Category Archives: legislation against dogs

The problem with Time Magazine

The problem with Time Magazine and Charlotte Alter

l. if you know ANYTHING about dogs and specifically about the history of American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, and the other dog BREEDS lumped together and called “pit bulls,” you know that these dogs were bred to be SUPER/EXTRA people friendly so that the handlers would be able to work with them. ALL people aggression was bred OUT of these dogs.  So the first paragraph in this article begins with a lie AKA a MYTH not a FACT.  Apparently, the writer of this article had NO TIME to do any REAL Research nor to interview REAL DOG experts such as James Crosby and Victoria Stilwell.

Screen shot 2014-06-21 at 5.27.53 AM

Pit Bulls are not an aggressive breed of dog.

*According to the American Temperament Testing Association, APBTs have an 85.3% passing rate, compared to a passing rate of 81.9% for all breeds on average.

This is FANTASTIC, point by point, she tells it like it IS…

2. Then this article goes on to quote DISCREDITED time and time and time again pit bull haters and fantasy dwellers such as Colleen Lynn, Merritt Clifton and PETA.  Yes, scratch the surface of these three together and you get nonsensical stats based upon media overreporting of so-called pit bull attacks (if it looks like a dog, call it a pit bull and there you have a headline and ridiculous stats to use to ban pit bulls), fear/paranoia and a call to KILL all the dogs (disguised as more logical sounding breed discrimination aka breed specific euthanization)… of course, they leave OUT that in places like Denver, CO where BSL has been implemented, dog bites have GONE UP because the REAL PROBLEM has NOT been dealt with. Breed is NEVER the problem. Ignorance about Dogs IS the problem.

Oh by the way, PETA kills healthy adoptable dogs and cats and has for years. And their founder, Ingrid Newkirk, was killing animals at a shelter, a job she relished. PETA thinks killing companion animals is a gift to them.

3. oh yes, and speaking about the Michael Vick dogs. 51 dogs who are doing JUST FINE. Eight became therapy dogs, and many are living in homes with children, cats, other dogs, in FAMILIES and shown NO signs of aggression. Not ONE.  These dogs were tortured, traumatized, terrified of humans, unsocialized, kept chained up 24/7 and made to fight tor their LIVES. Yet, once taken away from Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels and given tons of TLC and taught how to be dogs at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, BADRAP, the Monterey SPCA and other places, they’ve thrived.

4. Here is the REAL SCOOP on what causes DOG BITES and ATTACKS according to REAL DOG experts.

Instead of blaming the dogs, how about holding PEOPLE accountable. People are the ones responsible for the abuse, torture, neglect and abandonment of dogs. Humans are the violent ones. Toxic macho masculinity culture teaches young men that they must be TOUGH and FIGHT, MAIM and KILL animals and other creatures. All of the serial killers have a history of hurting and killing animals then move on to human beings.

A few stats:

Every year, more than 2,000 children in the U.S. are killed by their parents or guardians either through abuse or neglect. A child is more than 800 times more likely to be killed by their caretaker than by a Pit Bull.

From 2001 through 2012, 6,410 women were murdered in the United States by an intimate partner using a gun—more than the total number of U.S. troops killed in action during the entirety of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.

…Women in the United States are 11 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than are women in other high income countries…


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Filed under animal abuse, badrap, best friends animal sanctuary, breed specific laws, breeds, children and dogs, dog training, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, legislation against dogs, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, nanny dogs, pet care, pit bull, politics, Uncategorized

Any Dog Can Bite

“Whom do dogs most often bite? Toddlers. Next, the elderly; and coming in third–you guessed it–postal carriers.”

As a U.S. Postal Service slogan in support of National Dog Bite Prevention Week says, “There are 70 million good dogs, but…ANY DOG CAN BITE.”

…Patterson of the AVMA calls insurers’ singling out certain breeds misguided. The data, she says, do not bear out the contention that one breed is more apt to bite than another, though she allows that big dogs, by virtue of their size and strength, may do more damage when they bite. “A Great Dane, a retriever can do a pretty good job of biting, if they decide to.” But if you look at “willingness to bite,” she says, there’s no evidence that pit bulls, for example, are more dangerous than Pekinese. “Communities with a lot of pit bull bites are communities with a lot of pit bulls.”

…Patterson of the AVMA calls insurers’ singling out certain breeds misguided. The data, she says, do not bear out the contention that one breed is more apt to bite than another, though she allows that big dogs, by virtue of their size and strength, may do more damage when they bite. “A Great Dane, a retriever can do a pretty good job of biting, if they decide to.” But if you look at “willingness to bite,” she says, there’s no evidence that pit bulls, for example, are more dangerous than Pekinese. “Communities with a lot of pit bull bites are communities with a lot of pit bulls.”–abc-news-topstories.html

Children aged 12 years and younger were the victims in 51% of cases. Compared with controls, biting dogs were more likely to be German Shepherd or Chow Chow predominant breeds, male, residing in a house with ≥ 1 children, and chained while in the yard

If we want better outcomes in our communities, we need to promote responsible pet ownership: the humane care, custody and control of all dogs.

If you’re REALLY worried about dog bites, you should support correcting the things that cause them: like making sure that all dogs are trained & socialized properly, making sure that all dogs are spayed or neutered, making sure that no dogs suffer neglect and/or abuse, and if they do, making sure the dogs are properly rehabilitated.

You should NOT  fixate on one particular factor to the exclusion of all else and which is not determinative in predicting bites – the breed of dog. When you see a web site or story reporting that the breed is the SOLE determining factor, THEY ARE LYING TO YOU! And when you spread their lies, you are doing nothing to help curb the problem you’re concerned about. And when you support Breed Specific Legislation, you’re actually making that problem worse.Why? Because it is a simplistic approach to a complex problem, and it doesn’t address the real issues.

The breeds that scored the average or below average rate of or attempted bites are Pit Bulls and Rottweilers. The breeds that are the most docile with the utmost least aggression are Bassett Hounds, Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Siberian Huskies and Greyhounds.



How to “Be a Rock”. In the Be a Tree dog bite prevention program we teach kids to Be a Rock if a dog knocks them down, or they are playing on the ground when a strange dog comes near. We don’t talk about dogs attacking them, since we don’t want to create a fear of dogs where there is not one. We don’t talk about protecting the throat and internal organs in case the dog rips them out (yes, some dog bite prevention educators actually talk about these things and put terrifying images into the heads of kids and parents – yikes!)

