Category Archives: stuffed animals

Free Fun Ideas for V-day

The average person will spend over $130 on Valentine’s Day this year, according to a report from the National Retail Federation. This amounts to a pretty pricey mid-February evening for those of short on cash.

Happily, there are lots of free things to do this Valentine’s Day that will leave you wondering why you ever paid a premium for fun. Check out the following ideas and be sure to hit up for a complete list of 60 dates that don’t cost a thing.

Note: And most of these can include your pets, if you choose to bring them along and have them join in on the fun. Or if you are alone with them and want to invite single friends over. All sorts of possibilities.  You can make it a Galentine’s Day or Palentine’s Day or whatever you want !  You could even fundraise with your dog’s kisses for your favorite animal rescue. Smooches from Pooches.


1. Create a Game Night
Host a game night this Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s a mellow game of Scrabble or a high-intensity round of Texas Hold ‘Em, you’ll enjoy a little friendly competition with your date.  Tug of war, throw the frisbee, ball or chew the stuffed animal works for Fido.

2. Head to the Playground
Skip the pricey restaurant. Have a picnic at home or at the park with lunch meats, cheese, potato salad, French bread and wine. At the playground enjoy some kid-like fun. Compete on the swingset or see who can hold out the longest on the merry-go-round. Chase the dog or have the dog chase you.  Climb the monkey bars.

3. Volunteer Together
Valentine’s Day seems to be all about what you’re doing for your special someone. Why not collaborate and do something for others instead? Soup kitchens, animal shelters and nursery homes could use a few good volunteers, so spend your Feb. 14 brightening someone else’s day.

4. Make S’Mores
Forget chocolate-covered strawberries; s’mores are where it’s at this Valentine’s Day! Roast marshmallows over your kitchen stove, expertly melt chocolate and create a multi-layered, gooey treat. Camp out at home, back yard and toast the marshmallows and chocolate over the fire.

5. Bring the Spa Home
Spas and salons will be brimming with lovey-dovey couples this Valentine’s Day, but you can skip the crowds and create a better experience at home. Gather your candles, towels and favorite CDs and prepare a steamy bath. Complete the experience with a couples massage.

6. Get Touristy
Despite how long you’ve lived in your current city, there are likely several hidden gems you haven’t yet experienced. Stop by the local visitor’s center with your date and inquire about free things to do in your community, then hit the road toward discovery.

7. Host a Movie Night
Host a movie night and ask friends to bring their favorite snack to share. Peruse your DVD collection for a funny or thought-provoking flick and leave the tear-jerkers for just the two of you.

8. Relive Storytime
Open a bottle of wine or pop the top on your favorite brew and settle in for an evening of storytelling. Share passages from your favorite books or pick up your favorite childhood classics from the local library. Once upon a time…

9. Cook Dinner Together
Cooking a meal for your loved one has long been a Valentine’s Day tradition, but why not prepare something together? Challenge each other to create a tasty meal out of items you already have in your pantry and toast to your resourcefulness.

10. Host a Wine Tasting
Tasting flights will cost you a pretty penny at fancy restaurants, but you can bring the experience home for less. Ask friends to bring a bottle of wine and their favorite snack pairing and enjoy an intellectual discussion about tannins and undercurrents.

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Filed under camping, chocolate, creativity, dog kisses, dog movies, dog movies/TV, dog spa, dog toys, dog treats, dogs, economy, family friendly, four paws up, free, fundraising, funny, gift giving, gifts for your dog, K9 approved, keep pets safe, romance, stuffed animals, travel with dog, true love, tug of war, Uncategorized, Valentine's Day

Cherry, Jonny, and Wallace, oh my…

WALLACE is not technically a Vicktory-dog (former M. Vick dog), his brother Hector is though, and Wallace is a star in his own right… The book about Wallace by Jim Gorant (author of The Lost Dogs book) is a winner. Sadly, Wallace is very ill with cancer. Please see Prayers for Wallace and Angus blog post.   thanks.


A toy company, Gund, held a contest and Jonny won. They will be making a plush toy from his likeness, and it will be available in 2013.

Cherry Garcia has his own street in Burlington, Vermont (near Ben and Jerry’s store)…

Dogs Deserve Better

“The founder and executive director of Dogs Deserve Better, a chained dog rescue that operates where Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick once owned a dog-fighting compound, is facing animal abuse charges, said Surry County Chief Animal Control Officer Tracy Terry.

