Category Archives: green

Dogs Gone Green

Earth Day is a good day to support eco friendly and green companies and organizations. Fido,  your best friend, will appreciate putting on the green, too

Share Earth Day with Your Dog:

Attend a dog-friendly Earth Day event

Organize a dog park clean-up

Take a nature hike on a dog-friendly trail

Shampoo your furry friend with an eco friendly shampoo (organic, biodegradable) in a bone fido bottle, squish squish, even if your dog doesn’t like a bath, they’ll enjoy the suds,


Cook your hound one of the 125 yummy healthy homemade meals from the Healthy Hounds cookbook which includes raw recipes, grain-free and Paleo by the folks over at


Compost your dog’s waste

Share pet food with pets of the homeless

Put Dog Rocks into your dog’s bowl of water and save your lawn from urine burn, easy to use,


Use an herbal flea prevention powder and drops such as Earth Animals Herbal Internal Powder

Clean the dog’s bed and crate (and spring clean your home) with Miracle II Soap (all natural and refreshing)

Pour an ounce of your liquid nutritional supplement filled with redox signaling molecules (ASEA) into her bowl every morning and watch Fido’s energy soar to new heights, zoom, zoom, zoom


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Filed under animal communication, animal planet, au natural dog, dog friendly, dog health, dog parks, dog travel, doggie bags, dogs, environment, fair trade, four paws up, green, healthy dog food, holistic healing for animals, holistic vet, homemade dog food, natural health remedies

Easy to be SuperGreen

Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a Green Superfood bar…

I am always looking for treats and snacks that are easy to bring with me on the go, to the dog park, shopping or traveling. I get hungry and my blood sugar drops and before you know it, I become grumpy and growly and sweaty. And I do not eat enough greens in my diet. I have also been seeking how I can eat my greens without the yucky taste.  These new Green Superfood bars hit all the right notes… yummy tasting, easy to carry, healthy and flavorful without all the junk of a candy bar. I have never had green foods taste this good. In fact, I couldn’t even taste the green foods. Now that is how I like them. Check out the ingredients below…(Note: not recommended for dogs due to chocolate in the bars)…

The new Green SuperFood Chocolate Chip Coconut whole food energy bar features organic nuts and dates and is sweetened with organic Palm Nectar. It has 240 calories, 5 grams of protein, 10 grams of healthy omega fats, 13 grams of sugar and 36 grams of carbohydrates.  In addition to the Amazing Grass Green SuperFood blend, it also contains the following organic ingredients:  Rolled Oats; Brown Rice Syrup; Coconut; Rice Crisps; Almonds; Dates; Peanuts; and Peanut Butter.

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The new Green SuperFood Sweet & Savory Almond whole food energy bar combines the saltiness of organic nuts with the sweetness of organic raisins and the richness of organic chocolate.  It has 210 calories, 6 grams of protein, 13 grams of healthy omega fats, 13 grams of sugar and 21 grams of carbohydrates.  In addition to the Amazing Grass Green SuperFood blend and Sea Salt, it also contains the following organic ingredients:  Roasted Almonds; Roasted Peanuts; Brown Rice Syrup; Raisins; Dark Chocolate; Pumpkin Seeds; Cashews; Agave; Rice Crisps; Vanilla Extract; Almond Butter; and Flax Seeds.

The energy bars feature Amazing Grass Green SuperFood, a blend that provides more organic whole leaf greens per gram than the competition, and contains no soy lecithin fillers.  The blend consists of the following organic ingredients:  Wheat Grass; Barley Grass; Alfalfa; Spirulina; Spinach; Broccoli; Acai; Maca; Carrot; Beet; Rose Hips; Flax Lignans and Peppermint.  It also contains Raspberry, Pineapple, Green Tea, L. Adidophilus, Alpha and Beta Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Lactase and Cellulase.

The new flavors are available nationwide at Whole Foods Markets.  They are all:  raw; cold processed; gluten, soy and dairy-free; kosher; and vegan (except for the flavors with peanut butter and whey).

For the majority of people, stress and consumption of unhealthy processed foods can create an acidic imbalance in the blood that, among other problems, can cause the body to store water and build up fat in the arteries (cholesterol) as protection from acidic blood.  The rich chlorophyll content and high alkalinity of Amazing Grass Green SuperFood helps to combat acidity and restore blood to the optimal pH level.  It also promotes improved circulation, digestion and regular elimination.

The Amazing Grass Green SuperFood blend is a unique and potent combination of nature’s most nourishing, cleansing and rebuilding green superfoods including more than 70% certified organic ingredients and an enhanced digestive enzyme and active probiotic blend to improve nutrient absorption.  Amazing Grass Green SuperFood combines nutrient dense green food concentrates with other uniquely powerful ingredients like açaí and maca.  Sambazon? Acai, is a purple berry loaded with antioxidants, healthy omega fats, fiber and protein that grows in the Amazon Rainforest; and maca is a nutritious root grown at high altitudes in Peru that is known to be an adaptogen that boosts the immune system and provides sustained energy, vitality and mental clarity.

