Tag Archives: patrick the dog

Dear Kisha Curtis… curious minds want to know

Dear Kisha Curtis,

On Friday, you pled not guilty to the charges against you for abusing your dog now known as Patrick.

Animal advocates rally for Patrick the pit bull as former owner pleads ‘not guilty’ | Science update

At the rally I held on Friday in Carmel, a few people who came by cried when they saw and heard what you did to Patrick. They were horrified.

But in your world, according to your statements and your mother’s statements, a plausible adoption method is to leave a LIVE animal tied up to a railing and SOMEONE just comes along and takes the dog off your hands… wow, how easy and convenient for you. No muss no fuss.  You don’t have to feed the dog and You don’t have to be responsible.

well, years ago, here on Planet earth, I worked at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. And what we did was we took really good care of the animals, fed them, gave them lots of water and treats, gave them medical care, played with them, socialized them, trained them and then once a week we would go to Pet Smart and talk to people about adopting the animals. When someone was interested, we’d put them through a process to see if they were a good match, able to be responsible for the animal for life and willing to do what it takes to be a pet parent. If so, they paid a fee and became pet parents.

So now, I have a few questions and comments. Curious minds want to know.

You appeared to be surprised that people are upset with you. Let’s clarify this. Hundreds of thousands of people (maybe millions) around the world have created 60+ Facebook Patrick pages (The Patrick Miracle has 104,000 fans) and created The Patrick Movement when they read about what you did to Patrick. Because we LOVE animals.

Normal people DO NOT starve animals. Celebrities Alyssa Milano, Julie Benz and Eva Longoria have posted, twittered, petitioned and facebooked for STRICTER LAWS and PUNISHMENT against people like yourself who ABUSE ANIMALS.

Eva Longoria Wants Harsher Punishment For Animal Abusers
Eva Longoria and Alyssa Milano have begun their support for an online petition that will call for more severe punishment of those convicted of animal abuse.

Wanna know why?

Because there is a WELL DOCUMENTED connection between people like yourself who abuse animals who ALSO abuse children and people. Plus, we LOVE animals and cannot fathom how someone like yourself could starve an animal to the point of starvation and near death and be all smiley face in court.  Call us crazy.

So how come your story keeps changing?  In one news report I read that you left Patrick tied to the railing for a week. Today, I heard you say it was two days. Which one is it?

You claim that someone gave Patrick to you but you could not take care of Patrick. Why did you not return the dog to that person since you could not take care of the dog or give the dog to someone else who could take care of it?

If you only left Patrick without food and water for a few days or a week, then how come the veterinarian said that Patrick had been STARVED for months?  Do you leave your child without food or water for a week or months?

Did you actually ASK any of your friends, neighbors, relatives to HELP YOU FEED PATRICK or take care of him?  If not why not.

Did you not know that there are ways that you can feed a pet, places where you can get FREE PET FOOD at animal shelters and sometimes even pet stores if/when YOU ARE TRULY INDIGENT?

Have you ever heard of PETS OF THE HOMELESS?  They’re a national organization that actually help FEED PETS (FOR FREE) of people who cannot afford to feed their pets.

From today until May 15, 2011 there is an event for the Patrick Movement folks to donate pet food and feed pets at shelters (animal or homeless) or become collection sites. We crazy animal nuts actually help feed other people’s pets in addition to our own even those of us with limited means FIND WAYS TO FEED PETS (OUR OWN AND OTHER PEOPLE’S).


What do you know, they have FIVE collection sites in New Jersey, none in Newark, ok. there Has to Be One in Newark, NJ asap.


Your defense seems to be that you chose to abandon an innocent dog WHO COULD NOT TAKE CARE OF ITSELF by tying it to the railing outside your apartment hoping SOMEONE other than you would take care of it… who was that magical SOMEONE (I’d like to meet them) and how come several eyewitnesses said that Patrick looked thin months before and was tied to the railing then, too?  Would you leave your child tied up to a railing and hope SOMEONE would come along and take care of your child, too?

How was Patrick supposed to eat, drink and go potty tied up to that railing? Or did you not think about Patrick having to do those normal things that any LIVING BEING has to do when you tied him up and abandoned him?  Did you EVER think about Patrick?

Did you not notice that Patrick looked like a skeleton, that it is NOT NORMAL for a dog to have their bones sticking out of their body because they have not enough flesh to cover the bones?  If not, why not. Do you need glasses? Would you not notice if your child had not enough flesh on their bones?

Truth be told, YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN YOUR WORDS… YOUR ACTIONS tell the world that YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PATRICK, and YOU DID NOT CARE ABOUT PATRICK enough to FEED HIM, and MAKE SURE that he was taken care of as any regular, average, normal person would do. So that is why we cannot fathom what you did.

If I were in Newark or Albany or wherever you are, and I worked for Social Services, I would BE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR CHILD(REN) because obviously your priorities are askew, to say the least.


1. Not in a straight or level position: “the door was hanging askew on one twisted hinge”; “her hat was slightly askew“.
2. Wrong; awry: “the plan went sadly askew“; “outrageous humor with a decidedly askew point of view”.  More »

Was food and drink supposed to come magically down from the sky to take care of the dog left tied to the railing? Oh that’s right,, there was that magical SOMEONE who was supposed to some along to feed and take care of Patrick so that you could move and not have to deal with the dog anymore.

Some place I also read that you had Patrick tied up to the railing for months because the dog bit you. Why do you suppose that the dog bit you? If Patrick bit you maybe he was trying TO GET SOMETHING TO EAT (desperate times desperate measures) because YOU CHOSE NOT TO FEED HIM.

