Tag Archives: fear and hysteria

local paper froths at pit bulls

my major pet peeves with pit bulls are:

1. they are bed hogs. has anyone ever written instructions on how to untangle yourself and get out of bed while a pit bull is snuggling on your belly or how to turn over while your dog is cuddling close into you?

2. they slobber all over you… I did not need that french kiss this morning nor the kisses all over my hands, legs and feet. Cici thinks if she kisses me enough I will get up but see the previous pet peeve for why that is not easy for me.

3. they want to kiss and say hello (wag wag wag) to everyone in the neighborhood.

dangerous dogs attacking…waa waa waa… BOL

It just gets tiresome, the same old blah blah blah in the news…

Pit bulls are once again blamed for people’s ignorance, fear and hysteria… the article is pretty balanced but most people won’t read anything but the scary headline…


Pit bull attacks common, animal control officers say

Three incidents in one day in Salinas…
oh my god… better run for the hills…

my response:

pit bull bans are being repealed across the USA and world…


No more pit bull discrimination in Ohio…

Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) signed on the dotted line, making Ohio House Bill 14an official law. HB 14 is a piece of legislation that will create a new and more refined system for defining a dog as potentially dangerous, removing the American Pit Bull Terrier and other “Bully breeds” from the list of automatically “vicious” dogs.


Michigan and Ontario Canada are in the works, too…


Millions of innocent dogs are abused, banned and killed every year because of the way they look, and the heinous discrimination against them.   And the headline in your article feeds into the hysteria, stereotypes and fear. The cruelty visited upon these dogs is caused by irresponsible owners, dog fighters, and unfair stereotypes.

I live in Seaside, am a freelance writer/editor and personally rescued a Dalmatian/pit bull mix a few years ago. For the most part, my neighbors and people love her. But a few strangers fear her for NO reason. She is NOT aggressive and has been attacked by other dogs on several occasions.  Her typical response is to lie down on her back and show her belly (a sign of submission).Yet at times people have the nerve to come up to me and tell me that she is scary. Really?

One time in Border’s, one lady was afraid of my dog (for no reason, we were just walking around the store) and other people started reacting. The fear just spread throughout the store. Suddenly, this man brought his gorgeous 5-year-old blonde haired, blue eyed daughter over and let her pet Cici. Cici licked the girl’s face and wagged her tail. The whole scene changed instantly. I had tears in my eyes I was so grateful and thankful for this angel. Cici loves kids and is so gentle with them. Everyone could see that immediately and the potentially scary situation ended.

Many people have never met a pit bull and could not pick one out of a lineup such as this…


Pit bulls were bred to be FRIENDLY to people and known as Nanny Dogs for 150 years… and pit bull is not a breed but a bunch of breeds…

No other dogs exemplify the BEST of the breeds known as pit bulls as the former Michael Vick dogs… Eight of these dogs, who were portrayed as the meanest, most vicious dogs of all time, have become therapy dogs. Many have been adopted into loving homes and are living with other dogs, cats, and children. Three of them in Monterey county (one died).


Some of the tale was told in the Lost Dogs book by Jim Gorant. And thousands of people follow the dogs and their owners daily trials and tribulations on Facebook.

Several of the dogs have made appearances on national TV (Rachael Ray, for one) but mostly the news is filled with hate and fear perpetrated against innocent dogs.

When do news reports tell about how the dogs have been treated by cruel, irresponsible and abusive humans? There is a known high correlation by law enforcement that people that abuse animals also abuse people including children. Yet animal abusers often receive slaps on the wrist instead of jail time and significant fines.

Whenever I read about any of the former Vick dogs what they went through, and I personally met the three dogs here in Monterey, it makes me ill.

For the first few months Cherry slept with his eyes open, a lot of the Vicktory dogs were shut down and trembled with fear/terror, could not eat properly, were terrified of strangers and new situations, Mel cannot bark to this day and many of the dogs were extremely skittish and wanted to find some place to hide. Handsome Dan used to pace and walk in circles because he was so terrified of the world. Even trying to get him to go on a walk would send him running. Oscar was absolutely terrified of people when he first came to Best Friends Sanctuary in 2008 (Note: 22 of the 51 dogs seized from Bad Newz Kennels went to Best Friends, 12 others went to BadRap, three to Monterey SPCA, 3 to Our Pack in SLO and the rest of the dogs were dispersed around the country). When he first showed up at Best Friends from the estate of Michael Vick, Cherry was shut down emotionally, especially when it came to being around people. For Cherry, meeting new people is still not always easy.


Handsome Dan

pit bull owners…

America’s bark off


Please make a difference and tell THE WHOLE STORY.

Thank you.

hurray BAMBA…bring your pit bull to a walk in Salinas, this Sunday from 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. It starts at Star Market on Main Street and will end at the National Steinbeck Center.


Pit bull defenders say the breed is no more dangerous than any other big dog and they want to dispel myths construed by police and the media with their Sunday march.


visit facebook.com/SundaySociaBull



some of this info is correct,some not, the Michael Vick dogs, eight are therapy dogs and many are living in homes… more than 50% ….



Filed under badrap, best friends animal sanctuary, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, breeds, Dalmatian, dog kisses, dogs, family friendly, legislation against dogs, Little Rascals, lost dogs book, media madness, Michael Vick dogs, Monterey, nanny dogs, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, Rachael Ray, racism, Uncategorized, Vicktory dogs