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Amazing Grass’ mission is to educate the world about the benefits of green superfoods and the improved quality of life from healthy eating habits.  In addition to the Green SuperFood Whole Food Energy Bars, Amazing Grass also offers a variety of organic Green SuperFood, Amazing Meal, Kidz SuperFood, Wheat Grass and Amazing Trio Powders as well as Organic Wheat Grass Tablets.


Filed under green, Made in USA, organic, product review, Uncategorized

My dog is a pill

All of our pets have their own unique personalities. And Cici, my polka dot princess, is certainly a dog with her own particular quirks. She makes me laugh every day with her antics. I call her a bug and a pill too because she likes to bug me for stuff, attention, treats, and is VERY persistent about what she wants. And she often surprises me. I had given up on her EVER being a dog that will play fetch. She just does not do that. She may go to the toy and play with it herself but will not bring it back to me. NEVER. Until the other day. Suddenly, we were playing with one of her toys and she spontaneously, on her own, brought it back to me to throw for her again, THREE times. Amazing, I wonder if she will ever do that again.

Am very happy that Cici is well again. It was kind of a scary time for us with her leg, thinking that she had to have expensive surgery on her knee. But thankfully, through the Conservative Movement restriction protocol (even though we did it all wrong and not restricting enough) for 3-4 months, her leg is just fine now, no more hopping or limping or pain. Free to chase the birdies at the park every morning again.

While I was keeping her restricted I was also giving her a few different types of supplements, suggested to me by the vets and Dr. Harvey. Alfalfa, Vitamin C, and Manganese. Also, a couple of different joint aids. Every day, I had to give her capsules. And it was challenging to say the least.

Recently, McChewy’s sent us a bag of  treats to try out… GREENIES® PILL POCKETS®

Cici really enjoyed these treats, GREENIES® PILL POCKETS®, made in two flavors, beef or chicken and two sizes, small or large. There is also an allergy formula with duck and peas. They are called Pill Pockets so that you can sneak medicine into them while giving your pet a yummy treat. I usually use hot dogs but these are a healthier alternative and more effective. Cici scarfed them up. The treats hide the taste and smell of medicine so your pet will just want more treats and take their medicine. Sneaky. I love it.

Anything that makes giving pets the medicine that they need easier, is a good thing as far as I am concerned. Even with the supplements in hot dogs, I found sometimes Cici would spit out the capsule and I had to hold her mouth open to get it down. Not fun. She was not happy and neither was I.

The GREENIES® PILL POCKETS® also help with quicker absorption of the medication. Formulated by vets. And they even have treats for kitty cats, too.


GREENIES® PILL POCKETS® Canine Treats with real Chicken:

Chicken, glycerin, wheat flour, vegetable oil, dried corn syrup, wheat gluten, corn flour, natural flavors, lecithin, brewers dried yeast, preserved with potassium sorbate, salt, methylcellulose, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), preserved with mixed tocopherols, vitamin E supplement.

There is a whole line of Green products, dental chews, treats and chews for senior dogs and more, so check them out.

What better way to order these treats from but McChewy’s online… they offer discounts, free shipping and 120 brands of your favorite dog and cat products. AND speedy service. I recently ordered dog food from another company and boy did I learn my lesson. NEVER again. It took two whole weeks. Am ordering through McChewy’s next time. And will receive my order faster at home. Love it.


Filed under allergies, cats, dog treats, dogs, drugs for dogs, four paws up, green, keep pets safe, pet care, product review, Uncategorized

Dog’s guide to saving the earth

 Every day is Earth Day says Cici

This is Cici’s guide to Earth Day…enjoy…

Dig deep (recycle your bones)  chew now and later

Go green, roll in the grass

Renew energy, chase a cat, bunny or squirrel

Save water, take less baths, and drink from the sprinkler!

Carpool or work from home (write a blog)

Clean up your waste

Clean the cat box naturally, have a snack, tasty all natural treats

Save the Humans, Hug a Tree Hugger

Conserve Energy, Sleep

Kiss Me, I’m Organic

Reduce your Paw Print, Zooooom…and Harness K9 Energy !(yes, that is our good friend V-dog Ginger Girl)…

Make your own bread

Plant a tree, honor a pet

Happy Pug Earth Day

Raise Chickens


what are you and your dogs doing for Earth Day????


Filed under all you need is a dog, animals, bones, bunny rabbits, canine cuteness, chickens, comedy, dogs, eco friendly/green, environment, family friendly, four paws up, free, funny, gardening, green, justforlaughs, keep pets safe, Uncategorized

Planting Seeds

Remember back in the 60’s when the hippies wanted to live in peace on the land, in self-sustaining communities and the establishment made fun of the dirty hippies lifestyle? True, there were a lot of druggies. And people got distracted. Nowadays, we hear similar remarks about the Occupiers. Bringing the message that Inequality exists is a gift from the Occupy Movement. Birthing a new awareness. And optimally, creative new ways of making changes happen.