The fact is, that the rock is very rarely needed, because if kids “Be a Tree”, the dog will go away. The vast majority of dogs do not intend harm and they quickly lose interest in a child that is standing still.

Remember, a responsible dog owner should:

  • NEVER leave a baby or small child alone with a dog, even if it is a family pet. Children are often bitten by a dog in their own household.
  • Make sure your pet is socialized as a young puppy so it feels at ease around people and other animals.
  • Never put your dog in a position where it feels threatened or teased.
  • Walk and exercise your dog regularly to keep it healthy and provide mental stimulation.
  • Use a leash in public to ensure you are able to control your dog.
  • Regular veterinary visits are essential to regulating the health of your dog. A sick or injured dog is more likely to bite.
  • Be alert. If someone approaches you and your dog while out on a walk, caution them to wait before petting the dog, giving your pet time to be comfortable with the stranger.

A dog’s tendency to bite depends on such factors as heredity, obedience training, socialization, health, and the victim’s behavior. There are good dogs and bad dogs within every breed, just as there can be responsible and irresponsible owners of each breed. That’s why State Farm does not refuse insurance based on the breed of dog a customer owns. Under the right circumstances, any dog might bite.

Vets in Australia are calling on governments to ditch bans on dangerous dog breeds.

The Australian Veterinary Association (AWA), which has launched a new strategy to deal with dog bites, says the latest research shows banning particular breeds does nothing to address aggression in dogs, and nothing to increase public safety.

The vets say a focus on registration, education and temperament testing would be more effective.

…Veterinary behaviourist and AWA spokeswoman Dr Kersti Seksel argues breeds-specific legislation is not the answer.

“It hasn’t decreased the number of dog bites,” she said.

“Regardless of breed, dogs are capable of biting, just like people are capable of fighting regardless of our origin either.”

…RSPCA Victoria president Hugh Wirth was once a supporter of banning dangerous dog breeds.

He advocated for the breeding out of the American Pit Bull Terrier, saying they were “lethal” and “time bombs waiting for the right circumstances”.


But not anymore.

“The truth about breed-specific legislation is that it doesn’t work, you don’t decrease the numbers,” he said.

“In fact you send the breeding of that particular breed of dog underground.

Mr Wirth says his change of heart was brought about by the latest veterinary and dog behaviour research.

Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop  link

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Pit Bull Awareness month

October is National Pit Bull Awareness Month  

10 Ways to Raise Awareness and Celebrate Pit Bulls

10. Use social media such as facebook/twitter and blogs to show off positive images of Pit Bulls. Post a photo of your Pit Bull in an unlikely pose, playing with a chilld, cat, cute critter or other dog, or being just plain silly.

Educate the media and others…

Kelly Ripa (from LIVE with Kelly and Michael) said on her show yesterday that she is educated on the subject and that ALL pit bulls are dangerous and…”only gang bangers & thugs own them.” Their FB page needs more comments. Go add yours please and show Kelly and Michael some education politely.


what I wrote:

Kelly, your pit bull comment was completely incorrect. Negative sensationalized stories and comments about PIT Bulls leads to abuse and death of many loving animals. …for over half a century in between, 1920 to 1970, millions of Bulldogs, Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers,  American Staffordshire Terriers and all their mixed breed cousins served Americans well in every possible capacity and circumstance.”    The Pit Bull Placebo by Karen Delise.
from dog trainer Victoria Stilwell, Its Me or the Dog show
“Pit bulls can make great family pets in the hands of a responsible owner. Which breed of dog was named ‘most aggressive’ in recent scientific studies?  The family Dachshund.”
There are known factors that contribute to dogs of all breeds biting. If the dog is male, not neutered, kept chained or roams loose in a pack, etc.
 ‘The Little Rascals’  Petey was a pit bull.

Kelly, from the history of pit bulls and bull dogs…
True fighting dogs do not show any aggression towards humans whatsoever. Human aggression was in fact considered a major fault, so if a dog showed any human aggression it would be destroyed and the line would not be bred from anymore. Handlers were in the pit with the dogs during a fight and would not be so if they thought there was any danger. and oh by the way, last time I looked, am a newspaper reporter, senior, and NOT a gangster or thug.

Kelly, you are a mom with kids and a family pet. Imagine one day, police come to your door and take away the dog. You never see the dog again. They are sent to doggie jail and ultimately killed. Why? not because of anything that the dog did but because of the way they look. If this happens to a person, we call it racism, discrimination and bigotry. When it happens to dogs, it is called Breed Specific Legislation aka Breed Discrimination Legislation. Many such bans of innocent dogs have been repealed because it is ineffective, costly and serves only to assuage people’s irrational fears. Pit bulls are not the enemy. Irresponsible owners, dog fighters, animal abusers ARE the ones who need to be fined, jailed and/or punished NOT the dogs who are innocent victims of humans mistreatment.
MD’s, fire chief, pastor, police, all pit bull owners
Gangsters, thugs and pit bulls
@KellyRipa 8 of the former Vick dogs are therapy dogs now, many live in homes with kids,dogs, cats, loving dogs, The Lost dogs book
@KellyRipa In the ’70s they blamed Dobermans, ’80s German shepherds, ’90s Rottweilers. Now they blame the pit bull.”  Cesar Millan

9. Volunteer or foster with your local pit bull rescue. Give a pit bull a second chance, walk pit bulls at the local shelter, foster, rescue, adopt.

8. Share good news articles,videos, photos and books about hero Pit Bulls like Stubby, talented Pit Bulls like Petey, extraordinary Pit bulls like Wallace, Hector and the other Vicktory dogs and shelter Pit Bulls who need homes

More about the Vicktory dogs, their five year anniversary is on Pit Bull Awareness Day, yay

7.  Write letters, make phone calls, and get involved in repealing unfair BSL bans for ALL breeds

6. Educate friends, relatives, co-workers, your local shelter and the media about pit bulls. Volunteer, foster, adopt, get dogs spayed/neutered.

