Category Archives: money

Happy days are here again

this morning, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and tails are wagging!!!!!    first dog Bo stays in the White House… Big Bird is happy… NO MORE ADS… Landslide. #Obama2012

Last night Ohio and many other states showed the country that our democracy is not for sale.

To the President…”When you were elected in 2008, you inspired the world with a call to take responsibility for the problems we face as global citizens. Since then, you have made earnest efforts to live up to that great hope and trust placed in you by the American public. I believe you have been re-elected now in recognition of that effort.” — the Dalai Lama.”

WOMEN, WE DID IT!!!   18 women were elected to the Senate. That has never been done before.,30283/

Democrats don’t have to cheat to win


Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, Democrat, dogs, economy, first dog Obama family, four paws up, love, Made in USA, money, news, obama, politics, Republican, smile, Uncategorized, War is Over, war on women, Washington, What a wonderful world, wild women, women with dogs

10 Ways to Save on Pet Care

According to a recent article in USA Today, Americans spent approximately $50.8 billion on their pets last year, up from $10.1 billion just four years earlier. That’s a lot of money for Max or Fluffy, but still nothing compared to the unconditional love they shell out for you every day.

As the proud owner of two Labrador-Australian Shepard mixes, I’m no stranger to the rising cost of pet care. In addition to frequent exercise and annual check-ups, my husband and I save hundreds of dollars on pet care by adopting the following savvy strategies.

1. Create an Emergency Fund
There are at least nine reasons for an emergency fund, according to Kiplinger, including the ability to offset a costly vet bill should your beloved animal need expensive treatment. When my dogs were just 12 months old, one choked the other during aggressive play and — $1,700 later — we had a very tired but recovering puppy. Our savings account kept this traumatic experience from creating a financial hardship.

2. Don’t Skimp on Food
Food is likely the most expensive necessity next to vet visits, but that doesn’t mean you should opt for low price over quality. By purchasing healthy food, you’re enhancing your pet’s quality of life and ultimately saving yourself from costly vet bills down the road. Purchase discount gift cards to PetSmart and other stores from sites like to nab some savings.

3. Consider Pet Insurance
If you’re the type of pet owner who will spare no expense for veterinary care, consider signing up for pet insurance. The number of pet insurance carriers has increased significantly from just ten years ago, and most offer several levels of coverage. Visit for information on available policies, reviews and questions to ask providers.

4. Take Advantage of Clinics
Some veterinary practices offer free clinics one or two times a year, waiving appointment fees that compound the cost of annual visits. My husband and I always schedule check-ups and vaccinations during these times. If your vet doesn’t offer this service, check with your local Humane Society or animal-control unit for recommendations.

5. Research Your Options
When facing a hefty vet bill, you might assume your only option is to throw down a credit card and pay off the expense over time. However, there are other sources for financial aid, including state programs and breed-specific organizations. Consult this article from the Humane Society for more information.

6. Buy Discount
I shop discount retailers like TJMaxx and Ross for clothes and housewares, and always peruse their pet-care aisles for deals. I’ve found great pet beds, bowls and toys for much less than pet-store prices, though I avoid treats and food items since I’m not familiar with the brands. Ultimately, new pet owners can score serious savings by stocking up on discount supplies.

7. Be Loyal
PetSmart and PetCo each have free loyalty programs that offer discounts and, in the case of PetCo, 5-percent cash back on purchases. You should also sign up to receive email notifications about upcoming sales and exclusive discounts, and stock up during these specials to tide you over until the next promotion.

8. Order Meds Online
Most pet owners know medications purchased directly from the vet come with a hefty price tag. Unless it’s an emergency, request the prescription information and shop online at sites like I save 34 percent on our dogs’ heart worm medication by ordering online and using the generic alternative.

9. Fix for Less
Neutering or spaying your pet is crucial to avoiding the exponential expense of caring for a litter down the road. The average cost of the service from your local vet is between $200 and $300, but many organizations offer this service for less to curb the number of homeless animals. Consult ASPCA’s Low Cost Spay/Neuter Programs page to find a provider near you.

10. DIY
Though I wouldn’t attempt to clean a cat’s teeth, there are several services you can administer at home to save money. Brushing, ear cleaning and nail clipping are just a few necessities you can likely handle without the assistance of a professional. In fact, your vet will happily share with you the best techniques for at-home care, as they’d much prefer to spend time on more specialized services.