“Tamira Thayne, who opened the Good Newz Rehab Center for Chained and Penned Dogs in June 2011, was charged with one count of inadequate care of animals, a Class 4 misdemeanor, on Aug. 23, said Terry. A hearing on that charge is scheduled for Sept. 25 in Surry General District Court.”,0,7663188.story

Evidence found:

Just a reminder…

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code


Filed under adoption, animal abuse, animal books, animal rescue, animal stars, dogs, Dogs Deserve Better, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, no kill shelters, pit bull, stuffed animals, Uncategorized, Vicktory dogs

Ending BSL 4 Lennox

Last week, I had an idea to create a replica stuffed animal dog that looked like Lennox  for Brooke after receiving a press release about a contest from a stuffed toy company who are having a contest. After dealing with their inept PR / Marketing firm who did not understand what I was asking, I officially gave up on them and looked around for another company.

I found one and I also found the Ride for Lennox below. It would be great to also do a ride or event on the west coast, what do you think ???  The cost of creating a replica stuffed dog to send to Brooke is approximately $850 for the cost and shipping. Let me know if you would be interested in participating in creating an event on the west coast similar to the drive on the east coast.

The replica of Lennox would be sent to Brooke as a keepsake along with other mementoes, letters and cards. And the ride would do fundraising for several pit bull rescues (perhaps Bad Rap, Our Pack, and Villalobos or smaller ones?) and raise awareness about BSL. Thanks for your input.


So many unanswered questions (bring tissues, made me cry again)

Victoria Stilwell assessment of Lennox court case…the judge had a choice, how the legal system failed Lennox

her Op-Ed piece in the Belfast Telegraph, the morning of Lennox untimely demise

Her Update on Lennox:  The family have told me that Belfast City Council will still not answer the family’s calls and have consistently ignored their request to have Lennox’s collar returned to them, nor have they returned ‘Lennox’s ashes.’ There are many rumors circulating that Lennox died in a certain kennel location months before the BCC announced that he was euthanised and that the kennel panicked and were told by the BCC to get rid of everything Lennox related. These are still just rumors and should not be taken for hard fact until the truth is revealed. The family are ‘heartbroken’. The media hype around this case might have died down but I can assure you everything will be done to ensure that one day the truth is known. Please share this with everyone you know to keep Lennox’s name alive and to ensure that future dogs and their people do not have to suffer because of ignorance.

Jim Crosby interview re: Ending BSL and Lennox

Email …he’s a journalist who works to uncover corruption and who encourages whistleblowers to come forward and will work, discreetly, on information they give him


“As is always the case with a huge news story, people from around the globe seeking to cash in on the media frenzy about Lennox have come out of the woodwork. Individuals seeking their “15 minutes of fame” are constantly coming forward, claiming to have “inside information”, or just wanting to associate their own name with Lennox, in order to gain more celebrity status for themselves. It is a heartbreaking fact that major media outlets waited until the 11th hour before finally deciding to cover Lennox’s story. Where were they over the past 26 months, when they truly could have made a difference?

“Rumors are running rampant throughout social media about Lennox. There are claims from alleged kennel workers who have reported that Lennox had suffered a broken leg, broken teeth, was sick and malnourished. Pictures had already surfaced of him with massive hair loss, which could have been caused by the stress of being torn from the only home he had ever known, and forced to live in isolation and away from his family. Another report came out that Lennox had been found dead in his kennel months ago, and a coverup took place by the BCC, since they did not want to admit their neglect had led to his death. Three separate kennels have been named as being the “secret kennels” where Lennox had been housed, and they have claimed to have received alleged threats of violence because of it.

“None of these allegations about Lennox’s condition on the day he was murdered or the about his death months ago have been confirmed or substantiated. No actual verifiable kennel worker has had the courage to come forward, say who they are and what connection they had with Lennox, and given provable testimony about what happened to him or when/how he actually died. Until someone finally does that, the truth about the last days of Lennox’s life may never be known.

“It has been reported that information has been requested under the United Kingdom’s Freedom of Information Act, seeking to get to the real truth about this entire nightmare.”



Lame reply to one of many emails I sent



Thank you for your recent email regarding Lennox.  I appreciate your sense of loss and understand your desire to contact us and a range of other agencies here in Northern Ireland to reverse the decision to destroy Lennox.

