Daily Archives: June 28, 2011

boycotting BET and Subway and Nike

Chris Durant is the person who had posted about this debacle with BET and Subway in the first place…


The sandwich shop chain contends that they innocently sponsored the recent BET awards and did not know who was being chosen for the Sportsman of the Year Award (Michael Vick won the award). Vick was one of five finalists winning out over Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Derrick Rose. Subway said this after more than 18,000 now former customers signed onto a Facebook page No Way Subway in a matter of hours vowing to boycott Subway. The dog lovers told Subway in no uncertain terms No Way would Subway get their dollars ANYMORE via email and phone calls.

Did you know that Subway sponsored a failed Michael Vick reality show for the entire season while 14 other sponsors pulled their ads?  Ooopsie, so much for Subway claiming innocence regarding the BET award.


really good article, esp. last line


Add Nike to the list to boycott, they just signed Vick and Core Energy too…

Just Do It Boycott Nike



contact Nike and others info:


a few good blog posts:

What Vick calls “mistakes” were actually felonies which could have sent him to prison for much longer than the 18 months he spent incarcerated. The fact is, he spent years torturing and killing defenseless animals.


Perhaps Michael Vick was awarded “Sportsman of the Year” by BET because he hasn’t done anything too terrible in the past year. I would like to make some posthumous awards to people who haven’t done anything bad in a long, long time:

Mother of the Year – Joan Crawford
Humanitarian of the Year – Dr. Joseph Mengele
Peace Prize – Adolph Hitler
Human Rights Award – Idi Amin
Husband of the Year – O.J. Simpson

Read more: http://technorati.com/lifestyle/article/should-subway-suffer-because-michael-vick/#ixzz1Qs2W2qZe




There is much to do, take your pick…or be a hero and do them all…

Sign the petitions:



order a Lost Dog book to send to Subway and/or BET, order it here so % goes to the dogs



Boycott BET has 2,000 fans

Call/write BET/Subway:  Be factual and professional.

Call Black Entertainment Television (BET) 202-608-2000


Email and/or call and say that you will not be a customer because of their support of Michael Vick, will Vick be doing Subway commercials now?  Boycott.  Thank you.

SUBWAY Restaurant Customer Service Form      Ph: 800.888.4848

www.subway.com    You can also post comments on their Facebook page, be factual and professional. More bees with honey.

Black Entertainment Television (BET) is owned by Viacom, contact Viacom here and let them know what you think about who BET supports:


Please do this today and forward this to everyone you know!

There are a number of videos on youtube of black men like the one below who say that BET does NOT NOT NOT represent black people in a positive light and wonders why there are not doctors, lawyers, CPA’s and other black professionals represented on BET.


Filed under animal abuse, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, pit bull, Uncategorized