Tag Archives: KOA campground

California Gold Country, no dog left behind…

from Ukiah we decided to head east instead of going south. A mistake but we were adventuring and sometimes you error on the side of trying something new… the path we took was extremely twisty and windy for 20 miles, I would never take it again. We ended up in a pretty good place though. And checked out Marysville, Yuba City and other quaint towns along the way back to Carson City, Nevada. It was too hot and we wished we were back at the beaches.

Cici mostly sleeps in the car except when she has to go potty. It finally dawned upon me that the reason she gets restless and jumps around in the car is because she needs to make a pit stop. Otherwise, when she is all made in the shade, she just rolls up into a fur ball and rests her weary dog eyes and dreams about her next adventure. She loves driving in the car and discovered the pleasure of an open window while we drove. Aaaahhh, wind in my face. Coooool breezes, yummy.

The Gold country is interesting for humans and maybe for dogs… lots of trees and furry animals to chase. Further south of where we traveled at that time, we have stayed in Jackson, Placerville, Colfax, visited Mariposa, Calaveras and Nevada City and LOVE Grass Valley and Auburn.

We even visited Susanville, a VERY small town about an hour north of Reno. In fact, we originally headed from Eureka to Susanville to look at a place to live that did not work out. We stayed a few days over July 4th in Susanville and then decided to go back to see the redwoods (Avenue of the Giants) again. I thought it would be kind of fun to stay in a town named Susanville, since my name is Susan. Cici managed to eat a pair of magnifying reading glasses of mine there. And the motel was very nice especially for the price. Many small towns are higher priced than bigger cities since they don’t get as much traffic.

There is a very lovely highway that takes you from Susanville up to Mt Shasta. There were rumors of road work but we only encountered a couple of stops. We stopped at a few rest areas, some were extremely nice and dog friendly. Others were pathetic, little tiny patches of dirt. Cici enjoyed herself nevertheless. She is usually pretty easy to please. Give her a few bones, some treats or food, a few feet to lick and dogs to play with and she’s good to go. From Shasta, we went to Oregon, then across to the beach and down 101. The 101, as I said before, is very twisty windy above Ukiah.

Right before Shasta, we stopped at a gas station and asked about a place to have a cool refreshing puppy picnic. The manager there told us about a place. We drove about 25 miles plus some more miles looking for a real place. The place she told us about turned out to be a boat launch ramp, no sand, a few boats and no place to have a picnic. I was po’d and drove back and told the woman off. If you do not know what you are talking about, don’t give tips/advice. Someone else told me of a number of campground park type places that would have been more suitable, free and a few miles down the road from where we were. Instead, I drove to the KOA where we had reservations. Turned out that there was a misunderstanding so we drove up to Weeds and got a motel there. It was adequate and good to get out of the heat of the day.

Cici kissed me, wagged her tail and told me all was ok… we had chicken at the coffee shop and she was a happy camper.

It would have been nice to check out Mt Shasta but it was too darned hot… Here’s a few sites with info about the aforementioned places we visited…









No Pet left behind on this site…



Top 10 California dog hot spots


California has gone to the dogs 




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Filed under AAA, Adventure, all you need is a dog, Arnold, auto club, B&B's, belly rubs, big dogs welcome, CA, California, camping, dog friendly, dog kisses, dogs, drive, driving, food, four paws up, funny, Gold country, how much is that doggie in the window, K9 approved, K9 travel, Mt. Shasta, mutts, Nevada, Oregon, pet care, pet friendly lodging, pet travel, travel, travel with dog, travelwriting