However, the NI Courts and Tribunals Service had no role in the decision and has no authority to intervene in such cases.

The NI Courts and Tribunals Service, as a Government department, is only responsible for providing administrative support to the courts in Northern Ireland.  The judiciary and the prosecuting authorities operate entirely independently from all Government departments and as a consequence we cannot consider complaints in respect of judicial decisions or the reasons underpinning them.   Similarly we have no authority to investigate complaints regarding prosecutorial decisions or evidence, including allegations such as perjury.

I am sorry that I am unable to personally address your correspondence but I am sure you will appreciate that we have been inundated with queries and emails regarding this case. I hope that this response helps to clarify the status of the Northern Ireland Courts & Tribunals Service in relation to this case.

Eddie Finn

Customer Services Team

Northern Ireland Courts & Tribunals Service


What do you think?


The ride is being dedicated to Lennox and the Barnes family, the people who loved and fought to save his life. After a two year battle, Lennox was killed last week by the Belfast, Ireland council simply because he looked like a “pit bull.” We are having a stuffed Lennox made, and along each stop on the route, he will be handed off to the next group of riders, along with any notes of condolence and support to the Barnes family. After the ride, both the stuffed Lennox and all the cards and letters will be sent to the Barnes family to show that although we are separated by thousands of miles, we stand united with them in their fight, and we all mourn.

You don’t need to be part of an animal welfare organization to take part in the ride…you only need to have a desire to see BSL come to an end so that no dog and no family ever face the heartbreak and anguish of breed specific legislation again.
SOAR is organizing the troops for a vote on the Ontario pit bull ban in September, and using the bike rally as a fundraiser for their efforts to end BSL there. However, those taking parts in the states can simply use the ride to bring awareness to the fight against BSL, and to promote rescue and responsible dog ownership.

The ride is taking place from August 29 to September 2, 2012. It starts in Miami, FL and goes up the east coast finishing in Toronto, Canada.

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code


Filed under animal abuse, badrap, Bay area, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, fundraising, grief, legislation against dogs, Lennox, losing a pet, pet blog hop, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, stuffed animals, travel, Uncategorized

doggie creative

feeling creative?  I was inspired by these blogs and sites today…about a new phenomenon called yarn bombing… where people apparently knit/crochet in public places and create artistic statements and fun…

here is one cool example I liked for my yard but there are crocheted phone booths, cars, etc:

am going to make Cici a harness, a granny square coat/mat, and/or a few other goodies… am also thinking that a rainbow throw would be fun.  perhaps you’d like to crochet your dog a sweater, collar, leash, toy, bed, harness or even a Howloween costume… go to crochet doggie central… you can get patterns and instructions… then buy the yarn, crochet hooks and start crocheting your heart out… I used to make rugs, granny square kids clothes and more… it’s a lot of fun… and if you’d like me to crochet a sweater or make something else for you, let me know.

Blog Hop time again thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume.  grab the code here…


Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, blog hop, chew toy, creative artwork, creativity, dog friendly, dog toys, dog wear, doggie bags, dogs, eco friendly/green, four paws up, free, gardening, gift giving, gifts for your dog, halloween for dogs, holiday gifts, holiday tips, K9 approved, polka dots, stuff white people like, stuffed animals, Uncategorized

pups the magic labrador…

an interview with Paula Kidney and Pups

Paula J. Kidney is 38 years old, married, lives in Michigan and works for a law firm. Her love for animals started at a young age. She loves Labrador Retrievers and has a Black Lab named Garth Milo. Paula is married to Gregg who is a retired Engineer and they both love boating and traveling. Paula and Gregg have a cottage on beautiful Houghton Lake, Michigan and Pups was thought of one day while boating. Paula found Pups at a small boutique. She had never seen a lab so cute in any store before. Then she came up with the idea of “Pups the Traveling Labrador.”

After keeping Pups at home for a time, she began taking him sailing. While discussing his many adventures with fellow members of a low-carb lifestyle website – a forum with over 75,000 subscribers – Paula found that others enjoyed hearing about Pups as much as she enjoyed the outings. Soon the dog received invitations to visit others all over the world and experience different adventures. Demand is now so high the wait list is six months!

Oh…did I mention that Pups is a stuffed black labrador dog?