5. Order your very own Limited Edition Jonny Justice Gund plush toy…. do a fundraising event, order a bunch of books and/or stuffed dogs as prizes

4. Check out the latest posts at a few of the best Pit Bull blogs and Facebook pages of our pit bull superstars.

Badrap Blog

Ginger Girl

Little Red

Squeaky Jean

Handsome Dan

Did you know that my Daddy is running for state representative? I don’t know what that really means, but everyone keeps saying we could use someone like him up at the State House. You can say hi to him @


Cherry Garcia

Jhumpa Jones


3. Join or start a Pit Bull walk/hike group and participate on a regular basis

2.  Join, start and/or participate in bully events, pit bull parades, kissing booths, etc

1.  Get your dog trained in search and rescue, as a therapy dog, disc dog and/or other way to show off their star/hero potential

October 27, National Pit Bull Awareness Day  


Filed under animal abuse, animal rescue, badrap, Bay area, best friends animal sanctuary, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, dog rescue, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, facebook, keep pets safe, Kelly and Regis, legislation against dogs, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized

Hershey’s law and Free Memphis

brilliant end BSL video…

D-Boy, the dog that took bullets to save his family.

Roberta Trawick was sitting on her couch in her Oklahoma City home in 2009 when an armed intruder busted through her front door and told her to get on the ground. Her 2-year-old pit bull

, D-Boy, then came charging into the room after the intruder, who fired multiple times, hitting D-Boy three times — including two shots to the head — but the dog continued to run after him. The intruder, apparently spooked, fled.“That dog saved my life and my family,’ said Trawick. “Without D-Boy, that guy could have shot me and my family.” The Trawicks had rescued the pit bull from an abusive home just three months before the break-in.Generous people helped pay D-Boy’s Vet bills. He recovered and his owner did not have to worry about paying for his bill.
this is a Lennox type Belfast city Council type situation…
The welfare of Memphis should truly be the ultimate goal. There is absolutely no valid or legal reason why Memphis should remain in the shelter one more day or a secret location within the control of the town at taxpayer expense when a highly qualified, loving, experienced, breed savvy family is pleading with the township to bring Memphis back home forever.Allowing Jeff and Diana Coltenback to adopt Memphis is the ultimate win-win situation for everyone—for the taxpayers, for the town, for the Coltenbacks and most importantly, for Memphis.
Bloomfield, NJ Town Council Meeting tonight at 6:30….there is less than 6 hours to reach out to the council members.
Send polite email message to Mayor and Council asap… thanks.,,,,,,
Mayor Raymond J. McCarthy
Room: 209- 2nd. Floor,Municipal Building
1 Municipal Plaza
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Rosemary Brown, Secretary
Phone (973) 680-4080
FAX (973) 680-4040

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Filed under adoption, animal abuse, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Lennox, pet adoption, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized

Prepaid Legal services for Pet owners

Legal Shield protects us and the furry 4 legged ones!

As advocates and activists who fight the good fight, we often find our dogs targeted and sometimes we get into trouble because they are pit bulls or mixes. In the U.S.A. and Canada, you can have legal representation that covers trial time with the best attorneys, and unlimited phone calls and consultations for less than 70 cents a day. They have helped me and have saved me many thousands of dollars. It’s called Legal Shield. It’s Legal insurance.  let me know if you want to sign up, I can help you today… it is very affordable and easy…

Prepaid Legal insurance is a special insurance policy that one purchases for possible future legal expertise and expenses. It is also called Legal Protection Insurance. Separate from automobile, health, and home owners insurance, these policies are designed for individuals who would like future legal protection.

You can purchase legal Protection insurance before or after you need assistance. These policies often cover standard legal fees such as those for a lawyer, trial expenses, court fees, and damages paid to the injured party if charged with a crime or sued civilly.

Having your own on call Attorneys/Top Law Firm / Legal Insurance Makes a Difference Yet Most People Cannot Afford to Hire an Attorney… Legal Shield is the Solution

When I first signed up for prepaid legal insurance, I was in the middle of a case and had fired my lawyer. I had been hit by a car and the guy drove away, he hit and ran. Now I needed another lawyer asap. I called prepaid legal, as it was called then, and immediately a new attorney was assigned to the case. She knew the opposing counsel and worked out a settlement for me.

Prepaid legal insurance policies are great for those who have legal questions or require legal documents to be prepared. You receive free legal advice and free document preparation and much more.


Know your rights in any situation

LegalShield gives you the ability to talk to an attorney on any matter without worrying about high hourly costs. For one flat monthly fee, you can access legal advice, no matter how traumatic or trivial the issue. Under the protection of LegalShield you and your family can live your life worry-free.

Legal Services from experienced lawyers

With the commitment of approximately 1.4 million LegalShield members, we are able to negotiate comprehensive legal services with dedicated law firms nationwide at a fraction of what they traditionally cost. Because our attorneys aren’t waiting to get paid, and instead are prepaid, they’re motivated to treat all of our members and their needs equally. Covering 49 states and 4 provinces in Canada, our law firms are experienced, responsive and reliable.

How it works

A small monthly fee gives you access to a quality law firm in your area. Just contact your provider firm directly to speak with a lawyer experienced in the appropriate field of law.

As a pet owner, below are some reasons you may need prepaid legal insurance (times when you may need an attorney):

Do you know your rights as a pet owner in your state?

Perhaps you are moving and need to know your rights in the new state.

What if your neighbor’s pet gets into your yard and causes havoc or hurts your pets?

You are involved in a car accident and It wasn’t your fault and your pet got hurt. You call the [provider] attorney who advises you to send a copy of the ticket, photos of the accident, and scan a diagram of what happened.Then your lawyer appears in court on your behalf, and at the hearing the magistrate dismisses the case and the other driver pays for the medical expenses for your pet.

Then you get a letter from your car insurance company who wants to double or triple your rates. You call the [provider] attorney. She sends a letter to the insurance company requesting removal of the surcharge. The insurance company drops the surcharges.

disputes with your landlord about your pets (is it legal for your landlord to evict you because of your dogs?) Your landlord refuses to return the cleaning deposit because of alleged damages done by your pet, that your pet did not do.

what happens if your dog bites the mail person, a neighbor, a child, someone at the dog park or UPS driver?

Maybe you’ve been arrested or detained at a protest or while rescuing an animal and need a lawyer asap

You have a car and get a ticket, a Legal Shield lawyer may go to the DMV for you and stand on line for you … Why would anyone go to Traffic Court without an Attorney? The number one reason, it costs too much but not with Legal Shield.

