Tag Archives: k9 solidarity

wild about cici

I get emails from folks wanting me to hawk their products all the time, from dog food to books that have nothing to do with dogs to all sorts of weird and sundry items. A few months ago, someone said they would send me a gift t-shirt but they did not have my size in any of the t-shirts I picked out. Never heard from them again.

So then I get an email from Deborah from Three Dogz products. And I was cranky as usual. But she persevered kindly and invited me to go to her website and pick out a t-shirt that she would send to me as a sample. After going back and forth via email with questions, I finally picked out a color and a saying I liked. She said that she would send along a little something extra, too.

Imagine my surprise then when I received a package that was like dog mom xmas in july… not only did she send me one t-shirt, not two, not three, but FOUR t-shirts, two organic ones, with various sayings, one polka dotty one with Wild About Cici on it, customized, in other words, plus a mouse pad and a matching coffee/tea coaster (smaller one). Plus there was “Just Enough” Paw Print Tissue for gift bags as well as the “Ribbon by the Yard”. “The Wild About Cici” shirt (which comes with a matching doggie shirt) was sent with a matching window decal and a couple of bandanas for Cici so we could match!  Talk about going the extra mile.  Four paws up !

I love her website, too. It is very user friendly and has lots of options to choose from, with a bunch of different colors to sizes to sayings. And all sorts of items. There are even breed specific love t-shirts and products. And t-shirts for doggie dads, too.

And the shirts are nice quality and fit.  Look at this one…

What are you waiting for? Check it out.  And tell Deborah that Cici and I sent you.


I’m just wild about Cici, she’s not being so wild about me, but that’s another story… if/when some time today I can get the most awesome polka dot princess in the universe to wear her bandana and pose for a photo, I will post it right here so that I can utilize the photo for tonight’s Saturday Blog Hop … or not, we shall see… she has not been very cooperative this week…ok here is the bug, best I could do,


anyway, did you hear about the coyote who went into the Quizno’s store in Orange county (near LA)? On the news last night… must have been a boycotting Subway coyote, k9 solidarity !!!

well, Cici, August 1 is her birthday and she will be FIVE YEARS OLD already… created a wish list at Giving Paw if anyone wants to give her a gift, she would love a new collar, leash, bed and so on… thanks !

Now it is time for the Saturday Blog Hop, so here we go, hopping thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions from the Plume and catch the code here


Filed under gift giving, gifts for your dog, pet blog hop, pet care, product review, publicity, Uncategorized, women with dogs, women writers with dogs