Kendal Perez is a frugal fashionista and bargain shopper who helps fellow shopaholics find hassle-free ways to save money. As the marketing coordinator for Kinoli Inc., she has the resources to be an extreme couponer but prefers a less complicated approach to staying in-budget. Kendal has been quoted in such media outlets as CNN Money, FOX, ABC, NPR, TIME Moneyland and Kiplinger Personal Finance. For savings tips and more information, visit

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Filed under dog friendly, dog health, dog toys, dog treats, dogs, guest blog, money, pet care, pet food, pet insurance, PetSmart, Uncategorized, USA Today

animals are people, too

Gotta love this list especially #6…

6. Sports figures acting badly. Michael Vick shouldn’t be playing football and if that offends you, I’m sorry. We forgive transgressions that would ruin the rest of us because they are famous or talented. Creeps like Vick should just go away, not be awarded with a huge football contract.

Here is my list of things that should be illegal because they make sane people barf, skin crawl and drive animal advocates to rescue time and time again …

1. Michael Vick shouldn’t be playing football. He should not be paid $100 million. This money should be given to pit bull rescues and the dogs he traumatized, some who are still living with the terrifying memories and nightmares of his psychopathy. Read The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant for more inspiring info about the dogs, the truth about Michael Vick and how they prosecuted him and what he was actually charged with (gambling not bankrolling dog fighting)…

2. The morally bankrupt Belfast City Council in Ireland. Return Lennox to his family. Period. End of story.

3. All absurd and archaic breed bans, breed discrimination and breed specific legislation. No dog should be judged on the basis of how s/he looks or because some people are afraid of dogs and do not want to hold irresponsible owners accountable for their abuse, neglect and cruelty to animals.

4. Homeless pets, homeless people. Kill shelters, what an oxymoron.  Should shelters be allowed to kill animals? An Associated Press poll says that more than seven out of 10 Americans say “No,” unless the animal is suffering. All healthy, normal dogs and cats deserve homes. Adoption centers must replace the so-called humane societies and SPCA’s around the country. Spaying and neutering of animals is mandatory until there are no more homeless pets. Neuter that boy, Spay that girl…

5. Greedy, ethically challenged animal organizations and their sad ads on TV. Wayne Pacelle, the ASPCA and PETA and other so-called animal rights advocates that called for Michael Vick to have a dog (Humane Society of the United States), who advocate putting healthy animals to sleep (PETA) and all those who call real animal advocates terrorists for wanting NO KILL shelters and to STOP killing and torturing innocent animals.

US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been keeping files on animal rights activists who conduct undercover investigations of factory farms, and the agency is now recommending that these activists be prosecuted as “terrorists.”    …   In 2006, Congress passed the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)

(The City of Austin finished 2011 with a 91% rate of lifesaving for dogs and cats, the largest community in the nation to do so. Williamson County, TX finished the year with a 91% rate as well. They join a host of other communities who have crossed the 90% threshold including Allegany County, MD, Arlington, VA, Berkeley, CA, Duluth, MN, Marquette, MI, Reno, NV, Shelby County, KY, and many, many more…)

6. Puppy mills, hoarders and pet stores who sell sick animals and keep animals in horrendous conditions in exchange for money.

7. Animal abusers including dog serial killers, animal rapists and irresponsible pet owners who chain their dogs and/or leave them outside loose 24/7, abandon their animals, neglect their pets, leave their pets to starve, return their pets to the pound because they are moving, suddenly allergic or the puppy barked, refuse to spay/neuter and/or harshly punish their pets.

8. Television shows, video games and movies that exploit animals and people, police, detective, talk and reality shows that highlight violence, encourage dog fighting, the lowest common denominator, sexually abuse children (Toddlers and Tiaras) and teenagers and otherwise encourage sociopathic behavior.

9. Dog fighting, cock fighting, horse racing and other forms of “sport” that harms animals.

10. Corporations that Experiment on and are toxic to animals, humans and the earth including pet food companies (especially those that use rendered/dead animals and toxic ingredients and chemicals and call this Healthy, Natural or other misleading terms). Monsanto, the Koch brothers empire and the oil, gas, nuclear and coal industries and the entire deathcare industries including the pharmaceutical industry and allopathic medicine.