Seems like you have food to eat and drink, plus enough money to buy yourself clothes, hair weaves and make-up, what would you do if your mother left you alone as an infant to fend for yourself, no food, no water, tied up to a railing and strange people just walked on by? Maybe you would cry and hope SOMEONE would stop and take care of you. Eventually, you would die alone in agony if NO ONE did.

Patrick was on the brink of DEATH when he was brought to the hospital. Within a few hours he would have DIED. They did not think that he would live through the night. His temperature did not even register. But a beautiful doctor Lisa B. decided that she did not want Patrick to die unloved and uncared for. She wanted him to die fed, hydrated, caressed by loving hands and told he was a good boy.  So she fought to save his life. And to her surprise, he fought, too and survived. That is all Patrick needed food, water and love. And you could not, would not, did not, and refused to give that to him.

So am really trying to understand how someone could either be so cut off from reality and humanity and/ or intentionally how they could inflict such cruelty to not feed an animal for months and then leave an animal to die like that. Hungry, alone, cold, tormented, afraid.

And am thinking maybe Patrick was so hungry he probably ATE YOUR HAIR WEAVE because YOU CHOSE NOT TO FEED HIM NOR TAKE CARE OF HIM PROPERLY…

Why did you not take Patrick to the local shelter since you were unwilling and/or unable to take care of him INSTEAD OF LEAVING HIM TO THE MERCIES OF SOME MYTHICAL NONEXISTENT BEING TO TAKE CARE OF HIM?

Decent, caring normal regular average people want to know how you could be so irresponsible to an innocent animal and expect us to believe your stories.

Anyone who believes you, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in NYC.

PS: Read the story below. This woman saved two pets lives that WERE NOT EVEN HERS during a fire.



Filed under animal abuse, Patrick, Uncategorized

the world is watching the live rally for Patrick in NJ online

Kisha Curtis live on TV … Patrick was starved for at least a month according to GSVS doc… she moved to Albany and left Patrick for two days, if you believe her, I have a bridge to sell you…


watch it here:


we want Justice for Patrick….

someone said that Kisha Curtis pled not guilty, left and then she will be tried in a couple of weeks.

Update ~Pics will be posted on various pages (including here).

Keisha entered via the front door (w/her mom) ~ saw everyone assembled. Probably opted for another exit b/cause the crowd had increased.

The plea was “not guilty” ~ next court date is June 2.

Captain Yokum was not there but the arresting officer from NJ SPCA was.

1,200 people all around the world watched the video, Sweden, England, Canada, Scotland, France, Australia, NC, SC, Illinois, Ohio, California, Minnesota, Louisiana, New Mexico and more…


Later today at noon we are having a Patrick rally and adoption event with Animal Friends Pet Rescue (PG) in Carmel in front of the Pet Food Express store on Rio Road.  Public is welcome to attend.

here is what news media said:


also on the Patrick news front, MUST READ:



Filed under animal abuse, Patrick

will the real cyberbully stalking PM’s on Facebook please stand up

Attention: ONLY Official and Ultimutt National Movement Followers May Enter and Read My Blog. NO Spies Allowed.

We know you snuck in somehow. Shoo shoo shoo shoo flies. If you do not stand straight curtsy, know the secret paw shake and forget to kiss the Queen’s paw ring, OUT I say OUT ! (Only kidding on this blog, we do not discriminate, ban, delete or make you feel bad and call you names nor harass nor stalk you based on how you breathe, talk or if the Queen is having a bad hair day…

If you MUST visit the Queen, QUICK HOP ON A PLANE and GO TO ENGLAND.  Hurry Hurry the Royals are having a BIG To Do Soon and You Must Learn the Proper Petiquette and Protocols.

Ok, now that that bit of nonsense is out of the way… I am here to say this, as my Official Statement, as it were since I stand accused, so here I must confess my Deep Dark Secret… ta da… are you ready?

I have NO IDEA how to stalk anyone’s Private Messages on Facebook… sorry, if you want me to skulk around and stalk you, I don’t have a clue HOW to do it.  I have no aliases, no admins, and no time for all this BS… Cici and I are recovering from our recent ORDEAL and having a Sleep A Thon, 12 hours a day and night ZZZZZZZZ…

But, I find it morally repugnant to VIOLATE other people’s private conversations so alas I must speak UP.

The accuser who points at me shows us that she is the one doing the stalking of me and others with her proof against me. And if she adds/shows more of the conversation below, that would only be further proof of her stalking us. A criminal offense which WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW.

there is NO proof of my stalking anyone, because I’ve been busy planning a rally, creating a pet food bank and taking care of my puppy with nine lives. Also, making some wonderful new friends. The someone who accused me DOES stalk people online. And is very busy accusing and pointing fingers all the while skulking around and stalking others at all hours of the day and night… in between harassing and bashing people who two weeks ago were her friends. In two more weeks, those she claims to be her good buddies today will no doubt be banned, deleted and banished too.