In my humble opinion, that is not going to happen with the focus on protesters and police battles. The Occupy movement can (and some are) bring their energy and enthusiasm to local communities and making needed changes (ie, helping people unfairly being foreclosed, stay in their homes).  What interested me initially about the movement was the lifestyle … walking the talk… this needs expansion and creative solutions. Forget about camping out and doing battle. Instead, little changes add up to BIG ONES.

a little bit of history of the roots of capitalism

…”Using Adam Smith’s own estimates of factory wages being paid at the time in Scotland, a factory-peasant would have to toil for more than three days to buy a pair of commercially produced shoes. Or they could make their own traditional brogues using their own leather in a matter of hours, and spend the rest of the time getting wasted on ale. It’s really not much of a choice, is it?

But in order for capitalism to work, capitalists needed a pool of cheap, surplus labor. So what to do? Call in the National Guard!

…If having a full belly and productive land was the problem, then the solution to whipping these lazy bums into shape was obvious: kick ‘em off the land and let em starve. 

…“Poverty is therefore a most necessary and indispensable ingredient in society…It is the source of wealth, since without poverty, there could be no labour; there could be no riches, no refinement, no comfort, and no benefit to those who may be possessed of wealth.”

could this Great Recession (what is so great about it?) be a systemic, entrenched way of dealing with the masses?  hmmmm…

Two other powerful items passed my desk this week… now I know about Monsanto and their seeds…and Monsanto free seeds

GMO foods/seeds

I now understand why I cannot get raw healthy goat’s milk nor fresh farmers eggs, it’s ALL politics… why have healthy empowered citizens when you can make money off of sick, overweight, uneducated, wage slaves.

“Americans’ right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent action, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies, and seeks to figure out why.

Filmmaker Kristin Canty’s quest to find healthy food for her four children turned into an educational journey to discover why access to these foods was being threatened. What she found were policies that favor agribusiness and factory farms over small family-operated farms selling fresh foods to their communities. Instead of focusing on the source of food safety problems — most often the industrial food chain — policymakers and regulators implement and enforce solutions that target and often drive out of business small farms that have proven themselves more than capable of producing safe, healthy food, but buckle under the crushing weight of government regulations and excessive enforcement actions.

Farmageddon highlights the urgency of food freedom, encouraging farmers and consumers alike to take action to preserve individuals’ rights to access food of their choice and farmers’ rights to produce these foods safely and free from unreasona-bly burdensome regulations. The film serves to put policymakers and regulators on notice that there is a growing movement of people aware that their freedom to choose the foods they want is in danger, a movement that is taking action with its dollars and its voting power to protect and preserve the dwindling number of family farms that are struggling to survive.

Radical Idea: What if women’s work, ALL work, were VALUED, respected and compensated properly???

“Why do women who contribute by producing the whole workforce have to plead for maternity leave that would allow them to recuperate from childbirth, get to know their children and their children to know them, and feed babies the best possible food?

“Why are such basic and humane demands so controversial? What qualifies those who favor formula to deny the overwhelming evidence and individual personal experience that favor breast milk?

“The wealth of information assembled here also strengthens the case for acknowledging women as perhaps the greatest producers of food. The individual production and one-to-one delivery of breast milk often goes hand in hand with subsistence farming on small plots of land “too small to count,” perhaps with a few chickens, a goat or cow, and individuals’ endeavors day in day out which benefit mainly those with little political clout or social status. Entire communities are surviving on that work—up to 80 percent of the food consumed in Africa is grown by women almost all outside the market. Are those of us who spend long hours of every day in this work also “too small to count?”

…Between breastfeeding and agricultural work, women are feeding the world!

…Cruel, unsustainable factory farms have come to produce more than 99 percent1 of the animals grown in the United States. Globally, livestock now cover 30 percent of the earth’s surface,2 and as a result of modern fishing techniques, scientists are measuring an overall drop in the health and diversity of ocean life. During this same period, these new farming methods have devastated rural communities by reducing the number of farmers in the nation by 85 percent—even as the U.S. population more than doubled.3 Given this scale, it is no surprise that the choices we make when we eat and produce food have a bigger impact on animal suffering, global warming,4 and other major environmental concerns than anything else we do.

Change Needs to Happen

“A group of politicians led by Rep. Pete Stark of California are taking Mitt Romney at his word—that “all moms are working moms”—and plan to introduce an act that would allow mothers receiving welfare support to count their childrearing duties as the required “work activity” until the child turns 4. Stark told Ryan Grim at the Huffington Post that the Women’s Option to Raise Kids Act (WORK) arises naturally from the Republican presidential candidate’s stated positions:

“Mitt Romney was for forcing mothers into the workforce before he decided that ‘all moms are working moms,'” Stark told The Huffington Post. “I think we should take Mr. Romney at his most recent word and change our federal laws to recognize the importance and legitimacy of raising young children. That’s why I’m introducing the WORK Act to provide low-income parents the option of staying home to raise young children without fear of being pushed into poverty.”

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Filed under animals, around the world, California, eco friendly/green, economy, farm animals, food, gardening, goat, green, Made in USA, occupation wall street, organic, Uncategorized, war on women

when irish dogs are smiling

Call it the power of the shamrock, the charm of the leprechaun, or just the luck of the Irish. One thing is for certain: the great people of the Emerald Isle have produced some of the most curious, independent, and enthusiastic dogs in the world. Impress your friends at the pub this St. Patrick’s Day with some fun facts about the most popular Irish dog breeds courtesy of

  1. Irish Setter – Its distinctive and eye-catching deep red mahogany coat and full, silky hair makes the Irish Setter a favorite with the well-heeled set. Add in the Irish Setter’s unbound enthusiasm, superior hunting skills, and happy disposition, and few can match this breed as an ideal companion dog.
  2. Irish Terrier – Speculated to be among the first of terrier breeds, the Irish Terrier is very true to typical terrier traits with its loyalty, adaptability, and spunk. This breed is very well-rounded and makes for an excellent companion.
  3. Irish Wolfhound – Often recognized as the world’s largest dog breed, the Irish Wolfhound is a strong and sturdy giant whose temperament is gentle and noble. The Irish Wolfhound makes an excellent addition to any family that can offer plenty of space to accommodate this breed’s size.
  4. Irish Water Spaniel – Though the Irish Water Spaniel is one of the oldest spaniels today, it is also very rare. Unique in appearance with its curly coat, this breed is a fun-loving and spritely dog that makes an excellent pet.
  5. The Glen of Imaal – The Glen of Imaal Terrier is more of a working terrier than a fashionable show dog. One of its original jobs was to dig into burrows to root out nuisance badgers – its weight and strength matching the badger’s, and its powerful tail acting as a handle for being pulled from the hole, if necessary. The Glen of Imaal differs from many types of terriers in that it is not a barker.
  6. Irish Red and White Setter – Most people are much more familiar with the Irish Red Setter; however, it is believed that the Red and White Setter is actually the older of the two breeds, dating back to the 17th century. Best known in the field for its athletic build and keen personality, the Irish Red and White Setter is a perfect family dog.
  7. Kerry Blue Terrier – Originally bred as a farm dog in the mountainous regions of Ireland, the Kerry Blue Terrier is a stunning show dog and a giddy house pet. If you want an active dog that will be begging you to run, explore, and play, then this athletic fur ball with a blue-gray coat should be your pet of choice.
  8. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier – The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a medium-sized dog that is not only powerful but gentle and affectionate. Most often noted for its warm, wheaten-colored coat, this Irish terrier is also athletic and able to compete in dog trials or shows that require agility. Few could ask for a more wonderful companion for those looking for a curious indoor dog.
  9. Kerry Beagle – Not your average beagle, the Kerry Beagle is better qualified as a hound. It is also thought to be one of the oldest of all the Irish dog breeds, originally introduced to Ireland by the Celts. Although they are best know as hunting dogs, the Kerry Beagle is known as a friendly dog, ideal for families.

    Lucky Dog… cannot believe it’s been a year since we first found out about Patrick…


    To All : Kisha Curtis court appearance will not happen Monday being rescheduled.   Capt

    Kisha Curtis is still awaiting trial for animal cruelty charges. She is due in court on April 19.

    Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with Dogs,Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code


Filed under dogs, green, Patrick, pet blog hop, pet care, pit bull

Dogs eat grass

Ever notice that your dog eats grass?  Cici eats grass all the time.

This is because they instinctively know they need chlorophyll (which is what makes grass green). Chlorophyll is cleansing and helps correct most illnesses in you or your pet. Algae has a very high concentration of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is like having  a bath for your insides.

Dogs require 22 amino acids and a deficiency in any of them can cause health problems. Fortunately dogs can make 12 of these amino acids but the remaining ones (called essential amino acids) must be consumed. Algae contains all 10 of these essential amino acids: arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Aside from feeding algae to your pet to improve overall health, algae may also help if your dog suffers from arthritis or cancer, since algae has been known to strengthen their autoimmune system and boost their healing (as it can with humans).

Like you, your pets also need water. Lots of it.  Think about this. When you were a kid, you probably had a gold fish. Right?  Remember what happened when you didn’t change the water? It got murky. Your gold fish seemed depressed, stopped swimming or worse – died. Poor thing. But once you cleaned out the bowl and replaced it with fresh water, little “Goldie”  was probably back doing laps again, maybe even back flips like Dr. Seuss’s  “One Fish, Two Fish”. Well, your body’s cells  are just like little Goldie. They need a constant supply of fresh water and if they don’t get it, they slowly but surely shut down,  just like little Goldie Without a daily supply of fresh water, the water around your cells gets dirty, murky and toxic like the water in your goldfish bowl did. Yuck. Who wants dirty goldfish water sloshing around inside them? Not us. Not Goldie. And not you either. So drink up. Drink often. And hopefully drink with our algae tabs.