11. Corporations and fetuses considered people. Animals are lawfully considered sentient beings not property and are endowed with the same rights as human beings.

12. All wars for profit (all wars) including the War of Terror and war mongers who destroy countries, animals and people for money. Pray that the Iran war is Over before it officially begins… they are beating the war drums. Getting louder by the day, folks.

Lucky 13. Speaking of rights, ALL civil liberties set forth in the Constitution and Bill of Rights are returned to ALL American citizens. All legislation and bills denying the American people these rights are abolished and the politicians who voted for the Patriot Act, the NDAA and SOPA are recalled and sent to prison along with the Wall Street banksters, the TSA, lobbyists, elite racists and millionaires and billionaires who refuse to pay taxes, and corporate hucksters who ruined the economy and sent American jobs overseas.

New Bill Known As Enemy Expatriation Act Would Allow Government To Strip Citizenship Without Convict

Congress is considering H. R. 3166 also known as the Enemy Expatriation Act. This bill would give the US government the power to strip Americans of their citizenship without being convicted of being ‘hostile’ against the United States.

Hint:  When Money is Taken OUT of Politics, many of these problems will be resolved.

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Filed under animal abuse, animal rescue, ASPCA, best friends animal sanctuary, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, cats, dog fights, dog rescue, dogs, end dogfighting, federal laws, Humane Society, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Michael Vick dogs, money, news, no kill shelters, obama, occupation wall street, pet adoption, pet care, pet food, pit bull, politics, prejudice against dogs, racism, Republican, Uncategorized, War is Over, world peace

happy bill of rights day

I had other items planned to post… fun, interesting, entertaining doggie related items… but this is much more important since there has been a virtual media blackout on this crucial topic…  if the Bill of Rights means anything to you, then please read on.

Congress, the media, the US government, the 1% are counting on you being too busy with Christmas shopping and your own issues, to notice the travesty of bills they have snuck by us this week… they like doing things secretly, behind closed doors. Because they know that Americans (and the rest of the world) would NOT agree with SOPA and the NDAA.

Maybe you spent the last weekend shopping for gifts, writing out holiday cards or studying for final exams. For most of America, the end of the year is a busy time. In Congress, this is a season usually spent trying to jam through bad bills while they hope no one is looking.


Let me put it in animal lovers terms, who is going to take care of your pets when they arrest you and ship you off indefinitely for having protested animal abuse, for having a pit bull or God only knows what?  think I’m crazy, paranoid or alarmist, read on.

Dispelling the common lies, myths/denial about the NDAA …’

In sum, there is simply no question that this bill codifies indefinite detention without trial (Myth 1). There is no question that it significantly expands the statutory definitions of the War on Terror and those who can be targeted as part of it (Myth 2). The issue of application to U.S. citizens (Myth 3) is purposely muddled — that’s why Feinstein’s amendments were rejected — and there is consequently no doubt this bill can and will be used by the U.S. Government (under this President or a future one)  to bolster its argument that it is empowered to indefinitely detain even U.S. citizens without a trial (NYTEditorial: “The legislation could also give future presidents the authority to throw American citizens into prison for life without charges or a trial”; Sen. Bernie Sanders: “This bill also contains misguided provisions that in the name of fighting terrorism essentially authorize the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens without charges”).

list from

1. Q: This defense bill is the same one that is passed every year.

A: This is true.

2. Q: This year the GOP decided to add this to the usual bill

A: Actually, it was a bi-partisan effort, with both a Republican sponsor – McCain and a Democratic one – Levin. (for the Senate version of the bill. In the House, it was sponsored by Rep. Howard McKeon, R-CA25)

3. Q: because they knew people would freak out

A: Actually, they were counting on our apathy. “Hey, isn’t there a Christmas going on? That’s right, keep shopping; we’ll add the SOPA to the mix too! We learned; we did the same thing when we introduced the Federal Reserve in 1913, right around Christmas also. People are busy celebrating, you know…”

4. Q: It has been removed of course, and they knew it would be

A: No, it hasn’t. The bill was just “adjusted” to reflect the wishes of Obama, so as to not limit his executive powers in any way. Absolutely nothing has been done to the offending Indefinite Detention Clause.