I have been told that she complained via two blog posts to her 21 followers on blogger and told approx. 900 followers on twitter to get facebook pages shut down… and claims that without her there would be no Patricks Movement… in a sense that is true, everyone saw the abuse taking place on her page that has finally been shut down, thank you to all who got that job done, and ran over to the Patrick Miracle page which brought Patrick to our attention originally and then created a National Movement TO GET THE ANIMALS MUCH NEEDED ASSISTANCE… because it was obvious that NOTHING but name calling, banning and deleting and issuing proclamations (like that one in the Harry Potter movie, Dolores somebody who tortured Harry) was going on over there at her page, and began creating 100+ Facebook pages with people working together in each state and across state lines, creating rallies, posting updates, doing petitions, writing to the Prosecutors, doing a Give a Gift From Patrick weekend and helping other Patricks… ie, people have been carrying on JUST FINE without her and CREATING RESULTS, NOT spending all of their time, skulking, stalking, harassing and HURLING ACCUSATIONS AT EVERYONE ad nauseum ad infinitum… ho hum, same old, lame old.

below is a PRIVATE message between myself and Adria Castro, at 3 a.m. one morning, we were discussing the LA rally on May 6 and other info… It was a PRIVATE conversation…at 3 a.m. in the morning…

would you have a clue how to barge into someone else’s PRIVATE conversation on Facebook?  would you have the audacity to be poking around loitering and listening in on others PRIVATE conversations?

what was she doing stalking us at 3 a.m. in the morning????   totally creeped us both out and WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

here is the proof of her stalking me and Adria at 3.am.

  • Adria Castro
    • They don’t accept emails 😦:( I think
  • Adria Castro

    April 15

    Adria Castro

    • she is psycho
      • Rachel Wolf

        April 15
        Rachel Wolf
        • 🙂 Hi
      • Adria Castro

        April 15

        Adria Castro

        • Good then you you know that your welcomed at our rally 🙂:)

(I did not even know what a PM was until someone told me it was a Private Message).  screen shots, are those like jello shots???

WHO skulks around stalking people and interrupting their PRIVATE conversations at 3 am or any time????

Who has the time, audacity and motivation to poke around, barge into and VIOLATE people’s PRIVATE messages?

You know who I am talking about and you know her page that was just shut down.  I quote the very well said video, soon she will get mad at Patrick the dog too. Crossing the LINE.

Who has the time and energy it takes to find out all of her aliases, admins, and spies to block them all to Kingdom come.???  After the stalking incident, I did learn how to block those I found out about but who can keep up with all of that surreptitious activity????

By the way, in case anyone else wants TO BE DONE and block her, I’ve been told that Kevin King is another one of her fake profiles…She set it up so that it can’t be reported… I saw that there were a bunch of them, God Save Me from the Queen. A little bit of Cici’s DIVINE CANINE PROTECTION please.

I liked the Facebook Glitches page, did not know what it was, then suggested that they  block her and then I unliked that page, too.

Creepier than creepy.

What a waste of time taking energy and focus away from the animals who are abused and need our help.

A big useless distraction and energy drain… As Obama just said in regard to the birthers, we DO NOT have time for this.

If she were not so mean, it would be sad. really really sad. To be made fun of and have made enemies out of people who could have been friends and allies. To not be able to distinguish the difference.


Go look at her blog…I will NOT post a link here and

if you enjoy being bullied and harrassed and told what to do, stay there and worship the Queen

or go to the Patricks Movement blog (link below)

observe the Obvious Difference…

whining, accusing, blaming and bragging with NOTHING to show for it


teamwork, getting things DONE for the animals and Creating Results… and JOIN US !



Write and Petition your legislators non-stop the Week of May 2, 2011. The beginning of Be Kind to Animals Week and leading up to the trial May 6, 2011.  Each state design a petition or letter addressed to that state’s legislators citing that state’s specific issues of animal advocacy.


and Roxanne or someone, please get cici and me to the nearest halfway house for dog mamas and their puppies. Thanks.


Filed under animal abuse, Patrick, Uncategorized, women with dogs

Let my Patrick Go (Home)

Ok, Cici says, Silly Humans, What are you all fighting about now… ALL dogs deserve to be loved, pampered polka dot princesses/princes. And especially if they’ve been mistreated, abused, starved, neglected, and/or abandoned, they should get extra special treats and fun in their lives. And if you are a pit bull, you’re more than likely been given a bad rap and been treated badly. So, you need a real, true, loyal companion for life. A nice home. A bunch of bones. And some lizards to stalk, squirrels to chase, and grass to roll around in. Simple. Basic dog 101 stuff.

Why cannot humans behave and STOP fighting over Patrick, she asks me as only a canine can do.

Good question.

I am disgusted and dishartened by the comments made about Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter and everyones claim to know “whats best for Patrick” you all need to step back and look at yourselves and what your saying … BASHING the very people who saved him…. SHAME ON YOU! You all make your own judgements as to why they are doing what they are with NO basis….

Now, let’s have a POP quiz about Patrick to see if you truly are a Patrick fan.

who is Patrick?

How did he get named Patrick?

What is the name of his owner?

Where is he now?

How much does he weigh?

When will he have surgery and why?

When will his owner go to trial and where?

Is there a law named after Patrick?

Who is AHS and GSVS?

Where is Patrick’s furrever home?

Good questions, and the last one is the Question of the Day. If you are a faithful and loyal member of the Patrick’s Movement, or an obsessed Patrick fan, follower, pal or miracle watcher, then you know all of the answers to the above. If not, you can catch up here below.

Ok so back to Why are people fighting over Patrick today?


clarifying this situation. It had seemed to me oh no, not another drama about Patrick. Another day, another people drama about Patrick. Now I understand why people are upset. Also, because of a twitter conversation with the Patrick Movement-Maryland, sorry I don’t know your name. I also think Best Friends and BadRap should weigh in on this since they took in many of the Vicktory dogs and had a gag order to deal with for a long time, too where they were not able to talk about the dogs. I used to work at Best Friends and also think that if Patrick cannot be adopted (REALLY HOPE HE CAN BE by the GSVS staff member who has stepped forward), then Best Friends would be a good place for him. Still, it is not a home, I pray Patrick has THE BEST POSSIBLE FURREVER HOME. He certainly deserves all the love, care and training and fun a loving family will give him.

