Tag Archives: media madness

Love, Hope and Forgiveness

Heroes Come in Different Species


An Abused Pit Bull and Human Survivor Share Hope and Healing

Some people see a pit bull and go running for the hills fearing that they will be maimed due to the sensationalizing of (and often untrue) pit bull attack stories overreported by the media. Then there are dog lovers and advocates who see a dog just like any other dog. Donna Lawrence is one of the latter. Yes, even after she WAS attacked by a pit bull.


A recent survey of people who admitted to having negative opinions of pit bulls, 60 percent of the participants cited media reports as the basis of their negative opinions.


“One person and one animal can make a powerful difference in the world,” said Donna. She survived an attack and later adopted an abused pit bull puppy who was set on fire. Her courage and commitment to dogs inspires people around the world.


Donna and Susie’s story of Love, Hope, Courage and Forgiveness has been made into a movie called Susie’s Hope which recently aired on UPTV.


The DVD will be released this fall, but you can preorder through Best Buy now!




Movie trailer:



Donna thought Susie was dead when she found her in a park. “My heart melted the instant I saw her. I had so much compassion for her. I saw this six week old puppy with third degree burns all over her body and I couldn’t understand how someone could do this to her. I had never seen abuse like this before. She was so little and frail with scars all over her body. Her ears were burned off. She had broken bones. Susie needed a lot of love and protection,” Donna explained.



“As I held her, covered in bandages, she kissed my face.  She was so loving and just wanted me to hold her. I was captivated. We were kindred spirits. I could relate to her pain and suffering. She was wrongfully attacked. We both had a lot of physical and emotional scars and fears to conquer.”

A few weeks before she met Susie, Donna had been feeding her neighbor’s abandoned and abused pit bull who was chained up 24/7. One day the dog became aggressive and attacked Donna’s legs. She thought she was going to die.

It is important to note that the attack on Donna was not because the dog was a pit bull. The attack fit the profile cited in a recent report published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA)/  The report discusses dog bite prevention and cites factors involved in attacks. Breed is not a factor. The dog that attacked Donna was chained up (a resident dog not a pet), abused, neglected, not neutered and no able bodied person was there to intervene.

“I was working through some serious emotional turmoil, and one weekend when I had Susie in my care, I got the tragic news that I would never be able to have children—as a result of the attack. I cried all the way home from the doctor’s office.  When we got home, it was like God spoke to me,” Donna recalled. “You see that puppy, she has been abused, set on fire, and left for dead. Yet she is forgiving. She is not living in the past. She is happy and thankful to be alive.  She is moving on with her life and so can you. I want you to adopt her. I have big plans for you–bigger than you can imagine. And you will never fear dogs again.”  So, I listened to God. I let go of my hurt and anger and trusted in God that together we would bring healing to people and animals.”

Pit bulls and their bad reputation never bothered Donna. She considers pit bulls “loyal and affectionate dogs with loving hearts.”  Before the pit bull that attacked her and adopting Susie, Donna rescued another pit bull named Samson. “He was so sweet; I’d take him to the salon with me every day and he’d sit by the dryers while the gals got their hair done.  He’d look over their shoulders as if he was reading the magazines with them!”

Wanting justice (a punishment to fit the crime) for what happened to Susie, Donna was concerned that Susie’s abuser would go free. Animal cruelty laws were very lenient in North Carolina at the time and had not been changed in a very long time. The person who abused Susie was only given jail time because the court could charge him with destroying someone else’s property. Susie was treated as property rather than a living being. So, Donna helped to pass Susie’s Law with stiffer fines and jail time for animal abusers.

It  was a team effort. “In March 2010, we canvassed the state of North Carolina, sharing Susie’s story. We sent out emails, postcards and letters with our “request for change.”  We took Susie before the city council and county commissioners Votes were unanimous in the House and Senate (after taking one look at Susie).  The Bill was signed by Governor Perdue in June 2010, with Susie’s paw of approval. The law was put into effect in December 2010.”

“Remember, serial killers practice abusing animals first and then move on to innocent children and adults,” Donna declared.

Now, Donna has high hopes for the impact of the movie. “We hope that Susie’s Hope will start a nationwide movement, to bring national public and legislative awareness, to change laws in every state. Maybe even a national law to protect all animals. Some states have great animal cruelty laws, and then, some don’t. I hope the movie will motivate others to make a difference and change in their own state, or hometown, for the sake of the animals. I also hope the movie will motivate people to never give up on the things they are passionate about.”

Through Susie’s Hope™ the non-profit organization, Donna and Susie teach people how to treat animals properly.



“Susie and I are on a mission to do all we can to stand up for the rights of animals. It is time for a change in our society. We need to stop turning the other cheek to abuse and start reporting abuse whenever we see it. We need to crack down on puppy mills and backyard breeding. Fight for changes in your own state. Let’s get animals off of chains and make them a part of the family. We hope people will take care of their pets, and learn how to be safe around them, to love and respect them.”

When Susie and Donna visit schools, “I usually ask the children to offer Susie a treat. I teach kids in the schools how to approach animals,and to always ask permission. Not all animals enjoy kids running up to them and getting in their face, or riding them like a horse. Children need to learn at an early age to respect an animal’s space and how to gently approach them.

“People need to understand animals have feelings and emotions just like we do. They feel pain, loneliness and rejection, and they know when they are loved–and when they are not.”

Susie turned five years old in June (2014). “Susie loves chasing her brother and sister dogs around in the yard. She loves going to work with me at the salon.  (She gives the clients kisses and shows off with her favorite tricks–riding a skateboard, jumping through a hula hoop, playing dead, counting, reading, pointing to colors, and more). She loves to eat peanut butter. She loves riding in the car and traveling.  I think she likes being my friend. Susie does like other doggies, but it takes her a bit to warm up to them–she has to make sure she can trust them.

“Susie and I are on a mission to do all we can to stand up for the rights of animals. It is time for a change in our society. We need to stop turning the other cheek to abuse and start reporting abuse whenever we see it in our neighborhoods, communities or our workplace. We need to crack down on puppy mills and backyard breeding. We want to encourage everyone to fight for changes in your own state and communities. Let’s get animals off of chains and make them a part of the family. We hope people will continue to educate children as well as adults in their own communities how to take care of their pets, and how to be safe around them, to love them and respect them,” she concluded.

Susie is a nominee in the American Human Association Hero Dog Awards contest. As the 2014 AHA Therapy Dog, please consider voting for her.  (Visit www.susieshope.com orwww.susieshope-nc.org for more information).

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Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animal abuse, animal rescue, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, dog movies, dog movies/TV, dog rescue, dogs, keep pets safe, pit bull, saved from fire, Uncategorized

Media Circus Shows True Colors

Update:   I did finally hear from Jason several times. I think his heart is in the right place, especially after seeing the video from NBC that did not air. Either the abusers are paying people off or NYC is just plain corrupt. Corruption all over Gotham City, news NOT at 11 p.m.  Something is fishy in NYC. Apparently Coffee is still with her abusers/owners even though one of the co-founders of Best Friends told me that the ASPCA have the authority to go in and take the dog away. So that means that either the abuser is paying them off, they are NOT doing their job or ???? Jason thinks she is safe because he thinks that the owners won’t do anything to their meal ticket.  I hope they are right.  And I PRAY that Coffee is rescued soon and has a NEW HOME where she can get ALL OF THE LOVE  and CARE SHE DESERVES…

I still think that Coffee should have been rescued FIRST… and Jason means well but is naive and/or listening to the wrong people. Experts smexperts…

The NBC TV news segment that did air is ridiculous. They interviewed someone related to the abusers who kept evading and looking down PLUS SHE IS RELATED TO THEM. And that dog is NOT the same dog. They did not air the interview with Jason due to technical difficulties which is just B.S.  See for yourself, compare the video of the dog Coffee on the show on NBC and the dog shown on the show where they won $2000. NOT THE SAME DOG.


God please keep Coffee SAFE and ALIVE…

I don’t care if the whole world thinks that I am crazy or wrong or out of line or a B I T C H (as Tabatha Coffey said on The Talk (don’t remember her words, these are MINE)…






i spoke with someone recently who with the Courage of their Convictions, got arrested for helping to rescue a dog who was being abused… Wise or Foolish???  You decide… but I admire people who ACT on what they Believe, WALK THEIR TALK, they are RARE… most people like to run their mouths and when push comes to shove, show their lack of courage and conviction… long on Excuses why they can’t DO anything.

I’ll be the first one to be HAPPY and RELIEVED to know that I was wrong… but I do KNOW the POWER of the MEDIA and it seems that the GLARE of the SPOTLIGHT has DAZZZZZZLED some people’s Brains and FOOLED them into egotistical thinking instead of WHAT IS BEST FOR THE ANIMAL which SHOULD BE the FIRST NUMBER ONE Priority.

Why should these dogs Have to Pay ANYMORE for the Price of their Fame that they DID NOT ask for????

I am here to poke MY LIGHT into the deep dark crevices of People’s TRUE Heart’s Intentions (not what they say but what they DO)…It is amazing what self-proclaimed animal lovers DO when push comes to shove. Ugh.

