Sign my guestbook

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note: if you post a comment in another language, sorry but I cannot understand what you are writing, so your comments will be deleted.  Get an English dictionary and translate or get someone you know who writes, speaks English to post your comment in English for you. thanks.   I am writing this because a few times a week I have been getting comments like this, not only not English, but foreign characters, too. Maybe it’s just spam?  don’t know.  This is also NOT the place to try to advertise your site/blog. Be an adult and send me an email and we may be able to work something out. If not, your comments will also be deleted.

56 responses to “Sign my guestbook

  1. Joelle Laurin-Fiel

    Good day,

    All I have to say is: Very refreshing person that you are! Very good taste for creating your site. I felt relaxed and reenergized. If you can do this in a site; My opinion is (if it isnt already done) give some serious thoughts to your healing center!!! All good things in due time!

    heres a quote i recently got acquinted to ( I think youll like it): The power of love rather than the love of power.

    Its a beatiful day!

    Rise and shine

  2. Thanks, Great informative site, a great read. Keep up the good work all, Will return shorlty for your latest updates. Cheers…

  3. rob

    nice site mate 🙂 keep up the good work.

  4. Oh, Thanks! Really amazing. keep working!

  5. Lori

    Hi Sue! Great Blog! You are very talented! Looking forward to reading every word. Hope to see you and Cici again someday.

    Many blessings and lots of love!

  6. Really enjoyed looking around and everything you had to say! You are very talented.

  7. Just started reading your blog. I look forward to reading more of it. Cici is a very lucky dog.

  8. Heidi

    I found your blog while researching a place to house my baby (four-legged kind) in Big Sur, while I’m at an Esalen workshop. Do you know of any places, since Esalen doesn’t allow any dogs on their property?

  9. Just checking out other dog blogs. I will add yours to my list! Keep up the great work!

    Twitter: @ShannonKube

  10. Love your blog. I’m looking to network with other dog lovers. Will add you to my favorites!

  11. katie Moyer

    I just love your CiCi, she is so beautiful! My dog’s name is Sydney, and we call her “SiSi” for short. 🙂 Your writing is amazing! Thanks for speaking so beautifully for the rest of us who have trouble writing. I cannot wait to read more. I really have a passion against “ick” and am so glad to not be alone.

  12. Connie Lowe

    Awesome site. Learned about it in our local Pet Folio magazine. Great information about where we can travel and take our little dog with us.
    Keep up the good work!

  13. Hi! Glad to be here. I live in Atlanta half the year and in Iquitos, Peru for the other half! But I wrote the entry in English…LOL. Great blog!

  14. Johanna Carmack

    Great blog!

  15. Hi! I like your website. Saved it to favorites. Hardly ever do that(:

  16. Hi CeliaSue!

    We’re big fans of your blog over at Frisky Dog Daycare. I was wondering how we might get in touch to discuss link-trading. I apologize for the informal introduction.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  17. Amber

    Love anything doggie or pitbull… Sassa – my girl xoxo cici – polkadot princess, what a gorgeous girlfriend. kisses to u both xxx

  18. Beautuiful animals and so caring hope the attitude towards them change fast!!!!!

  19. Saying hello and that I am following from Life with Dogs Pet Blog Hop. I am excited to start reading your entries!

  20. Just found your website and think it is both informative and fun. Nice work.

  21. Dayna Fowler

    “Paw-some” website! Keep up the good work!

  22. Mat

    Hi there, I am browsing a lot of dog related sites and blogs lately and wanted to say you are among the few people who really spend a lot of time on it. I would also like to invite you to vsit my site and show some pics of your dog to the world 🙂 Thanks

  23. Hi–love your blog and thought you might want to know about a pet-friendly vacation rental company in the Florida Panhandle. My dog Jazz is the spokes-dog for Shore Dreams Vacation Rentals. You can catch my article in the Fall/Winter issue of FIDOFriendly Magazine: “The Dog Days of Destin and the Emerald Coast.” And you can follow Jazz’s “Pet Adventures” at: Let’s connect on FB and help one another! Happy travels–Deborah

  24. John

    Thanks, Great informative site, a great read. Nice work, keep it up!

  25. Love your blog! Cici is one lucky puppy.

  26. Tim

    Cici is gorgeus, loved the video clips. Really nice site, i stumbled upon your site because i was looking for inspiration to create my own dog blog. This is most definetly one of te better dog blogs i have seen.