Moving on to our rally on May 6.  Animal Friends Pet Rescue and Patricks Pet Food Bank in Seaside/Pets of the Homeless are hosting a rally and adoption event on May 6, 2011 at noon in the Crossroads Shopping Center, on Rio Road in front of the Pet Food Express. May 6 is the date Patrick’s owner Kisha Curtis is going on trial for abandoning, starving, neglecting and abusing him ( throwing him down a garbage chute in New Jersey on St. Patrick’s Day (hence his name).  He was found by two maintenance workers, brought to AHS, barely alive, a skeleton weighing 20 pounds. He now weighs 36 pounds and just had surgery this week. He was neutered, had his teeth cleaned and also had a hair mass removed from his tummy, that had been lodged in his intestine. He has been lovingly cared for by the good folks at GSVS Hospital.

We are holding this event in solidarity with all of the Patrick Movement rallies across the nation and virtually online on that date.

Pet lovers and the public are welcome to attend. The doggies will be sporting green bandanas in Patrick’s honor. Please wear green, too. We will be providing doggies for adoption, music for dogs, a raffle, information about adoption and abused animals, as well as goodies (baked goods).

If you’d like to donate pet food to Patrick’s pet food bank, adopt a pet, or  to help us at the rally, please give me a call or email me. Thanks for your generous support.  Below is our flyer.

flyer for rally


Filed under animal abuse, animal rescue, badrap, Best Friends, California, Carmel, Pacific Grove, Patrick, pit bull, Uncategorized

green pet first aid kit

Happy Earth Dog Day… there is another controversy brewing about Patrick… oh geez. Apparently, AHS wants to take Patrick away from GSVS and get him into a foster home to be socialized and trained. But people are concerned that he is loved by and wanted to be adopted by a GSVS staffer who knows him. It seems like another day, another drama. Why ?  Poor Patrick. Just let him be, adopted and be loved by the GSVS staffer and trained and socialized by a behavioral specialist or trainer. Sheesh… First he was unwanted and thrown away. Now he is wanted by everyone and not always for the right reasons. Stop Fighting Over Him.

Here’s more clarification about this issue:


A quick Patrick update from GSVS Pet Hospital: Patrick is out of surgery, in recovery. The procedures went great! Dr. Jason Pintar removed a long flat hair mass from Patrick’s stomach using a video endoscopic procedure while Patrick was under anesthesia. He lassoed the object & extracted it out of Patrick’s mouth. After that, Dr. Michael Hoelzler performed Patrick’s neutering procedure which was accomplished without any problems.  My note: The object inside Patrick was a mass of hair, perhaps a hair weave.  Our boy now weighs 36 pounds and is recovering nicely.

Happy Earth Dog Day, what are You doing today for Your Earth dog???


Life can be unpredictable. Sometimes it’s in delightful ways… like finding $20 in your pocket or getting upgraded from coach to first class for a 9-hour transatlantic flight. But if your luck is more likely to elicit cries of “No, no, no, no, no!” rather than fist-pumps and high fives.

And you and your furry friend find yourself confronting one of life’s less joyous surprises, like an unexpected insect sting, tree splinter or animal bite, you can stick it to the fickle hand of fate with Pet Portables’ Pet First Aid Kit. The outside may be small, but like Mary Poppin’s purse it’s packed full of useful first aid items to prevent an otherwise easily treated injury from turning into a sirens blazing medical emergency. Containing everything from styptic powder to iodine wipes, soap towelettes to latex gloves, the Pet First Aid Kit is like a mini emergency vet’s office (lab coat sold separately), that will keep your pet happy and healthy until the scales tip towards a good surprise.

Who knows… maybe there’s a field full of mouth-watering rawhide chews just past that Guinness-World-Record setting tick hive. Improbable? Yes. Impossible? Well, we don’t want to crush Fido’s dreams, so let’s just say that with Pet Portables’ Pet First Aid Kit, you’ll be prepared.

Pet Portables’ Pet First Aid Kit contains:

  • 1 bottle styptic powder (toenail bleeding)
  • 1 pair latex gloves (personal protection)
  • 2 pvp Iodine wipes (sterilization)
  • 2 insect sting wipes (apply to bites/stings)
  • 2 2″x2″ gauze pads (apply to wounds)
  • 1 pair scissors (trim hair and cut bandage tape)
  • 2 antiseptic towelettes (clean wound/hands)
  • 3 cotton swabs (apply ointment/creams)
  • 2 green soap towelettes (clean wounds/hands)
  • 1 plastic tweezers (splinter/tick removal)
  • 1 1″ x 5yd. coflex (secure bandage)
  • 1 pet care card and CPR card
  • 1 pet kit case

This is a Barking Deal, but only less than a day left to grab it, $10 for the above kit.  FREE SHIPPING.


Now, I would be remiss if I did not mention that Cici and I have a more holistic approach to a Pet First Aid Kit.

First, Roxanne Hawn suggests how to prepare an emergency pet food supply


Here are other items you might find useful to keep on hand just in case.

Healing cream Dr. Harvey’s

Dr. Harvey’s Organic is a combination of healing herbs in a base of organic shea butter. This cream is used for minor skin irritations, hot spots, rashes, cuts, sunburn and itching. It is gentle and and completely non-toxic so that if an animal licks the cream it will not harm them.

