Category Archives: music for dogs

Pets Home Alone

5 Ways to Help a Lonely Pet

Chronic loneliness and social isolation is not only debilitating for humans; dogs and cats can also suffer the psychological, and perhaps physical, impacts of being alone and not emotionally connected or engaged on a regular basis. Pet loneliness, which differs from separation anxiety, can manifest from a new or temporary situation triggered by changes like moving to a new home, a teenager going off to college, or a significant schedule alteration for the owner. More worryingly, it can be a long-term problem caused by prolonged seclusion—a situation that, unfortunately, becomes a way of life for many of our nation’s four-legged family members.

There is debate as to whether or not research on chronic loneliness, proven to have direct links to impeding both the mental and physical health of humans—including conditions like dementia, insomnia, anxiety, depression and potentially lethal heart disease—impacts pets in similar ways. More certainly, however, even beyond potential ominous health concerns, lonely pets can be unhappy, bored and lethargic. This often leads to a variety of unsavory behaviors and dissatisfaction for all involved. The more social the pet’s nature, the higher probability that problems will be present and persist.


Photo on 2012-06-02 at 08.58 #5


(Fortunately, my Cici, the Polka Dot Princess, is rarely home alone. And when she is, her couch or my bed or her house (her crate) are where she resides and sleeps until I come back).  But not all dogs are so lucky.  In addition to the list below, we would add, put the TV or radio on or some comforting canine music, give them a familiar article of clothing with your smell on it, and/or depending upon their level of separation anxiety, you might give them a dose of Rescue Remedy or another all natural calming remedy before you leave, to keep them happy. You could also bring them to doggie daycare or hire a pet sitter or dog walker on a regular basis if possible.


To help keep America’s dogs and cats more stimulated and satisfied during “alone time,” Paul Mann, Founder and CEO of FETCH! Pet Care, offers these 5 tips on how to avoid pet loneliness and turn this sad face into a happy doggie smile:  (you know the sad eyes face that they give you before you leave when they know they are not going with you)





  1. Exercise a pet before exiting: As close as possible to the time you leave a pet alone, give them a physical workout. Take your dog on a brisk walk or play a game of fetch, and play a game of laser tag or “chase the string” with your cat.This exercise will tire and calm your pet physically so they can utilize the alone time to catch up on rest and recuperation. It also exhilarates them emotionally, fostering a healthier state of mind.
  2. Arrange regular midday visits: The best-case scenario is when an owner can come home at least once during the business day, perhaps for lunch, to spend a little quality time with Fido or Felix.Those whose schedule or commute doesn’t always allow for this should consider hiring a professional dog walker or pet sitter who can stimulate your furry friend and provide regular affection, companionship, socialization and exercise.
  3. Provide engaging play toys: Leave your dog or cat’s favorite toys and anything else you can think of so they can remain entertained in your absence.While treats may not last long in toys, you can also try inserting or freezing them inside a toy to provide a mental challenge. There are also puzzle game treat dispensers on the market that encourage a dog’s natural foraging behavior by stimulating their sense of smell. Dogs learn to lift the compartment covers and rotate the toy to retrieve the hidden treats, keeping them happy and engaged. There are also a bevy of fun and challenging play-alone activity toys for cats available like motorized wands, automatic cat teasers and even a scampering self-correcting mouse that automatically moves to engage natural hunting instincts.
  4. Capitalize on sensory stimulants: Be it an outdoor shady and well-protected space in the yard where your pet can watch birds, squirrels and other wildlife, watching Animal Planet on TV, or seeing or hearing you through a web-connected device at certain times of the day, there are many ways to ensure your pet has entertainment and peace-of-mind while you are away.
  5. Find a furry friend: Many pets enjoy spending time with other animals, whether they be the same breed or type of pet, or not. Many dogs and cats play quite well together. A common solution is to adopt a second pet as a companion for your dog or cat but, if that isn’t a viable solution, pre-arrange pet play dates. Perhaps you have a friend or family member’s pet over one day, and alternate so the other party takes your pet on other days, Of course, take the time to consider how your pet would react to this and what kind of pet is ideal. Optimally, do a test run over multiple hours with you on location to observe the interaction and behaviors before leaving the two animals “home alone” together.

Avoiding, rectifying or reversing a pet’s state of loneliness can have tremendous and immediate benefits for the animal and the household at large.  Following even a few of the tips above will improve a pet’s quality of life and surely get their tail wagging again.

Paul Mann is the Founder and CEO of Fetch! Pet Care—the nation’s largest and most trusted franchisor for professional pet sitting, dog walking, and pet fitness/exercise services—serving thousands of pets and pet parents throughout the United States from coast to coast. He may be reached online at:


Filed under aromatherapy, dog toys, doggie daycare, dogs, exercise your dog, guest blog, keep pets safe, music for dogs, natural health remedies, pet care, pet sitting, pet travel, Uncategorized, walking the dog

Pet music

Interview with Lisa Spector, co-creator of Through a Dog’s (and now Cat’s) ear music…

About Lisa Spector

Lisa Spector is a concert pianist, Juilliard graduate, and canine music expert. By combining her passion for music with her love of dogs, she co-founded Through a Dog’s Ear.

As a concert pianist, Lisa has won first prizes in Chopin competitions in New York and Los Angeles and has performed in China, Poland, Spain, France, Italy and throughout the U.S.

Note:  July 4th and Fireworks. Many dogs have issues with loud noises from thunderstorms and fireworks. Many run off and go missing on this holiday. My Cici does not usually have any issues with fireworks unless big noises are up close and personal… and this year, it sounded like some big KABOOMS were right outside our door… she was looking a bit concerned. so I put on our Through a Dog’s Ear calming canine music (thanks to the wonderful Lisa Spector and Cici calmed down, was sleepy, then I jumped into bed with her and cuddled, and we both just slept thru all of the noisy fireworks for about three hours)… zzzzzzzzzzz… the music really conks Cici and me out…

Lisa has been busy creating an IPawd for doggies with ALL kinds of canine calming music…   Through A Dog’s Ear is clinically demonstrated to relieve canine anxiety issues.  ICalmDog is a portable, compact player with built-in speaker and battery. With an auto-repeat function, the 4-hours of pre-loaded Through a Dog’s Ear music can be played for 12 hours at a time.


and she has also created music for felines that is similar to the doggie calming music CD’s but specifically for cats.

what is different (between the cat and dog music)?

from Joshua Leeds

Joshua Leeds is a sound researcher, music producer and educator. He is one of few published authorities in the field of psychoacoustics—the study of the effects of music and sound on the human nervous system. Publications include Through a Dog’s Ear (Sounds True, 2008), The Power of Sound (Healing Arts Press, 2001), and Sonic Alchemy (InnerSong Press, 1997).