You want to get your will done and updated every year and want to name your pet as beneficiary or make sure your pet is taken care of after your demise

An illness or medical condition happens and someone is trying to take your pets away from you. Advanced arrangements can be made to ensure care of the pet while you are hospitalized or incapacitated. You can designate caretakers for your pet ahead of time.  Find a friend or relative willing to take your animal and give it a good home when you get ill or die. The matter should be discussed in advance with the potential caretaker to make sure the animal will be cared for appropriately. The person who will receive an animal as the result of a bequest in a Will should understand that he or she becomes the animal’s owner and, as such, has all the rights and responsibilities of ownership. It is best to name alternate caretakers in the Will in case the first-named person is unable or unwilling to take the animal when the time comes.

Providing Funds for Pet Care

Under the laws of all 50 states, a pet owner cannot leave any part of his or her estate outright to an animal. However, the owner may leave a sum of money to the person designated to care for the pet, along with a request (not a direction) that the money be used for the pet’s care. It is important for the pet owner to select a caretaker he/she trusts and who will be devoted to the pet, because the caretaker has no legal obligation under the above provision to use the money for the purpose specified.

You should leave only a reasonable amount of money for the care of any pet. A large sum of money may prompt relatives to challenge the Will and the court may invalidate the bequest for pet care. The attorney may want to include an “in terrorem” clause in the pet owner’s Will to reduce the chance of a challenge to the Will. This clause provides that if a person unsuccessfully challenges a provision in the Will, he or she cannot then receive property under any provision of the Will.

Designating a Shelter or Charitable Organization to Care for Pets

If no friend or relative can be found to take the pet, you should look for a charitable NO KILL shelter or organization whose function is to care for or place companion animals. A humane society or shelter might agree to accept the animal along with a cash bequest to cover expenses.

The charity should agree to take care of the animal for its life or find an adoptive home for the animal. Before selecting a shelter, find out what kind of care your pet will receive at the shelter (for example, an animal should not have to stay for more than a short period in a cage). If the organization is directed to find an adoptive home for the companion animal in its care, the pet owner should obtain detailed information about the adoption procedure.

Establishing a Pet Trust

Under the law of most states, an animal can be the beneficiary of a trust created to care for the animal.  The statute enables persons to create trusts for their animals, and such trusts can be enforced in the courts. The trust can be (i) a testamentary trust, created under a Will, to take effect upon the death of the pet owner.

Providing Funds for Pet Care During Transitional Period

A provision which should be included in all Wills where a pet is involved, is one allowing the Executor to use estate funds to care for the animal for the period before the animal goes to the new home designated by the pet owner. The Will should state that the costs of food, veterinary care, transportation and other expenses incurred by the Executor in caring for the decedent’s pet is to be paid from the estate as an estate administration expense, whether or not the expenses are deductible for estate tax purposes

Arranging For Friends/Relatives To Provide Short-Term Care

You should try to find a friend or relative who is willing to take care for his/her pet during these periods. You should leave word, preferably in writing, at home and with a neighbor, or with the building management and/or superintendent for the friend or relative to be notified. You should arrange for access to his/her home to permit the care and feeding of the pet during such short -term periods. If an apartment is involved, the owner should consider leaving a key with the superintendent or a neighbor. If there is a relative or friend in the area, the owner should consider providing that individual with a key and with written permission to the building management to enter the apartment in the event of the death or hospitalization of the pet owner.

Arranging for a Shelter or Charitable Organization to Provide Short-Term Care

There may be an animal shelter or charitable organization with which arrangements can be made to care for a pet in the event of the death or hospitalization of the pet owner. Should the owner make such arrangements, shelter personnel would need written instructions addressed to the superintendent or building management and the key to permit them access. Similarly, the pet owner should leave written instructions in his/her home and with a relative or friend to notify the shelter (if a shelter is chosen) or the individual who has agreed to take care of the pet during this period.

Emergency Instructions

Once the pet owner has decided upon such arrangements for the short-term care and feeding of the pet in the event of the pet owner’s hospitalization or death, the owner should carry a copy of the instructions as part of his/her identification papers in the event of sudden hospitalization or death due to an accident or illness.

You have a small business. You have legal documents such as a contract for your pet business that you want to have written by or looked at by a lawyer to make sure it covers your liability and anything else you might need

Perhaps you need a lawyer to write a halt, cease and desist or other letter for you

You are sued for slander?

What happens if you are traveling in another state/country and something happens with your pet?

What if your dog walker/pet sitter hurts, neglects or abandons your pet?

You are wrongly accused of a crime

You are buying or selling a car or real estate

You are going through a divorce and want sole custody of your pet

Your pet gets ill from pet treats or pet food

Your neighbor’s dog barks for hours every night. what are your rights?

Another dog bites you, a family member. or your dog, what are your rights? Can you get the dog owner to pay for medical and vet expenses?  Negotiations Between You and the Dog Owner are Required. You need an attorney.

A dog owner’s liability for injuries from a dog bite is spelled out in a Florida law, which states: “The owner of any dog that causes a dog bite to any person … in a public place, or lawfully on or in a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, is liable for damages suffered by persons bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owners’ knowledge of such viciousness.” However, if the person who was bitten did something that caused the dog bite, the liability of the owner may be reduced.

What would happen if your Pit Bull (or other breed dog deemed dangerous) was taken into custody and quarantined until the authorities decided the fate of the dog?  If you are dealing with BSL, YOU NEED A LAWYER…

Your Legal Shield Membership covers:

  • You
  • Your Spouse
  • Never-Married Dependent Children under 21 living at home
  • Dependent Children under age 18 for whom the Member is legal guardian
  • Full-Time College Students up to age 23; never married, dependent children
  • Physically or mentally challenged children living at home

Call me at 702-225-8206 or email me if you have any questions or want to sign up.

If you know you want to sign up, go here AND YOU MUST let Chris know you are signing up because of ME, CeliaSue Hecht.  thanks

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Filed under bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, children and dogs, conflict resolution, dog parks, dog rescue, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, end dogfighting, K9 travel, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, pet insurance, pet sitter, pet travel, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized

Justice 4 Wicca

The whole truth and nothing but the truth about what happened to Wicca

First, they “tricked” Chris Papakostas and told him to bring Wicca to court where was forced to let her go with no other option.   Cesar Millan offered the City of Montreal the option of adopting Wicca and taking her from Quebec.   That offer and all other options were refused.   Why?  Only Mr. Lacroix and City of Montreal Officials can answer that.   Right now Montreal simply is not a safe place to own a dog.

