Category Archives: people abuse

Puppy huggers united

In this country, as in all countries, we have people with hearts and others who should not be allowed out in public never mind holding public office (in Congress). At the very least, a mental health inspection/test should be required for mayors, Governors, Congress people, Vice President and President. That would eliminate a lot of the riff raff (the entire GOP?) well… people who hold public office should at the very least show empathy, compassion, and just plain human kindness and decency. Real moral values and integrity would be good, too.

to us puppy huggers, the photo below is sweet (and to me even more so since the dog looks like my princess)… say awwwwww… it also confirms that animals/dogs have feelings too as living sentient beings.

What does one have to do with the other? I’m getting there…  there are some crazy people in politics/Congress, and running for President, who think otherwise, because there is something decidedly wrong with them, in my humble opinion… no heart, no compassion, no empathy and no human kindness. People who lie and steal belong in jail not in public office.

I so LOVE Colbert, when he NAILS it… in this case, he totally gives Rep. Steve King what he deserves for wanting to allow dog fighting (overturn laws banning dog fighting and the new law banning being a participant at a dog fight)…

and then there is this piece of work…

Romney girl video, watch what happens to the dog…

if the Romneyhood fits, wear it. (Take from the poor to give to the rich = Romneyhood)


People who lie and steal regularly do NOT belong in the White House.

Thank you to Dogs Against Romney for this…

Why having SANE people passing bills and governing is important IF you love animals AND if you love people and IF you love our country and the Earth, too.

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Filed under animals, breed specific laws, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, Huffington Post, news, people abuse, pit bull, politics, prejudice against dogs, racism, Republican, Uncategorized, Washington

the pussy police on patrol

probe yourselves…

Symptoms of Excess GOP in your lady parts:

Excessive redness

Extreme discharge of probing laws

Intermittent feelings of outrage, shame, fear, and RAGE

Itchiness to DO SOMETHING

Discharges of the Smelliness Kind


Call your local GOP immediately, knit them a lady part, send, write them emails and post on their Facebook pages, tweet and see below…

pussy cat tells the  real story, about the GOP’s probes …   a dr speaks out

book your gyn appt, call the RNC


If you are a women and are offended by this post, GOOD, SPEAK OUT and Tell  Your Reps,  who is FORCing YOU with bills/laws taking away YOUR RIGHTS to health care and forcing YOU to submit to UNNECESSARY and INVASIVE exams.  No matter if you consider yourself Republican or Democrat, right or wrong, as an AMERICAN you deserve to NOT have the government INTERFERING with your PRIVATE business.


For all you Snobs… LOL

Join the ‎”evangenitals”

you could bake a dozen cupcakes and send them, too, be creative…

Good news… some of the bills are stalled, being rewritten or dead…thanks to women speaking UP and knitting

could not make this up if we tried…

run for the hills

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Filed under cats, laughter is the best medicine, news, people abuse, poems, Republican, sexism, shaming people, wild women

Americans love dogs

Americans love dogs but do we love women?  just throwing that out since it seems like some people who call themselves American are waging war on women. They also don’t seem to care that much about dogs, animals, the environment, other people either.

in life, we have choices to make every day…  and sometimes they are easy and other times they are difficult…

and it is not always as simple as this…


Mitt Romney drove to Canada with the family Irish setter on the roof of the car. and even now dogs do not like Romney…

Here’s the follow up: Barbara Bush comforting the dog, post-Romney encounter…Barbara: Don’t worry honey, he’s not going on vacation with us.


and what about this menu?  is there anything on it that working or unemployed or seniors or women or middle class or poor people want????

Romney does not care about the poor, wants to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, and wants women to go back to 1950…

Roe v. Wade
Favors a repeal
“I’d like to see Roe v. Wade overturned and allow the states and the elected representatives of the people, and the people themselves, have the ability to put in place pro-life legislation.”
5 June 2007, Republican Presidential Debate (Manchester, New Hampshire)

President Obama echoed his support for the Supreme Court’s pro-choice decision in Roe v. Wade.

“Government should not intrude on private family matters,” Obama said in a statement, adding that he also supports policies to prevent “unintended pregnancies.”

Romney was weak about Rush Limbaugh, “It’s not the language I would have used,” Romney said of Limbaugh’s comments  while President Obama called Sandra Fluke personally.