5. Q: However, the damage is done and the internet ‘media’ is running wild with this just as planned.

A: Actually, few Americans know about this offending bill, since there is a media blackout on it.

6. Q: They know this nonsense was removed, but that doesn’t get clicks, the GOP scores.

A: Actually, this was a bi-partisan effort with a great many Democrats voting for it. They finally agreed on something. Judging from the way they voted on the Patriot Act, taking our Freedoms away seems to be the only endeavor the two parties agree on. The bill garnered a 74% approval in the House and a 93% approval in the Senate. Only 7 Senators voted against it, six of which also voted against The Patriot Act extension that occurred earlier this year. And yes, both Ron Paul and Rand Paul voted against it.

7. Q: because everyone thinks that the President wants to lock US up.

A: Actually he really can. He can also order American citizens killed. But this is nothing new; Obama has already done so. This simply codifies it – making it legal.

8. Q: It is just another stupid stunt, just like the last 10 or 15 stunts.

A: That would be nice.

H.R. 1540: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012:

S. 1867: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

S.1867: and

Final Senate vote on the bill:

Final Vote in the House:

The original problem sections (1031 and 1032) are still in the bill and contrary to the claims of supporters of the bill, the wording of section 1032 does not, in fact, provide protection for US citizens. The use of the phrase “not required” instead of “prohibited” leaves the decision to allow the military to detain citizens entirely in the hands of federal authorities.


The ACLU said last night that the bill contains “harmful provisions that some legislators have said could authorize the U.S. military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians, including American citizens, anywhere in the world” and added: “if President Obama signs this bill, it will damage his legacy.” Human Rights Watch said that Obama’s decision “does enormous damage to the rule of law both in the US and abroad” and that “President Obama will go down in history as the president who enshrined indefinite detention without trial in US law.”

Both groups pointed out that this is the first time indefinite detention has been enshrined in law since the McCarthy era of the 1950s, when — as the ACLU put it — “President Truman had the courage to veto” the Internal Security Act of 1950 on the ground that it “would make a mockery of our Bill of Rights” and then watched Congress override the veto. That Act authorized the imprisonment of Communists and other “subversives” without the necessity of full trials or due process (many of the most egregious provisions of that bill were repealed by the 1971 Non-Detention Act, and are now being rejuvenated by these War on Terror policies of indefinite detention). President Obama, needless to say, is not Harry Truman. He’s not even the Candidate Obama of 2008 who repeatedly insisted that due process and security were not mutually exclusive and who condemned indefinite detention as “black hole” injustice.


Feinstein was able to include a largely symbolic amendment which states that “nothing in the bill changes current law relating to the detention of U.S. citizens and legal aliens,” but this measure is meaningless according to Republican Congressman Justin Amash, a fierce critic of the bill.

“Some have asserted that Sen. Feinstein’s amendment, S Amdt 1456, protects the rights of American citizens and preserves constitutional due process. Unfortunately, it does not. It’s just more cleverly worded nonsense.”


The reason the compromise amendment worked is that it leaves the question of domestic military detention open, leaving the matter for Supreme Court to resolve should a future president decide to assert the authority to detain a US citizen on American soil.

The only “silver lining,” if one can call it such, is that the military isn’t forced to detain American citizens without trial, it’s merely allowed to. The Senate has officially declared the entire United States to be a battleground. And you and I are potential enemies.

“The detention mandate to use indefinite military detention in terrorism cases isn’t limited to foreigners. It’s confusing, because two different sections of the bill seem to contradict each other, but in the judgment of the University of Texas’ Robert Chesney — a nonpartisan authority on military detention — “U.S. citizens are included in the grant of detention authority,”

Amnesty International: The new National Defense Authorization Bill (S1867) presented to the Senate by the Armed Services Committee is such a disaster for civil liberties and human rights it is difficult to know where to begin.

