Tag Archives: provo

Dear Kisha Curtis… curious minds want to know

Dear Kisha Curtis,

On Friday, you pled not guilty to the charges against you for abusing your dog now known as Patrick.

Animal advocates rally for Patrick the pit bull as former owner pleads ‘not guilty’ | Science update

At the rally I held on Friday in Carmel, a few people who came by cried when they saw and heard what you did to Patrick. They were horrified.

But in your world, according to your statements and your mother’s statements, a plausible adoption method is to leave a LIVE animal tied up to a railing and SOMEONE just comes along and takes the dog off your hands… wow, how easy and convenient for you. No muss no fuss.  You don’t have to feed the dog and You don’t have to be responsible.

well, years ago, here on Planet earth, I worked at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. And what we did was we took really good care of the animals, fed them, gave them lots of water and treats, gave them medical care, played with them, socialized them, trained them and then once a week we would go to Pet Smart and talk to people about adopting the animals. When someone was interested, we’d put them through a process to see if they were a good match, able to be responsible for the animal for life and willing to do what it takes to be a pet parent. If so, they paid a fee and became pet parents.

So now, I have a few questions and comments. Curious minds want to know.

You appeared to be surprised that people are upset with you. Let’s clarify this. Hundreds of thousands of people (maybe millions) around the world have created 60+ Facebook Patrick pages (The Patrick Miracle has 104,000 fans) and created The Patrick Movement when they read about what you did to Patrick. Because we LOVE animals.

Normal people DO NOT starve animals. Celebrities Alyssa Milano, Julie Benz and Eva Longoria have posted, twittered, petitioned and facebooked for STRICTER LAWS and PUNISHMENT against people like yourself who ABUSE ANIMALS.

Eva Longoria Wants Harsher Punishment For Animal Abusers
Eva Longoria and Alyssa Milano have begun their support for an online petition that will call for more severe punishment of those convicted of animal abuse.

Wanna know why?

Because there is a WELL DOCUMENTED connection between people like yourself who abuse animals who ALSO abuse children and people. Plus, we LOVE animals and cannot fathom how someone like yourself could starve an animal to the point of starvation and near death and be all smiley face in court.  Call us crazy.

So how come your story keeps changing?  In one news report I read that you left Patrick tied to the railing for a week. Today, I heard you say it was two days. Which one is it?

You claim that someone gave Patrick to you but you could not take care of Patrick. Why did you not return the dog to that person since you could not take care of the dog or give the dog to someone else who could take care of it?

If you only left Patrick without food and water for a few days or a week, then how come the veterinarian said that Patrick had been STARVED for months?  Do you leave your child without food or water for a week or months?

Did you actually ASK any of your friends, neighbors, relatives to HELP YOU FEED PATRICK or take care of him?  If not why not.

Did you not know that there are ways that you can feed a pet, places where you can get FREE PET FOOD at animal shelters and sometimes even pet stores if/when YOU ARE TRULY INDIGENT?

Have you ever heard of PETS OF THE HOMELESS?  They’re a national organization that actually help FEED PETS (FOR FREE) of people who cannot afford to feed their pets.

From today until May 15, 2011 there is an event for the Patrick Movement folks to donate pet food and feed pets at shelters (animal or homeless) or become collection sites. We crazy animal nuts actually help feed other people’s pets in addition to our own even those of us with limited means FIND WAYS TO FEED PETS (OUR OWN AND OTHER PEOPLE’S).


What do you know, they have FIVE collection sites in New Jersey, none in Newark, ok. there Has to Be One in Newark, NJ asap.


Your defense seems to be that you chose to abandon an innocent dog WHO COULD NOT TAKE CARE OF ITSELF by tying it to the railing outside your apartment hoping SOMEONE other than you would take care of it… who was that magical SOMEONE (I’d like to meet them) and how come several eyewitnesses said that Patrick looked thin months before and was tied to the railing then, too?  Would you leave your child tied up to a railing and hope SOMEONE would come along and take care of your child, too?

How was Patrick supposed to eat, drink and go potty tied up to that railing? Or did you not think about Patrick having to do those normal things that any LIVING BEING has to do when you tied him up and abandoned him?  Did you EVER think about Patrick?

Did you not notice that Patrick looked like a skeleton, that it is NOT NORMAL for a dog to have their bones sticking out of their body because they have not enough flesh to cover the bones?  If not, why not. Do you need glasses? Would you not notice if your child had not enough flesh on their bones?

Truth be told, YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN YOUR WORDS… YOUR ACTIONS tell the world that YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PATRICK, and YOU DID NOT CARE ABOUT PATRICK enough to FEED HIM, and MAKE SURE that he was taken care of as any regular, average, normal person would do. So that is why we cannot fathom what you did.

If I were in Newark or Albany or wherever you are, and I worked for Social Services, I would BE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR CHILD(REN) because obviously your priorities are askew, to say the least.


1. Not in a straight or level position: “the door was hanging askew on one twisted hinge”; “her hat was slightly askew“.
2. Wrong; awry: “the plan went sadly askew“; “outrageous humor with a decidedly askew point of view”.  More »

Was food and drink supposed to come magically down from the sky to take care of the dog left tied to the railing? Oh that’s right,, there was that magical SOMEONE who was supposed to some along to feed and take care of Patrick so that you could move and not have to deal with the dog anymore.

Some place I also read that you had Patrick tied up to the railing for months because the dog bit you. Why do you suppose that the dog bit you? If Patrick bit you maybe he was trying TO GET SOMETHING TO EAT (desperate times desperate measures) because YOU CHOSE NOT TO FEED HIM.

Seems like you have food to eat and drink, plus enough money to buy yourself clothes, hair weaves and make-up, what would you do if your mother left you alone as an infant to fend for yourself, no food, no water, tied up to a railing and strange people just walked on by? Maybe you would cry and hope SOMEONE would stop and take care of you. Eventually, you would die alone in agony if NO ONE did.

Patrick was on the brink of DEATH when he was brought to the hospital. Within a few hours he would have DIED. They did not think that he would live through the night. His temperature did not even register. But a beautiful doctor Lisa B. decided that she did not want Patrick to die unloved and uncared for. She wanted him to die fed, hydrated, caressed by loving hands and told he was a good boy.  So she fought to save his life. And to her surprise, he fought, too and survived. That is all Patrick needed food, water and love. And you could not, would not, did not, and refused to give that to him.

So am really trying to understand how someone could either be so cut off from reality and humanity and/ or intentionally how they could inflict such cruelty to not feed an animal for months and then leave an animal to die like that. Hungry, alone, cold, tormented, afraid.

And am thinking maybe Patrick was so hungry he probably ATE YOUR HAIR WEAVE because YOU CHOSE NOT TO FEED HIM NOR TAKE CARE OF HIM PROPERLY…

Why did you not take Patrick to the local shelter since you were unwilling and/or unable to take care of him INSTEAD OF LEAVING HIM TO THE MERCIES OF SOME MYTHICAL NONEXISTENT BEING TO TAKE CARE OF HIM?

Decent, caring normal regular average people want to know how you could be so irresponsible to an innocent animal and expect us to believe your stories.

Anyone who believes you, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in NYC.

PS: Read the story below. This woman saved two pets lives that WERE NOT EVEN HERS during a fire.



Filed under animal abuse, Patrick, Uncategorized