But seriously, here’s why you and your pet need water. Your brain is 75% water. In fact, your muscles are 75% water too. Ever notice how you get thirsty when you exercise? Your body is over 60% water and some parts are even higher, like your blood and lungs which are 90% water. Did you know your body is constantly rebuilding itself? Yup, your bones, your organs, your skin, absolutely everything is in a constant state of re-growth 24/7. Can you imagine a skyscraper built without steel? Well, water is one of your body’s most critical building materials and it can’t build healthy bones, organs or anything else for you without water.

Not only that, but water is what moves stuff around in your body. Not having enough water is like not having enough construction workers on a work site. Water does much more than just quench your thirst. It actually helps to build and run your body efficiently. That’s why just an occasional glass of water isn’t enough. You really need those eight glasses every day. Sounds like a lot but you can add lemon, make it bubbly or whatever you like that will help you drink the water.

Let’s do the math. Each day, a typical adult loses an average of six cups of water from urine, four cups from breathing, sweating and bowel movements and two to three cups from digestion. That’s twelve cups even before you add in the dehydrating effects of caffeine, stress or exercise. Granted some of your H20 needs could come from your diet but only if you are eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. And no, French fries do not count.

If you are walking around dehydrated, you fatigue easily and nothing works as well as it should. In fact, without sufficient water, your body thinks it’s in survival mode. And when this happens, your body behaves like a squirrel who hides nuts before the winter. It holds on to and stores whatever it can get its hands on –causing swelling in feet, legs, hands, or horror of horrors – weight gain. But once you give your body what it needs, this stored water is usually released. Say hello to energy and weight loss.

Eight glasses of water a day is just a starting point. Your body treats water like a bank account. Every time you drink water, it’s like you’re making a deposit into the account. But unlike a real bank account where you are the only one authorized to make withdrawals, water withdrawals from your body can be made without your authorization or knowledge.

It’s like giving thousands of total strangers your ATM card and PIN number and allowing them to withdraw whatever they want, whenever they want. And they do. The result? You become bankrupt of water. And who are these unscrupulous strangers making these unauthorized withdrawals? Some are things you can control like your food and drink (eg caffeine and sugary foods are very dehydrating). Others are things you can’t control like breathing. Remember those twelve cups of water that you lose each day?  Without making additional water “deposits” (i.e. drinking more water)  to cover these other “unauthorized” water withdrawals your body can easily go into “overdraft” and become bankrupt i.e. dehydrated.

Still not convinced you need water? Then consider what happens when you get dehydrated. Without water in your body, you would be poisoned by your own waste products. Here’s what happens. During dehydration, the water surrounding your cells is reduced, leaving the small remaining amount to become stagnant and loaded with toxins. As dehydration continues, since your body absolutely has to have water surrounding its cells (to perform all its daily duties), it pulls out water from inside your cells. Yup, like a fugitive on the run, your body literally “steals” water wherever it can find it, from inside your cells, your blood, your organs and even from inside your colon (a big contributor to constipation). This continues until your cells finally lose all or most of their internal water, shrivel up, malfunction or become damaged. You can usually stop these early stages of dehydration just by drinking more water, but most people have no idea they are dehydrated. Too bad because there are so many health conditions that could be eased just by drinking more water.

Give your pet lots of water and some algae every day.

Your pet has nutritional needs just like you do. But, if their diet is insufficient, or if they are experiencing stress, joint pain or other health conditions you need to know how to help them. One thing you can do is supplement their diet with a protein rich source of vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids also known as algae.

Two forms of algae are Spirulina and Chlorella. They contain protein (60%) carbohydrates (19%), fats (6%) and bio-available minerals (8%). They are not extracts, concentrates or amalgams of vitamins and minerals that look good on paper such as the vitamin and mineral supplements that people get at the grocery store. In reality, the body does not absorb 90% of these vitamin supplements because they are dead and void of enzymes. Eating Spirulina or Chlorella is like eating any other whole food such as a banana, apple or broccoli…because it IS a food.

Spirulina and Chlorella are complete proteins meaning they provide the body with the eight essential amino acids, yet they go much further. They are over 60% protein, all which is in the form of amino acids (which means your body absorbs them instantly). The amino acids are also in the right ratio to one another (which means your body can use all of them).

The key difference between Chlorella (Recovery) and Spirulina (Energy) is that Chlorella has the additional benefit of being able to absorb toxins and has a higher concentration of chlorophyll whereas Spirulina will provide you with a bit more energy.

When you are introducing a new food like algae to your pet, the best time to do this is early in the morning when they wake up hungry and thirsty. To start, give them 5-6 tabs to ensure it’s something they like. Try mixing the tabs into their food or give them as treats. They’re food. Concentrated, high protein, high nutrition green food.

