Tag Archives: tribute for the V dogs

heroic pit bulls reign

Despite all of the craziness going on in our world this week, there has been a bunch of good news regarding pit bulls, yay… here are a few of the stories…


Lilly the pit bull lost her foot and leg saving her owner from certain death by a freight train…

If you would like to help the heroic Lilly, who will need a lot of medical care and therapy…

“A fund has been set up to help offset Lilly’s medical care, which will likely run into the thousands of dollars. For more information, visit www.mspca.org/helplilly.


United Airline has lifted the ban on pit bull terriers and Staffordshires, nine breeds total due to public pressure and outcry…


Wonderful and creative way to help pit bulls…


great tribute for the V dogs…


pit bull bans lifted


Pit bulls are no longer a restricted household pet in DeKalb County, a zoning change that its advocates say should help the county focus more on all dangerous dogs and possibly improve the adoption rate from its shelter.


and thanks to Stubby dog, Cici stars in a video…


She shows off her polka dot belly without a sound, and a single roll onto her back!



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