Sonic Anchoring is experimental. Our goal is to create a mental and emotional sense of safety that arises from familiarity. We accomplish this through a recognizable sequence of notes. The music on Through a Cat’s Ear is repetitious by design. Of fifteen tracks, six interludes are melodic fragments from Bach’s “Rondo Espressivo.” While people hear these interludes as repeating melodic intervals, cats may categorize this information as a familiar frequency matrix. As much as cats are hearing the music, they are feeling a sequence of vibrational frequencies. Like sensory information we instantly recognize—a favorite taste or aroma, our best friend’s voice, a mother’s touch— familiar sensory cues can have a profound and calming impact on the nervous system while providing psychological security.

Frequency Modulation (FM) can be defined as the alteration of sound. To further focus the therapeutic impact of Cat’s Ear, we’ve removed higher frequencies from the re-arranged piano music. FM also takes place in the mid- and low-frequency ranges. Through progressive modulation, “arousing” frequencies are reduced and “soothing” frequencies are increased.

TACats Vol. 1-cover-final

how are people responding to the cats music?

Initial response is wonderful. Like Through a Dog’s Ear, people are also finding Through a Cat’s Ear very relaxing for themselves.

Comments from an email today:

“Thank you for this fabulous CD for cats.  I am having construction in the house and my Abyssinian cat, Simba, has been extremely distressed about being locked in a back bedroom and hearing loud construction sounds.  He has been a nervous wreck with poor appetite, howling, and he even tried to run away. Your wonderful cat  CD came yesterday and I have been playing it for him this morning in a calm setting.  That cat is limp.  Purring.  Smiling.  

By the way, I love the music. Thinking of using it myself to help with sleep issues. And my dog, Suki the mini-poodle,  is draped upside down in her bed listening to the CD.

I think this is one of the best CDs you have done.  You and your colleagues have created something truly special.”

do cats hear differently from dogs?

Yes, they hear a much higher frequency than dogs. Their hearing range goes up to 65K Hz. However, the most important thing is how the frequency of sound affects the feline nervous system.

do cats have different traumas/fears phobias than dogs?

Yes, cats rarely have separation anxiety. But, they have much more of a need for consistency than dogs. Most dogs get very excited when a visitor comes to the front door. Many cats run and hide under a bed when visitors come in. Changes in their environment cause them stress.

what kinds of music do cats like?

That conversation is still up for exploration. When clinical studies of Through a Dog’s Ear were done, it was based on research in the shelter environment by a behaviorist, Deborah Wells. She tested a variety of types of music in the shelter environment and it showed that classical music calmed the dogs. So when we went into the recording studio, I played a variety of types of classical music, including re-arranged, slowed down, simplified versions of classical music that later became Through a Dog’s Ear.

However, there hasn’t been any music studies on cats. So we are not starting from the same place. We are very eager for researchers to run with this project and to put Through a Cat’s Ear and other music through clinical testing.

For more info and for listening samples:

Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop  link

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Filed under cats, dog health, dogs, interviews, keep pets safe, music for dogs, pet blog hop, pet care, Uncategorized

Saving Lives

Walk through most animal shelters (and vet hospitals where they board animals) and the noise can be deafening. Animals are stressed out, scared, even terrified, and are making lots of noise barking, crying, and other sounds to indicate their distress.  I also believe that animals are not dummies. At high kill shelters, the animals KNOW that they are going to be killed and/or that is what is on the agenda. Animals know the difference between loving people and abusive ones and want to escape the abuse.

so what would happen if this music was played in shelters throughout the USA ???   if your local shelter is not listed, why not donate a CD to them today?  It is FREE to shelters and for $5 shipping you can donate one.

am glad to see that Marin Humane and Mendocino Humane both have the music… I got some sent to Best Friends for the Vicktory dogs, now what about the Monterey SPCA, NJ SPCA, and Villalobos?

this music has been increasing adoption rates in over 1,500 shelters/rescues worldwide.

The Through a Dog’s Ear Shelter/Rescue Program offers an hour of clinically tested classical piano music free to dog advocacy groups, such as animal shelters and dog rescues. The music provided isMusic to Calm Your Canine Companion, Vol 2. The qualifying factor for free CDs is a non-profit facility that temporarily houses five or more dogs for adoption or placement that has a music system of moderate quality or better.

The 2002 research of noted animal behaviorist, Deborah Wells, Ph.D. (Belfast, N. Ireland), proved that classical music had the strongest relaxation effect on shelter dogs when compared to other musical styles.


There are also CD’s for especially fearful dogs with phobias such as those who are afraid of thunderstorms, fireworks and NOISE.


Does your dog suffer from a fear of thunderstorms? Does his anxiety level increase when the storm clouds roll in? Thunderstorm phobia is a very common condition among dogs all over the world. The terror that results can be an incredibly distressing, debilitating problem not only for dogs, but also for their owners who feel powerless to help. This groundbreaking desensitization tool will teach your dog to associate positive feelings with thunderstorms rather than feeling fearful, and will help to gradually reduce your dog’s fear when exposed to these sounds. When used properly and implemented in conjunction with the behavioral modification protocols included in the CD liner notes, you have an excellent chance of rehabilitating your thunder-phobic dog and preventing thunder-phobia from ever developing in younger dogs.


Action Alert: Please ask Virginia officials to repeal PETA’s shelter designation since they do NOT shelter animals, and kill a majority of the animals they supposedly rescue.

Since employees of “animal shelters” are the only non-veterinarians authorized by Virginia law to kill animals, removing PETA’s designation as a shelter will put the brakes on PETA killing.


Do you have what it takes to save lives? Find out:

And then apply:

San Marcos, TX:

St. Paul, MN:

Bozeman, MT:

Addison County, VT:

Chittenden, VT:

Longview, TX:

Oklahoma City, OK:

Pasado’s Safe Haven:

Jersey Animal Coalition:

Operation Kindness:

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Enter to Win: Traveling dogs

Does your dog drive you crazy or drive you to the store?


Fur in the breeze, adventure in her blood, born to be wild Cici loves car rides, no matter where we go. She will hop in anyone’s car, (although she has her preferred vehicle, a Subaru, of course). She loves to go to the beach, shopping mall, dog park or to her favorite pet friendly winery. She even loves going to the vet. But, some dogs do not enjoy driving in the car because they associate car driving with getting a bath or haircut and nails trimmed at the groomer or some other terrible experience (going to the vet or worse).  Dogs who fear driving in cars may throw up, drool, whine, shake, cry or otherwise make life miserable for the driver of the car (that would likely by you).