The amount of algae you feed your dog (or cat) depends on your pet’s weight, age and health condition. A 50-pound dog could be started with 5-6 tabs a day and within a few days can easily increase to 10-12 tabs/day or more. So, starting out with just a few tabs, gives you the confidence to know they are totally safe. In the 50 years that algae has been studied and consumed, there have  never been any reports of negative side affects, allergic reactions or interactions. Algae is food, a green food that comes from a plant, not from a prescription or pill. Its been safely eaten and studied  worldwide for over 50 years. It’s been sold in the USA for over 25 years.

Now Cici and I have been taking Naughty Bits algae tabs. I just swallow them with water and I put some in Cici’s food. She is not a big fan of anything green and neither am I. But I do know that algae is healthy for us both.  In order to ensure that Cici drinks enough water every day, I give her water with her food. Another way to get pets to drink more water is to give them water from a fountain. They enjoy moving water.

The Naughty Bits are sold in large, re-sealable foil bags of 1,000 tabs and each bag comes with a slim travel tin you can carry in your pocket, gym bag, doggie bag or handbag. They make healthy snacks and yummy treats for your pet. Each bag/tin is $115.00 and will last  1-2 months, depending on how many you take each day. For full benefit, take 20-30 tabs/day and give your pet 6-10 tabs/day or more if they are larger. Algae is FOOD, it can’t harm  you or your pet.

Naughtybits® algae tabs are free of artificial ingredients, contain no caffeine, chemicals, sugar, GMO, preservatives, animal products or gluten. Grown organically, they are 100% green, 100% natural, 100% raw, and 100% algae. In Japan, algae has been taken daily for over 50 years. Each Naughtybits® algae tab is the size of a breath mint.

The Naughty Nutritionist Inc.® is a nutraceuticals company based in Boston, MA. The Founder and CEO of The Naughty Nutritionist, Catharine Arnston, has an MBA and is a Board Certified Health Counselor.

If you think your pet needs more energy, try the ENERGYBits® which are 100% spirulina algae. If your pet needs to correct or prevent a health condition, try the  RECOVERYBits® which are 100% chlorella algae. If you would like to help your pet with both of these, give them the VITALITYBits® which are 50% spirulina and 50% chlorella and thus provide a mix of health benefits.


Filed under au natural dog, dogs, eco friendly/green, green, healthy dog food, natural health remedies, product review, self help, Uncategorized, water fountains

A green Halloween for dogs

Dr. Al Townshend, staff veterinarian for Old Mother Hubbard, developed the tips below.

Old Mother Hubbard all natural treats at and  at

Tips to keep your pet safe and happy this Halloween:
  • Using flameless candles in pumpkins helps to avoid potentially harmful accidents.
  • Make sure to keep all candy out of reach of a curious nose and have plenty of high-quality, natural treats, such as Old Mother Hubbard® Soft & Chewy Bitz® for dogs, on hand for your furry friend.
  • Doorbell anxiety is common among dogs and can lead to barking and aggression which can ruin the night for you, your dog and any trick-or-treaters that come to the door.  You can help your dog get used to the sound of the doorbell by doing some “practice runs” a few days before Halloween.  Have someone stand outside and ring the doorbell, and if your dog barks, calm him or her in a soothing voice and consider offering a small treat as a reward. Repeat this exercise until your furry friend realizes the doorbell is a good thing, not something to be scared of.
  • If you plan on dressing up your pet, make sure the costume does not interfere with his or her vision, hearing, breathing or walking. Costumes should be lightweight and not too tight.  Also, loose or dangling accessories or details can present a choking hazard for your pet. Make sure to snip loose threads, beads or other hanging items before dressing your pet.
  • If you are going outside (for a parade or trick-or-treating) make sure your pet is on a leash at all times.
  • Although it may not match their costume, make sure your pet is wearing an ID or has a microchip.  With the door opening and closing all evening, curious pets may try to sneak outside and join the festivities. Reflective leashes, collars or stickers on their costumes are also a great way to help keep pets safe.
A few additional tips:

Leaving your dog outside unattended is a no no and keep your black cats inside, too.  No matter how safe you think your neighborhood is, Halloween pranksters and vandals roam the streets looking for trouble and sometimes get carried away, so don’t take any chances and keep your pets inside with you where you know they are safe.

Chocolate is not the only sweet treat that poses a risk for dogs. Sugar-free candy contains a chemical called Xylitol that can make dogs severely ill even in small doses. Candy foil and wrappers can also be very harmful, as they can cause choking or a blockage in a dog’s digestive tract. If you have kids, let them know that the dog cannot share their Halloween treats.

Halloween decorations should be kept out of your dog’s reach. Dogs love shiny, small, noisy and/or  other items that can cause serious health problems. And lights and cords can be bad news for your curious dog. A wagging tail can knock stuff made of glass over (including glass jars of treats). Keep sweet treats up high and out of reach.

Strangers in spooky masks and costumes can be very scary for your dog and  cause unnecessary stress and fear. It’s probably best to keep your dog in a separate room. Try leaving a radio or TV or CD player on to drown out the sound of the visitors.

No beer, wine or other alcoholic drinks for Fido.  Do not give any amount of alcohol to any animal. A drunk dog is no laughing matter. Alcohol is poison to dogs and can cause : vomiting, disorientation, seizures, irregular heartbeat, heart attack and death. If you have a party make sure you clean up all of the leftover drinks, as some dogs are attracted to the sweetness of beer and wine.

If you are taking your dog to a Howloween party or event, make sure that they’ve got their good manners in paw. Introduce dogs slowly and carefully to one another to avoid conflict. And do not feed dogs treats together but separately to avoid any resource guarding behaviors.

Now, go look at these hysterically funny dogs in costumes, 25 of them, very creative…what is your dog going to be this year? you could also crochet an outfit with black and orange yarn and a few other items, how about a pirate dog, polka dot princess/diva, bumble bee and/or green ghost?  Recycle, reuse, repurpose items and/or use eco friendly green materials.



Cool crochet costumes:

Hot Dog Crochet Coat:

Dog Witch Costume:

Punk Your Pup:

Skull Dog Coat:

Dog’s Cupid Arrow Carrier:

Puppy Necktie:




Filed under cats, chocolate, dog treats, green, halloween for dogs, K9 approved, keep pets safe, organic, Uncategorized

holistic vet for my dog

it was a real fiasco trying to figure out what was wrong with Cici, all the itching and scratching but, after washing Cici in shampoo to wash away the bugs, it made her worse, gave her more bumps and splotches, more itchies, fever, she was a mess, scratching until bleeding, on her face, and I felt terrible. Asked for help to get her to the vet and got advice unlimited instead.

But I was able to get her to this holistic vet late last week and found out that she had a temperature, bugs inside and outside, the vet seemed very thorough and spent time with me unlike the other vet we went to a month ago. And Cici got a shot, some pills, some for me to give her too. She also saw kitty cats and went nutty. And was excited to see all the doggies at the vet plus all the people.

thanks once again to Carie B. for hooking me up with Ashley who drove me to and from, was terrific with Cici, and really helpful in every step of the way.

Am relieved and thankful.  The vet also suggested that I feed Cici a limited grain free diet. She said that no diet, nor topical stuff would solve the issues that she was dealing with. That there are multiple factors going on… diet, rabies shot, seasonal allergies and bugs.

Then on Sunday, she thew up right after I gave her the pills which prompted me to stop the pills until I could talk to the vet. Spoke to the vet hospital and they asked if she was still throwing up. Nope, just that once. I resumed the pills last night with caution. I also read about the anti-flea/bug pill they gave her that lasts once a month. They gave me a six month supply. It’s called Confortis.  After doing research about the potential side effects, seizures and death, am not going to give them to her again.

went to the HOLISTIC Vet because I wanted homeopathic or other non-toxic medicine not drugs with scary side effects. Oh well, she said that she was going to give her a thorough approach to knock the bugs out of her, an antibiotic and an anti-allergy pill. I do not think that she has to have drugs to do that. Garlic has antibiotic naturally, and working on the allergy.

As far as the bugs go, there are a number of essential oils. I just should NOT NOT NOT against MY OWN advice washed her in a people shampoo with peppermint and tea tree oil… duh…

Purification® essential oil blend:  Useful for external parasites, such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.

I found a lot of helpful info on the Young Living Essential Oils blog.

Washing and cleaning wounds:
•    Purification blend is more effective than iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

Allergies to:
•    Environmental-Weed killer, food with chemicals (Effaxaquin very BAD)
•    Apply lavender on the skin if itchy and on the pads of the feet.
•    Cleanse liver with Sulfurzyme, NingXia Red and Power Meal in food.

•    Dogs or cats; essential oils can be applied to tips of ears, also on top of head, naval, along with to the bottoms of their feet, petting and diffusing of essential oils.
•    Good oils for calming are:
•    Lavender, Peace and Calming,  RutaVaLa & or Valor.

Calm dog during bath:
•    Put a drop or two of Peace and Calming in the palm of your hands and brush onto the towel, which will be used for drying your pet. Let the pet smell your hands before starting the bath. If needed also add the blend of RutaVala and give your pet a good loving pet right before bathing.

Fear of thunderstorms or 4th of July noise:
•    Use a small amount of Release. followed by Lavender. First rub the oil between hands and let your pet smell it. Gently run hands over the ears, back and legs and with what is left over, rub on pads of feet.

Fleas on family dog allergic reaction causing hot spots:
•    Mix 2 tablespoons carrier oil with 4 to 8 drops of Helichrysum in a spray bottle. Spray the hot spot area twice a day.

May help to get rid of fleas:
•    Use any of the following essential oils and add to the rinse cycle when washing bedding:
•    Peppermint
•    Lemon-Put on collar
•    Purification
•    Eucalyptus
•    Add 2 to 5 drops of any of the above oils to an 8-ounce spray bottle filled with purified water and mist all over their body once a day.
•    Increase to 10 drops in the water after 2 weeks and use as an insect spray.

For more info including how to order, go to essential oils for pets

for summer sunburn, pests, heat, stress relief, for you and your pets, try the essential 7,

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Filed under aromatherapy, au natural dog, bugs, dog health, dog travel, green, holistic vet, itchy red ears, K9 travel, keep pets safe, pet travel, self help, toxic tea tree oil, travel with dog, Uncategorized

jennie uh-oh

you may have noticed that I do NOT appreciate being deceived by people or companies that do NOT have my or your best interest at heart.

Which is why it makes me really sick to my stomach and angry this morning to find out that Jennie-O is actually Hormel.  And Morningstar Farms is actually Kellogg’s. I know about the Morningstar fiasco because Trader Joe’s STILL sells their products. I USED to eat their corn dogs thinking it was an all natural product. Intuitively, I kept getting NOT to eat them but I was addicted at the time. Until they made me really ill. That is when I did a little research and found out, voila, the culprit was Kellogg’s contaminated GMO/GE corn.

The reason that these companies make up these oh so nice sounding all natural sounding names is because WE DON’T WANT TO BUY THEIR PRODUCTS and so they cleverly DECEIVE us into buying their products.  THIS IS FRAUD.

And sometimes the companies started out being all natural but became successful and SOLD OUT… ugh. Burt’s Bees, for instance was bought out by Clorox.

Alexa Traffic Rank for

Can Burt’s Bees Turn Clorox Green?

“Clorox was willing to pay almost $1 billion for Burt’s Bees because big companies see big opportunities in the market for green products. From 2000 to 2007, Burt’s Bees’ annual revenue soared to $164 million from $23 million. Analysts say there is far more growth to be had by it and its competitors as consumers keep gravitating toward products that promise organic and environmental benefits.

In the last couple of years, L’Oréal paid $1.4 billion for the Body Shop and Colgate-Palmolive bought 84 percent of Tom’s of Maine, which makes natural toothpaste and deodorant, for $100 million. Clorox is also creating eco-friendly product lines of its own.

Many corporate leaders have sold their shareholders on green initiatives by pointing out that they help cut costs — an argument that is more persuasive now, while energy costs are sky high. But as companies rush to put out more and more “natural,” “organic” or “green” products, consumers and advocacy groups are increasingly questioning the meaning of these labels.”

It is the same thing with supermarket brand, Walmart, K-mart, Target type pet foods, by the way, people.

Not only is Jennie-uh oh Hormel but they have now recalled 55 THOUSAND pounds of turkey burgers. And I just bought some at Safeway. The turkey burgers are suspected of having Salmonella and are supposedly only tainted ones are from Sam’s Club. You believe that, I got a bridge to sell you.

At least Foster Farms is still a real farm.

“Our chickens and turkeys mature naturally without growth hormones or steroids.”

Still, the ONLY relatively safe way to know what you are eating is by growing your own fruits and veggies organically and I guess slaughtering your own meat (UGH) or buying grass-fed meat from reputable companies. NOT Hormel. NOT Hormel disguised as Jennie-uh-oh.

Happy Passover/Easter… better make it a vegan seder?  My roommate rooked me into making him a real home cooked meal tonight… not vegan. Chicken from Foster Farms, matzo ball soup, potato latkes or kugel, gefilte fish with horseradish and more (mostly from jars) but he’ll never know the difference between from scratch and jars. He lives on cereal and milk and fast food (and wonders why he’s sick all the time, duh)… did NOT get any wine and there will be no apples and honey and ritual/ceremony, no Hebrew since I don’t know any, no waiting for Elijah or having an empty chair at the table, but I digress.

Here is a vegan recipe suggested by Lisa Spector, Through a Dog’s Ear.

well, I would scratch the sugar and use an all natural substitute like agave or stevia OR NO sugar period.  Why one needs sugar in a recipe for eggplant cutlets is beyond me. Substitute the wheat bread crumbs for a gluten free mixture of Bob’s Red Mill flax seed meal and rice flour, I made zucchini sticks a few weeks ago with this and they were yummy. My now go-to bread crumbs substitute.

Be sure that you DO NOT give your dogs too much flax seed meal nor matzo, potato kugel or any other holiday favorite MADE FOR HUMANS. chocolate matzo for dessert for the humans, anyone?

The flax seed meal will take care of the matzo dilemma as Shankman so aptly put it this morning.

“Did you know that Matzoh, with what it does to your stomach after eating it for eight days, is the real reason for the phrase “Let my people go?” It’s true.”

L’chaim or whatever you are supposed to say for Happy Passover.


Filed under chocolate, Easter, farm animals, food, green, healthy dog food, homemade dog food, keep pets safe, music for dogs, Passover seder vegan, turkey, Uncategorized