Pups is currently working on his own series of books called “Pups the Traveling Labrador.”

Each person that hosts Pups gets him with his suitcase. They host Pups for about a week or so. They take Pups out on adventures, famous places and he poses for the camera. Pups usually stays about week. Then, each host sends a short story of his adventure to me along with his pictures and I post on his website, myspace and facebook pages. Then they contact me with Pups next destination and they ship him off to his next stop and it goes on from there. He has been traveling for about 3 1/2 years…

1) tell me a little about you and your dog (Pups) and how you started your
travel dog business and dog blog…

Pups website is

Paula J. Kidney was shopping one day and found a cute black labrador in a small boutique. She decided that he should travel the world. Paula has a black Labrador named Garth Milo and he is the inspiration for Pups. Paula decided that Pups would be called “Pups the Traveling Labrador”. Paula posted the idea on a low carb forum with over 75,000 subscribers and soon so many people wanted to sign up to take Pups around their city and state and he could pose at famous places and sites and pose for the camera, he soon had a waiting list of six months.

Pups adventures continued to grow and he began traveling all over the world. He has been to Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, Canada, Barbados, St. Kitts, Caracos, Antigua, San Fransisco, Seattle, Kansas, New York, Wisconsin, Texas, Connecticut, Disney World, Epcot Center, Florida, Tennessee, Iowa, Jamaica, Cozumel, Dominica Colorado, Boston, Alcatraz, Chicago, New Jersey, Connecticut, England, Canada … So many places to list!

His adventures keep continuing with more and places to visit and see. He will be going to Russia and Poland in September 2009.

He has also attended A Relay for Life Race, a Wedding, I even applied at Harvard Law School, taking flying lessons over Florida’s alligator-infested swamps, witnessing the birth of a baby girl in Missouri, meeting Reba McEntire’s sister at Rodeo Daze in Texas. Pups recently attended the AKC CGC testing with dog Trainer Jay Barman and Pups passed and received his Canine Good Citizen certificate from the AKC.

2) When did you start your blog, and what inspired you to get into blogging?

Pups started traveling the world about 3 1/2 years ago. Paula decided that he needed a website to keep up with his adventures and his pictures of his travels.

3) What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

I love to share Pups adventures and post his newest pictures so that people can travel through Pups eyes!

4) Have you noticed a shift in attitudes towards dogs, dog

yes, I have noticed that more and more people are traveling with their pets and also airlines are accommodating for people traveling with their pets. People love their animals and want to be with them as much as they can!

5) What are some of your favorite blogs ?,, moddogblog, and of course,

6) If there was one tip that you would recommend that
pet owners and/or pet business owners or pet bloggers follow, what
would it be and why?

I feel that pet owners should share all that they have about their pets on their blog and tell the stories as if the dog was telling the story. (Note: cici and I do not agree)…

7) How do you cope with juggling all of the various balls you’ve got
going in the air?

I prioritize each task as to its importance and go from there.


And don’t forget, today is August 1, you have only 14 more days to submit your Shaggy Dog Tales/Photos to WIN the contest, right here at Have Dog Blog Will Travel !

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Filed under all you need is a dog, dog crazy, dog travel, shaggy dog story, stuffed animals, travel

stuff dog owners like… K9 cuisine…

A whole lotta good stuff happening over at K9 cuisine, 14 pages of wonderful organic free range foods, treats,  toys and stuff dog owners like… about the only thing they don’t offer are belly rubs (at least not that they say on their website)…  


below is a sampling of the goodies Cici had the good fortune to enjoy this week…  my spoiled brat girl… Cici LOVES her new pink girly loofah, she adores squeaky toys and could not wait to get her paws (and mouth) on it to play with and chew up…. made her day !!!


A day later, the loofah gets four paws up for being cute, cuddly and fun to play with… but cici chewed it in half, so as far as durability goes, it gets one paw down… I’ll get her another one, but not let her chew it for too long…  she really liked the beef bully stick, chewed it for a couple of hours… and enjoyed every last bit of it…


Moo Bully Sticks – Moo odor free Bully Sticks come from Free Range Brazilian cattle that graze on the lush, green fields of Brazil and drink from fresh, clear, sparkling springs and streams. They are given NO hormones, NO antibiotics, and NO animal by products are added to their diets like U.S. and Canadian cattle that are kept in feed lots.