Make traveling with Dog a breeze

You can ease your dog’s anxiety in the car through a number of methods, from giving them Bach Flower Essences, Rescue Remedy, aromatherapy essential oils (a few calming drops of Lavendar on paws), a calming collar filled with aromatherapy oils and/or play some nice relaxing doggie music made for scaredy dogs like Through a Dog’s Ear by Lisa Spector.

Whenever Cici drives in the car, she is surrounded by her very own pillows and blankets and hitched up to the seat belt but many dogs would prefer and feel safer in a crate or a carrier. NEVER put your dog in the back of your truck, that is one of my pet peeves. What happens when they jump out or if you have to stop quickly? And do not ever let your dog be in the front of the car, sitting on your lap or in the shotgun seat. Much too dangerous. It also goes without saying that your dog should NEVER be put in a kennel on the top of the motor vehicle, either… for ANY length of time.

Cars Made For Traveling Dogs

Car savvy traveling dogs like Cici have voted for their favorite car to drive in. And that car is a Subaru, no matter the model. Cici and I drove our Subaru Legacy station wagon for two years all over California, Nevada and Oregon without a hitch. Well, except for running out of gas and getting a flat tire. Subaru cars are ideally suited to and made for traveling dogs. And their Dog Tested Dog Approved campaign, that we’ve mentioned a couple of times, shows dogs the best car to drive. Grant Weber, Subaru Canine Sales Associate devotes his life selling cars specifically to dogs. Dogs of ALL breeds, little dogs, big dogs, scaredy dogs, brave dogs and most especially traveling savvy dogs.

Watch him sell cars to dogs here…   click on the link…It is funny and Made for Dogs… especially dogs who LOVE to EAT !!!!


As part of their campaign, Subaru has launched a facebook app that is FUN and offers some  things to do, such as the Subaru Dog Matcher, the Ask the Expert, Put Your Dog in a Subaru, and the Canine Driver’s License Division (you can make a driver’s license for your dog – I made one for Cici, make sure you put in a fake address).


Grant Weber suggested Cici would prefer a Subaru Outback for our next car and with the app we can even build our own Outback to our specifications, and the car even comes with snacks, how cool is that?

Cici would look great
in a Subaru Outback.

With the go-anywhere capability of the Outback, you can get away from that fenced-in yard of yours and sniff out some real adventure…



Enter to Win!

Try the Subaru app out for yourself!

 Like the Subaru Facebook page for a chance to win cash and
tell them that Cici and CeliaSue from Have Dog Blog will Travel sent ya!

Just “like” the Subaru facebook page and you’ll be entered to win a Visa gift card!  One first place prize winner will receive a $350 Visa gift card and one second place prize winner will receive a $150 Visa gift card!  The winners will be announced within 48 hours after the raffle closes.


Like Subaru’s Facebook page FIRST.

Follow the Rafflecopter instructions.

You can enter once per day until the contest ends at 11:59 pm ET on Sunday, February 24.

Start today to win !

Enter once a day for your best chance to win! You can enter with your Facebook log-in or just use your email address.

Be sure to visit our Facebook page and post a photo of your dog driving a Subaru, your dog’s driver’s license, and share what you did with the Subaru Facebook app!

This post is sponsored by Subaru. we are helping spread the woof about the Dog Tested. Dog Approved.™ campaign, because [Have Dog Blog Will Travel] only shares news for things we love and support. All opinions are mine.

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14 Valentine’s Day gifts

We Love Our Pets 

According to the The American Pet Products Association (APPA) National Pet Owning Survey 2011 – 2012, there are currently 72.9 million pet owning households and they regularly purchase lifestyle products for their pet, especially for holidays. Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day (2/14), Love Your Pet Day (2/20) or both, the sentimental holidays are coming up soon.  Last year, over $120 million was spent on gifts for pets (up from the $90 million recorded in 2008).

Below are 14 suggested gifts for your pets that will show them you care… Each of the gifts have been paw picked and reviewed by Cici and I to make sure that you and your pooches will LOVE LOVE LOVE them… Enjoy !

Loving Pets shows dogs and cats how to dine in style!  Cici loves her Bella Bowl with hearts and I love the ease of cleaning it.

Black Label Vintage Diners:

  • Three-step finish creates vintage styling, such as “aged copper”, and “vintage black”
  • Unique designs complement Craftsman, Mission, and Rustic home decor
  • No-skid rubber bases/feet prevents sliding and tipping

Bella Bowls in New Designer Expression styles:

  • 8 new designs sure to suit any taste or season!
  • Dishwasher-safe
  • Removable rubber base prevents sliding and tipping

CritterZone Air Purifier

We have been putting The CritterZone Air Purifier to good use 24/7 for days now. It is powerful, filterless and chemical-free and you can take one with you while traveling. Put one in the car and one in the hotel room and one at home. I was wheezing before using this purifier and Cici’s bugs were making her itchy. Plus, Cici can be a stinky girl. No more doggie smell, no more bugs, no more wheezing ! We love love love this little hard working product.

CritterZone air purifiers are odor neutralizers. They quickly remove the particles from the air that cause odors, restoring it to a healthier, fresher state.  An all-natural process virtually eliminates odors, bacteria and other pollutants such as mold, mildew, E-coli, Staph, Salmonella, Listeria, and more.  It safely and naturally kills germs in the air and provides a surface of protection to PREVENT germ and mold growth.   Featuring 3 settings, you control the amount of natural charged flow to clean your room or vehicle;  Virtually eliminating odors, bacteria and other air pollutants for up to 800 SQ FT!

As a busy pet owner, you may not have time to clean your home top to bottom constantly. That’s where a pet air purifier can help.

CritterZone, an ionic pet air purifier, can get to the root of the odor caused by the smelly cat or stinky dog in your life. It targets the odors and removes them, rather than covering them up. The CritterZone creates a continuous charged flow that restores the air to give it the natural cleaning power it has in the outdoors. The result is that odors are neutralized and removed from the air.

Another benefit of the CritterZone:  It can pull the odors out of fabric and carpet. If your cat or dog had an accident, hold the unit over the spot or set it nearby, and you’ll be able to tell the odor has been neutralized in minutes.



Incognito Pet Carrier in LE prints and solids is styled for pet travel when discretion is required. The design begs the question; “Is it for pets or people?” /Sturdi says, “You decide.”

This gorgeous, comfy red bag is only for small dogs under 40 pounds so Cici (does not fit) and she wants to Give It Away to someone with a small dog … All you have to do is leave a comment and tell us why you’d like to have it and it could be yours !!!! 