Obama said at a news conference that he’d called Fluke after Limbaugh made his comments “because I thought about Malia and Sasha, and one of the things I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on. I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way, and I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re good citizens.”

Obama on women’s health care

A 32-page regulatory proposal offers options for providing preventive care, and President Barack Obama‘s health care law requires health plans to cover prevention at no cost to the consumer.

Romney’s support for personhood amendments and the Blunt Amendment is evidence that he’s going as far to the right as anyone can when it comes to women’s reproductive health.

President Obama: auto industry bailout

Romney would have allowed the industry to collapse and lose 1.3 million

manufacturing jobs

Romney wants to tax the middle class and poor while President Obama wants to tax the 1%…

Romney’s pitch is that he’s Mr. Fix It — a corporate turnaround artist with an MBA. Looking for a candidate who’ll get the economy moving and put people back to work? Just so long as you overlook his only leadership experience in government and all the mass layoffs he orchestrated at his vulture-capital firm, Romney’s your guy.

What happens to that pitch if the economy improves, growth strengthens, and job creation picks up steam before the election? I don’t know. More importantly, I don’t think Romney knows, either.

Santorum’s pitch is altogether different. Whether the unemployment rate is 8.3% or 3.8%, Santorum is offering a message about culture, values, and religion. He doesn’t like contraception; he wants to restrict access to pornography; and a spirited defense of the separation of church and state makes him, in Santorum’s words, want to “vomit.”

As the former senator put it yesterday, “My campaign doesn’t hinge on unemployment rates and growth rates. It’s something more foundational that’s going on.”

Whether one finds Santorum’s agenda offensive or not, at least this is coherent and consistent. Unlike so many Republicans, he’s not rooting for bad economic news before the election, because the health of the economy is independent of his right-wing societal vision.

vast differences of Character, Vision and Values for our country… and if you are upset, paranoid and/or concerned about the NDAA and other bills restricting our civil liberties, the right wing GOP’ers meanwhile have invaded women’s privates and privacy in horrific ways, and want women who have abortions to be sent to jail for killing their unborn fetus “person.”   a dr speaks out against unwanted, unnecessary t.v. ultrasounds, politics

What good is a law that adds only pain and difficulty to perhaps the most painful and difficult decision a woman can make? Shouldn’t women have a right to protect themselves from strangers’ opinions on their most personal matters? Shouldn’t we have the right not to know?

There are bills like these being considered and/or passed in states that have GOP governors and/or where the GOP has the majority.

GOP legislators have sought to exempt religious orgs from having to offer health insurance that covers contraceptives.

…In Arizona and Kansas, Republican state legislators pushed bills allowing a doctor to lie about the health status of your fetus for fear you might opt to get an abortion.

And should you make that harrowing choice, Virginia Republicans, following in the footsteps of their colleagues in a number of other states, passed a law requiring that you have an ultrasound first.

But the women behind Government Free VJJ have a different kind of approach:

“Follow these simple steps,” the website beckons…

1. Knit or crochet a lady part
2. Print a message to enclose
3. Mail it to your male Senator or Congressional Representative [links provided]
4. We’re in the process of arranging hand delivery to congressional offices in Washington, until then, go ahead and mail yours in!
5. Record your items in this spreadsheet so we can track which representatives still need to receive a “gift”!
6. Don’t forget to thank your representative if he respects women and supports our rights.

There are kntting and crochet patterns available to make a “snatchel.”

here is the crochet pattern…

‎”I am a woman and I have these human rights: The right to life. The right to privacy. The right to freedom. The right to bodily integrity. The right to decide when and how I reproduce.”

book your gyn appt, call the RNC

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Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, dogs, first dog Obama family, God, moms, obama, people abuse, politics, sexism, Uncategorized, USA Today, women with dogs

Justice in Florida

in Florida a young black teen is killed… no arrest has been made?

am glad to hear that if you kill a dog in Florida, you go to jail… but what about the killer of this boy, why is George Zimmerman not in jail????

A former homicide detective says that with the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law, Florida has made it legal to kill black kids like Trayvon Martin but not dogs…

As head of neighborhood watch for The Retreat at Twin Lakes, George Zimmerman had called police in February to report 17-year-old Martin as a suspicious person, but by the time the officers arrived, the young man was already dead.