She also loved the chicken treats by Plato… scarfed up the Venison and avocado dog food by Addiction…  cannot wait to see if she likes the Plato kangaroo treats, fish with sea veggies by Orijen, Plato organic duck treats and other foods such as Thrive and Holistic Select… 


Wait, treats made from kangaroo???    Plato Free-Range Kangaroo Strips offer a solution for dogs with food allergies to chicken and other meats.


Go on, hippity hopp over to k9 cuisine…      


Filed under all you need is a dog, belly rubs, chew toy, chickens, cows, dog friendly, dog treats, dogs, food, four paws up, healthy dog food, K9 approved, mutts, organic, pet care, spoil your dog rotten, spoiled brat dog, stuff white people like, stuffed animals

hair of the dog… happy April Fool’s Day…

this sounds like an April Fool’s Day joke, but it’s not… spinning dog’s hair into sweaters…

and it’s not just in England… but also here in USA… dead dog’s don’t wear sweaters… but you can wear your dead dog’s hair … ugh… 


what do you think? would you spin your dog’s hair into a sweater and wear it???  is this one of those stuff white people like items?  




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Filed under all you need is a dog, dog hair, dog wear, dogs, mutts, stuff white people like, stuffed animals

holiday gifts for your dog… some of the silliest, ecofriendliest and absurd…

 Some of the most absurd, eco friendly, organic and cute..!.shtml?trk=1


ok, why does a dog need a spa for $40, can they not make do with a nice bath?  buy some good lavendar shampoo from the health food store for $5-6 and suds away…


luxury poochie perfume for $250-500… for two to four ounces…yeah sure right, if you buy this, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya… harvested exclusively in Switzerland… 


just so you know that i am not a total grinch… how about some all natural fragrances for your mutt for $12.99 and up…


or some all natural doggie treats like Paul Newman’s or Sister Joan’s Liver Nutri-Bits Boot for $4.95… and they support a good cause, I think…,49635.htm


or you can purchase all natural organic treats from australia


or from


HAND-PAINTED BREED PICTURE ‘PAW’TY CAKES FOR YOUR DOG! These are NOT computer-printed images on icing paper sheets!!! We hand-paint your dog’s picture directly onto the cake!!

(Kitty cakes too!) 


* Just $5-$10 to paint your dog or cat’s picture on his or her birthday cake!



you can always dress your dog up in a dumb outfit….


Deluxe Dog Santa Claus Suit 


Dress your dog up this christmas with the Kyjen Deluxe Dog Santa Claus Suit! This christmas dog costume is top quality and easy to put on and take off. This holiday dog costume comes with Santa hay, beard, a plush body suit and boots. Dress your dog up this Xmas! 


Prices Starting At: $9.99



now this is what every canine needs… dog greeting cards made from rawhide, edible cards… cute idea actually… you just have to get the from England…



chow now brown bow wow… how about a raw bone for $1.50 from the grocery store or


some all natural organic dog food for $90… puhulease…  they do have some other reasonable products here though…


you can also get all natural organic dog food for $30  (go to your local whole foods or wild oats health food store)…. different brands, I like Paul Newman’s and so does Cici, she’s got taste..


how about a loofah dog, this is cute… for $5


and then we have doggie sweaters… for the really pampered puppies…


and you can also give your dog a playmate from a rescue shelter or their own personal trainer or canine rehab from an aqua paws type place with a pool and caring staff or you can take your dog with you wherever you are traveling, yes, we are going to the beach, Monterey and Marina and Pacific Grove and Carmel, we shall visit for three weeks, and enjoy the beach, chase the birds, and have fun in the sun, well, it’s been pretty cold here, so the beach will be a nice change of pace and play…




oh by the way, none of these companies are paying me to promote them, so tell them if you buy that I sent you so that they can send me a nice thank you gift for Cici…


bow wow for now… 



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Filed under all you need is a dog, animals, aqua paws, belly rubs, Best Friends, big dogs welcome, bones, dog prayers, dog spa, drive, driving, food, funny, gift giving, green, holiday gifts, holiday spirit, holiday tips, justforlaughs, K9 handbook, K9 travel, keep pets safe, laughter is the best medicine, Monterey, mutts, organic, Pacific Grove, pet care, pet friendly lodging, pet rescue organizations, pet sitter, pet travel, PetSmart, puppies, silly dog, smile, stuffed animals, swimming dogs, travel with dog

my dog is hungry…

yesterday she ate a spoon, well, the plastic end of it, and some wood, there is this piece of artwork hanging on the wall, has been hanging there for all this time, but yesterday my dog decided it was high time to chew up the wood stick holding the fabric together… a small portion of it anyway, because I got it away from her before she demolished it too much..