There is a double zippered side door entry and top for easy access to your pet. When you are not traveling, your pooch or your cat could use it as a comfy crate house…

When you want to be Incognito, cover the mesh windows with attached privacy flaps and no one

knows what’s in the bag! Additional large pockets on each side will keep paper work dry.

Other features include, slim padded carrying straps, zipper safety security clips, safety tether and a luggage handle loop. A washable fleece comfort pad is included!

go bag

Hot water bottle for doggies

Cuddling with pets keep us humans nice and warm and cozy. And sometimes our pets (and we) need a little extra warmth and comfort. We love this hot water bottle… it works! offers  some really unique hot water bottles that are great for pets to use. Pets like to curl up on a hot water bottle to keep themselves warm, comfortable and relaxed. Also great to use on dog or cat’s aches, pains or arthritis. Cover is removable and machine washable. Hot water bottle keeps pets warm for hours.

Boil water, pour into a hot water bottle and slip it in between the sheets of your bed (perhaps down by the feet where your pet is lying down) a few minutes prior to bedtime.  The hot water bottle will stay warm all night  An eco friendly and affordable way to keep warm throughout the winter.

Zuke’s Superfood Treats 

Cici loves Zuke’s treats, all of them. Super treats, she scarfs them up no matter what flavor.  They are Super nutritious and super delicious and the superfoods keep her going.  The naturally powerful nutrients found in superfood berries, betas and greens are just plain yummy in her tummy.

Zuke’s Z-Bones

Z-bones are grain-free, anti-oxidant rich dental canine chews that breath and clean teeth- perfect for your favorite canine!

Music for dogs CD

Relaxing music for your pooches …  a natural solution to pet anxiety and stress. This is classical music designed specifically to calm pets. You can play a CD for your pets when they are alone, recuperating from surgery, adjusting to new environments, or reacting to foreign sounds such as thunder.  The music is very soothing and all selections have been re-orchestrated using the sounds, chords and harmonies proven to soothe “stressed out” pets – and their owners!

Go listen to samples at the website…


Treats galore plus food from Evangers

Evanger’s, America’s only privately-held, family-owned pet food cannery introduces a new Grain-Free recipe and packaging for Nothing But Natural Jerky Treats for dogs.  Cici loves them and does not notice that they are only six calories each !!!

Like every Evanger’s dog and cat food product, Nothing But Natural Jerky Treats have always been prepared without a trace of artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.  But now the treats are also Gluten-Free, removing oat flour from its list of farm fresh ingredients.

Available in these delectable combinations:

  • Organic Chicken, Fruits & Vegetables
  • Natural Buffalo, Fruits & Vegetables
  • Natural Pheasant, Fruits & Vegetables
  • Natural Venison, Fruits & Vegetables



Goat milk soap is for humans, too!  This soap smells soooo good, I wish I could convey that thru the computer, it is heavenly delicious, lathers up like a champ and I love the peppermint lip balm and unscented soap for pets, too.

Goat Milk Stuff, offers these great lathering bars of natural chemical-free goat milk soap for dogs, as well as a wide variety of goat milk soaps and lotions for people and pets. for the unscented

version and for the

scented. Each Goat Milk Stuff scented or unscented pet bar costs $8 and is easy to use on your dog’s coat. It will get their hair clean, but is a lot easier to rinse off than most other pet shampoos. It is scented with essential oils that are designed to help repel irritating bugs. Plus, the goat milk helps to make it gentle and non-irritating on their skin.


While candy and flowers typify Valentine’s Day, gifts that pamper can make the day even more memorable. GoatMilkStuff is made by the Jonas family of 10 at their Indiana goat farm, the hand-made Goat Milk Stuff soaps and lotions are great gifts for loved ones and friends in a wide variety of scents.

With mom PJ and dad Jim overseeing soap making and marketing, each of the Jonas children (ages 5 to 16) pitches in to help milk the goats, mail soaps orders and help in many ways in the family’s growing business.

Goat Milk Stuff’s Valentine’s Day gift packs are reasonably-priced from $13 to $20, and each is presented in an organza bag with a variety of color and scent choices.

Online at

Chews On Belay dog tugs

Photo on 2013-01-20 at 16.01 #2

Cici chewed up the first one in 5 minutes but then the larger one has lasted and lasted and lasted. It is a tug toy with rope and a ball for chewing and tug fun.

To make these hearty tug toys, they use repurposed/recycled climbing ropes and hand make each and every tug. The tugs come in varying sizes and styles and have a broad range of colors. For Valentines Day, get some “love” tugs. These tugs are all red, as well as reds and whites and durable. Being made out of rock climbing ropes, they stand up to the toughest tug-o-war games. If the dog is a persistent chewer, they do not become stringy like other rope toys, meaning there is significantly less string swallowed as well as around the house. All the materials used are made in USA and the actual tug is made in Estes Park, Colorado. Tugs can be made in any color that is on the website. You can see the products at You can also see pictures of the tugs in action on Facebook at

Doggy sheets

Cici and I both love her Valentine’s cute pink sheets with hearts on it for her bed. One of her beds.

Dogysheets come in many colors including Red for Valentines Day! They are easy to use, soft, pretty, machine washable and also come in different sizes and shapes (round, square, rectangle), made in the USA, 100% cotton and are fitted. Dogs love them!  (What is not to love?)

Get yours at the website at:


It’s a pouch and a dog rain poncho, all in one

Travel souvenirs for your pet… This is a cool product that is both fun and handy, to boot. Your pet can use the poncho to keep dry and you can use the pouch to keep stuff in it. Plus, it has iconic graphics of NYC (and other places) on it so you can show off to your friends where you’ve been or would like to go. They also offer doggie t-shirts (NYC) in different colors and sizes, too.


Night Dawg collar 

This collar is for the dark, comes in neon colors (Cici’s is hot pink) and you can get your dog’s info inscribed on it, to keep your pet safe at night and if your pet wanders off. This is a nifty and practical gift. Comes in different sizes, small, medium, large.

Here is the link to the website:

Send a flying card frisbee

Perhaps you are traveling for V-day and want to send your pooch a message. What better way than send a frisbee with a special message printed right on it ! They will woof it up !!!  This is a great gift for V-day, birthdays, Xmas and more.

Star in a Romance Novel Made in America This Valentine’s Day

Paperbacks start at $39.95; hardbacks at $74.95; ebooks at $14.95, but there are Valentine’s Specials on the site, so it’s best to look for a deal. Photos of the starring couple can be added to the cover for an additional $25. We ship worldwide. Ordering is fast, safe, and easy online at Order by February 8 for print books in time for Valentine’s delivery. Ebooks can be ordered up through February 14.
Does not have a specific field for pets but if you want to put your pet’s name in for the space usually used for “best friends” you could do that.


