Tag Archives: shoo tag

all natural flea patrol

apparently, the most commonly used flea repellants are actually pesticides. what a great idea NOT… pesticides POISON our plants so now let’s POISON our pets… where do they get these ideas??? oh yeah, the companies that produce this are out for MAKING MONEY and do not care about the health and safety of the consumer and their pets. It is as simple as that.

comfortis, the flea preventative, that the holistic vet gave to cici is organic, how nice, an organic pesticide… meanwhile, i did some research and found out that some dogs have taken this product and had seizures or died. talking about the RISKS far outweighing the benefits, aka OVERKILL… not a risk am willing to take… so I gave the six month supply back to the vet and have found a REAL holistic vet in the area, who I will be interviewing and/or she will be guest blogging soon… sheesh…

anyhow, while I was at the pet store getting CIcI some food, the ladies there also gave me some suggestions… for fleas

there is some kind of zapper, uses electromagnetic force to not kill the fleas but keep them out of the pet’s field, sounds kind of strange to me, it is called Shoo tag

The key to shoo!TAG™ is the three dimensional electromagnetic frequency embedded in the magnetic strip. shoo!TAG combines with the body’s electrical field to produce an expanding barrier effect, keeping targeted pests away.

offers protection for your dogs against Flea, Ticks, Fleas and Mosquitoes.

NO Chemicals, is Odor-Free, Waterproof and is safe for pets, people and the planet.

shoo!TAG™’s magnetic strip is encoded with beneficial frequencies and resonances and an electromagnetic charge bearing a polarized energy signature, which when introduced into the bio-energetic field of the wearer produces results.

shoo!TAG™ is calibrated to specific animals and specific insects to repel targeted pests. This is possible because various insects and pests react to frequencies. These frequencies are introduced into the bio-energetic field of the wearer. These specific frequencies and resonances have proven to disturb targeted pests and create a barrier.

they told me that it works… but I don’t know if I am wanting dazed and confused fleas to fall off cici and onto me and then I’d have to wear one of these tags too


costs $20-30 and lasts 4 months or more

the vet has a flea powder, and a flea bath

Dr. Harvey’s has an organic herbal protection shampoo, and spray, no chemicals, and a concentrated dip (so for far less than I spent at the vet, I could have gotten good food for Cici plus all of these products, dang, but hindsight is 20/20 did not think of this until today). This is what Dr. Harvey says about allergies, too.


Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Olive Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Aloe Vera, Vegetable Glycerine, Organic Chamomile Extract, Organic Stinging Nettles Extract, Organic Sage Extract, Organic Calendula Extract, Organic Hops Extract, St. John’s Wort Extract, Horsetail Extract, Polysorbate 20 (Vegetable Source), Catnip Oil, Erigeron Oil, Neem Oil, Citronella Oil, Cedarwood Oil, Geranium Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Organic Rosemary Extract




and then there is this flea powder, nontoxic no chemicals and a flea busting shampoo



Until recently, the only treatments available to treat fleas contained dangerous insecticides. Even though these products are still available, they can be unsafe for some pets and small children. Fleabusters® Flea Shampoo

is a safe and healthy way to kill the fleas on your dog or cat.

It is also imperative to treat your home, otherwise pets will quickly become infested again. Wash your pet’s bedding in hot water, and let it soak in soapy water for at least fifteen minutes. Thoroughly vacuum or steam clean any furniture, rugs and flooring, and dispose of the vacuum bag in an outside trash receptacle (and the water from the steam cleaner away from your home). When vacuuming, pay special attention to base boards, ventilators, under furniture and anywhere else fur and lint accumulate. Before vacuuming, treat your carpets and upholstery with environmentally safe Fleabusters® Rx for Fleas Plus® which, when used properly, will rid fleas for a year. If you still see fleas 48 hours after using the product, vacuum more frequently.

active ingredients are derived from coconut oil, jojoba and hemp

shampoo is $15 and powder is $40

there are also some essential oils, since cici is so sensitive and allergic, she is not able to deal with them… lemongrass is one of the oils that was suggested at the pet store… purification blend has some oils within the compound which can be too strong for cici and may be for your dog too.

Cedar is a natural flea repellent but not sure about putting it on cici. Making a homemade flea collar by sprinkling a bandana with various essential oils and tying it around her neck for a natural flea repellent collar. Have to reapply the oils to the bandana once a week.

Spraying her with a mixture of water and lemon might work for you. Right now, I have water mixed with raw apple cider vinegar to spray her with. She just gets a warning before I spray her. Cici is a real sissy when it comes to anything like this. She gets scared and starts shaking if I actually spray her, so this is not a great option for her to actually get the water mixture onto her.

Planting Tansy, a fern-like plant, around the perimeter of your outdoor pets environment will also help repel fleas. Do not plant Tansy where your pet can eat the plant, because it does have low levels of toxins.

another method is liquid dish detergents can be very effective in killing off fleas, but we specifically recommend Dawn’s dish detergent for washing pets, as that is what many animal rescue organizations use. Bathing your pet, or even your own hair, with Dawn’s dish detergent can be a safe and effective method for killing off fleas. This approach is most commonly used for dogs, but if you think you can handle washing your cat, just be sure to wash off the soap well afterwards. Do not wash your pet more than once a week or else it may be over drying! It was suggested that first you wash with Dawn and then another shampoo that puts the oils back in the fur. Makes sense to me and am going to do this.

Am also giving Cici a splash of raw apple cider vinegar in her water once a day. The vinegar is also supposed to repel fleas. One teaspoon of cider vinegar to 2 cups of fresh water is recommended.

And not sure about garlic. There are mixed reviews about garlic for pets/dogs.

how about you? do you have an all natural flea / bug repellant that you like to use?

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Filed under au natural dog, bathing your dog, bugs, holistic vet, Uncategorized