Young Living Essential Oils Pet First Aid Kit
•    Thieves essential oil blend
•    Melrose essential oil blend
•    Di-Gize essential oil blend
•    Purification essential oil blend
•    Raven essential oil blend
•    M-Grain essential oil blend
•    R.C. essential oil blend
•    PanAway essential oil blend
•    Peace & Calming essential oil blend
•    Palo Santo essential oil blend
•    AnimalScents Shampoo
•    AnimalScents Pet Ointment


Insect Repellant Spray

Whether for dogs, cats or horses, YL oils can provide a natural insect repellant for both pets and owner’s. To make a spray you will need the following:

one 14 oz. spray bottle (a 4oz. size is nice for traveling and hikes)

15-20 drops of either Purification or Palo Santo (use 4-8 drops in a 4oz. bottle)(Palo Santo may be too strong smelling for cats)

Fill spray bottle 7/8 the way full with distilled water (tap or spring water is also fine). Add essential oils, shake and spray – put your hand over the eye area, you don’t want to get essential oils in the eyes! Tip: you will want to give your spray bottle a bit of a shake before using to disperse the essential oils in the water.

Bach Flower’s Pet Rescue Remedy

Pets Have Emotions too.

Rescue® Remedy can be used for an immediate calming effect in any stressful situation, or when your pet needs help overcoming a variety of emotional or behavioral problems.

Rescue Remedy Pet can be used for an immediate calming effect in any stressful situation, or when your pet needs help overcoming a variety of emotional or behavioral problems. Appropriate usage times include:

• Visits to the vet
• Fear of loud noises (fireworks, thunderstorms, etc)
• Excessive barking or hissing
• Shock, trauma or mistreatment
• Adapting to loss of companion
• Separation anxiety
• Adapting to new surroundings (home, kennel, stable, etc.)
• Obsessive cleanliness
• Constant licking or nibbling of self
Pet Chart of other Bach Flower Essences, useful for various situations.

Cici and I find Bach Flowers a Life Saver… calms pets down asap (humans, too)…

Rescue Remedy Pet Dosage:
4 drops, given several times a day.

Music CD Calm Canine, Through a Dogs Ear

Earthbath Natural Grooming Wipes Hypo-Allergenic Wipes

also their waterless shampoo, for dogs that love to get stinky

and a list of other useful items:

  • Absorbent compresses/gauze sponges, assorted sizes
  • Adhesive tape, hypoallergenic
  • Clean cloths
  • Cold pack: to reduce swelling or pain
  • Contact information for your veterinarian
  • Contact information of the nearest emergency veterinary clinic
  • Contact information for the ASPCA Poison Control Center
  • Cotton swabs
  • Digital rectal thermometer (non-mercury/non-glass): to find out if your pet is running a fever
  • E-collar: available in a variety of sizes, this opaque or clear plastic, cone-shaped protector attaches to your pet’s collar and can be found at veterinary clinics and pet stores. Prevents your pet from accessing a wound or injury
  • Emergency blanket: to wrap around injured pet, carry an injured pet and provide warmth
  • Eyedropper: to dispense liquid medication or clean superficial wounds
  • Gauze pads, sterile: for cleaning wounds
  • Gloves (disposable, non-latex): to help protect you and keep the wound sanitary
  • Glucose paste or corn syrup (for diabetic dogs or dogs with low blood sugar)
  • Hand cleansing wipes
  • Hydrogen peroxide, 3 percent: to clean a wound
  • Isopropyl rubbing alcohol wipes: to sterilize items such as scissors or tweezers
  • Nail clippers (sized for your dog’s nails)
  • Oral syringe (baby dose size)
  • Rags or rubber tubing: to use as a tourniquet
  • Roll adhesive tape (hypoallergenic)
  • Roll cohesive bandage, 3 inch width (stretches and clings to itself)
  • Roll cotton gauze rolls, 2 inch width: to wrap around wounds
  • Scissors: for cutting hair and bandages (blunt end)
  • Soft muzzle: to prevent your pet from biting you or chewing on an injury while in pain
  • Slip-style leash
  • Special medications needed by your pet
  • Sterile eye lubricant
  • Sterile gauze pads (non-adherent, assorted sizes)
  • Sterile saline eye wash
  • Sterile, water-based lubricating jelly
  • Sting relief wipes
  • Styptic powder (to stop bleeding)
  • Towel
  • Triple antibiotic ointment
  • Tweezers: for removing objects such as splinters or ticks from skin or paws
  • Eyewash
    Eyebright Solution
    Hydrogen peroxide
    Rubbing Alcohol

Supplements, vitamins, and any medication, homeopathic remedies that you regularly use.

Last but not least, eco friendly pet waste bags. For Earth Day, for every day.

I vote for the plucky lil ducky over at Life with Dogs … no bunnies have to hop hop hop during this Blog Hop, catch the code…


Filed under animal rescue, au natural dog, bach flower remedy, bathing your dog, dog health, dog reflexology, doggie healing center, dogs, Don't worry be happy, ear infection, eco friendly/green, holistic healing for animals, holistic vet, itchy red ears, music for dogs, natural cures for ringworm, natural health remedies, organic, pet care, pet travel, self help, Uncategorized

Give a Gift From Patrick weekend

URGENT:  Foster homes needed in NJ, Greene County asap, due to storm,https://www.facebook.com/notes/greene-county-nc-animal-shelter/state-of-emergency/205438132811755


Thank you John and Coty from ThePatrickMiracle facebook page

You are the best!

To All: Rainy day coming here in New Jersey. Perfect day to write the Judge who will be handling Patrick’s case and let your feelings be known. Capt
May 6, 2011 / 0900 hours
New Courts Building
West Market Street
Newark NJ 07102
…Honorable Judge Sherry Hutchins-Henderson
Defendant : Kisha C. Curtis

from France The Patrick Miracle Communauté de soutien

Now please go to your local shelter with a gift of your time, donate food, volunteer whatever and tell them that Patrick sent you… and if they don’t know who he is, tell them.