  27. An interesting website. I love the layout – so refreshing. Woof!

  28. Hello, I enjoy reading all of your article. I like to write a
    little comment to support you.

  29. Paul

    I love your paw background.


  30. Hi
    Can I exchange links with you?
    Lili 🙂

  31. eric.hannan

    Hi, are you currently in Morgan Hill, CA? I saw a “Have Dog Will Travel” magnet on an RV. –

  32. Hello from Gene, I run a site for pet friendly hotel chains and just wanted to sign your guestbook. Great blog and thanks for taking your dog with you and being an advocate for traveling with pets!

  33. Hi!
    I found your blog while researching a place to house my baby (four-legged kind) in Big Sur, while I’m at an Esalen workshop. Do you know of any places, since Esalen doesn’t allow any dogs on their property?

  34. Your blog is a wonderful resource for those of us who love to travel with our pets – THANK YOU!

  35. M. E. Logan, Author

    Great blog — For several years I did house/dog sitting for people on vacation for a “side money”. Met wonderful people and wonderful pets.

  36. Carrie Rossetter

    You are an inspiration for all those who struggle with homelessness and the trials and tribulations that most certainly go with those hardships. You’re writing is true and from the heart. I look forward to reading more. Much luck to you and your furbaby. XO

  37. Maureen

    I read your article about elderly homeless women tonight. As a woman around your age who is fortunate enough to have a nice roof over my and and my two dogs heads, the article made me think twice about how our paths in life often change because of one unforeseen bump along the way.
    I then went to your blog and saw your dog Cici and immediately fell in love. I have a very special place in my heart for pitties, have had a few in my life and found them all to be wonderful companions, loyal, sweet and loving. I hope you and Cici can find more permanent housing arrangements soon. I will check back on your blog regularly for your interesting and insightful articles.

  38. Jean

    I love your blog and a fellow animal lover. I hope you have had some help with finding a place to live. I have a couple of dogs and couple of cats and would not also be alive if it was not for them. If you are ever in Minnesota, you have a place to stay. Bertha, MN.

  39. Michaela

    I read your article about elderly women being homless and immediatly thought about my mom who is about your age. However we are lucky to live in Europe, where social security is much better than in the US. Although we never have been very wealthy, my family and me all have a roof over our heads, jobs and health insurance. My partner wasn’t so lucky for some time and it hit him hard. Human rights claim that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Most of the time people don’t realise how much dignity is nowadays connected to funds and status and if disaster strikes they feel ashamed instead of claiming their right to be treated dignified. I really would like to donate for you and your lovely dog althoug it can’t be much. I think of you as a very courageous woman and hope everything will turn out fine! Please contact me and all the best for you! Michaela, Austria

  40. Stephanie Pires

    I find your article inspiring and wonderful. Your life situation, however breaks my heart. I am 67, soon to be 68 and my sister took me into her big house. I had been living in my car and hotels, while still trying to work a little. We have had a few serious discussions about what would happen to me if she were to pass away. Her mortgage is $800 more than I make each month. She has another home, but even that one has a mortgage that is 1/3 of my SS and retirement. I don’t have a car, and my dog died last year. What I do have is a daughter with a drug problem.who she has also allowed to live with us. We do better, then we do worse. As you say, a lot of it depends on my health needs. I just wanted to say hi and that “I feel ya.”

  41. Piali

    Hi CeliaSue – your piece in Vox really impacted me. I live in NYC, and couldn’t help but think about the multitude of homeless people that I encounter each day and their untold stories. Thank you for having the courage to tell yours and giving voice to so many others in the process. I hope this country moves in the direction of addressing the systemic challenges that contribute to the marginalization of people all over the US, it’s a disgrace. In the mean time, keep writing and stay well.

  42. Terri Hall

    I am truly sorry to read about your situation today. I often fear that will be me because my parents are gone and I have no husband, children only a sister that depends on me more than anything. I wish you didn’t have to go through this, no-one should. I will help you as much as I can. God Bless You and please hang in there.

  43. Hi,
    I was left a very condescending note on the windshield of my car referencing my then dog “Claudia” for being closed in a car without air. She was resting happily with the car roof wide open in October in northeastern Pennsylvania. Sure glad they didn’t smash my window.

  44. I’ve never met a pit bull who didn’t climb in my lap and lick my face.

  45. I just read your Vox article and was deeply impacted by your words. Thank you.

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