The ACLU: “The bill is an historic threat to American citizens and others because it expands and makes permanent the authority of the president to order the military to imprison without charge or trial American citizens,” said Christopher Anders, ACLU senior legislative counsel. “The final amendment to preserve current detention restrictions could turn out to be meaningless and Senators Levin and Graham made clear that they believe this power to use the military against American citizens will not be affected by the new language. This bill puts military detention authority on steroids and makes it permanent. If it becomes law, American citizens and others are at real risk of being locked away by the military without charge or trial.

presidential election not a referendum on the economy as much as it is on whether the president vetoes NDAA or not… that is what the press/pundits do not want to say because they do not want people to know about the NDAA and Obama’s false image as the people’s president is being exposed for what it is… FAKE… we voted for someone unlike Bush and instead we got a President who has expanded and extended the loss of our civil liberties, caved on most of his campaign promises and now has declared war on the 99% for speaking up and out…

One of the gravest grievances described in the Declaration of Independence was the misuse of standing armies against the colonialists.  Numerous state constitutions declared standing armies a threat to liberty and the U.S. Constitution showed antipathy to militarism. Now, the Congress and President Obama are prepared to turn the military against Americans and allow indefinite military detention without any finding of guilt. If the elites think military force against Americans will quell the revolt of the people they are wrong; it will have the opposite effect and fuel the revolt against the elites.

Time for our weekly Pet Blog Hop thanks to Life with Dogs,Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  Grab the code and hop away…

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Filed under blog hop, blog the change, Democrat, Dog Bless America, dogs, economy, happy holidays, money, news, nonviolent communication, obama, occupation wall street, people abuse, pet blog hop, racism, Republican, Uncategorized

humane watch exposed

I stand corrected by Wayne Pacelle… I don’t agree with his stance on Michael Vick by any stretch of the imagination. But he did tell me about Humane Watch, the organization, fronted by Rick Berman.  Here is what I found out about Rick Berman.

HumaneWatch gets its funding from the fur industry, the sealers, agribusiness, and the circus industry, says Pacelle.

Pacelle says that Berman saying that the Eagles paid the Humane Society and gives less than 1% to local humane societies is how he discredits people.

with all of the money at stake and people lying and misleading for the sake of cash, who do you believe.



sign the petition…

Send a polite message to Michael Vick: applaud his new role as an animal advocate, but tell him to please not get another dog. »

Thanks for taking action!


Tell Michael Vick: Please Don’t Get Another Dog!
Take Action!

Take action link:

A dog shouldn’t be adopted to someone with a history of animals abuse, just like a child shouldn’t be adopted to someone with a history of child abuse.


Filed under media madness, Michael Vick dogs, money, pit bull

Start a Foot Licking Spa Salon for Fun & Profit

Start Your Own Foot Licking Spa Salon (Shoe Cleaning and Tail Lashing Extra) a Lucrative Home Business …

You can make a big pile of cash at home with a FOOT LICKING, (SHOE CLEANING and TAIL LASHING ) spa salon business!  This is perfect for multi-tasking dogs everywhere, honest.  Utilize shelter dogs, for a bonus and/or give a small % to animal rescue groups and you will have a faithful following. HIRE HOMELESS MUTTS !!! You will get TONS OF PRESS. You will never have to be concerned about cash flow again !

Wild exotic sounding spa treatments take place all over the world every day. Hot stones on backs. Mud spas. Seaweed, sea salt, herbal, even chocolate slatherings.

In Japan, tiny fish that nibble away all the dead skin on the feet, and in other areas of the body are all the rage at foot spa salons. The Japanese find this very relaxing and pools of foot nibbling fish are everywhere. Well, here in America, with our CAN DO spirit, we can make our Best Friends Foot Spas that offer FOOT LICKING a Huge Success!!

Here in California, folks are known for being the first in the country to do just about anything. We have raw sushi places on every block or mall, koi fish in our pools (similar to gold fish, only bigger and different colors) plus whales and dolphins in the ocean, some we swim with. None of these sea animals would work for a successful foot licking spa salon.

Have a menu of services and tell people what to expect. Give them what they pay for and more.

First, when people come inside your foot spa, if they have shoes on with laces, NO PROBLEM !  Your dog, if she is anything like mine, probably can untie the laces in a flash. Then s/he can help with taking the shoes off the feet, already beginning the spa treatment with some showing off.

Have a bowl of warm water ready for spa participants to put their feet into after your dog gets to cleaning the feet. Meanwhile, another dog can clean their shoes.

The dogs will take care of the shoes, put them in a special place. Then the customers feet are put in a pan of warm water. Very soothing. Feet are greased and wrapped as suggested below. After that, the foot licking treatment begins. Wonderful! The dogs are happy, the customers are, too.  And you are making loot, to boot, Heavenly!!