According to reports, police said Martin had been returning from a local store with Skittles and an iced tea.

Zimmerman claimed he had been forced to use his 9mm handgun shoot Martin in self-defense.

Tapes from 911 dispatchers later revealed that Zimmerman had been told not to pursue Martin. …–abc-news.html

Condolences to the Martins… RIP Trayvon Martin…

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Filed under Florida, grief, people abuse, racism, Uncategorized

happy bill of rights day

I had other items planned to post… fun, interesting, entertaining doggie related items… but this is much more important since there has been a virtual media blackout on this crucial topic…  if the Bill of Rights means anything to you, then please read on.

Congress, the media, the US government, the 1% are counting on you being too busy with Christmas shopping and your own issues, to notice the travesty of bills they have snuck by us this week… they like doing things secretly, behind closed doors. Because they know that Americans (and the rest of the world) would NOT agree with SOPA and the NDAA.

Maybe you spent the last weekend shopping for gifts, writing out holiday cards or studying for final exams. For most of America, the end of the year is a busy time. In Congress, this is a season usually spent trying to jam through bad bills while they hope no one is looking.


Let me put it in animal lovers terms, who is going to take care of your pets when they arrest you and ship you off indefinitely for having protested animal abuse, for having a pit bull or God only knows what?  think I’m crazy, paranoid or alarmist, read on.

Dispelling the common lies, myths/denial about the NDAA …’

In sum, there is simply no question that this bill codifies indefinite detention without trial (Myth 1). There is no question that it significantly expands the statutory definitions of the War on Terror and those who can be targeted as part of it (Myth 2). The issue of application to U.S. citizens (Myth 3) is purposely muddled — that’s why Feinstein’s amendments were rejected — and there is consequently no doubt this bill can and will be used by the U.S. Government (under this President or a future one)  to bolster its argument that it is empowered to indefinitely detain even U.S. citizens without a trial (NYTEditorial: “The legislation could also give future presidents the authority to throw American citizens into prison for life without charges or a trial”; Sen. Bernie Sanders: “This bill also contains misguided provisions that in the name of fighting terrorism essentially authorize the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens without charges”).

list from

1. Q: This defense bill is the same one that is passed every year.

A: This is true.

2. Q: This year the GOP decided to add this to the usual bill

A: Actually, it was a bi-partisan effort, with both a Republican sponsor – McCain and a Democratic one – Levin. (for the Senate version of the bill. In the House, it was sponsored by Rep. Howard McKeon, R-CA25)

3. Q: because they knew people would freak out

A: Actually, they were counting on our apathy. “Hey, isn’t there a Christmas going on? That’s right, keep shopping; we’ll add the SOPA to the mix too! We learned; we did the same thing when we introduced the Federal Reserve in 1913, right around Christmas also. People are busy celebrating, you know…”

4. Q: It has been removed of course, and they knew it would be

A: No, it hasn’t. The bill was just “adjusted” to reflect the wishes of Obama, so as to not limit his executive powers in any way. Absolutely nothing has been done to the offending Indefinite Detention Clause.

5. Q: However, the damage is done and the internet ‘media’ is running wild with this just as planned.

A: Actually, few Americans know about this offending bill, since there is a media blackout on it.

6. Q: They know this nonsense was removed, but that doesn’t get clicks, the GOP scores.

A: Actually, this was a bi-partisan effort with a great many Democrats voting for it. They finally agreed on something. Judging from the way they voted on the Patriot Act, taking our Freedoms away seems to be the only endeavor the two parties agree on. The bill garnered a 74% approval in the House and a 93% approval in the Senate. Only 7 Senators voted against it, six of which also voted against The Patriot Act extension that occurred earlier this year. And yes, both Ron Paul and Rand Paul voted against it.

7. Q: because everyone thinks that the President wants to lock US up.

A: Actually he really can. He can also order American citizens killed. But this is nothing new; Obama has already done so. This simply codifies it – making it legal.

8. Q: It is just another stupid stunt, just like the last 10 or 15 stunts.

A: That would be nice.

H.R. 1540: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012:

S. 1867: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

S.1867: and

Final Senate vote on the bill:

Final Vote in the House:

The original problem sections (1031 and 1032) are still in the bill and contrary to the claims of supporters of the bill, the wording of section 1032 does not, in fact, provide protection for US citizens. The use of the phrase “not required” instead of “prohibited” leaves the decision to allow the military to detain citizens entirely in the hands of federal authorities.