Time: ‎9:00AM Friday, April 15th to Sunday, April 17, 2011

It is the Blog the Change today… See what other causes pet bloggers are supporting…


It is the regular Saturday Blog Hop, no bunnies were harmed with this hop so please adopt a bunny rabbit for Easter from your local shelter, adopt a dog, adopt a cat from your local shelter,  thanks to Life with Dogs, here’s the code… Hop Hop Hop…


Filed under animal abuse, bigotry against dogs, blog the change, breed specific laws, end dog racism, Patrick, pay it forward, Uncategorized

Where do naughty dogs go?

To the pound…

dum dum dum… oh no !!! (building suspense)…

but first a HOT breaking news story, about the pup heard round the world…


Sweet Patrick in ALL the papers now and on TV this weekend… NOW online

must watch patrick on tv online now http://vimeo.com/22128807


and this next weekend is Give a Gift to your Local Shelter for Patrick…  (info below)…

to err is human to forgive divine canine, with sweet brown eyes…


a story of sadness and triumph

by Amy Brigham

who speaks Pig Latin, Jibberish, Dog, French, Venetian, Martian and American English. A feisty, outspoken and dedicated animal lover with an open heart (and really good taste in dogs and writers).

Yesterday, my best friend went missing. I let him outside to go potty and he vanished! I found a place in the fence where he could have squeezed out of.  I did the usual thing a mother does, when one of her family members runs away, I called the cops * LOL* Dog Cops as I refer to them.

No luck. I left a message to please call if anyone brought him in… Nothing….

So I spent hours driving around calling him, crying, praying , looking for signs of my baby. Nothing…

I tried to think positive, knowing that in my small neighborhood, someone probably picked him up and took him home* He grows on you like that!  I figured if this was the case, as soon as they let him out to potty, he would make a run for it! ( Happened before right?)

After I didn’t hear from the Shelter, I started thinking the worst… he got hit by a car… someone grabbed him up and is doing terrible things to him…* sick what this world has come to…. It saddens me beyond words that this is the REALITY of the way things are.

After spending the past three weeks literally glued to the computer, witnessing the Patrick horror and hundreds of thousands of other unspeakable acts that are committed on animals every second of every day throughout the world, it’s difficult NOT to think the worst.

So this is my revelation. I have spent every moment of every day since March 25th 2011 on FaceBook.

Starting a Wyoming state Patrick’s Movement, witnessing the Patrick’s Law charade. Crying out about DOING things to make a difference, to bring forth a long overdue change.

Key stroke after key stoke,,, Blah Blah Blah…

Back to the doggie Lost/Found madness. My Buddy was picked up by the Dog cops and spent the night in the pokey! Can you say GROUNDED!?

He is no worse for wear but now has a criminal record!

While I was standing at the counter, bonding my little criminal out of doggy jail, I asked Officer Jassek of the Gillette Animal Control\Shelter if they had been following Patrick’s story… “ No” she shook her head.  Here’s where my jaw hit the floor! How is it humanly possible that no one in this shelter has heard Patrick’s story????? REALLY??

So I began to tell them all about Patrick, the dog from New Jersey.

They were all busy inputting the newest arrivals into the system, bonding out the innocent, and getting their day started( at 1 PM) My voice became a drone, white noise in the background…. UNTIL….

I said, I’d like to make a cash donation to your shelter on behalf of PATRICK… funny how the mention of the almighty dollar snaps people to attention…..

Now Intrigued, they all listened….

Chapter 2… The saga continues….

While at the shelter, I learned some information I did not even know… I guess in my HOURS of research, I neglected to discover that Animal Cruelty is a FELONY now, in my Fine state… * YAY WYOMING!!!!!

I did not know this and was embarrassed for not knowing… How can I run a page representing my State and NOT know this? The law just passed last year.  In my defense, I’ve been a tad preoccupied as of late… Covert spy convoys, private research, and delusions of justice are all time consuming.

But I digress…

So Back to the shelter…

On May 7th there will be a low cost rabies clinic, and I will be setting up a table at the clinic to Promote Animal awareness in my community. This is going to be my contribution to my community. I am hoping to get the local newspaper to write an article this week. No strike that. I WILL get the newspaper to write an article.

I will have a flyer with Patrick’s story… The dog that inspired a nation!

I am creating more bumper stickers to hand out “Don’t delay Spay Today” and “ Dogs are cuter when you neuter.” In my honest opinion the less unwanted animals we have in this world, the less are neglected and abused. I have always had a firm opinion on spay and neutering. STOP BREEDING. This upsets those who breed and sell dogs for a living, tough!

I am following my beautiful friend Jestine’s lead and promoting “ Pay it “Forward for Patrick” in my community!  (Paw it Forward)…

More info on that to follow shortly.

I have also volunteered my time at the shelter for whatever they need me to do. It’s the very least I can do, and it will get my butt off the computer!

In closing, I must say goodbye to Patrick’s Law of Burbankrupt California. The bullies behind Patrick’s Law, who try to divert attention away from Patrick and to profit from his tragedy will be seen in the light of day for who they are by all those who have eyes and ears to see and hear what is true.

Now I can separate from my Pack and walk away feeling like I have REALLY made a difference, I will be using my time from now on to make a change for the better… One step at a time… DOING… not SAYING..

Thank you Patrick the pit bull for changing my life in the most dramatic and heartfelt way. I’m so sorry you had to suffer to make the world see what we needed to see. Keep fighting for your life, sweetie. And know We’ve all got your back!



