Blog the Change: the real heroes

Lately, we’ve been talking a lot about American pit bull terriers because of the dog fighting issue and how these dogs have been abused, traumatized and killed by you know who. There are many other issues that we have not addressed including how badly maligned these innocent dogs are in the media, banning the breed in places like Denver, (breed specific legislation), spay/neutering the dogs so less of them end up dying in shelters across America, and so on.  A whole host of problems that need solutions.  Mostly, I have joked about polka dot discrimination here until recently.

Some of us dog lovers and pibble lovers specifically are working towards getting better press for the dogs. Better press, positive press in the media, can lead to changes in the way our society perceives the breed and ultimately help end / solve the other problems. And since I am a media person, what you didn’t know that about me, read my bio, hah. Anyway, I am a newspaper reporter/editor, freelance, and I also do PR, assist authors, small business owners and others obtain all the media attention/coverage they can handle. I say that because many people don’t really want a lot of media attention. Just a little. But I digress.

We have a HUGE opportunity with promoting the Lost Dogs book and banning Vick from EVER getting a dog to move the breed’s reputation from vicious bad mean dogs to who they really are, the sweet adorable dogs we know and love, in our society’s minds. And that’s why I get so crazy if you will, and want everyone to jump on the bandwagon with me. Ok, I admit I am annoying.  But it’s up to us to step up and speak out for these sweet adorable dogs. Because if we don’t, who will. Ok, sometimes my passion turns into obsession. I admit it. Am a crazy fan of the breed because of my Cici, who I rescued from out of the hands of a homicidal maniac. Have issues. I get it.  For me, it’s personal, as it should be.

You know that you are a pit bull rescuer, owner, lover when you realize you have not slept again all night because you found another crazymaking article, poll, or list saying how wonderful sick Vick is and you’ve just got to tell the world, that ain’t true.

How many pibble rescuers, owners, lovers does it take to turn the tide, tell the press/media, and the world how great these dogs are before we make a difference?  I know we are making a difference every day when people come up to me and tell me how great, sweet, gorgeous and silly Cici is. Or when I read a hero story about a pibble who saved someone. Little steps can add up to BIG change.

It is easy to feel discouraged especially when ignorant media people like Petside name ick (not a typo) a pet hero, ugh.  Now, hmmm choose, should we applaud a dog serial killer who used his own pet dog as bait and killed dogs with his own bare hands or should we choose BADRAP and Best Friends as pet heroes? DUH… And just when we thought we were doing good with the Lost dogs project, we find out that some of the books were returned to owners. This is  unclear at the moment. Seems like just part of the White House process of approving gifts. Hopefully.

But what other choice do we have but to keep on keeping on, every day, in small and big ways to help these dogs? I take my inspiration from heroines like Donna Reynolds from BADRAP and the heroes and heroines at Best Friends who have taken care of the v-dogs and are taking care of them and other dogs, as well as Our Pack, Monterey SPCA, the gang at Pit Bull Positive and the other pit bull rescuers who are so dedicated and committed to the breed. If they can patiently, lovingly and daily do the work of caring and training these dogs, and have for years, then so can I and so can you.

Since the mass media has yet to name the REAL heroes, I am calling them out here right now and so I hope you will too. Give them a standing ovation, a big cheer, a huge shout out, folks, yell from the rooftops. Also translate that into donations to keep them doing this great work. For the breed, for the dogs. I know you care. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have read this far.  Translate that caring into action. Baby steps every day have a ripple effect in the long term.

Also, I consider it an honor to tell people about The Lost Dogs book because imagine how much it took for author Jim Gorant to not only write this tale but also now to deal with the press/media about it.  He deserves a lot more kudos, too.  As I tell people every day, not only should they read the book to learn the facts about ick, (again, not a typo, heh heh 🙂 but also because IT IS the best written book I’ve read in a long long time.  Gorant is a GREAT writer. He wove a tale with suspense, not much gore (2-3 paragraphs tops), and a TON OF HEART, for the dogs. The book honors the dogs and is a living testament to the TRUE HEROES of this tale.  I pray that I could write like that some day. So please buy the book, send it to the media, your local media, the national media, Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg, specifically need to read the book. Write a letter to your editor at the local newspaper. Everyone benefits when you do. The dogs, their rescuers, Jim Gorant and our world. Win, win, win win win.

I also want to thank all of the crazy people who sent the books to the White House. Anna B., Catherine HB, Katie M., Dawn SB and 200+ others, you know who you are. None of you sent the book for the limelight attention or even the gifts some will be winning at my contest, They all did it because they love the dogs and want to help BADRAP and Gorant. Hats off to you nutty dog / animal people of the world !  (Below are photos of Anna’s sweet rescue dogs and Dawn’s glass tile charms). You, too, are my heroes and inspiration.

Last but definitely not least is this hero who speaks out so eloquently about this. You gotta read the article the Pit Bull Guru Drayton Michaels wrote called Sympathy for the Devil: Softening M. Vick’s image click it and pay it forward.

Now that is my soap box and I will go gently back into the night, actually into my bed to cuddle with Cici.  She is the best dog ever.  Does she have a sweet face or what?

oh well, it’s 6 pm I posted this early early early this morning, but just realized now I was supposed to put the code here, duh, oh my dog, no wonder, early to post, late to link/code 🙂


Filed under badrap, Best Friends, blog the change, blogging, end dog racism, end dogfighting, lost dog, media madness, Michael Vick dogs, obama, pit bull, polka dot discrimination, publicity

9 responses to “Blog the Change: the real heroes

  1. I’d not see that lover not fighter graphic. That’s a hoot.

    • We think its sad that the White House sent back a lot of the books… but maybe Mr. Obama did read one of them! Our Mama says its so silly that anyone would ever call Vick a hero, or consider letting him have a pet dog again. If he had abused children that way, would they ever let him work with children, or adopt a child, even if he claimed he was better? No way! Once you do certain horrible things, you should just be done. Maybe you can have the chance to go on with your life, but you should never be allowed the CHANCE to hurt anyone again.

      • we don’t know that the books were sent back. according to one gal who got a notice saying that, her post office people told her that the book was still at the white house going through their approval process / security protocol… so it remains to be seen what happened or is happening with the books. the strange thing too is that bo’s (first dog) trainer died at the age of 52. Am still praying for miracles. 🙂

  2. If I could whistle, I would! What a super great wonderful postie right from your heart! And I’m clapping my paws together for all those peoples who are taking care of the Vick doggies and all the other pit bulls who nobuddy else wants. My mom says that she’s done just what you said about losing sleep cuz she was thinking about what to say about some crazy thing that those media people did or said about pit bulls of that ick guy. Me and her both have to believe in our hearts that how peoples feel about pit bulls is starting to change. It’s Most Definitely not happening as fast as we want it to but mom says that “slow and steady wins the race.” I hope she’s right.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  3. Such a mess about such a misunderstood breed – hoping that some day soon the record will be set straight, people will truly understand! Thank you for all the information you’ve provided, there is much a person can do to help make the lives of these dogs better!

  4. Kristine

    Lovely post! Don’t forget to include yourself in that list of heroes. Anyone who stays up all night fighting against a wave of offensive and disgusting comments, anyone who is strong enough to take all that one, is a hero in my book.

    That lover not a fighter graphic is terrific! What a happy face. 🙂

  5. Absolutely wonderful post. I agree with you 100%. It turns my stomach that ANYONE could think Vick a hero of any sort, much less a pet hero.

    Thank you for this post!

  6. Paul

    Any chance you can give us a link to where you got that I’m a lover not a fighter graphic? I have a pibble and I would really love one of those!

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