The ACLU said last night that the bill contains “harmful provisions that some legislators have said could authorize the U.S. military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians, including American citizens, anywhere in the world” and added: “if President Obama signs this bill, it will damage his legacy.” Human Rights Watch said that Obama’s decision “does enormous damage to the rule of law both in the US and abroad” and that “President Obama will go down in history as the president who enshrined indefinite detention without trial in US law.”

Both groups pointed out that this is the first time indefinite detention has been enshrined in law since the McCarthy era of the 1950s, when — as the ACLU put it — “President Truman had the courage to veto” the Internal Security Act of 1950 on the ground that it “would make a mockery of our Bill of Rights” and then watched Congress override the veto. That Act authorized the imprisonment of Communists and other “subversives” without the necessity of full trials or due process (many of the most egregious provisions of that bill were repealed by the 1971 Non-Detention Act, and are now being rejuvenated by these War on Terror policies of indefinite detention). President Obama, needless to say, is not Harry Truman. He’s not even the Candidate Obama of 2008 who repeatedly insisted that due process and security were not mutually exclusive and who condemned indefinite detention as “black hole” injustice.


Feinstein was able to include a largely symbolic amendment which states that “nothing in the bill changes current law relating to the detention of U.S. citizens and legal aliens,” but this measure is meaningless according to Republican Congressman Justin Amash, a fierce critic of the bill.

“Some have asserted that Sen. Feinstein’s amendment, S Amdt 1456, protects the rights of American citizens and preserves constitutional due process. Unfortunately, it does not. It’s just more cleverly worded nonsense.”


The reason the compromise amendment worked is that it leaves the question of domestic military detention open, leaving the matter for Supreme Court to resolve should a future president decide to assert the authority to detain a US citizen on American soil.

The only “silver lining,” if one can call it such, is that the military isn’t forced to detain American citizens without trial, it’s merely allowed to. The Senate has officially declared the entire United States to be a battleground. And you and I are potential enemies.

“The detention mandate to use indefinite military detention in terrorism cases isn’t limited to foreigners. It’s confusing, because two different sections of the bill seem to contradict each other, but in the judgment of the University of Texas’ Robert Chesney — a nonpartisan authority on military detention — “U.S. citizens are included in the grant of detention authority,”

Amnesty International: The new National Defense Authorization Bill (S1867) presented to the Senate by the Armed Services Committee is such a disaster for civil liberties and human rights it is difficult to know where to begin.

The ACLU: “The bill is an historic threat to American citizens and others because it expands and makes permanent the authority of the president to order the military to imprison without charge or trial American citizens,” said Christopher Anders, ACLU senior legislative counsel. “The final amendment to preserve current detention restrictions could turn out to be meaningless and Senators Levin and Graham made clear that they believe this power to use the military against American citizens will not be affected by the new language. This bill puts military detention authority on steroids and makes it permanent. If it becomes law, American citizens and others are at real risk of being locked away by the military without charge or trial.

presidential election not a referendum on the economy as much as it is on whether the president vetoes NDAA or not… that is what the press/pundits do not want to say because they do not want people to know about the NDAA and Obama’s false image as the people’s president is being exposed for what it is… FAKE… we voted for someone unlike Bush and instead we got a President who has expanded and extended the loss of our civil liberties, caved on most of his campaign promises and now has declared war on the 99% for speaking up and out…

One of the gravest grievances described in the Declaration of Independence was the misuse of standing armies against the colonialists.  Numerous state constitutions declared standing armies a threat to liberty and the U.S. Constitution showed antipathy to militarism. Now, the Congress and President Obama are prepared to turn the military against Americans and allow indefinite military detention without any finding of guilt. If the elites think military force against Americans will quell the revolt of the people they are wrong; it will have the opposite effect and fuel the revolt against the elites.