Filed under dog friendly, dog health, dog toys, dog treats, dog wear, doggie breath, dogs, eco friendly/green, four paws up, free giveaway, gifts for your dog, goat, holiday gifts, K9 approved, K9 travel, keep pets safe, Made in USA, music for dogs, pet care, pet food, pet travel, product review, travel, travel with dog, tug of war, Uncategorized, women travel, women with dogs

Born to be Cici

Does your dog dig Enya, Mozart or the Beatles?

2012 study at Colorado State University found that kenneled dogs spent more time sleeping when exposed to classical music and became shaky when listening to heavy metal tunes.

If your dog had a favorite song or signature song what would it be?

I think Cici’s would be Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf, Easy Rider movie… (she loves motorcycles, PEOPLE who ride them and she’s a wild and crazy dog)…

Get your motor runnin’

Head out on the highway

Looking for adventure

In whatever comes our way

Yeah, darlin’

Gonna make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace…



How Many Dogs Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?

American Pit Bull Terrier…  (my polka dot princess)…   rub my belly and I’ll kiss you and cuddle with you and kiss you and cuddle… after, let’s zoom around the block, roll in the grass, rub my belly, cuddle and kiss… what light bulb?

Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we’ve got our whole lives ahead of us, and you’re inside worrying about a stupid light bulb?

Border Collie: Just One. And then I’ll replace ALL the wiring that’s not up to code.

Dachshund: You know I can’t reach the stupid lamp.

Rottweiler: Make Me.

Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.

Lab: Oh Me, me me, PLEEEEEEEEZE let me change the light bulb. Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I, PLEEEEEEEEZE, PLEASE PLEASE?

German Shepard: I’ll change it as soon as I’ve led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven’t missed any, and make one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.

Jack Russell: I’ll just pop it in while I am bouncing off the walls.

Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.

Chihuahua: Yo Quiero Taco Bulb.

Pointer: I see it, there it is, there it is, right there–RIGHT THERE

Greyhound: It isn’t moving, who cares?

Australian Shepherd: First, I’ll put all the light bulbs in a little circle.

Poodle: I’ll just blow in the Border Collie’s ear, and he’ll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

Terrier: Let me bark at it for a while to see if it really needs changing.

What would your dog say?

How many cats does it take to change a light bulb???

Screen shot 2013-01-30 at 4.54.25 AM


Filed under animal communication, belly rubs, breeds, cats, dogs, four paws up, funny, justforlaughs, music for dogs, pit bull, silly dog, Uncategorized

Home for the holidays

An interview with Little Red’s mom Susan…

Little Red is one of the former Vick(tory) dogs…

last Christmas Little Red had some challenges with the Christmas tree and decorations

2-6-11 We’ve had a rough few days. I decorated my Christmas tree and put up my house decorations over the weekend. When I turned on the lights, Little freaked. She ran to my bedroom where she usually is too afraid to go and didn’t leave for two days (except for potty breaks). I tried to comfort her and help her see that the lights wouldn’t hurt her. She was too terrified to respond to anything — even treats. I’ve never seen her so frightened –not even her first days here. I stayed home from work on Monday (I was sick and sick at heart). I stopped lighting any of the inside Christmas lights to see if would help her. It has, but even unlit — the tree seems like a scary monster to Little. She finally came back into the living room last night and slept in her usual spot. She let me cover her with her blanket. But tonight, she is back in my bedroom curled up on a dog bed. If she hears me get treats for the other dogs, she comes out to investigate but as soon as the treats are gone, she hurries back to the bedroom. It doesn’t help that it’s been sub-zero for days (yesterday 27 below without wind chill). Little’s feet are so cold that she doesn’t want to do her usual running. Exercise helps relieve her stress but it’s just too cold. All of my dogs are scurrying out and right back inside. Maybe tomorrow will be warmer and Little will be able to go for a good run. We’ll see.
and the good news… a gift for Little
12-11-11 What a difference a week makes. This is a picture I just took of Little sleeping on her easy chair with a fully lit Christmas tree! This past week has been about helping Little overcome her fear of the inside Christmas lights. I took the advice of so many of Little’s Facebook friends. I used lots of treats, the Chill Out spray, melatonin, and very small steps every day. Now the lights are on and Little is comfortable enough to fall asleep in the Christmas glow. Yesterday when we went to her CGC class, she stood between the seats and pressed her cheek against mine like she always does. But she stayed close the entire drive and put one paw on my shoulder. If she could have climbed into my lap, she would have. Little really wanted to be close to me and I like to think she was thanking me for all of the treats and love. I know I was thanking her for all of the bravery and trust.
1-14-12 Can you say relaxed!!!  Little loves listening to her new CD — “Through a Dog’s Ear”. She got this wonderful gift from her good friends CeilaSue and CiCi. We love it! All 5 dogs respond to this music in the most amazing way. After breakfast (which is at 5 am in my household), the dogs are up and down and in and out and have a hard time settling. Now I put on the CD and the dogs all take extended naps while I have time to sink into a novel before the day really gets going. The music is classical piano pieces and the cadences are designed to calm dogs. It’s been clinically tested with shelter dogs and I can say unequivocally that it works!!! We’ve been listening to the music every morning in preparation for Little’s 1st acupuncture session. I played the CD for her to keep her calm. It was really a special time. I’ll write about it later this weekend. Right now we’ve got some more listening and napping to do.
Little Red in her fall coat 9-30-11

“no matter what she did, Susan never felt the diminutive pit bull truly relax. Little Red slept with her eyes open, her body curled up tight, on guard through the night. Her muscles were always tense, almost as if anticipating a kick or blow. Susan was desperate to help her dog feel safe.

Then one night, she put on a CD of specially arranged classical music designed to calm dogs. “She heard that music, and she just sprawled out on her bed and sighed. She went to sleep with her eyes closed, like her whole body was breathing a sigh of relief.”

“Susan uses the music every day for Little Red, in addition to acupuncture and lots of tender loving care. “It was like a miracle. There’s something intoxicating about that music,” she says.

now onto the interview…

please tell a little bit about your background with dogs/pit bulls... and general background…  I’ve been involved with rescue dogs for many years although I’ve never had a pit bull and didn’t know much about them. When I heard about the Vick bust, I became interested in learning more about the dogs who were rescued.   It wasn’t so much that they were pit bulls as much as the fact that the Vick dogs had suffered such abuse and they were surviving and thriving with love and attention.  It seemed like a miracle that such traumatized dogs could learn to trust people again.

when / why / how did you meet little red and decide to adopt her?  I was volunteering at Best Friends in February 2009 and had heard that 22 of the Vick dogs went to BF.  One particular dog broke my heart – her picture seemed so sad and poignant.  It was Little.  I sponsored her and read everything about her through BF.   I had her picture in my office and I looked at her face every day.  I volunteer once a year for a week at BF and in 2010, I asked if I could meet her.  The staff took me to where she lived (Beefcake was her companion) and I got to watch her in the yard.  She was the “out” dog  so she was right in front of her unit and I asked some of the staff to take her picture with my camera.  The next Feb. (2011) when I went on my annual visit, I asked if I could volunteer in her unit.  I had no idea I could volunteer where she lived.  That year, I spend 6 days watching her and I got to observe her shy dog class.  I was already in love with her but never dreamed I could adopt her.  I was sure so many people with experience with pit bulls would have already applied and I’d never have a chance.   On the last day at BF, I screwed up my courage and went to the adoption office to inquire about her status.  I was shocked when Kristi Littrell told me that several people were interested in adopting her but no one had put in a formal application.  That was it for me.  I completed the application and did all the things necessary to be qualified.  Little passed her canine citizenship test in August and a few weeks later I brought all of my dogs to  Best Friends to meet her.  The meeting went very well and in Sept. 2011 she came to live with me.

what is the hardest thing about adopting little red (the process, problems you’ve had with her health, emotional trauma, or?)  Little’s emotional trauma was very difficult and enormously sad.  She was very frightened and nervous for the first few weeks and months.  She was afraid of coming inside the house and I had to carry her through every doorway.  The normal sounds of a household (washer/dryer/dishwasher) frightened her and she wasn’t sure if she could trust me.  It took many weeks for her to feel comfortable at home.  I believe she also missed her caregivers very much, especially Betsy Kidder who had been with her since she was rescued.  She was very lonely and sad about losing all of her canine and human friends.

progress you’ve had with little red … examples  

She smiles every day and she loves to run and prance around her pasture. She also jumps on my lap for her special treats.

why did you want to adopt a pit bull ?

I didn’t necessarily want to adopt a pit bull.  I wanted to adopt Little Red.  Something in her eyes made me want to help her regain the joy in life that every dog should feel.

how many dogs do you have?  5 dogs counting Little:    Cheeto, a heeler cross from Old Friends at BF; Daisy a beagle from my local shelter, PomPom, a 3-legged Pomeranian with 3 teeth who was abandoned; and Ella a mini-dach rescued from a puppy mill.

does little have a favorite best friend?   She and Cheeto are good friends.  She also likes my PomPom very much.  The little 3 lb dog bosses her around and she is so happy to obey.  Little  really  likes other dogs and is very comfortable with them.   In September, we visited with Halle (another Vick dog) and her 2 pit bull brothers.  Little was in heaven. She adored them all and fell in love with Jagger, a small pit bull pup with a spinal abnormality. Little was totally smitten with Jagger  and followed him everywhere.  She loves pittie play. None of my other dogs play like pit bulls do and Little misses that..

little’s favorite toy, food, treat, place?

Little doesn’t play with toys.  She loves boiled chicken which is the treat all my dogs love.  I cook it for them every week. .  She also found an antelope horn in the pasture and she carried it around and chewed it for several months until it was gone.  Santa is bringing her a new one for Christmas.  I’m going to let her “find” it in the pasture.

does little like to travel ?  No she doesn’t.  She is a homebody who likes to run in her pasture and snuggle in her bed.

fears/phobias still to overcome?  Loud noises, changes in her routine, new people. Sometimes she dreams and I can tell that she is upset.  When that happens, I sit with her and play special music that is bio-acoustically engineered to calm her (Through a Dog’s Ear  cd’s).  I also use an herbal spray (Chill Out) that helps her regain her emotional composure.

biggest reward from adopting little?  How happy she is to be in a home.  We are very bonded to each other and I love to hear her snore lightly each evening as she drifts peacefully off to sleep.

unexpected joys?  challenges? Watching her run with abandon across the pasture.  She has a 6-acre fenced yard so she never has to be leashed.  She loves to explore and when I whistle for her, she comes racing to me at top speed, circles around and stops at my side.  She looks up at me and smiles her funny, squinty smile and it makes me laugh.

The biggest challenge is her health.  She has allergies that flare quite frequently.  Because she is Babasia positive, my Vet does not want to keep giving her antibiotics for fear that she will develop an immunity.  When her feet flare, they can get infected very quickly.   We’ve tried so many things to help her and have had the best results with acupuncture and laser treatments for her feet.  She is also on a grain free diet. She has new boots for the snow and that will help to keep her feet dry.

anything else you would like to share?  Little is a constant joy.  She has started to smile more and more and she now comes to me to seek attention and affection.  She’s home and she knows this is a safe place where she will always be loved.  She has blossomed.


Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop  link


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Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, allergies, animal rescue, animal stars, best friends animal sanctuary, dog health, dog rescue, keep pets safe, Michael Vick dogs, music for dogs, pet adoption, pet blog hop, pet care, pit bull, Uncategorized, Vicktory dogs

soothing the holiday doggie blues

ok, tis the holiday season, ho ho ho is upon us and I bet you are racing around for bargains from store to store and other madness. do you and your pooch get the blues around the holidays?  maybe it’s all that food and fun you are supposed to have but maybe you’re not having… maybe you are alone, broke, and/or just plain blue …

no worries…we’ve got some tips for you.

Spend quality time with your canine
According to research at the State University of New York at Buffalo, being around a pet provides more stress relief than being around a two-legged companion. As if we needed a study to determine that.  Good for them, good for you.

My #1 tip for addressing the holiday (or any time traveling) doggie blues is simple.  the dogs  you to want focus on them, so spend some quality time with your dog, do something just with your dog.

Most of my guests come with their dogs almost exclusively because we are incredibly pet welcoming, and most of them are doing a getaway which definitely includes (or is because of) pet dog recreation.

Yet some folks travel with their dogs physically with them, but totally ignore them once they’re here. That causes the doggie traveling blues, no matter whether they’re traveling for the holidays or a family reunion, special event (wedding, birthday, graduation), a special relaxing destination (like Crater Lake), etc.

How to fix that? Easy. Providing some FOCUS on the dog, and quality time (just taking them out to potty doesn’t cut it) will eliminate the doggie blues and also unwanted behaviors like barking, whining, scratching, chewing, clinginess, etc.

Give your dog some loving ME time and attention, belly rubs, massage, play time…

Spend some time each day really focused on your dog. Dogs can tell if you’re going for a walk but not really there (texting, chatting on your phone, thinking about how to fix the holiday dinner, worried about what to do when you get back to work, etc.). That focus, and intention of really being present with your dog will go a loooong way to keeping your pooch happy since that’s how dogs live their lives. they really appreciate and respond when we do the same for and with them.

