Tag Archives: Christians

It is the pits and not the pits

did it all begin with dogs?

the rancor, recrimination, disdain, and discrimination,

small versus large dogs.

breed discrimination.

breed bans.


talk to any owner of a German Shepherd, Rottweiler, or pit bull (which is not a breed, a bunch of bully breeds including American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrirer, Pit Bull Terrier, and others) are lumped together and called pit bulls, and they will tell you about how their dog(s) are vilified, demonized, shunned, and/or called mean, vicious and/or killer dogs, no matter the dog.

is it any wonder then now we have right here in America:


red vs blue

GOP vs Democrats

conservatives vs liberals

Bernie supporters versus Hillary

men versus women

white Christian evangelicals aka white supremacists against everyone

heterosexuals against LGBT folks

white people versus nonwhite people

rich versus poor and middle class

1% versus 99%

housed versus unhoused

child molesters and rapists versus transgendered

environmentalists aka tree huggers versus climate change deniers and oil companies, big pharma and nuke, coal, industries

vegetarians and vegans versus meat eaters

war mongers versus pacifists

north versus south

didn’t we fight this war before, I seem to recall something…

people divided

a nation in crisis 

fighting each other and the whole world

when will we learn the lessons and stop blaming one another, pointing fingers, spewing hatred?

it is not the dogs, not the people…


a nation gone mad accusing one another for our problems


we are NOT NOT NOT going to solve anything with slurs, epithets, walls and bans


can we just agree to disagree and MOVEO N?????




on a different note, Cici and I are traveling and met with Howard Epstein in LA for lunch yesterday. It was fun and yummy and we grew up in the same neighborhood in NYC, went to the same high school at different times.







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Filed under bigotry against dogs, boycott, breed specific laws, breeds, pit bull, travel with dog, Uncategorized, USA Today, war on women, Washington

Happy Spring…

and Easter and Passover…

from the adorable Bo Obama…


from Andy Borowitz…

Religions in Summary: Jews hide bread, Christians hide eggs, and Mormons hide a dog on top of their car…

GOP hide their womb envy in hundreds of bills against birth control and abortion and health care for women and pretend they are not waging a war against women…


did you watch to kill a mockingbird on TV?  if so, what did you think? relevant?

Atticus’ lesson to Scout that “you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view — until you climb around in his skin and walk around in it”

“it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”. mockingbirds never harm other living creatures.  “They don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us.”

how are you celebrating?

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Filed under bunny rabbits, dogs, Easter, first dog Obama family, obama, Passover seder vegan, Spring Break