Time for our weekly Pet Blog Hop thanks to Life with Dogs,Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  Grab the code and hop away…

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Filed under blog hop, blog the change, Democrat, Dog Bless America, dogs, economy, happy holidays, money, news, nonviolent communication, obama, occupation wall street, people abuse, pet blog hop, racism, Republican, Uncategorized

update: occupation goes global

just one week ago when I wrote about the Occupy  Wall Street protests, it was below the radar, it is HUGE what has happened in just one week…. there are now 1,000+ cities that have protesters including all across the USA, Canada and Europe, even Australia. There is a group protesting the Federal Reserve as well as the London Stock Exchange.;_assange_speaks_in_london/#paragraph2

who are the 99%?

Today, October 15, is Global Occupation… Occupation Everywhere…

end the war, tax the rich, send banksters to jail, get money out of politics, what the 99% want, #OWS

It’s the Inequality, Stupid, the game is rigged against the 99%

Bush Tax Cuts Cost the Rest of Us $11.6 Million An Hour. Yes, An Hour.

Democrats are trying to co-opt the movement for their own political advantage…

“We emphatically reject the attempted leadership of any political party,
organization or individual.” – We the People

powerful short film, USA hypocrisy  get corp money out of politics

Occupy Berlin | Occupy Budapest | Occupy Cairo | Occupy Lisbon | Occupy the London Stock Exchange | Occupy Madrid | Occupy Moscow | Occupy Mumbai |Occupy Paris | Occupy Rome | Occupy Seoul | Occupy Taipai | Occupy Tel Aviv |Occupy Tokyo | Occupy Vienna | Occupy Warsaw | Hundreds More Occupations Worldwide

“In total, students from at least 100 college campuses around the country walked out of class in a show of solidarity and support for the Occupy Wall Street movement.” Peter Rothberg, The Nation

nypd white shirts on bankster’s payroll

lawsuits have been filed…

BOSTON/Dewey Square – At 1:30 a.m. this morning, elements of the Boston Police Department, Transit Police and the Massachusetts State Police – with assistance from the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department – arrested approximately 100 protestors who engaged in non-violent civil disobedience in defense of a second encampment started by #OccupyBoston activists adjacent to their existing Dewey Square encampment yesterday on a stretch of the Rose Kennedy Greenway bounded by Purchase St., Pearl St., Congress St. and Atlantic Ave.   paradigm shift happening

They love making fun of the demonstrators’ looks, but it’s pretty difficult to step outside the system and live outdoors without looking a little rough in the eyes of the moneyed classes. Jesus and his disciples probably looked pretty rough to some people, too. I’m sure the rich people looked down their noses at Him after He overturned those tables.

That’s not done in polite company.

Think about it: A guy rides into town on a donkey. Then he says the moneyed interests are exerting too much influence on the government – and on some of the religious elite, too. And what was that about the wealthy? Oh, yeah – “It’s easier for a camel to pass through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter heaven.”

No matter what you believe or don’t believe spiritually, it’s clear that oligarchic wealth has corrupted our politics, polluted our culture, and debased our basic sense of morality.

And that’s why they’re we’re protesting. I’ve been to New York’s demonstration, and Washington’s. Next stop is LA. But they’re all over the country.

If you haven’t been to one yet, why not stop by? ‘m not an organizer, just an admirer, but consider this an official invitation: Your presence is requested as democracy – and history – unfold before us.

Dress is casual. If you’re part of the 99%, come as you are. (Sandals optional.)


Filed under occupation wall street, peace, people abuse, Uncategorized, world peace, Yoko Ono

I hear 99% of Americans protesting…

I realize that this is not what I usually write about but it is so important that I feel compelled to discuss it. At first, the media was blacking out coverage, now there is some coverage, mostly trying to dismiss the worldwide nonviolent protests happening all around the world, people protesting for Freedom and economic justice, JOBS, universal health care, homes and more… And as the powers that be deride, ridicule and try to play down the protests, the protests are getting bigger and spreading all over the nation and Canada.

the whole world is watching…


There were about 20,000 Americans protesting on Wall Street this week, and for the past three weeks… and around the country… demanding that giant banks pay their fair share of taxes, end the foreclosure crisis, and create jobs. We are the 99% of Americans who have been forced to bear the brunt of the recession, financial insecurity. The 1% elite who have bought politicians and those responsible for the financial recession, none of the criminals have gone to jail but hundreds of non-violent protesters have been arrested… the GOP even contributed millions to the NYPD as incentive to bust up the protesters on Wall Street, are changing laws to fit their agenda all in an effort to beat Obama in the next election and more, so much more.


Regular every day middle class Americans ARE FED UP of being forced OUT into the streets, without food, without homes, without jobs, without pensions and benefits and without health care and the American Dream.

these are the real working class people (the middle class) who are protesting, not hippies and homeless people as the media says…

faces of the protesters:

The Wall Street Protesters Are Now In 15 Major Cities Across The Country

protesters are single dads and single moms, nurses, veterans, librarians, teachers, engineers, doctors, veterans and regular every day working people, union members, seniors, disabled, people all over America, middle class people, even a corporate lawyer … Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Independents, they are ALL represented, this is NOT about race, ethnicity nor party politics… it is about people’s needs vs corporate greed. 

“We Are the 99%.” “The reason I’m here now is to speak for the other 99 percent of this country that has been denied a seat at the negotiating table,” protester Henry James Ferry told TIME early in the movement’s second week. “I don’t hate capitalism; I don’t hate rich people. I think you should come down to Wall Street and make as much money as you want. And when you do, you should pay a fair tax rate back to the city and the country that gave you the opportunity.”

Read more:

Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass

I Hear America Singing.

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,
Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe
and strong,
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deck-
hand singing on the steamboat deck,
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing
as he stands,
The woodcutter’s song, the ploughboy’s on his way in the morn-
ing, or at noon intermission or at sundown,
The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work,
or of the girl sewing or washing,
Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
The day what belongs to the day—at night the party of young
fellows, robust, friendly,
Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.

I hear 99% of Americans protesting… by CeliaSue Hecht

i hear 99% of America protesting, the Wall Street elite who fear monger and steal elections and dreams

Those single moms, teachers, union members, seniors and twentysomethings,

each one protesting the unjust, unfair and economic uncertainty they’ve been forced to bear

The college graduate with a 3.87 GPA and $65,000 in student loan debt who makes $180 a week.

The art teacher with a spinal injury who lost his job of 24 years, is about to lose his home, cannot work nor collect disability or unemployment worrying about his family.

The unemployed woman laid off after 20 years who wants to donate a kidney to save a friend’s life who may not be able to because of high cost she is forced to pay.

The child of a mother with no job, no home, no healthcare who committed suicide in 2010.

A former student who now has to dumpster dive in order to eat.

The 45 million Americans who are eating due to food stamps and the shrinking middle class.

Each one protesting what belonged to him or her and now is gone.

The way America used to be, the former greatness of the USA now fading into oblivion.

Protesting with open mouths, signs, and strong determination, to revive the American dream, end the wars, and bring FREEDOM and LIBERTY for ALL back to America.

what do the protesters want?  justice…

do you seriously want your dog to have to beg in the streets for food because you can no longer take care of them????  Get Empowered… Join the Protests !!!

if you have a Bank of America account and do not want to pay the new $5 a month fee, change banks before November 5, open an account at a local credit union,

Whose Side Are You On: The Moral Clarity of #OccupyWallStreet #Occupy

Dear Wall Street

15 core issues our country must face

$30 a week is not exactly eating caviar

Join the ongoing Virtual March on Wall Street and bring your dog/cat/pets… LOL… We have the POWER…

Occupy Wall Street protests are coming to a city near you… Boston, LA, SF and more… Canada, too…

Berkeley, CA; Protesters target Bank of America | Long Beach, CA | Los Angeles, CA; Day 3 | Napa, CA | Sacramento, CA | San Diego, CA | Santa Barbara, CA; “People have nothing left to lose except their chains.” | Santa Cruz, CA | Colorado Springs, CO; Day 2 | Denver, CO (VIDEO); Hundreds march | Hartford, CT | Washington, D.C.; “We’re fed up …” (VIDEO / DISPATCH) | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Lake Worth, FL | Miami, FL |Orlando, FL | Tallahassee, FL | Tampa, FL | Hilo, HI | Mason City, IA | Boise, ID |Chicago, IL; Day 11 (VIDEO | VIDEO) | Normal, IL | Indianapolis, IN (VIDEO) | Wichita, KS | Lexington, KY | Louisville, KY (VIDEO) | New Orleans, LA | Boston, MA; Food tent up and running | Baltimore, MD (VIDEO) | Portland, ME; Protesters set up tents in Lincoln Park (VIDEO) | Detroit, MI | Minneapolis, MN (VIDEO) | Columbia, MO | Kansas City, MO | St. Louis, MO | Missoula, MT | Asheville, NC; Built to last | Raleigh, NC |Jersey City, NJ; Protesters target Goldman Sachs | Trenton, NJ | Albuquerque, NM; Hundreds march without permit, no arrests (VIDEO / VIDEO) | Las Vegas, NV (VIDEO)Albany, NY; Protest takes root | Buffalo, NY | Latham, NY (VIDEO) | Rochester, NY(VIDEO) | Syracuse, NY (VIDEO) | Cincinnati, OH (VIDEO) | Dayton, OH | Eugene, ORPortland, OR | Salem, OR | Allentown, PA | Philadelphia, PA | Pittsburgh, PA |Memphis, TN (VIDEO) | Nashville, TN | Austin, TX | McAllen, TX | Victoria, TX; “It’s going to grow bigger.” | Salt Lake City, UT; “We will make this a permanent demonstration …” | Richmond, VA; “A lot of Americans are fed up …” | Burlington, VT; Over 100 gather | Seattle, WA; Mayor orders removal of tents | Spokane, WA; Day 5 |Tacoma, WA

“I love it!” – Yoko Ono


it is time for the Blog Hop, thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume, grab the code here…


Filed under affordable housing, blog hop, dreams, John Lennon, K9 approved, people abuse, poems, racism, Republican, San Francisco, self help, stuff white people like, travel, Uncategorized, What a wonderful world

patrick is my homeboy… animal groups gone wild

well it is supposed to be Pit Bull Appreciation Day but with Facebook glitching, cannot post as much as I’d like to about pit bulls… and especially with all of the paranoia running wild… yes, people it is a conspiracy… of course the musicians, artists, business people and just regular people who also are affected by the suspension are just a smokescreen, covering up for Mark Z.’s targeting animal groups… please get over yourselves for the sake of the animals!!!

got a very nice t-shirt from the good folks at (appropriately named for today) Crazy Dog

a very nice size (extra longer and larger than i thought it would be),  a very nice kelly green color…

ok, the printing comes out in reverse on my computers camera and I don’t know how to fix that… but here’s what it looks like (I was going to dress Cici up in it, the shirt would have covered her up from head to to toe, but she would have none of it…

they asked me to pick out a t-shirt and so of course, in honor of Patrick, since they did NOT have a Cici t-shirt, I got the St. Patrick is my homeboy… not a photo of Patrick but of the actual saint.  very nice quality shirt, love it.

they have a nice selection of dog shirts, although no pit bull ones… I like the Holy Shiz Tzu one…and Pugs Not Drugs… some seriously silly ones like Amish Gone Wild, movie ones, and others…

so go look at the other t-shirts they have and tell them Cici sent ya !

sorry, they do not have a Facebook hates animal groups t-shirt… sorry I hate to be the one to break this to you diehards, but not everybody hates you, and the world does not revolve around you, seriously????


Filed under animal abuse, dogs, Patrick, people abuse, pet care, pit bull, polka dot discrimination, prejudice against dogs, product review, Uncategorized

animal heaven on earth

Imagine a world where all fur babies especially pit bulls, chi’s and other animals languishing and/or being euthanized at high rates in shelters in the USA nowadays are instead in happy loving homes. No more need for shelters. No more killing healthy pets because they are unwanted. Five million or four are put down every year in the USA (this may have been reduced to four million thanks to spay/neutering).  Numerous groups are working to make this a reality.

Although it seems that the human race really needs to change its violent ways. No more wars, for starters. No more racism, bigotry and discrimination. No more abuse of any kind. Here is some very sick humor, based on the last week’s events.  imagine if you will a match made in heaven. Michael Vick and Casey Anthony living on Sociopathia Lane. Just picture the two of them…a little cottage…a white picket fence…a baby chained up in the backyard. A swimming pool for when they really want to get crazy…

As juror #3 in the Casey Anthony case said, “Not guilty does not mean innocent.” Perhaps we have a very long ways to go but some folks feel we are making progress. And some folks are helping to get us there.

Imagine there’s no country, no religion, too, no need for greed or hunger… nothing to kill or die for… a brotherhood of man… John Lennon… how about a peaceful world of humans and animals.