So DO something with and for your dog, with intention and focus…do some training, and make it a game. That lets your dog exercise their mind as well as their bodies, and it’s fun play for both of you. Teach them a trick or behavior that makes you laugh. Be there for them 110% during that time. See how this little bit of focus time really enhances your bond with your dog, and makes you BOTH feel a heck of a lot better…a great way to have a little bit of sanity with all the holiday traveling craziness.

Enjoy! — Liz

Liz Parrish, Proprietor

Crystalwood Lodge LLC

A pet-welcoming destination in the Southern Oregon Cascades, just outside Crater Lake National Park. Relax with the perfect getaway at the edge of the Klamath Basin, in the heart of a recreation wonderland and a world apart from your daily stress!

Why is this called “the Best 30 Miles in Oregon?” Find out here!

Calming Collars 

Deb Mendez makes the most delicious, yummiest smelling collars for dogs on the planet. And they look gorgeous, too. Clearly, they are handmade (customized) with lots of love and care. These collars can be used whenever your dog is experiencing extra stress (during travel), anxiety (separation), hears loud noises (thunderstorms and/or fireworks), and/or weird weather. We got a Purple Key West collar for Cici and I love that it is all natural.

The regular Calm Me Down blend is a combination that includes lavender, chamomile and balsam. If someone requests an extra strength version,  valerian, lemongrass, mugwort and orange peel may be added. The Good to Go collar is includes lavender, chamomile, peppermint, ginger and other herbs. No essential oils or other fillers, just the actual dried herbs in a cotton fabric sleeve.  The collars work through aromatherapy.  The collars generally last anywhere from 3 to 9 months, depending upon amount of time of usage (every day, 24/7, a few hours a week and so on).

They also make anti-motion sickness collars Good To Go . These will help stop your pet from getting motion sickness when traveling in a car or other moving vehicle.

For summer, there is also the Too Cool collars that help your pet stay cool.

Readers of my blog get an exclusive discount… Just type CICI for a 10% discount on any purchase. You’ll see the discount in the shopping cart before heading to checkout. Cheers !

Dog Pheromones

The Comfort Zone with DAP (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) disperses an odorless vapor that mimics the calming hormone that is secreted by nursing dogs. Pheromones emitted by animals through their skin and glands are natural chemicals that help them to communicate with others of the same species. Basically, it helps dogs calm down.  When animals receive pheromone signals, there is an involuntary behavioral effect on the animals. When the dog or puppy senses the pheromone through the nasal passage, he feels secure and comfortable, reducing his urge to act out through chewing, excessive barking, house soiling or other fear-related behaviors.

It comes in a spray bottle that you can mist away your dog’s stress and also comes in the plug-in diffuser version. You can spray the inside of your dog’s crate 15 minutes ahead of placing your dog inside. These stress reducing pheromones make dogs feel safe and secure and help you control excessive whining hiding, panting, chewing, and other behaviors. The diffuser lasts up to 30 days and refills can be purchased.  Relaxation in a bottle.

They make this product for both dogs and cats. You can purchase through Petco, Amazon or online at their website, find a location near you,

Other ideas:

Comfort your pooch with a massage and/or a class of doggie yoga … OM

Play some soothing doggie music…our friend Lisa Spector at Through a Dog’s Ear has a big promotion going on, with free daily downloads and an annual word game where people compete to win free music for their favorite shelters and rescues. She is also offering discounts on some dog calming music…Driving Edition and Music to Calm your Canine Companion Vol. 3 until Dec 31, 2011.

More info:

Give them some Bach’s Rescue Remedy to calm their K9 nerves

Sing them a Silly Song…

New 12 Dogs Of Christmas Lyrics by me

On the ______ day of Christmas my true love gave to me…

1 Cici eating (cause she’s a food ho)

2  Pibbles licking

3 Patrick’s wagging

and a V-dog in a pear tree

4 Victories for Cherry (Garcia)

5 Kongs for Ginger

6 Forever Homes (for Squeaker, Ellen, Ray and Oscar)

7 Handsome Dan’s swimming

8 Jhumpa Jones’ singing

9 Pibbles  zooming

10  Hector’s Leaping (carefully)

11 Pibble puppies playing

12 Dalmatian pit bulls dancing

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Filed under aromatherapy, belly rubs, canine rehabilitation, creativity, Dalmatian, dancing dogs, dog friendly, dog prayers, doggie healing center, dogs, Don't worry be happy, eco friendly/green, four paws up, gift giving, gifts for your dog, happy holidays, holiday gifts, holiday music, holiday spirit, holiday tips, K9 approved, K9 travel, keep pets safe, laughter is the best medicine, Michael Vick dogs, music for dogs, natural health remedies, Oregon, organic, Patrick, pet care, pet travel, pit bull, self help, seperation anxiety in dogs, tis the season, Uncategorized

Occupy the Shelters!!!

I LOVE the Adoption Centers model… and had an idea last night… Imagine, what if there were Adoption Centers and housing for both people and pets… homeless people would have decent housing, NOT a shelter where they have NO privacy nor dignity, a job to do, get a pet ready to be adopted, gardening (grow food), adoption center jobs and more… Imagine the miracles for both pets and people… Americans Need Jobs. Americans LOVE animals.

Homeless vets, seniors, all kinds of people could become well again through the power of LOVE… pets make wonderful companions… Both the pets and people and communities would benefit.  Similar to the Pit Bulls and Parolees concept at Villa Lobos… except I see smaller houses, maybe 5 or 6 bedrooms, and/or manufactured homes on land with Adoption Centers similar to Doggie Daycare Centers plus the Rehab Centers… Win win win win win win win…

And what if these Adoption Center places also fed the pets THE BEST PET FOODS, not the cheapest, fed the community pets with the best nutrition, the Rehab Centers could have Holistic Vets on board, there could be a doggie gym for agility, a Doggie Spa, a Shop to buy goodies to support the Adoption Center, a doggie pool, and more… No more doggie discrimination. No more pit bulls being put to sleep for how they look and/or because they are pit bulls.

