Tag Archives: USPCA

A tale of two pit bulls

The unconscionable Belfast City Council created a Sophie’s Choice moment for Mrs. Chambers and her two dogs.

Below is my letter and the article about the situation… and I just found out this…

it was the same dog warden for Roxy and Hooch as it was for Lennox, surprise surprise, NOT…


Stephen Philpott, chief executive of the USPCA (Ulster Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), said: “I hate to say it but we told you so. Nobody would listen to what we were saying in court and now two dogs have suffered.

“We said these dogs possessed the unpredictable gene and what happened at the weekend has proved our point.

“Mrs Chambers is a complete innocent who deserves everyone’s sympathy. She didn’t realise what she had in her house and now she’s unfortunately found out the hard way.”

Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/court-battle-dog-put-down-after-attack-13377230.html#ixzz21ku2v8xV

“If they are saying the dogs are pit bulls, what are they doing – letting me keep one and killing the other?


they are currently redoing their website, but here is info:

email,  enquiries@uspca.co.uk and info@uspca.co.uk

here is the twitter account…

Dear Mr. Philpott aka pompous ass,

It is one thing for a person to be blind. But to pat yourself on the back for your own willful blindness, demonizing and discriminating policies against dogs and humans, which CREATED the “unpredictable dog” so that YOU could be right about how wrong you are is the height of hubris.

Gotta hand it to you. Gonna submit your statement to Ripley’s Believe it or Not, for the MOST dishonest statement EVER uttered by a horse’s rear. If YOU are an example of someone with the predictable gene, how do YOU sleep at night and what do you tell your children? Oh whoopee, killed another innocent dog and ruined another human life today worshipping at the altar of my hubris?



Myth: Pit bulls are unpredictable; they can turn on anyone, even their owner, at any time.

FACT: Pit bulls are no more or less unpredictable than any other type of dog. Often, a person who claims that a dog is “unpredictable” simply doesn’t understand dog behavior

Unpredictability myth

Pit Bulls are generally very stable, happy dogs that love people. They are dogs. The only dogs that generally are unpredictable are dogs (of all breeds) that have a medical condition or have serious genetic-based behavior problems. Any dog, of any breed, that displays unpredictable behavior should be seen by a vet and a behaviorist to get to the root cause of the problem.

In the case of Mrs. Chambers dogs, the BCC is the root cause of the dogs problem. What is next, rounding up innocent children who are unpredictable, or how about all those rowdy unpredictable seniors or teenagers???

Mrs. Chambers was given a Sophie’s Choice moment, why? The BCC created the situation and the problem. The dog was fine until the BCC got your hands on her.  Catch 22 has got nothing on you.


Make NO mistake the world is watching Belfast City Council, USPCA and Belfast, Ireland because of the apparent obstinate stupidity that runs rampant in your city officials. You have had ample opportunities to LEARN from world renowned dog experts but have refused preferring to remain close-minded no matter the consequences.

You are cowards and bullies who prefer to kill and demonize and discriminate against dogs because you lack the moral fortitude and courage to hold human beings accountable. You prefer expediency over knowledge. Rather than learn from your mistakes, you just keep on killing, pretending you care about the public and are doing so in the name of public safety. What a load of hooey.

We will NOT forget Lennox and we will NOT forget Roxy and all of the other innocent blood on your hands.

And one day YOU will be prosecuted for the crimes YOU have committed, your cold, cruel, heartless inhumane  actions against both canines and humans.

Count me disgusted, along with your other 200,000+ fans aka Lennox Army.

these are not the two dogs of Mrs. Chambers but were like this before the BCC separated them.

A Pit bull: the secret to Mona Lisa’s smile… HAH…


Filed under breed specific laws, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, end dogfighting, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Lennox, pit bull, politics, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized