Tag Archives: GOP

Mad dogs humping

I once had a crazy dog. He was male and our neighbor’s dog was his best buddy pal. On Friday nights usually we would visit and drink wine, the women, and the doggies would play together. Often, the two male dogs would hump one another. And on occasion, they would wrap their paws around humans, usually men, and do their thing. We laughed and thought it indiscriminately funny. We joked about them being gay dogs and were mortified when their behavior became out of control, when they assaulted people’s legs with their overzealous sex drives. Hormones, who knew.

Thankfully, Cici has never been interested when canine friends or strangers have tried to have their way with her. She lets them know in no uncertain terms that they better move on or she will kick their butts. Growl growl growl. The dog in the photo below looks similar to Cici but she would never do such a thing with a member of her own species, never mind another. Just a funny photo, right.




There has been a lot of public discourse on the Internet and TV about groping women, sexual assault and locker room talk amongst men during this seemingly endless political election cycle due to the fact that the GOP candidate has been accused of assaulting numerous women. I have lost count, has it been nine or 15 or countless hordes? Ir started with the tape of him bragging about being a sexual predator. Women have this week come forth citing that he would peek into the dressing rooms at pageants to gape at half naked and naked young girls. He has even groped his own daughter on TV and called her a ‘piece of ass.’

He has countered the accusations by denying their veracity, threatening to sue the media, attacking the women by calling them dogs, pigs, not good looking enough for him to grope, and pretending to be the victim in the scenarios. It is common for abusers, bullies and predators to DENY, ATTACK AND REVERSE THE VICTIM AND OFFENDER ROLES. As far as I and many women and men are concerned, he is an unregistered sex offender and hopefully in the upcoming court case where he is accused of raping a woman when she was 13, he will reap what he has sown. Certainly, because of these instances and many other ways he has been mean, cruel, insensitive and hurt men, women and children, and his ignorance and belligerent attitude, racist associations and claims, serial lies, even about things he has said on tape, he is unfit for office. As the Australians in Parliament said, he is a revolting slog.



Cici and I have a lot more to say on this topic but will only discuss a few important items here. First of all, where there is smoke there is fire. Remember Bill Cosby? How many women did it take to come forward and accuse him before we started to believe that just maybe there was some truth in what the women were saying.

Women are too often not believed when they accuse a male of raping or groping them without consent. However, rapists lie 100% of the time and too often get off without any jail time due to the favorable to rapists culture we live in. ALL women have been harassed and assaulted by boys or men. ALL WOMEN.

Two, whatever the orange mutant has done and said has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with Bill Clinton, who is NOT running for president. I actually did NOT vote for him either after I found out about his affair while he was governor from the person he had the affair with. This was before I even knew who he was and the story was sleazy and I vowed not to vote for him. NONE OF THIS EXCUSES THE GOP CANDIDATE FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE AND SAID.

Imagine IF Hillary Clinton groped a man…and/or done or said half of what Trump has.




Hypocrisy much?



We LOVE what Seth Meyers said about why it has taken women so long to come forward. Many said it was because of at the last debate Trump lied and said he had never assaulted a woman.

Meyers summed up the issue pretty quickly.

“When people ask why women wait to report sexual assault, that’s why, because instead of believing them, you question their motives,” he said.

“Stop pretending there’s an optimal time for women to go public with these kinds of allegations,” he added. It’s not like if you do it within the first 24 hours, you get a parade and an iTunes gift card.”


By the way, some women haters in the GOP think sexual assault IS FUNNY, they created a hashtag poking fun of the brave women who have come forward to speak their truths.


We also like what this woman wrote:

“The reality of our culture is that all women—yes, all—know what it feels like to be sexually harassed. Chances are they also know what it feels like to be assaulted. Every woman knows what it is to be talked over, paid less, fetishized. Every woman knows what it is to walk alone in her own neighborhood and feel the hairs on the back of her neck tense when a man walks by who gives her a bad feeling. Every woman knows how to quicken her step at night and look ahead into dark corners and cross to the other side of the street when nervous. Every woman knows what it is to be called “honey.”

As women have been saying for lord knows how long and as they will continue to chant for much longer still: We are not your honey.