First case in point, is about Patrick the Miracle Dog, who’s celebrity fame and status has put him in the midst of a custody battle… On June 2, a judge will decide his fate… and I for one am very concerned about the outcome. I know that other people are, too… But how many are questioning the role of the media and Facebook in this??? Well, that is what I am here to point out that perhaps if Patrick was not plastered all over Facebook and the media, his custody would not be an issue. I also know that Patrick’s story has woken up a lot of people around the world and spurred people on to do GOOD…

All I am suggesting is that Patrick’s Fame has been a double edged sword leading to trolls, scammers and other abusers of animals to crawl out of the woodwork clamoring for a piece of the Patrick fame pie as well as awakening GOOD people who have done amazing things like donating to their local shelters, getting animals adopted and working to change animal abuse awareness and laws.

Now the second case that had me sick and crying all night… Coffee… As I said, I do hope and pray that I am wrong about this, but I kept warning before the media circus erupted that Coffee, the Abused Dog at Met’s Games in NYC that Coffee should have been taken OUT OF HARM’S WAY first before any media spotlight was shone upon her abuse.  In my humble opinion.

Alas, I was NOT listened to and Coffee was NOT at the Yankees game on Sunday, according to the Wall Street Journal, so am worried about the story of her abuse plastered all over the Internet and Media that the low lives who have been abusing her, what will they do? how will they react? Is COFFEE IS NOW IN POTENTIALLY A MORE HARMFUL SITUATION THAN SHE HAS BEEN IN???  Or have the abusers just paid off the ASPCA and not worried about a thing. Business as usual.

Do we know what these low lives will do? Well, we have some clues… they have been willing to dress her up, put a shock collar on her, taken all of her teeth out of her mouth and made her sit in the hot sun, rain and all kinds of weather for HOURS a day WITHOUT food, water or being able to BREATHE OR MOVE for FOUR YEARS, making money off of their abuse of her… terrifying her… zapping her every time she dared to move…MAKING MONEY OFF OF HER…

what makes us think that once CAUGHT IN THE ACT IN PUBLIC that they are suddenly going to become paragons of decency and morality and DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THE DOG????


That is the sickening Question…


I do NOT give a rat’s behind about doing things the RIGHT way (whatever that is), or about authorities or rescue groups. All I want to know and All I keep asking, IS Coffee Safe and OUT of Harm’s Way Now, Today???  Jason seems to think Yes.

Does the Cheese Stand ALONE, What do YOU Think????


my hope for Coffee:


Media Circus





people have told me to hope for the best… well, ok, but HOPE has to be based on something not just on THIN AIR… or because people do not want to think about it or question anything or are in DENIAL of the TRUTH…

Look at how many people walked by Patrick on that railing and DID NOT CARE ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING and how many MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WALKED BY COFFEE FOR FOUR YEARS…

so am I now to HOPE that ANYBODY gave a hoot enough to rescue Coffee before the Media Blitz????

I am an optimistic realist not a PIE IN THE SKY believer … Can Fairy Tales Come True??? Absolutely… Do I believe in Miracles??? YES… AND I also know the dark side of human nature from Mother Theresa who said that She Saw the HITLER WITHIN herself and decided to then GO FORTH AND DO GOOD… (am paraphrasing)…

How MANY people do YOU know willing to SEE THE HITLER WITHIN THEMSELVES LIKE MOTHER THERESA????  Yeah, not too many…

Better to point the finger OUT THERE…

I am the first one willing to admit / confess that I DO NOT DO well with Uncertainty… and that yes, I DO MAKE MISTAKES… some horrendous ones… but if there is one thing I learned from my BIGGEST MISTAKE   (my marriage) is that HAVING YOUR HEAD UP YOUR A–HOLE MAY NOT BE THE BEST VIEW/PERSPECTIVE… I was in Fantasy, Delusion, Illusion and wishin/hopin and REFUSED to see what was right in front of my EYES… My friends told me but NOPE I wanted to Believe what I wanted to Believe and I WAS WRONG… DEAD WRONG… and I HAVE PAID AND PAID AND PAID AND PAID AND PAID the Price for being so naive and foolish and just plain stupid…

As I once said in a poem Marriage on the Rocks,

But soon I learned
you just can’t win
An argument
With a mountain.,,


I was trying to PREVENT A DISASTER with Coffee that I could see brewing… and I still HOPE that I am WRONG and that it is not a disaster AND the ONLY REAL HOPE I have is based upon My Belief in the Divine… who hopefully has ANGELS surrounding Coffee as I speak… protecting that poor abused fur baby…

or else there is a Higher Purpose/Good for this Disaster…

Jason, thank you for bringing this to light and again, I HOPE and PRAY you can get Coffee to safety.


Filed under animal abuse, media madness, Patrick, people abuse, Uncategorized