95% of death orders for dogs in Montreal are pit bulls and more pit bulls are being euthanized than any other breed

Interview with Chris and his lawyer

Part I

Part II

Automatic euthanasia law in Montreal?

There is a very wrong law that needs to be changed and it affects ALL dogs in Montreal. A bite means an automatic death sentence. You have 24 hours to find a court approved canine professional to evaluate your dog. Any idea how impossible that is under 24hrs and how much it will cost you? We all know that a bite may not be a bite. We all know this new law is wrong. We can’t shut up now. Too many Wicca’s need us to make this fair. (Annie)

The Montreal SPCA opposes this law.

“The by-law gives authority to city officials to condemn an animal if his or her judgment declares that the dog is a danger to public, if the canine has bitten and caused skin laceration that have had required stitches. According to the spokesperson of the Montreal SPCA, Sophie Guillard, the by-law does not require the official to consult a qualified dog behavior expert or asks to assess the context of the incident, nor to consider other viable alternatives that would satisfy public safety concerns (such as mandatory muzzling) before ordering a dog’s death.

“Wicca was denied the right to be seen by a behaviorist and determine if her behavior was so extremely aggressive that there was no chance to behavior rehabilitation and therefore kill her. There was no initiative to see what could be done in order to save her.”

What do you think about the actions of the City of Montreal?  Should they be held accountable?  Should there be a Wicca’s Law?

Is the Mayor of Montreal and the bureaucrats reading BS like this?

The mayor of Montreal and others should know about the Pit Bull Hall of Fame

Should the people of Montreal  start an underground pit bull railroad?

Underground pit bull railroad in Toronto–ontario-s-pit-bull-ban-the-pit-bull-underground-railroad


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Filed under animal abuse, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, Canada, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, end dogfighting, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, pit bull, politics, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized

Pit bull myths

END BSL… Breed Discrimination in America

Lies, negative stereotypes and myths

In the book Pit Bull Placebo by Karen Delise discusses how dogs of various breeds have been demonized since the 1800’s. People’s perception of ‘dangerous dogs’ has changed over the centuries.

Consider the impact of these images imprinted upon the human psyche  …

l. Eliza and her baby (Uncle Tom’s Cabin) being chased by snarling teeth gnashing Bloodhounds.

2. Super-predator Nazi guard Doberman Pinscher dogs became a symbol of cruelty

3. The Time Bomb Pit Bull depicted on the cover of Time magazine

“My kids are around pit bulls every day. In the ’70s they blamed Dobermans, in the ’80s they blamed German shepherds, in the ’90s they blamed the Rottweiler. Now they blame the pit bull.”    Cesar Millan.  “Pit bulls get a bad rap because of irresponsible owners.”

From the Pit Bull Placebo

“…for over half a century in between, 1920 to 1970, millions of Bulldogs, Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers,  American Staffordshire Terriers and all their mixed breed cousins served Americans well in every possible capacity and circumstance.

‘…The first half of the 20th century finds new and different breeds involved in fatal/severe attacks. Collies, Boston Terriers, St. Bernards, Airedale Terriers, Great Danes, Chow chows, German police dogs (German Shepherds), Doberman Pinschers, and Huskies were only some of the new breeds seen in aggressive encounters with humans.”

A combination of the media’s need for scary pit bull stories (to sell papers), dog fighters using bully breeds for fighting, and society’s need to blame dogs for humanity’s problems have joined together to give the pit bull a very bad rap.

“…The early 1980s find the media continuously churning out emotionally charged articles about Pit bull anatomy and behaviors that were based on rumors, myths and unproven claims by both experts and laymen.

“When Pit bulls lost an arranged street fight they were subjected to unimaginable cruelty and violent deaths, because they became a source of embarrassment or failed to uphold the machismo image of their owners.”

“…In 2004 the media reported this Pit bull attacked and killed a 4-year-old boy. It was not reported that this chained, intact male dog was visibly underweight with numerous old scars on his head and neck. Veterinarian examination revealed the dog was heartworm positive, flea-infested, and suffering from internal parasites (hookworms). He was anemic with a low-grade fever and was diagnosed as having very poor body condition and muscle mass. Stress and wear marks along the teeth suggest the dog did not receive adequate nutrition during development. The dog was poorly socialized and very fearful.”

Elevate the conversation

Find the pit…

Many people have never met a pit bull and could not pick one out of a lineup such as this…

Pit bulls are not a breed of dog, there are numerous breeds all lumped together and called pit bull…American Pit Bull Terriers, Miniature Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Bull Dogs, Bull Terriers or mixed breeds that have the appearance or characteristics of one of these breeds…

Does this make ANY sense?

There are NO incidents to date of a spayed/neutered indoor family pit bull ever having killed anyone.

…[S]ince 1975, dogs belonging to more than 30 breeds have been responsible for fatal attacks on people, including Dachshunds, a Yorkshire Terrier, and a Labrador Retriever.” (It’s also key to point out that you are more likely to be killed by lightening than a dog, and dog bites are at historic lows.)

Pit Bull: Fact or Fiction

1:  Pit bulls are inherently dangerous, as the Maryland Court of Appeals recently labeled them.


It’s all in the upbringing, the socialization, and how their owners treat them.

German Shepherd Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), and Rottweiler were tested using a bite sleeve equipped with a specialized computer instrument to measure bite pressure. The APBT had the least amount of pressure of the 3 dogs tested. (Source: Dr. Brady Barr of National Geographic)

“There is no scientific evidence that one kind of dog is more likely than another to injure a human being than any other kind of dog.[i][ii] In fact, there is affirmative evidence to the contrary.[iii]

Numerous places have recently repealed their bans on pit bulls/bully breeds aka Breed Specific Legislation.

Cincinnati Ohio’s vicious dog ordinance, which previously made ownership of pit bulls within city limits illegal has been repealed.

DeKalb County ban repealed

2. Pit bulls have locking jaws that make it virtually impossible to separate a pit bull from people or animals they bite.

Fiction.  There’s no scientific data to back that up. They’ve actually studied it and found that the pit bull skull is no different than any other dog. There’s no locking mechanism.

Dr. Lehr Brisbin of the University of Georgia wrote:

“The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different than that of any breed of dog. There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any kind of “locking mechanism” unique to the structure of the jaw and/or teeth of the American Pit Bull Terrier.”