.other items that she has eaten include cardboard boxes, eyeglasses (again just the plastic), pens, she loves that plastic, shoes, items of clothing such as terrycloth robe belt, comforter, her blankets, paper, anything that is not tied down or out of reach, apparently…as well as poop, grass, dog food, treats and snacks, and my hand (when we play, she likes to be Mrs. Alligator mouth and play bites), she is a very mouthy girl… bored and wanting to play… seeking tasty snacks…

perhaps I should put an ad on craigslist for her… girl dog just wanna eat you out of house and home….  my dog just ate my homework…she has eaten or torn apart all of the bones, chew toys that I have ever given her within minutes… except for her Kong, but after the goodies and peanut butter are gone, ho hum…. 

so what’s a girl puppy supposed to do when her mom is ignoring her, huh?  chew up the rug and that will get mom’s attention… or stick head under the bed and growl… a favorite… that way, she will give belly rubs…been letting her sleep on the bed again, she has been sleeping on the floor for three months now,  just hope she does not decide to chew up the pillows while I sleep…  

hey mom, I cannot believe I ate the whole thing !  geeeeezzzz…. 

any ideas, suggestions or tips, we are welcome to them…  

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Filed under animals, belly rubs, craigslist, Dalmatian, dogs, laughter is the best medicine, mutts, pet care, pit bull, silly dog, smile, stuffed animals

dog meets sheep, a goat, a cat, llamas, some cows, a skunk and chickens…

This summer, we were living on a farm in Genoa, Nevada. It’s a very small town and affluent. Very peaceful and quiet.  Part of the living arrangements, was to feed the animals on the weekends or whenever the owners went away. It was fun for me to lift that bale of hay and for my dog, she was often frustrated because I didn’t let her run about and play with the other animals. I did let her sniff the horse’s hooves as well as let her near the fence to commune with the cows and sheep. The horse looked like big whup, he liked the apples I gave him so he put up with the sniffing dog. 

One time, I came outside the pool house and lo and behold, the horse was outside the fence. He saw me and ran back inside immediately. Funny horse. But he knew he was not supposed to be there. The sheep were not that aware of the rules. Or the sheep are not too bright. They decided to wander all around the property at a ieisurely pace. At one point, my dog and the sheep met up close and personal. She was thrilled. They seemed unaffected. The llamas almost bashed / kicked her head in. The chickens ran inside the hen house, and the skunk ducked under the house. The cows couldn’t have cared less, all they wanted was their hay, moooooooo.

Later, we were in Susanville, CA for a couple of days around the 4th of July. One morning, we went out for a walk and coming back, my dog spotted a goat. She decided to go play. I did not let her get near to the goat. The goat was tied up and looked like it could eat her for breakfast without a blink. She was very disappointed but survived the incident without a scar. Unlike the dog in the video below… it’s in German, but you get the drift…Moral of the story is some animals do not cohabitat well together.

Oh yes, I was hoping that I could get her a cat for a playmate. But when she found a stray cat hidden beneath the shelves at PetSmart, and she totally freaked out, that hope died and I fell on the floor, literally, holding onto my dog for dear life. The cat escaped and we lived to tell the tale.  Wonder what would happen if she met a bunny rabbit?  Oh that’s right, she did just the other day and she wanted to chase it. She loves to chase birds. Where we are living now, there are HUGE rabbits and quail…  When we go outside, I hold on tight for dear life. Tchuus or however you spell it… ok, the German video did not embed, so here’s a link to saving farm animals, some organizations are adopting farm animals, good and worthy cause and it’s in English…

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Filed under All you need is love, animals, birds in sky, bugs, bunny rabbits, CA, California, cats, chickens, comedy, cows, dog friendly, dogs, farm animals, funny, gag, goat, K9 handbook, K9 travel, laughter is the best medicine, llamas, mutts, Nevada, pet friendly lodging, pet rescue organizations, pet travel, PetSmart, sheep, skunk, stuffed animals, travel, travel with dog