Tag Archives: crochet dog clothes

doggie creative

feeling creative?  I was inspired by these blogs and sites today…about a new phenomenon called yarn bombing… where people apparently knit/crochet in public places and create artistic statements and fun…



here is one cool example I liked for my yard but there are crocheted phone booths, cars, etc:


am going to make Cici a harness, a granny square coat/mat, and/or a few other goodies… am also thinking that a rainbow throw would be fun.  perhaps you’d like to crochet your dog a sweater, collar, leash, toy, bed, harness or even a Howloween costume… go to crochet doggie central… you can get patterns and instructions… then buy the yarn, crochet hooks and start crocheting your heart out… I used to make rugs, granny square kids clothes and more… it’s a lot of fun… and if you’d like me to crochet a sweater or make something else for you, let me know.




Blog Hop time again thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume.  grab the code here…


Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, blog hop, chew toy, creative artwork, creativity, dog friendly, dog toys, dog wear, doggie bags, dogs, eco friendly/green, four paws up, free, gardening, gift giving, gifts for your dog, halloween for dogs, holiday gifts, holiday tips, K9 approved, polka dots, stuff white people like, stuffed animals, Uncategorized