Pit bulls are unpredictable and more likely to bite people than other dogs.

Fiction. There are known factors that contribute to dogs of all breeds biting and becoming dangerous. If the dog is male, not neutered, kept chained or roams loose in a pack, etc.

Factors that affect a dog’s tendency toward aggression include reproductive status, sex, early experience and socialization/training. According to the Centers for Disease Control, these concerns are well-founded, given that:

More than 70 percent of all dog bite cases involve unneutered male dogs.

An unneutered male dog is 2.6 times more likely to bite than is a neutered dog.

A chained or tethered dog is 2.8 times more likely to bite than a dog not chained or tethered.

97 percent of dogs involved in fatal attacks on people in 2006 (the most recent year statistics are available) were not spayed/neutered.

A female dog usually chained with a litter of newborn puppies

Guard dogs

Abused dogs

Neglected dogs

Starved dogs

Unsupervised dogs, roaming loose

Unsocialized dogs

All dogs, before they bite, give warning signals.

Three MOST aggressive breeds

The number one aggressive breed out of the 33 dogs surveyed, The Dachshund. Yes – the wiener dog. The study found that “one in five dachshunds have bitten or tried to bite strangers, and a similar number have attacked other dogs; one in 12 have snapped at their owners.”

“Number two on the list is an even more diminutive breed – the Chihuahua, while Jack Russells came in third.

“The researchers say that the bite statistics that have been released in recent years are skewed because most dog bites are not reported. Big dog bites are more likely to require medical attention, but this does not mean that those breeds are doing the majority of the biting.”

4. Pit bulls are good with children.

Fact.  Pit bulls were considered the nanny dog.   Consider ‘The Little Rascals.’  Petey was a pit bull and he never hurt Alfalfa or any of the Little Rascals.

Adopting a pit bull

Of the 4 to 6 million dogs and cats still being killed in shelters each year, most – roughly 1.5 million – are pit bulls. The great majority of these are healthy, good natured and adoptable dogs.

Public and private agencies spend $2.5 billion each year caring for and /or killing homeless dogs and cats. Pit bulls represent one in four of all animals taken into shelters. More than 80 percent of pit bulls in shelters will die before their second birthday.

Some guidelines in adopting a pit bull…

1. Adopt a shelter or rescue org dog due to the above. Also, irresponsible breeders are only interested in your money, not dogs. (this goes for all breeds but especially pit bull type dogs).

2. The dog should be spayed/neutered and given obedience training (basic commands).

3. Are you equipped to give your dog an hour of exercise a day?

4. Do you have a home of your own? If not, make sure that your landlord is ok with your adopting a pit bull.

5. If you are going to keep your dog chained up as a lawn ornament, used as a guard dog, or to show off how macho you are, please do NOT adopt a pit bull. Bullies make terrible guard dogs, they love people too much. And w do not need any more irresponsible owners.

6. Do you have small children? NEVER leave your dog (of any breed) alone and unsupervised with a child.

7. Are you lifetime committed to give the dog a forever home?

8. Volunteer at a local shelter and get to know the dogs there before you adopt. Do some research and then decide what is right for you.

9. Consider fostering a pit bull before you adopt.

10. Do you have the time, energy and patience for a dog who wants to be with you and cuddle all the time?

Contact your local shelter and/or local pit bull rescue organizations to adopt.


Best Friends Animal Society

Our Pack


Shorty’s Pit Bull Rescue

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code


Filed under adoption, badrap, best friends animal sanctuary, bigotry against dogs, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, legislation against dogs, Lennox, media madness, nanny dogs, pet adoption, pet blog hop, pet care, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized

A tale of two pit bulls

The unconscionable Belfast City Council created a Sophie’s Choice moment for Mrs. Chambers and her two dogs.

Below is my letter and the article about the situation… and I just found out this…

it was the same dog warden for Roxy and Hooch as it was for Lennox, surprise surprise, NOT…

Stephen Philpott, chief executive of the USPCA (Ulster Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), said: “I hate to say it but we told you so. Nobody would listen to what we were saying in court and now two dogs have suffered.

“We said these dogs possessed the unpredictable gene and what happened at the weekend has proved our point.

“Mrs Chambers is a complete innocent who deserves everyone’s sympathy. She didn’t realise what she had in her house and now she’s unfortunately found out the hard way.”

Read more:

“If they are saying the dogs are pit bulls, what are they doing – letting me keep one and killing the other?


they are currently redoing their website, but here is info:

email, and

here is the twitter account…

Dear Mr. Philpott aka pompous ass,

It is one thing for a person to be blind. But to pat yourself on the back for your own willful blindness, demonizing and discriminating policies against dogs and humans, which CREATED the “unpredictable dog” so that YOU could be right about how wrong you are is the height of hubris.

Gotta hand it to you. Gonna submit your statement to Ripley’s Believe it or Not, for the MOST dishonest statement EVER uttered by a horse’s rear. If YOU are an example of someone with the predictable gene, how do YOU sleep at night and what do you tell your children? Oh whoopee, killed another innocent dog and ruined another human life today worshipping at the altar of my hubris?



Myth: Pit bulls are unpredictable; they can turn on anyone, even their owner, at any time.

FACT: Pit bulls are no more or less unpredictable than any other type of dog. Often, a person who claims that a dog is “unpredictable” simply doesn’t understand dog behavior

Unpredictability myth

Pit Bulls are generally very stable, happy dogs that love people. They are dogs. The only dogs that generally are unpredictable are dogs (of all breeds) that have a medical condition or have serious genetic-based behavior problems. Any dog, of any breed, that displays unpredictable behavior should be seen by a vet and a behaviorist to get to the root cause of the problem.

In the case of Mrs. Chambers dogs, the BCC is the root cause of the dogs problem. What is next, rounding up innocent children who are unpredictable, or how about all those rowdy unpredictable seniors or teenagers???

Mrs. Chambers was given a Sophie’s Choice moment, why? The BCC created the situation and the problem. The dog was fine until the BCC got your hands on her.  Catch 22 has got nothing on you.


Make NO mistake the world is watching Belfast City Council, USPCA and Belfast, Ireland because of the apparent obstinate stupidity that runs rampant in your city officials. You have had ample opportunities to LEARN from world renowned dog experts but have refused preferring to remain close-minded no matter the consequences.