Amy’s adorable bad boy…

It’s the usual Saturday Blog Hop, here’s the code, thanks to our hosts Confessions of the Plume, Life with Dogs and Two Little Cavaliers … Somehow there is other code but it did not come out right so back to the way I usually do the code…

Give your Local Shelter a Gift from Patrick…

Friday, April 15 at 9:00am – April 17 at 9:00pm


Created By

More Info
I would like to urge all the Patrick fans to go to their local shelters this next weekend. It’ll be one month since Patrick was found. Go out and purchase anything ~ a bag or can of food, a toy ~ OR take some old towels/blankets. It doesn’t have to cost you anything but money is always welcomed. Think about telling his story in an attached note or card and just say, “THIS IS A GIFT FROM PATRICK.”

Let all this outpouring of love spread out to dogs and cats in need!! There are so many. Even better, if you’ve been considering adoption, that weekend might be a good time. Do it in the name of those who have been neglected, abused, and thrown away!!



Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animal abuse, animal rescue, animal stars, canine cuteness, dog travel, Don't worry be happy, four paws up, gift giving, guest blog, Patrick, pay it forward, pet adoption, pet care, pet travel, pit bull, Uncategorized, women with dogs

Patrick’s Law/Movement Who?

Update:  NJ just posted this: The Patrick Movement for NJ
Please I ask anyone who is targeting the “Patrick’s Law” page to please STOP we are not doing Patrick ANY GOOD by fighting … Rachel in turn will ask that all the PL people stop reporting us as well…We are all here for the same thing!! .. I ask all state pages to repost this.

After this was posted RW/PL went on another rampage and deleted, banned, blocked and ‘fired’ one of her admins for putting up a pic badge with the word Movement on it.

Read more about serial cyberbullies here…


All good and fine and bullies who threaten others should be outted. We should have zero tolerance for people who abuse others. Personally, I had a meeting, was supposed to yesterday with someone in my community. She flaked and did not have the decency to cancel respectfully. Today, she posted a flyer for her bakery about Patrick. Clearly, not in this for Patrick but publicity for her bakery. We were going to work together in our area but apparently, she chose to go it alone for her own sake not Patrick’s. Too bad.


Correction to the article above: There are 100+ facebook pages, not 60, including England, Canada, France, Italy, and Venezuela.

Wrote in a previous post about the Patrick’s Law / Patrick Movement where there seemed to be a lot of bickering going on instead of focusing on the job at hand, helping animals, giving voice to Patrick and his pals and getting stricter laws passed and enforced.

Below is some of what Cici and I have been able to sniff out with concrete proof to back up statements and found out that 100’s of people have had concerns about Patrick’s Law.  What bothers Cici and I is the diluting and tainting of the power of people coming together for ONE CAUSE in ONE Voice… and making us animal lovers look like the crazy people some people think we are. As we pibble lovers and owners know all too well, this is NOT GOOD for the animals.

New article points out that laws against animal cruelty are at the state level not federal, as well as more allegations about Patrick’s Law… last time we checked Patrick’s Law a few days ago, they were encouraging people to write to the White House, getting people to spin wheels instead of doing the work at the state levels.  Also, they are apparently on another rampage of deleting pages, Wyoming, Pennsylvania and Florida. People need to STAND UP and report her abuses. Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf???




Clarification: There are thousands of people wanting to be involved and to do something. Some were all basically put off and on hold waiting for one woman, Rachel Wolf, who claims to be THE founder/voice ONLY one to speak about Patrick’s Law and to tell everyone else what to do. And seemingly wanting the spotlight focused solely upon herself instead of Patrick and all of the animals abused.

IMPORTANT: Patrick’s Law is apparently planning to sell merchandise with Patrick’s image and name on it. And there are also others trying to make money off of Patrick’s image including Patrick’s Law who will be donating the money to wherever they want to…not to the hospital nor to the American Humane people. In other words, not to Patrick’s care.

Currently on the PL facebook page, “We are coming up on 50,000 followers rather quickly, and we’re just getting started! Also, your patience and trust is greatly appreciated as we are getting this organization, well, organized! 😉 We cannot wait for the day, when you can all proudly sport Official Merchandise!”


Official Merchandise??? I also became uncomfortable the other day when PL was asking for people to get the word out about PL to all the morning/day talk show tv and media not Patrick.

Donate to the American Humane Societies Rescue Fund or your local shelter. And/or please adopt a local dog or cat in honor of Patrick. Start a pet food bank or donate to one.



one of the comments:

You are CORRECT! Rachel Wolf Is a self boasting, self promoting Ego maniac! Two days after she started her facebook site, there were hundreds of people offering to help HER, She deleted all links posted on her page to valuable information, ( gathering the info for her personal web site) when people questioned her she banned them from her page she and her admins delete ALL posts questioning her motives. Many of those people offering help, branched off and started their own state pages in SUPPORT of Patrick’s law. Ms.Wolf DEMANDED that they all be taken down ” OR ELSE” within days FB deleted all pages that had the name Patricks’ Law Movement*State* Due to false claims by RW that she OWNS the phrase ” Patrick’s Law” A search of the trademark data base revealed that that name had not been trademarked. Why would anyone who is only doing this for the benefit of animals have these pages removed? She touts herself on her Youtube channel and website. boasts that she is an actor, singer etc. Interestingly enough, check out the YOUTUBE video “Six Characters in Search of America (2004)
87 min – Documentary – October 2004 (USA)

“Politically Incorrect” meets “Dinner for Five” as three women and three men passionately discuss controversial sociopolitical issues that are relevant to all Americans.