“We are done being quiet. We are done looking for our place, trying not to cause trouble, trying to smooth things over. We are done being told that we are worth less, both for the work we do and for the nature of who we are. We are done being tasked with bringing the next generation into this world and raising them and feeding them and loving them only to have them grow up and spit in our face and lurch at us and whistle and tell us how much we do or do not please them with our looks and our behavior and our words.

“We are done feeling threatened walking down the sidewalk in our own neighborhood, in any neighborhood, at any time of day. We are done with feeling unsafe in our skins. We are done with being told our views and opinions are “emotional” and not logical. We are done being dismissed and diminished and interrupted and talked over. We are done with people not listening—never really listening—to what we say and how we say it, until a man says it, too.

“We are done being told that we are only attractive up to a certain age. We are done being told that we can be sexy or motherly and that both are acceptable but nothing but and never together. We are done with people telling us we’re “sweet.” We are done with trying to dilute ourselves to make someone else feel bigger. We are done asking you about your day and you never asking us in return or asking only as an afterthought when you realize you should. We are done feeling like imposters, never asking for more, only taking what is given.

“We are done waiting—for respect, for health care, for equal pay, for the same sense of safety and entitlement that others get to carry with them through their lives.

“We are done being the ones who always have to compromise our own dreams and ambitions for yours.

“We are done.”




Millions of women put forth their own stories on Twitter about their FIRST assault. After I wrote my own, numerous other incidences bubbled up inside of me. Situations that  I had forgotten about like the rabbits foot incident, the gold lame pants I wore in public when I was 10, the time my uncle groped me, when a guy stopped to ask my friend and I a question, he in his car with his genitals in hand, and so on. Too many incidents of being assaulted and harassed by men. Maybe because I was cute or pretty or naive or young or a female and fair game for predators. Perhaps because ALL women, no matter their age, attractiveness, or weight or height or race or religion are assaulted every day BY MEN AND/OR BOYS on the streets of America and worldwide.The men and boys get a pass because BOYS WILL BE BOYS. But we females have to deal with this all of our lives EVERY DAY worrying about what we wear, what routes to walk to work, streets to go on, neighborhoods to avoid, if we should go to a party or drink, or should we date this guy or not and if so, will he be a gentleman and care about US or just what his friends think and try to get away with assaulting us sexually. And girls and women who dare to speak out and accuse their predators are too often not believed, accused, shamed, and publicly humiliated. Our bodies, minds and spirits violated and re-traumatized because of having the audacity to SAY NO.

NO, we are not objects.

NO, we are not pretty things.

NO, we are not toys to be used.

NO, our bodies are not PUBLIC PROPERTY.

NO MEANS NO… no matter where, when or how we say it NO MEANS NO. It does NOT MEAN MAYBE OR YES. NO MEANS NO, go away and leave us alone. NO your hands are not welcome on any part of my body. NO, your tongue is not welcome being thrust down my throat or slobbered on my lips. NO, your words are insulting, demeaning, hateful and INAPPROPRIATE. NO, your eyes staring at my breasts or butt or vagina ARE NOT WELCOME.

Bottom line we deserve a PRESIDENT that we can trust not to rape, grope, or assault little girls, teenagers and women, especially not one who has been terrorizing females and minorities for decades.

Or as the comedian Andy Borowitz said:

Trump: “This is just a case of he-said-she-said-she-said-she-said-she-said-she-said-she-said-she-said.”


Andy Borowitz


According to Trump’s Law of Projection, the fact that he just accused Hillary Clinton of being on drugs is conclusive proof that he is on drugs.




Please vote.


fyi,  Republican women are unendorsing Trump twice as fast as men










Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, around the world, doggie breath, dogs, Made in USA, politics, Republican, Uncategorized, war on women, Washington, women with dogs

It is the pits and not the pits

did it all begin with dogs?

the rancor, recrimination, disdain, and discrimination,

small versus large dogs.

breed discrimination.

breed bans.


talk to any owner of a German Shepherd, Rottweiler, or pit bull (which is not a breed, a bunch of bully breeds including American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrirer, Pit Bull Terrier, and others) are lumped together and called pit bulls, and they will tell you about how their dog(s) are vilified, demonized, shunned, and/or called mean, vicious and/or killer dogs, no matter the dog.

is it any wonder then now we have right here in America:


red vs blue

GOP vs Democrats

conservatives vs liberals

Bernie supporters versus Hillary

men versus women

white Christian evangelicals aka white supremacists against everyone

heterosexuals against LGBT folks

white people versus nonwhite people

rich versus poor and middle class

1% versus 99%

housed versus unhoused

child molesters and rapists versus transgendered

environmentalists aka tree huggers versus climate change deniers and oil companies, big pharma and nuke, coal, industries

vegetarians and vegans versus meat eaters

war mongers versus pacifists

north versus south

didn’t we fight this war before, I seem to recall something…

people divided

a nation in crisis 

fighting each other and the whole world

when will we learn the lessons and stop blaming one another, pointing fingers, spewing hatred?

it is not the dogs, not the people…


a nation gone mad accusing one another for our problems


we are NOT NOT NOT going to solve anything with slurs, epithets, walls and bans


can we just agree to disagree and MOVEO N?????




on a different note, Cici and I are traveling and met with Howard Epstein in LA for lunch yesterday. It was fun and yummy and we grew up in the same neighborhood in NYC, went to the same high school at different times.







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Filed under bigotry against dogs, boycott, breed specific laws, breeds, pit bull, travel with dog, Uncategorized, USA Today, war on women, Washington

Whistlin Dixie

Cici likes to bark at the birds, trucks that make too much noise, and chases the birds, too. Sometimes in the house or yard, she sees invisible creatures that she barks at, too… Can it be that Clint Eastwood has dog eyes and can see invisible and/or made-up creatures, too?  the Rebarklikans were up to their old tricks at the RNC and treated everyone to some wild entertainment.

Some news hounds tell us that Pittie Pit Bull is also making a run for the White House, for President, and is the woofiest way to go… There’s a Yorkie for VP, what do you think???


here are a few of the funniest “chair fest” and Republican National Convention photos and a few are doggone cute and laugh out loud hilarious…Enjoy !

Chris Rock @chrisrockoz
Can’t wait for the #DNC2012 this week. Insiders say Obama is gonna do a bit at the convention where he talks to Mitt’s invisible tax returns


Michael Moore

The Republican philosophy: America is a company, corporations are people, the president is a chair.


President Obama on the GOP convention: “It was a rerun. We’d seen it before. You might as well have watched it on a black-and-white TV.”

“The 82-year-old Hollywood icon introduced Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney with a rambling 12-minute improvisation that included a rude “interview” with an empty chair purportedly occupied by an invisible Obama.

“Was he offended?

“One thing about being president or running for president — if you’re easily offended, you should probably choose another profession.” Obama said with a smile.”


“Conservatives haven’t been attacking Barack Obama for the last four years, they’ve been screaming at a fantasy, a strawman of their own creation.

“Conservatives haven’t been attacking the actual president, instead they’ve been losing their minds over a supposed Muslim Communist Nazi Socialist Kenyan who wants to give everybody “free” healthcare by destroying capitalism through death panels convened by the New World Order of leftist radicals secretly controlled by Bill Ayers and the Black Panthers through the Federal Reserve and a program of forced vaccinations which causes young girls to become whores and which in turn forces young men to become crazed mass killers which is, of course, a false flag operation by the Obama Administration to usher in the United Nations who will confiscate our guns and herd us all into FEMA Death Camps of Death where everybody will be forced into an unending string of gay marriages and drone launched abortions in order to destroy the free market, give everybody free birth control, and bring about the End Times. Also, Nazis.

“Clint Eastwood’s act at the RNC was a brilliant analogy for the republican party itself.


“Folks, nothing, and I mean nothing, sums up the current state of the once great party of Lincoln like a raving old white guy yelling at an empty chair while everybody in the audience uncomfortably tries to pretend like nothing’s wrong.”


“Team Romney sent an actor out to wing it on national television.

“They screwed up the un-screwuppable. This was like having one of the featured guests at the State of the Union drop his trousers on camera. If you botch that, how are you going to execute the more complicated constitutional duties? Mitt Romney can’t handle Clint Eastwood trying to do him a favor, and he wants to take on unfriendly negotiations with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Vladimir Putin?”






I heard rumors that Betty White will be the DNC “mystery speaker” and that she’s going to talk to an empty suit.

Romney accepting the nomination… I bought it





sad that the workers were paid below minimum wage to work at the RNC


Yiddish Curses on Jewish GOP

May your accountant be as honest as Paul Ryan, and may your children be as compassionate towards the elderly and infirm.