Felines welcome?

Some people may also like the feel of a different type of licking. One done by a very special tongue, a feline’s. Yes, you heard me right.  The sharp razorlike cat tongue treatment may precede the canine licking or happen afterward, whatever the customer wants !  Be sure to let them know that toe chewing or clawing is an extra benefit.

Similarly, tail lashing can happen at the beginning or the end of the process and may or may not be included in the spa treatment. No more than three dog tails are advised at any given time. And if you can train the dogs to wag in sync with one another, the better the effect.

A foot licking salon just might become your American dream. Your ship will have come in. All you need is a few enthusiastic dogs, a comfortable room with relaxing reclining chairs, some soothing music, incense, aromatherapy and/or a few scented candles to set the mood.

Put up a website, invite customers to your Open House and let them try their first treatment free or with a discount.

Your family pets can help earn their keep, utilizing their foot fetishes for good and help you make a small fortune in the foot licking business.

This could be a very lucrative full-time or part-time venture. Whatever floats your boat. And you can charge whatever the traffic will bear.

If you grease the feet with a thin layer of butter and then wrap them doggies (feet) in meat (hot dogs, turkey, sausage, bacon, chicken or deli meat, even spam will do),  the dogs will be motivated to lick longer. Foot licking can be a lot of work for a working hound. I can see the signs… Will work for hot dogs or Hot dogs lapping up the luxury. Creamy peanut butter is another possibility, depending upon the dog. Cheaper than meat, to cut your expenses when you are first starting out.


I would suggest that you call these spa treatments pet therapy for your clients. So they can tell all of their friends and brag about how special it is. Every American loves to prove their high class status and tell their friends and relatives about the new therapy treatment they’ve gotten and the more expensive, the better the therapy. And, soon you will even be writing off your vet bills, butcher and dog food as business expenses. Win win woof.


Your dogs will be pampered and revered. When you relocate to Bev Hills, and Paris Hilton, Doris Day, Betty White and other dog loving celebs jump on the foot licking bandwagon,  you will know that you have ARRIVED. You can also offer these foot licking services as part of a Doggie and Me package, part of your B&B. Also, when your dog has its own cell phone or beeper and Martha Stewart, Animal Planet and/or Oprah ask you to come on their show for a demonstration, your 15 minutes of fame will have begun.

Give the dogs whatever they want so they’ll treat the customers right !

Little yappy dogs may be too pampered and cause too many ego problems. Not showing up for work. Nipping at feet. Big, sloppy or medium dogs may be the best dogs. The kind of dogs that love to please and will lick feet all day long, every day if you let them. Doggie heaven and money too.


You can advertise that your spa is green and eco friendly, too… Dogs cleaning up the planet one foot at  time!


Filed under aromatherapy, au natural dog, B&B's, big dogs welcome, California, canine reflexology, comedy, dog kisses, dog reflexology, dog spa, dog treats, doggie healing center, dogs, eco friendly/green, funny, holistic healing for animals, money, natural health remedies, Oprah, organic, women with dogs, zen dog

dream big doggie dreams…

It can be tough to start up a business… most businesses fail within the first few years and yet many people have the dream of creating their dream doggie business…

Perhaps you are looking for funding for your pet related business and are seeking an angel investor or venture capital… sometimes people max out their credit cards, get business loans from the Small Biz Administration or ask friends and family to help them out.  Not a good idea to mix business and relatives…

I would like to get funds from angel investors to create a doggie day camp and holistic dog healing center. And now that we’ve stayed in a yurt in a campground, I would love to find people who would like to fund my dream.  Perhaps there are others out there who have similar dreams and we can pool our resources.  Hawaii, Calfornia or Oregon coast would be wonderful places for this… Tag, you’re it !