You are cowards and bullies who prefer to kill and demonize and discriminate against dogs because you lack the moral fortitude and courage to hold human beings accountable. You prefer expediency over knowledge. Rather than learn from your mistakes, you just keep on killing, pretending you care about the public and are doing so in the name of public safety. What a load of hooey.

We will NOT forget Lennox and we will NOT forget Roxy and all of the other innocent blood on your hands.

And one day YOU will be prosecuted for the crimes YOU have committed, your cold, cruel, heartless inhumane  actions against both canines and humans.

Count me disgusted, along with your other 200,000+ fans aka Lennox Army.

these are not the two dogs of Mrs. Chambers but were like this before the BCC separated them.

A Pit bull: the secret to Mona Lisa’s smile… HAH…


Filed under breed specific laws, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, end dogfighting, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Lennox, pit bull, politics, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized

Lennox redux in Canada/UK

Canada oh Canada… a few more Lennox type situations (am sure that there are many many more)…

We have to OUT these bureaucrats, judges, officials… name names… let them know that there are consequences for these actions, killing innocent dogs.

RIP Wicca…

This is a roller coaster ride… NEW… Thursday morning latest… Wicca is still alive…well, there are now rumors that she is not… lunacy going on now… people call the mayor and email…

and listen to this assessment of the dog Wicca whose life is at stake…

and comment on the news media page, they are asking if dogs should be put to sleep if they bite… of course NOT…

…There appear to be two alternatives:

Berger Blanc disobeys the city order to euthanize, re-homes Wicca, and suffers political consequences (a tough call because it is the City of Montreal that awards shelter the annual animal control contract, or

Mayor Gerald Tremblay gives the order for clemency.

Reports indicate that Couture, owner of Berger Blanc, and the Mayor are good friends and Couture could make a phone call to the Mayor requesting official clemency for Wicca .  This would be a good public relations move on the part of Berger Blanc while insuring no political repercussions.

The Mayor of Montreal Monsieur Gérald Tremblay,


City of Montreal inspector who allegedly ordered Wicca’s death sentence is Benoit

Contact details for various members of the council are top left of this page.,,,,

it is not over yet. This was on Save Wicca’s page:
Karen Newman

For anyone near Berger Blanc where Wicca is, here is the latest statement…

 Save Wicca in Montreal,  sad news…

It’s over for Wicca. The Judge begged the city to give us 10 days in order to file a motion but he asked this on moral grounds since legally, he did not have the power to overturn a death order. The city refused. Wicca’s execution stands. Believe me when I tell you all how devastated we are over this but we will not stop. The laws will be changed. You mark my words! Wicca will not have died in vain. LONG LIVE WICCA!

What is it with Councils lording it as if they are demi Gods! I think people the world over need to start protesting…

Wicca is a 5 year old spayed Am Staff AKA Pit Bull who is now making headlines due to the flagrant discrimination and unconstitutional treatment her case has received from the city of Montreal over an alleged bite. (bite or scratch has yet to be determined)…

“Her owner was in court earlier on Monday July 23, concerning his charges for contempt of court since he refused to bring her to the Berger Blanc (with darn good reason) and the city decided to deal with the appeal as well right there on the spot. The judge ordered that Wicca be brought to the court house to “meet” her. They tricked us and had her taken away by the Berger Blanc. (CBC Montreal covered it).
“Attorneys are now appealing to the Supreme Court. This case was handled so wrongly right from the beginning. It screams injustice and discrimination. Our attorneys are flabbergasted as is the Mc Gill student legal team.”

Free Brindi

On June 26, the provincial judge turned over all control and rights to my dog Brindi to Halifax – the very city that has wanted to kill her since July 2008. That June, animal services officials had arbitrarily muzzled her, then told me about a law allowing them to seize and destroy her without any further ado if she was reported for anything, including not wearing her muzzle even accidentally. They seized her on July 24, 2008, after exactly that unfortunate thing happened four days earlier: she accidentally got loose for about 20 seconds, without causing injury to anybody.

There is no law in Halifax mandating seizure and destruction of a dog under a muzzle order merely for being off its property without the muzzle on. The supreme court later quashed that euthanasia order, but Halifax didn’t return Brindi. And the city never held anybody accountable for those boldfaced lies, either.

Last month, after prolonging Brindi’s already lengthy stay in the pound by nearly four more months (on top of 18 months since the 2010 seizure), and after I put together a very strong case for Brindi’s release, bolstered by the trainer’s excellent testimony, Judge Buchan gave carte blanche to Halifax officials, saying they should do their own usual” assessment on her, and after August 1, they are free to decide for themselves what to do with her. (For some strange reason the prosecutor told the media the date was August 21 – not sure what that was about.)

During the trial, the prosecutor argued – as always – that there was only one option for Brindi: death. Somehow the judge ignored this consistent position, as well as the fact that Brindi has been assessed positively many times already. The most recent one was carried out on June 13 by behavioral consultant Susan Jordan; her report lay on the judge’s desk.

and another dog in the UK was just seized…

Marc Shirley co founder of has just been arrested on charges of owning a type 1 banned breed, buster, who is 11, a senior and not a tooth in his head, please join the group, sign the petition.

Bring Buster home, this is madness..
from Buster’s owner: “I was able to maintain my cool with police and put forward an excellent case, however feeling they wont get a result on charging me with Posetion of a Banned Breed in contravention to section one of the 1991 DDA.

I have been Charged as follows (Charge sheet will be uploaded later)

Charge: 1
Possess or Have Custody Of A “FIGHTING DOG”, In contravention of the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act, SECTION SEVEN.

No charges in relation to section 1 of the 1991DDA

Interview lasted more than 90 mins, and i was question on everything from being involved with dog fighting to breeding pitbulls for financial Gain.

I strongly refute those charges, i have never even so much as attended a fighting event, as for breeding, they wish, i aint that clued up, i wouldnt know how to breed 2 dogs, plus i have a new bourn due in 8 weeks, i really cant be dealing with a puppy at this stage.

I will continue to fight my legal case, and i will continue to fight to bring buster home, again on legal advice i have nothing further to add on busters case, other than its progressing.

As for them sending me to prison for owning a fighting dog good luck, busters got no teeth he’s not even a match for a pillow.


“A founding partner of this site yesterday had his 11 Year Old Mixed Breed dog deemed to be of “TYPE” he was then Seized under the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act, Section 1.

“We are fighting for him to be freed as an exempted dog due to his age, and various health issues.