Directors: Jay Jordan Farber, Rachel Wolf
Writers: Rachel Wolf, Jay Jordan Farber
Stars: Jay Jordan Farber, Rachel Wolf
Her views will turn the stomachs of millions.
I am outraged that she is exploiting this innocent victim* Patrick* to promote herself…

WHAT!!! I  thought I read that she was a lawyer (her father was a lawyer)

it appears that she is a lounge singer in Burbank who filed for bankruptcy in January 2011. There are numerous videos of her on Youtube like this:

Cici and I found this Facebook nonsense behavior disturbing and so did many others who apparently were banned and deleted from the Patrick’s Law page for simply asking questions, wanting to help and wanting to start their own pages. Many have created Patrick Movement pages for various states including New Jersey.

According to ThePatrickMiracle facebook page:

  • I make no judgement, nor do I have the details. Without opinion, this is what I understand to have occurred: Due to Patrick’s Law (page) objecting to state-specific Patrick’s Law pages popping up to fight at the state level, and due to the creator of Patrick’s Law insisting that the state specific pages be shut down, the Patrick supporters in each state set up their own pages using the name: The Patrick Movement.

this may explain some more…


and please read the comments here:


If you want Patrick’s story told to the media, call/write Rachael Ray, your local newspapers and tv shows, and national TV shows.

Helpful info:


Cici says: We gotta ALL work together humans and canines…


Filed under animal abuse, Patrick, pay it forward, pit bull, Uncategorized

a poem for patrick

Please take Food, toys, blankets to a local shelter april 15, patrick’s gift day https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=176072132442069

peaceful protests planned & phone calls, letters, emails being sent…


Kisha Curtis is being tried May 6, 2011. The Essex County Prosecutors Office (for POLITE letters and faxes) contact info:        address: 50 West Market St, Newark, NJ 07102        fax: (973) 242.4901        phone: (973) 621-4700       (The name of the Acting Essex County Prosecutor is Carolyn Murray)New Jersey SPCA:               phone: 1-800-582-5979Mayor Corey Brooker’s office:        (973) 733-6400Gov Chris Christie:              (609) 292-6000          OR contact Gov Christie’s aide: Linda Koenig: linda.koenig@gov.state.nj.us or call 609-292-6000

Curtis is Patrick’s owner who left him to die without food/water.

Patrick Movement pages are forming for many states including California, NY, NJ, Ohio, Pennsylvania, many more pages, check facebook… like, join, adopt, do what you can do for your local Patricks…


Want Patrick story on TV?  Cnn?  Rachael Ray?  Ellen?  local radio, TV, newspapers. Call, write, email, twitter…


Now, went to a poetry workshop yesterday at the Monterey library with Patrice Vecchione. And we wrote. was going to write about  cici but a poem about patrick came with tears…

here it is:

People came one by one.

From home.

At office.

Desks askew with papers.

Sitting on their patios.

Coffee klatsches laughing.

Brewing tea and coffee.

From Starbucks and libraries.

Random acts of kindness.

Borders book stores.

computers clacking.

on their patios.

Gardens left untended.

Food left on stoves.

While watching Oprah.

Dogs barking.

Children playing.

Cats in litter boxes.

Clouds billowing overhead.

In Iraq, Capt. Mike Nichols cried.


Writing on the Internet.

Storms with teary-eyed raindrops

over Newark, New Jersey.

One puppy blossom barely survived.



Thrown away like trash.

A miracle.

They named him Patrick.

He was found on St. Patty’s Day.

Sparked a worldwide movement.

Pay it forward.

100,000+ rallied in his name.

On Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs.

Hearts watching every detail.

He gained two pounds.

Wagged his tail.

Ate a meal.


Licked his caretakers.

I hug Cici close.

Rub her pink belly.

She smiles, bright and goofy.

Soft fur like feathers.

Patrick, poster child for untold millions.

A blessed pibble.

Never forgotten.


a dog named Patrick





Filed under All you need is love, animal abuse, Patrick, pay it forward, peace, pet adoption, pit bull, poems, Uncategorized

Pet Food Bank USA 4 Patrick

In honor of Patrick, I am going to start a local Pet Food Bank right here in Seaside, CA. We have an SPCA that helps folks but for people in my neighborhood who are struggling financially it’s too far if they don’t have transportation, too expensive for gas, and if they are ill. So the pets end up at the SPCA or Animal Control and you know what happens. Am sure this is happening elsewhere. In honor of Patrick, we should vow no more starving pets!

It is a good time to Step Up and Start of Donate to a Pet Food Bank in your community. If you need assistance in starting one let me know.

Also, if you are a dog food company, where are you ?  WE NEED YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS. This is an amazing media/publicity opportunity for you and ,more importantly, how about doing good for all the dogs like Patrick and cats in your community, too.  Rachael Ray Nutrish, Ellen DeGeneres Halo, Hellooooo..

Healthy food companies please be generous and let me know what you are donating.

This blog is honored to be linked to by Peggy Frezon’s  uplifting Patrick post.


and Lisa Spector, Through a Dog’s Ear, http://www.care2.com/greenliving/what-defines-animal-abuse.html


So far, Clear Conscience Pet has stepped up and is donating healthy dog treats … Cici’s favorite treats… Bison Liver Bark and Beef Bark, yum !

Like them on Facebook…


Thank you.  And Patrick and his Pals thank you, too.

for the latest about the Patrick movement, go here:


Another Saturday Blog Hop thanks to Life with Dogs, catch the code


Filed under animal abuse, healthy dog food, Patrick, publicity, Uncategorized