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Filed under dog friendly, dogs, dreams, four paws up, K9 approved, money, mutts, pet care

dog models…



Another way that K9’s can earn their keep is through dog modeling…  this guide shows you how to get started… if you want to show off your dog and earn money…  


someone recently suggested that Cici could become a dog model… I fell down on the floor laughing my butt off… this person obviously has never met my girl Cici… assuming that dog modeling requires a dog to sit or stand still for more than 30 seconds at a time… she does do that on occasion… and that a dog listens and obeys basic commands on cue… hah… need I say more? 


yesterday, I took her out behind the house because she needs exercise… I was happy to let her roam around back there because SHE NEEDS EXERCISE… she sniffed her way over to the neighbor’s house where lo and behold, they have a dog… the dog, Sunshine, was indisposed unfortunately… hurt herself… and was being confined. Me and the neighbor lady chatted while the K9’s whined… Cici was beside herself, barking at me even after we got home… how dare I take her away without letting her play with Sunshine… and then out in the yard, she heard these other dogs down the street in the other direction barking. She kept coming into my room barking at me to take her there immediately… I felt bad for her, wanting to play with some dogs, any dogs, and this really was not a viable option for her… what is a dog mom supposed to do ? 

we will be moving in two weeks and hopefully to a place filled with K9’s … not… at least a place where she can sometimes play with others of her species… 


but I digress from the subject at paw…


animal acting classes
Once you register with the Animal Actors Agency, you will be able to join our STUDIO DOG TRAINING CLASSES, similar to dog acting school, which will increase your dog’s potential as an animal actor.


We are currently NOT accepting any new submissions for 
animal actors. Please check back on our website soon for updates on when 
we will begin to accept submissions.


How much money will my pet make?
Payment to you will be made promptly upon payment to Hollywood Animals. The animal rental fees for dogs, cats and birds vary depending on various aspects: a) how many days the animal is working; b) is the animal highlighted or is it background atmosphere; c) the type of required ; d) how trained your pet is. To give you an example, dog rentals can be anywhere from $50.00 to $300.00 dollars per day.


I’m looking to supplement my income and thought that putting my dog on TV would be the way to go…
The #1 most important reason to get your dog involved in studio work should be that it’s FUN FOR YOU PET! If you are just in it for a buck, you are in it for the wrong reason. Don’t expect to get rich off of your dog doing a few shoots here and there. If your dog or cat is uncomfortable around distractions and becomes distressed around strangers and you are unable to put in the time and patience in overcoming these obstacles, then studio work is not for you.


What Makes a Good Studio Animal?
Basic Obedience – Your pet should have reliable basic obedience. Typical obedience commands include heel/loose-leash walking, sit, down, wait, recall (coming when called) and stay. Proofing all obedience behaviors around distractions and at a distance is key for studio animals.
Environmental Conditioning – Exposing your pet to challenging and interesting environments with stimulating sights, sounds, smells and textures.
Socialization – Exposing your pet to new environments that include interaction with pedestrians, crowds, small children, other dogs, other animals, motor vehicles and machinery. On a set, your pet will be working with trainers and actors and must be able to work with people other than his or her guardian!
AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) or Therapy Dog Guidelines – The requirements for a certified Canine Good Citizen are excellent guidelines for the makings of a good studio dog. Learn all of the exercises required for certification including accepting a friendly stranger, handling by a stranger, walking in crowds, sit and down in place, coming when called, obedience under distraction and supervision by a stranger.


Fifi Dog models… awww, look it’s a Dal… sweet, but do they take mutts and mixed breeds???   oh boy, can you Cici now?




Filed under all you need is a dog, animal stars, animals, belly rubs, CA, California, dog friendly, dogs, dogs around the world, exercise your dog, four paws up, K9 approved, money, mutts, pet care

oprah’s dog Sophie died…

Oprah’s Cocker Spaniel dog Sophie, 13 years old, recently died of kidney failure… sad…now Huffington Post wonders if Oprah’s best friend Gayle King bought her new penthouse ($7 million) with money from Sophie’s Penthouse LLC fund… whatever… not sure what they are implying…how much is that Gayle in the penthouse window,,, the one with the waggedy sky palace? I think that best friends forever can do whatever they want with their money… and if they want to spend $7 million on a house in the sky, why not. Oprah’s Big Give, right… And a place in NYC on 57th and Fifth, sounds good to me… can we visit and bring the dogs whenever we want to ? when Oprah comes to visit Gayle in NYC, does Gayle make room for Oprah’s pooches? enquiring minds wish to know…


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Filed under all you need is a dog, doggie healing center, dogs, money, Oprah

money can buy happiness…

This article outlines studies and research that show when you give to other people, you are happier… give today…

Happy Easter !


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