“If you support our cause and would like to see our founder get his dog back, please sign this petition in support of freeing Buster and bringing him home.

“The dogs owner, will later today hand himself into Suffolk Police, as we understand he will be arrested and charged with owning a banned breed, and a mistake from his past has come back to haunt, he really is facing a sentence.”

On the bright/positive side of the street…

“In the face of oppression the Olympic torch is carried through Britain alongside a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, commonly referred to as a Pit Bull in the United States. Maybe one day BSL will be lifted there and sights like this won’t be extraordinary.”


Filed under bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, Canada, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Lennox, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized

Ending BSL 4 Lennox

Last week, I had an idea to create a replica stuffed animal dog that looked like Lennox  for Brooke after receiving a press release about a contest from a stuffed toy company who are having a contest. After dealing with their inept PR / Marketing firm who did not understand what I was asking, I officially gave up on them and looked around for another company.

I found one and I also found the Ride for Lennox below. It would be great to also do a ride or event on the west coast, what do you think ???  The cost of creating a replica stuffed dog to send to Brooke is approximately $850 for the cost and shipping. Let me know if you would be interested in participating in creating an event on the west coast similar to the drive on the east coast.

The replica of Lennox would be sent to Brooke as a keepsake along with other mementoes, letters and cards. And the ride would do fundraising for several pit bull rescues (perhaps Bad Rap, Our Pack, and Villalobos or smaller ones?) and raise awareness about BSL. Thanks for your input.


So many unanswered questions (bring tissues, made me cry again)

Victoria Stilwell assessment of Lennox court case…the judge had a choice, how the legal system failed Lennox

her Op-Ed piece in the Belfast Telegraph, the morning of Lennox untimely demise

Her Update on Lennox:  The family have told me that Belfast City Council will still not answer the family’s calls and have consistently ignored their request to have Lennox’s collar returned to them, nor have they returned ‘Lennox’s ashes.’ There are many rumors circulating that Lennox died in a certain kennel location months before the BCC announced that he was euthanised and that the kennel panicked and were told by the BCC to get rid of everything Lennox related. These are still just rumors and should not be taken for hard fact until the truth is revealed. The family are ‘heartbroken’. The media hype around this case might have died down but I can assure you everything will be done to ensure that one day the truth is known. Please share this with everyone you know to keep Lennox’s name alive and to ensure that future dogs and their people do not have to suffer because of ignorance.

Jim Crosby interview re: Ending BSL and Lennox

Email …he’s a journalist who works to uncover corruption and who encourages whistleblowers to come forward and will work, discreetly, on information they give him


“As is always the case with a huge news story, people from around the globe seeking to cash in on the media frenzy about Lennox have come out of the woodwork. Individuals seeking their “15 minutes of fame” are constantly coming forward, claiming to have “inside information”, or just wanting to associate their own name with Lennox, in order to gain more celebrity status for themselves. It is a heartbreaking fact that major media outlets waited until the 11th hour before finally deciding to cover Lennox’s story. Where were they over the past 26 months, when they truly could have made a difference?

“Rumors are running rampant throughout social media about Lennox. There are claims from alleged kennel workers who have reported that Lennox had suffered a broken leg, broken teeth, was sick and malnourished. Pictures had already surfaced of him with massive hair loss, which could have been caused by the stress of being torn from the only home he had ever known, and forced to live in isolation and away from his family. Another report came out that Lennox had been found dead in his kennel months ago, and a coverup took place by the BCC, since they did not want to admit their neglect had led to his death. Three separate kennels have been named as being the “secret kennels” where Lennox had been housed, and they have claimed to have received alleged threats of violence because of it.

“None of these allegations about Lennox’s condition on the day he was murdered or the about his death months ago have been confirmed or substantiated. No actual verifiable kennel worker has had the courage to come forward, say who they are and what connection they had with Lennox, and given provable testimony about what happened to him or when/how he actually died. Until someone finally does that, the truth about the last days of Lennox’s life may never be known.

“It has been reported that information has been requested under the United Kingdom’s Freedom of Information Act, seeking to get to the real truth about this entire nightmare.”



Lame reply to one of many emails I sent



Thank you for your recent email regarding Lennox.  I appreciate your sense of loss and understand your desire to contact us and a range of other agencies here in Northern Ireland to reverse the decision to destroy Lennox.

However, the NI Courts and Tribunals Service had no role in the decision and has no authority to intervene in such cases.

The NI Courts and Tribunals Service, as a Government department, is only responsible for providing administrative support to the courts in Northern Ireland.  The judiciary and the prosecuting authorities operate entirely independently from all Government departments and as a consequence we cannot consider complaints in respect of judicial decisions or the reasons underpinning them.   Similarly we have no authority to investigate complaints regarding prosecutorial decisions or evidence, including allegations such as perjury.

I am sorry that I am unable to personally address your correspondence but I am sure you will appreciate that we have been inundated with queries and emails regarding this case. I hope that this response helps to clarify the status of the Northern Ireland Courts & Tribunals Service in relation to this case.

Eddie Finn

Customer Services Team

Northern Ireland Courts & Tribunals Service


What do you think?


The ride is being dedicated to Lennox and the Barnes family, the people who loved and fought to save his life. After a two year battle, Lennox was killed last week by the Belfast, Ireland council simply because he looked like a “pit bull.” We are having a stuffed Lennox made, and along each stop on the route, he will be handed off to the next group of riders, along with any notes of condolence and support to the Barnes family. After the ride, both the stuffed Lennox and all the cards and letters will be sent to the Barnes family to show that although we are separated by thousands of miles, we stand united with them in their fight, and we all mourn.

You don’t need to be part of an animal welfare organization to take part in the ride…you only need to have a desire to see BSL come to an end so that no dog and no family ever face the heartbreak and anguish of breed specific legislation again.
SOAR is organizing the troops for a vote on the Ontario pit bull ban in September, and using the bike rally as a fundraiser for their efforts to end BSL there. However, those taking parts in the states can simply use the ride to bring awareness to the fight against BSL, and to promote rescue and responsible dog ownership.

The ride is taking place from August 29 to September 2, 2012. It starts in Miami, FL and goes up the east coast finishing in Toronto, Canada.

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code


Filed under animal abuse, badrap, Bay area, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, fundraising, grief, legislation against dogs, Lennox, losing a pet, pet blog hop, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, stuffed animals, travel, Uncategorized