Tag Archives: dangerous criminals

Have a heart

Imagine a child born to parents who treat their child as a meal ticket. Parents who make money off of their children. Parents who force their children to fight for their lives every day of life. Parents who keep the children unsocialized, tied up in the backyard, hidden with a heavy chain on their necks, unable to escape. Parents who allow their girl children to be raped at a young age so that they produce more children to be abused. All of the children are terrified, angry and traumatized, some become out of their minds. And one day someone kind comes along and sets the children free and puts the parents in jail. Are the children sent to jail, too? Should the children be killed for being too mean? This is the life of too many pit bulls… and yes, they can be likened to abused and neglected children. When given the love, socialization and care they deserve, they are good dogs. Who is responsible for a child or a dog? Who should be held accountable the child, the dog or the parent?


And Breed Specific Legislation takes innocent children/dogs out of their homes, puts them in doggie jail and kills them because they MIGHT become violent some day. That is like saying one day your child with red hair is going to become a dangerous criminal. Why? Because they have red hair. So with all of the media and political hype and hysteria, you decide to round up all of the red haired people and kill them because one red haired person committed a crime in your neighborhood. Does this make any sense???


And in shelters all across this country (and world), the off spring aka the dogs are held accountable for the wrongdoings of the parents/guardians. And the dogs pay the ultimate price. They are killed for being innocent victims of violent criminals. Meanwhile the dog fighters pay a fine and get a little jail time. What kind of system of justice is this?   Am all for second chances but when the criminals have more rights than those they hurt, then that is just plain wrong.

the ones who are too aggressive and violent (and mean and cruel) are the dog fighting criminals who make money off of the dogs and treat these dogs like garbage. The dogs like the former Vick dogs when given the love and care they deserve become therapy dogs (8 of the former Vick dogs) and just plain regular family dogs (many of the former Vick dogs live with kids, other dogs, cats and more). Jail and punish the dog fighters NOT the dogs. Do we send kids who have been abused to jail or do we send child abusers to jail?  The adults are the responsible person so why punish the kids????  Remember that scene in the movie Good Will Hunting when the shrink played by Robin Williams tells the boy his father’s abuse was NOT his fault.  Rape, child abuse, any kind of violence against a person or animals is NEVER the victim’s fault. It is the abuser’s fault. Just because an abuser has a lot of money does NOT make the abuse right nor should it get them off the hook.


Bless this couple for taking care of fight dogs, the way that they should be treated. There needs to be a lot more folks like this.


We like seeing positive ads with pit bulls, too, more and more every day, yay.


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Filed under adoption, animal abuse, animal stars, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, breeds, children and dogs, dog fights, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, keep pets safe, Michael Vick dogs, pet care, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized