Tag Archives: Associated Press poll

animals are people, too

Gotta love this list especially #6…


6. Sports figures acting badly. Michael Vick shouldn’t be playing football and if that offends you, I’m sorry. We forgive transgressions that would ruin the rest of us because they are famous or talented. Creeps like Vick should just go away, not be awarded with a huge football contract.

Here is my list of things that should be illegal because they make sane people barf, skin crawl and drive animal advocates to rescue time and time again …

1. Michael Vick shouldn’t be playing football. He should not be paid $100 million. This money should be given to pit bull rescues and the dogs he traumatized, some who are still living with the terrifying memories and nightmares of his psychopathy. Read The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant for more inspiring info about the dogs, the truth about Michael Vick and how they prosecuted him and what he was actually charged with (gambling not bankrolling dog fighting)…  http://badrap-blog.blogspot.com/2010/08/jim-gorant-lost-dogs-our-review.html

2. The morally bankrupt Belfast City Council in Ireland. Return Lennox to his family. Period. End of story.  http://www.northcountrygazette.org/2011/12/31/lennox_next/

3. All absurd and archaic breed bans, breed discrimination and breed specific legislation. No dog should be judged on the basis of how s/he looks or because some people are afraid of dogs and do not want to hold irresponsible owners accountable for their abuse, neglect and cruelty to animals.

4. Homeless pets, homeless people. Kill shelters, what an oxymoron.  Should shelters be allowed to kill animals? An Associated Press poll says that more than seven out of 10 Americans say “No,” unless the animal is suffering. All healthy, normal dogs and cats deserve homes. Adoption centers must replace the so-called humane societies and SPCA’s around the country. Spaying and neutering of animals is mandatory until there are no more homeless pets. Neuter that boy, Spay that girl…   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWiLfGmBDO0&feature=player_embedded

5. Greedy, ethically challenged animal organizations and their sad ads on TV. Wayne Pacelle, the ASPCA and PETA and other so-called animal rights advocates that called for Michael Vick to have a dog (Humane Society of the United States), who advocate putting healthy animals to sleep (PETA) and all those who call real animal advocates terrorists for wanting NO KILL shelters and to STOP killing and torturing innocent animals.

US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been keeping files on animal rights activists who conduct undercover investigations of factory farms, and the agency is now recommending that these activists be prosecuted as “terrorists.”    …   In 2006, Congress passed the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)   http://occupycorporatism.com/?p=2258


(The City of Austin finished 2011 with a 91% rate of lifesaving for dogs and cats, the largest community in the nation to do so. Williamson County, TX finished the year with a 91% rate as well. They join a host of other communities who have crossed the 90% threshold including Allegany County, MD, Arlington, VA, Berkeley, CA, Duluth, MN, Marquette, MI, Reno, NV, Shelby County, KY, and many, many more…)

6. Puppy mills, hoarders and pet stores who sell sick animals and keep animals in horrendous conditions in exchange for money.

7. Animal abusers including dog serial killers, animal rapists and irresponsible pet owners who chain their dogs and/or leave them outside loose 24/7, abandon their animals, neglect their pets, leave their pets to starve, return their pets to the pound because they are moving, suddenly allergic or the puppy barked, refuse to spay/neuter and/or harshly punish their pets. http://www.dogsagainstromney.com/2012/01/did-mitt-romney-drive-through-car-wash.html

8. Television shows, video games and movies that exploit animals and people, police, detective, talk and reality shows that highlight violence, encourage dog fighting, the lowest common denominator, sexually abuse children (Toddlers and Tiaras) and teenagers and otherwise encourage sociopathic behavior.

9. Dog fighting, cock fighting, horse racing and other forms of “sport” that harms animals.

10. Corporations that Experiment on and are toxic to animals, humans and the earth including pet food companies (especially those that use rendered/dead animals and toxic ingredients and chemicals and call this Healthy, Natural or other misleading terms). Monsanto, the Koch brothers empire and the oil, gas, nuclear and coal industries and the entire deathcare industries including the pharmaceutical industry and allopathic medicine.

11. Corporations and fetuses considered people. Animals are lawfully considered sentient beings not property and are endowed with the same rights as human beings.  http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/196469/20110811/mitt-romney-corporations-people-mitt-romney-corporations-citizens-united-legal-personhood.htm


12. All wars for profit (all wars) including the War of Terror and war mongers who destroy countries, animals and people for money. Pray that the Iran war is Over before it officially begins… they are beating the war drums. Getting louder by the day, folks.


Lucky 13. Speaking of rights, ALL civil liberties set forth in the Constitution and Bill of Rights are returned to ALL American citizens. All legislation and bills denying the American people these rights are abolished and the politicians who voted for the Patriot Act, the NDAA and SOPA are recalled and sent to prison along with the Wall Street banksters, the TSA, lobbyists, elite racists and millionaires and billionaires who refuse to pay taxes, and corporate hucksters who ruined the economy and sent American jobs overseas.


New Bill Known As Enemy Expatriation Act Would Allow Government To Strip Citizenship Without Convict


Congress is considering H. R. 3166 also known as the Enemy Expatriation Act. This bill would give the US government the power to strip Americans of their citizenship without being convicted of being ‘hostile’ against the United States.

Hint:  When Money is Taken OUT of Politics, many of these problems will be resolved.

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Filed under animal abuse, animal rescue, ASPCA, best friends animal sanctuary, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, cats, dog fights, dog rescue, dogs, end dogfighting, federal laws, Humane Society, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Michael Vick dogs, money, news, no kill shelters, obama, occupation wall street, pet adoption, pet care, pet food, pit bull, politics, prejudice against dogs, racism, Republican, Uncategorized, War is Over, world peace