Dreaming… Instead of coming from a mental / emotional place of Scarcity and we have to accept whatever is donated, shabby, crappy and poor mentality, this is revolutionary in concept and scope… a whole different way of THINKING and IMPLEMENTING… Something, places to BE PROUD OF, Places of Dignity and Health and Well Being for People and Pets… Imagine…

IT is TIME to CHANGE the status quo killing factories shelters into an Adoption Centers model…

Get rid of the Greed… and Hate… Eliminate the Greed and Hate…

That means WE have to change too… Not just Point Fingers and Blame, Accuse and Make Wrong… you cannot change something via hate… only LOVE makes a difference… honey works with bees,vinegar not so much… does not mean to sugarcoat, but learn compassion, forgiveness, and LISTEN…

I do NOT understand why someone would rather kill animals than find homes for them and save lives… AND I also know that when accusations are thrown at them, people resist, shut their ears, get defensive, run away, shut down…

There has to be a Win Win Win for ALL…

Am reminded of John Robbins, heir to the Baskin Robbins fortune, years ago he walked away from his family. And he had a dream about a cow. He writes about this in Diet for a New America. And what impressed me so much is how he got to go to factory farms for three whole months. He visited these horrible places where they not only slaughter animals but keep them in horrendous conditions. And he was there with an OPEN HEART and just Listened to the people who worked there. Somehow he was able to do that. Listen with an Open Compassionate Heart although he was repelled by what the people DID every day to the animals. Read the book, Get Inspired and Find Creative Solutions.

Create a Vision of the Adoption Centers you want and Make it Happen/Implement Step by Step by Step… Until It is Done… Manifest…

RIP Ace, this type of “accident”, killing the wrong homeless animal, or someone’s pet happens every day in every state in this country. Until we replace killing shelters with true Adoption Centers, where animals live happily in a healthy, cage free, communal environment and be socialized to prepare them for their new furrever homes. We can SAVE THEM ALL, not just 90% !

Please read a lot more and enjoy some videos at http://www.ShelterRevolution.Org

Let’s CHANGE this rotten system altogether by acknowledging the Past, weaknesses, corruption, and greed and HEAL ourselves and others…

Like the Fb page is

Shelter Revolution is the marketing effort to tell the world about the ADOPTION CENTER model. This innovative new facility plan brings ‘customers’ in with a whole new approach to displaying adoptable dogs and cats. It creates a calm, enjoyable atmosphere in a “touch and feel” setting.Introducing a new concept called “rehab,” dogs and cats not ready for adoption are sent into the care of local rehabbers to prepare them for return to the Adoption Center and placement.Read all about the other concepts that make up this whole new approach called the Adoption Center model at

We need fun places where customers can go to see happy, healthy animals in large groups. Dogs and cats are SOCIAL animals, not meant to be isolated. For those animals who can’t get along, the Adoption Center model provides for rehab. The process of rehab will bring local rescuers and shelter workers together.

Watch this introductory video for a brief overview

sign this petition :

are you an extremist LIFE SAVER????


Rescue friends- if you have a plea that needs more attention, and exposure, pls be sure to post to the people for paws network. Thanks!

are you an extremist LIFE SAVER????

Are you an “extremist”? Take the quiz.

  1. I want the killing to end.
  2. I think it is wrong for shelters to neglect and abuse animals.
  3. If other communities can end the killing of savable animals, I believe my community should also.
  4. I care about animals and because I care about animals, I do not want harm to come to them.
  5. I believe in democracy and engaging my elected officials to create social change.

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are an “extremist” according to the ASPCA. If you answered “No” to all of these questions, the ASPCA thinks you’ll make a great shelter director and they will fight to defend and protect you.

if you have not read this, please DO…

Now here the ASPCA has (not) kindly but nevertheless has a list telling us what to do Step by Step…. Are you on board?  The Patrick Movement is a powerful force to be reckoned with and animal lovers CAN CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER.



Are you with me???  Consider this your Marching Orders 🙂   Go Forth and SAVE LIVES !!!!

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Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animal abuse, animal planet, animal rescue, ASPCA, belly rubs, best friends animal sanctuary, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, canine rehabilitation, cats, children and dogs, conflict resolution, dog dreams, dog friendly, dog rescue, doggie camp, doggie daycare, doggie healing center, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, family friendly, fountain of woof, four paws up, gardening, healthy dog food, holistic healing for animals, holistic vet, homemade dog food, Humane Society, K9 approved, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Made in USA, music for dogs, natural health remedies, no kill shelters, non-profits, nonviolent communication, organic, pet care, pet rescue organizations, prejudice against dogs, prison dog program, puppies, puppy love, Uncategorized

cici home soon aka where do good dogs go, the sequel

Update: Cici IS AT THE SPCA, Thank you all for your prayers and kindness. she is fine and be home around 4 pm today.

cici just got home, only a tiny scratch above her eye, she is a miracle baby, i swear she has 9 lives, starving, peeing like a bandit, fed her like a pig, hot dogs, kibble, treats, gonna go cuddle with her. thx

This was NOT Cici just running away.  She was run over by an SUV and was spooked and scared out of her mind. Happened because of owner of this house is cruel and inhuman, let her go out in the street and was laughing about her getting hurt… PS: Cici and I need a NEW PLACE TO LIVE ASAP. More on that Later.

Many many people to thank who kept me halfway sane:

Kelly at Animal Control in Seaside, THE BEST

Megan at the Monterey County SPCA, WONDERFUL

Carie Broecker of Aloha Pet Sitting, Peace of Mind Dog Rescue, Editor of Canine Coastal Magazine and dog mom/lover in Pacific Grove, YOU ROCK and kept me together this morning when I was falling apart

Jim Fink, who has a HEART OF GOLD in the right place, who walked with me around the neighborhood at midnight and made phone calls this morning, always trying to do HIS BEST and powerful PRAYERS

Lisa Spector’s Calm Canine Music for helping me halfway stay sane, if not for music, cannot even think what

Anna Bougas, Nikhi C my Canadian friend, Catherine Howe Bryant, Taylor and Mark, Lisa Cliffe, Adria Castro and The rest of the gang at The Patricks Miracle and Movement, Amy Brigham, Barbara Bruce, Edie Jarolim of Will My Dog Hate Me, Nanners Mom, Mary Alice of Dog Jaunt, Lori Manning, Tim Link, Kim Garrison, Marie or Nancy DiSimone, you guys are THE BEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET, sorry, hope I did not leave anyone out, forgive me…

and BLESS YOU kind hearted folks who found my fur baby last night and brought her to the SPCA !!!


PS: Been trying to rest/take a nap, but am way too tired… it occurrs to me that my sweet dog is really a cat with nine lives. She got me to rescue her when she was just six months, from a bad situation, when I did not even want a dog. Then she got hit by a van in Carson City and survived, albeit three surgeries on her leg. And now this Easter miracle… imagine how many dogs get RUN OVER by an SUV and SURVIVE, never mind survive UNSCATHED… and then SURVIVE the wild streets of Seaside.  Trust me, my fur baby is truly BLESSED and surrounded by divine canine protection.


Filed under four paws up, Monterey, music for dogs, Pacific Grove, pet care, true love