“We don’t talk social issues,” said Mary Ann Carter, policy director for the Young Guns Network, who manages the pavilion, as several young women from the convention milled about sipping coffee and shopping for souvenirs. “We talk about the economy. We talk about health care. We talk about energy.”


this is beautiful



Filed under dogs, justforlaughs, laughter is the best medicine, news, obama, pit bull, politics, Republican, Uncategorized, USA Today

kittens are cute

this is a brilliant political ad…


and these cat sleepovers are adorable


cats and kittens are TOO cute and if you are an animal lover, there is something else you should know about Mitt Romney (besides his fat catness)… even if this story is not true, there is the one about his dog Seamus, which is true (Romney drove 12 hours to Canada with his dog on top of the car the entire way and still does not see anything wrong with that)…



Romney wouldn’t put Seamus on the roof of his car again because it was bad for his campaign…poor Seamus #RomneysColdHeart


and the GOP’s #waronwomen, the truth is much stranger than fiction


war on mommies


Romney is not in favor of equal pay for women and did not even know what the Lily Ledbetter Equal Pay Act was (Obama signed it into  law, first bill he signed as President)…


According to George Carlin,

“Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that they don’t want to know about you, they don’t want to hear from you . . . no neo-natal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing!”

besides, the USA spends MUCH MORE MONEY on war and corporate welfare/subsidies to corporations who pay NO taxes than on welfare and other social programs. Yet all we hear is talk about Welfare, Social Security and Medicare like they are some big fat paycheck and fast ride to the good life…when the average citizens PAYS into these systems (and gets denied and receives a pittance and works while receiving this assistance and still cannot feed their kids) AND we PAY for Greedy Corporations who take our jobs overseas and refuse to pay taxes…(hoarding trillions of OUR dollars)…


and the difference between US and the rest of the civilized countries???


and neither party treats parenting as work


not to mention how Romney and Bain Capital destroyed the economy


and his lies, etch a sketchiness flip flops on any given topic, double standards, and and and and…

“how well is society served when valuable resources are spent on a yacht complete with golf course, submarine, beach, and helicopter, and which qualified for a second-home mortgage deduction? Or on a $250,000 playhouse for the kids?  (Or in Romney’s case $100 million given to his kids without paying the gift tax)…

Studies show that increased wealth is correlated with a lesser degree of empathy for others. Despite their dependency on society for everything else, the super-rich have apparently earned the right to live in their own privileged world.


how much money have the Romneys donated to help others???? imagine if all or even a few of the gazillionaires donated 10% (tithe) to helping feed kids, homeless, seniors, animals, infrastructure (teachers, fire, police, bridges, roads, etc), JOBS, ALL would be SOLVED. why do the millionaires have to wait for the buffet rule to pass to GIVE? why not SOLVE a problem???  Money meet Mouth…

Do we Americans value Substance, Character and Humane Justice and Freedom for ALL or those who look good on the outside, are full of worldly riches and bankrupt inside without morals or empathy/compassion???????   That is the question…

and what does all this have to do with dogs? WE humans impact our world including the lives of our pets and the animals on this planet. So what do you value????

“If you can’t provide these things for a baby, you should think about getting a dog instead. But of course, dogs are mammals like us, and also become neurotic when they don’t get their needs met. Dogs and children are alike this way. If a dog’s or child’s needs have been neglected early on and they develop irritable personalities as a result—no one will want to be around them.”


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Filed under cats, economy, obama, politics, racism, shaming people, Uncategorized, war on women

Happy Spring…

and Easter and Passover…

from the adorable Bo Obama…


from Andy Borowitz…

Religions in Summary: Jews hide bread, Christians hide eggs, and Mormons hide a dog on top of their car…

GOP hide their womb envy in hundreds of bills against birth control and abortion and health care for women and pretend they are not waging a war against women…


did you watch to kill a mockingbird on TV?  if so, what did you think? relevant?

Atticus’ lesson to Scout that “you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view — until you climb around in his skin and walk around in it”

“it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”. mockingbirds never harm other living creatures.  “They don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us.”

how are you celebrating?

