Tag Archives: to kill a mockingbird

Happy Spring…

and Easter and Passover…

from the adorable Bo Obama…


from Andy Borowitz…

Religions in Summary: Jews hide bread, Christians hide eggs, and Mormons hide a dog on top of their car…

GOP hide their womb envy in hundreds of bills against birth control and abortion and health care for women and pretend they are not waging a war against women…


did you watch to kill a mockingbird on TV?  if so, what did you think? relevant?

Atticus’ lesson to Scout that “you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view — until you climb around in his skin and walk around in it”

“it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”. mockingbirds never harm other living creatures.  “They don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us.”

how are you celebrating?

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Filed under bunny rabbits, dogs, Easter, first dog Obama family, obama, Passover seder vegan, Spring Break