to turn down his window so I could talk to him… and you just know if he did it once, he will do it again…

why have a dog if you are going to treat it like either of the above situations?  dogs are not stuffed animals to play with when you’re bored and/or have nothing to do…

ok, so I am not always the best dog parent, I admit that… sometimes I forgot to do basic things or let her run around wild when she needs the exercise… like this morning, she NEEDED to run so I let her, it was really early… but then she decided to go into one neighbor’s yard.  Sometimes I think that my dog is just too rude. She will go into your yard, into your house, run around your living room, jump on your beds, sniff around for food, and leave… or get into your car and do the same. Is she looking for a new dog parent/family??? I wonder sometimes…

well, enough soap box… here are some fun photos…









Filed under air, animal rescue, ASPCA, dog crazy, dogs

dogs smell…

well, this article says dogs odor sensor (their nose) can detect all kinds of smells, cancer, seizures, etc.

yet dogs cannot smell themselves after they roll around in stinky stuff such as manure, dead fish, skunks, and worse???  either that or they just really like the way stinky stuff smells… bad to us humans… and then they get mad at us when we give them a bath, mouthwash for their bad breath… ironic, isn’t it…

what is the worse thing your dog has been rolling around in lately or eaten that stinks???

and check out cici’s new cafe express shop…  she has a nice collection of photos on t-shirts, bags and more.. including a photo of her outside a tub that says baths stink…

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Filed under dogs, K9 handbook, skunk

paws and effect, healing power of k9’s

my apologies to author Sharon Sakson, who sent me this book while we were traveling, I read parts of it and LOVED it, then put it aside and just found it again… am reading the rest of the book, almost done, and it is just fabulous…

many moons ago Sharon won a contest here and I mentioned the book but had not read it yet…

There are stories about dogs who detect cancer, seizures and the people who train them, love the dogs and document their canine talents…

it is a real heartwarming, uplifting read for dog lovers and others who are interested in and love animals…

what a gift !!!

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Filed under animal planet, animal stars, dogs, gift giving

fit for a K9 queen…

K9 travel mugs, talk about silver spoons, these are fit for a queen… or a spokes dog of epic proportions and polka dot pink belly… or your dog… 🙂


the k9 travel mugs are made out of stainless steel, easy to clean and fit into your car’s cup holder, so there is no mess, no fuss, no spills…  cici ate out of hers this morning and gave it a furry four paws up…




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Filed under dog travel, dogs

whose job is it anyway?



NIMBY… (Not in my back yard) …


cici’s been enjoying the back yard, surprisingly, imagine my dog is a DOG… she even buried her bone… well, it was one day… it is kinda hot, so we shall see when it gets cooler about having her be in the yard more.

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Filed under au natural dog, dogs, funny, gag, silly dog