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Filed under bunny rabbits, dogs, Easter, first dog Obama family, obama, Passover seder vegan, Spring Break

Americans love dogs

Americans love dogs but do we love women?  just throwing that out since it seems like some people who call themselves American are waging war on women. They also don’t seem to care that much about dogs, animals, the environment, other people either.

in life, we have choices to make every day…  and sometimes they are easy and other times they are difficult…

and it is not always as simple as this…


Mitt Romney drove to Canada with the family Irish setter on the roof of the car. and even now dogs do not like Romney…

Here’s the follow up: Barbara Bush comforting the dog, post-Romney encounter…Barbara: Don’t worry honey, he’s not going on vacation with us.





and what about this menu?  is there anything on it that working or unemployed or seniors or women or middle class or poor people want????

Romney does not care about the poor, wants to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, and wants women to go back to 1950…

Roe v. Wade
Favors a repeal
“I’d like to see Roe v. Wade overturned and allow the states and the elected representatives of the people, and the people themselves, have the ability to put in place pro-life legislation.”
5 June 2007, Republican Presidential Debate (Manchester, New Hampshire)


President Obama echoed his support for the Supreme Court’s pro-choice decision in Roe v. Wade.

“Government should not intrude on private family matters,” Obama said in a statement, adding that he also supports policies to prevent “unintended pregnancies.”

Romney was weak about Rush Limbaugh, “It’s not the language I would have used,” Romney said of Limbaugh’s comments  while President Obama called Sandra Fluke personally.

Obama said at a news conference that he’d called Fluke after Limbaugh made his comments “because I thought about Malia and Sasha, and one of the things I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on. I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way, and I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re good citizens.”

Obama on women’s health care

A 32-page regulatory proposal offers options for providing preventive care, and President Barack Obama‘s health care law requires health plans to cover prevention at no cost to the consumer.

Romney’s support for personhood amendments and the Blunt Amendment is evidence that he’s going as far to the right as anyone can when it comes to women’s reproductive health.


President Obama: auto industry bailout

Romney would have allowed the industry to collapse and lose 1.3 million

manufacturing jobs

Romney wants to tax the middle class and poor while President Obama wants to tax the 1%…

Romney’s pitch is that he’s Mr. Fix It — a corporate turnaround artist with an MBA. Looking for a candidate who’ll get the economy moving and put people back to work? Just so long as you overlook his only leadership experience in government and all the mass layoffs he orchestrated at his vulture-capital firm, Romney’s your guy.

What happens to that pitch if the economy improves, growth strengthens, and job creation picks up steam before the election? I don’t know. More importantly, I don’t think Romney knows, either.

Santorum’s pitch is altogether different. Whether the unemployment rate is 8.3% or 3.8%, Santorum is offering a message about culture, values, and religion. He doesn’t like contraception; he wants to restrict access to pornography; and a spirited defense of the separation of church and state makes him, in Santorum’s words, want to “vomit.”

As the former senator put it yesterday, “My campaign doesn’t hinge on unemployment rates and growth rates. It’s something more foundational that’s going on.”

Whether one finds Santorum’s agenda offensive or not, at least this is coherent and consistent. Unlike so many Republicans, he’s not rooting for bad economic news before the election, because the health of the economy is independent of his right-wing societal vision.


vast differences of Character, Vision and Values for our country… and if you are upset, paranoid and/or concerned about the NDAA and other bills restricting our civil liberties, the right wing GOP’ers meanwhile have invaded women’s privates and privacy in horrific ways, and want women who have abortions to be sent to jail for killing their unborn fetus “person.”


http://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/03/20/guest-post-a-doctor-on-transvaginal-ultrasounds/   a dr speaks out against unwanted, unnecessary t.v. ultrasounds, politics

What good is a law that adds only pain and difficulty to perhaps the most painful and difficult decision a woman can make? Shouldn’t women have a right to protect themselves from strangers’ opinions on their most personal matters? Shouldn’t we have the right not to know?


There are bills like these being considered and/or passed in states that have GOP governors and/or where the GOP has the majority.

GOP legislators have sought to exempt religious orgs from having to offer health insurance that covers contraceptives.

…In Arizona and Kansas, Republican state legislators pushed bills allowing a doctor to lie about the health status of your fetus for fear you might opt to get an abortion.

And should you make that harrowing choice, Virginia Republicans, following in the footsteps of their colleagues in a number of other states, passed a law requiring that you have an ultrasound first.

But the women behind Government Free VJJ have a different kind of approach:

“Follow these simple steps,” the website beckons…

1. Knit or crochet a lady part
2. Print a message to enclose
3. Mail it to your male Senator or Congressional Representative [links provided]
4. We’re in the process of arranging hand delivery to congressional offices in Washington, until then, go ahead and mail yours in!
5. Record your items in this spreadsheet so we can track which representatives still need to receive a “gift”!
6. Don’t forget to thank your representative if he respects women and supports our rights.

There are kntting and crochet patterns available to make a “snatchel.”



here is the crochet pattern…


‎”I am a woman and I have these human rights: The right to life. The right to privacy. The right to freedom. The right to bodily integrity. The right to decide when and how I reproduce.”


book your gyn appt, call the RNC http://www.politicalshake.com/2012/03/20/need-to-see-a-gynecologist-call-the-rnc-today-republican-national-committee-inundated-with-calls-and-emails-from-women/

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Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, dogs, first dog Obama family, God, moms, obama, people abuse, politics, sexism, Uncategorized, USA Today, women with dogs

Who let the dogs get into politics?

Animal lovers and pet owners are mad at Mitt Romney. It started with the Mitt Romney story about his dog Seamus. Romney took his family from Boston to Ontario, Canada, a 12 hour trip. He strapped the poor dog to the top of the car in a kennel for the entire time. And apparently did not walk the dog once. And when the dog suffered from diarrhea, Romney stopped off at a car wash and hosed the dog kennel and car off and went on his way.


What kind of a dog owner would do that to a dog? And Romney does not seem to know that anything was wrong, justifying it by saying that his dog practically lived in a kennel all the time?

So a blog started in 2007 Dogs Against Romney now also has a Facebook page, where they tell the tale, post about Romney being mean, post media stories about Romney and are selling t-shirts and mugs.

Dogs Against Romney was founded by Scott Crider after he read in the Boston Globe about the incident with Romney and his Irish Setter named Seamus, the 1983 vacation to Canada in the family station wagon.

As reported by the Globe’s Neil Swidey in a 2007 article:
The ride was largely what you’d expect with five brothers, ages 13 and under, packed into a wagon they called the ”white whale.”
As the oldest son, Tagg Romney commandeered the way-back of the wagon, keeping his eyes fixed out the rear window, where he glimpsed the first sign of trouble.
”Dad!” he yelled. ”Gross!” A brown liquid was dripping down the back window, payback from an Irish setter who’d been riding on the roof in the wind for hours.
As the rest of the boys joined in the howls of disgust, Romney coolly pulled off the highway and into a service station. There, he borrowed a hose, washed down Seamus and the car, then hopped back onto the highway.
It was a tiny preview of a trait he would grow famous for in business: emotion-free crisis management.



besides all of the other problems with Romney being an out of touch millionaire who wants to tax the poor and not the rich, his own party does not want him to be the candidate, Mitt betting $10,000, Mitt says corporations are people, Mitt is being accused of being a vulture capitalist and now Newt and the media (Rachel Maddow and others) have also been telling the dog’s tale. (Mitt’s compassionate/empathetic response is saying everyone is jealous of his money/riches).  Rachel brilliantly pointed out his disconnect.



Newt does not have a dog…  but that did not stop him from putting up a pets for Newt page online which shows that he or his staff realize that animal lovers / advocates / owners vote…and he looks like he is about to barf on the page.

Jon Stewart did an amazing riff on The Daily Show, flashbacks of Newt insulting just about everyone and making condescending remarks about blacks, Latinos, women and other minorities.





If Newt truly cared about dogs/animals, instead of wasting money on attack ads and weird websites, he’d donate his ill gotten gains to people and animals in need. When I see all of the money bandied about, millions of dollars that could be better spent to feed and house people and feed and house homeless pets, it makes me sick. And I think I am not alone in feeling that way. It seems as though that Mitt and Newt and the others do not get that we SEE through their disingenuous horse, cow, bull and dog sh– and ain’t buying nor voting for it.

I posted the Dogs against Romney blog to Rachel Maddow’s facebook page numerous times and other media pages and voila, Rachel  began her show with the story about Romney and included Dogs against Romney… free PR… anyone want to get some Free Publicity about your Pups story? let me know…

Time for our weekly Pet Blog Hop thanks to Life with Dogs,Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  Grab the code and hop away


Filed under animal abuse, blog hop, dog travel, dogs, driving, K9 travel, keep pets safe, news, pet blog hop, pet care, pet travel, publicity, Republican, travel with dog, Uncategorized