Intake, adoption, and euthanasia numbers from 474 animal shelters and 56 communities reveal status, trends and progress of US animal sheltering.

For the first time in animal sheltering history, reliable data from a large sampling of shelters and communities across the United States has been compiled into a single, searchable database. The Maddie’s Fund Database provides two years of intake, adoption and euthanasia statistics from 474 shelters and 56 communities using Asilomar Accords reporting methods and formulas.  The database allows lifesaving to be measured within a community and to be compared to others. Search categories include geographic region, median income, size of human population, total intake, total adoptions, total euthanasia, live release rate, and deaths per 1000.

Data of this kind has never before been available, leaving elected officials, shelter managers, universities, statisticians, investigative reporters, contributors and animal loving citizens in the dark about how well their community is doing in its lifesaving work and how it stacks up against other communities of comparable populations (human and animal).

“I can’t overstate the importance of this information,” says Maddie’s Fund President, Rich Avanzino. “Without hard numbers, it’s impossible to know where we’ve been, where we are at and where we are going. Maddie’s® Database not only gives us a handle on this, but also inspires communities that are below the norm to catch up with the lifesaving gains being made in progressive communities, and gives them the information they need to convince their elected officials, donors and community members to get on board and help them move forward.”

Information for the database was submitted by Maddie’s community collaborative project participants, special giving grantees and Maddie’s® Community Shelter Data Grant recipients who were given $10,000 to $40,000 to provide statistics for two previous years and three years going forward. All data has been carefully reviewed by Maddie’s Fund staff.


About Maddie’s Fund

Maddie’s Fund®, The Pet Rescue Foundation, ( is a family foundation which is funded by the founder of Workday and PeopleSoft, Dave Duffield and his wife, Cheryl. Maddie’s Fund is helping to create a no-kill nation where all healthy and treatable shelter dogs and cats are guaranteed a loving home.  Maddie’s Fund is named after the family’s beloved Miniature Schnauzer who passed away in 1997.

Take care of the Red, White and Blue furbabies…

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Filed under All you need is love, animal planet, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, dog dreams, dogs around the world, Imagine, John Lennon, keep pets safe, peace, people abuse, pet adoption, pit bull, prejudice against dogs, racism, random acts of kindness, Uncategorized

Media Circus Shows True Colors

Update:   I did finally hear from Jason several times. I think his heart is in the right place, especially after seeing the video from NBC that did not air. Either the abusers are paying people off or NYC is just plain corrupt. Corruption all over Gotham City, news NOT at 11 p.m.  Something is fishy in NYC. Apparently Coffee is still with her abusers/owners even though one of the co-founders of Best Friends told me that the ASPCA have the authority to go in and take the dog away. So that means that either the abuser is paying them off, they are NOT doing their job or ???? Jason thinks she is safe because he thinks that the owners won’t do anything to their meal ticket.  I hope they are right.  And I PRAY that Coffee is rescued soon and has a NEW HOME where she can get ALL OF THE LOVE  and CARE SHE DESERVES…

I still think that Coffee should have been rescued FIRST… and Jason means well but is naive and/or listening to the wrong people. Experts smexperts…

The NBC TV news segment that did air is ridiculous. They interviewed someone related to the abusers who kept evading and looking down PLUS SHE IS RELATED TO THEM. And that dog is NOT the same dog. They did not air the interview with Jason due to technical difficulties which is just B.S.  See for yourself, compare the video of the dog Coffee on the show on NBC and the dog shown on the show where they won $2000. NOT THE SAME DOG.

God please keep Coffee SAFE and ALIVE…

I don’t care if the whole world thinks that I am crazy or wrong or out of line or a B I T C H (as Tabatha Coffey said on The Talk (don’t remember her words, these are MINE)…






i spoke with someone recently who with the Courage of their Convictions, got arrested for helping to rescue a dog who was being abused… Wise or Foolish???  You decide… but I admire people who ACT on what they Believe, WALK THEIR TALK, they are RARE… most people like to run their mouths and when push comes to shove, show their lack of courage and conviction… long on Excuses why they can’t DO anything.

I’ll be the first one to be HAPPY and RELIEVED to know that I was wrong… but I do KNOW the POWER of the MEDIA and it seems that the GLARE of the SPOTLIGHT has DAZZZZZZLED some people’s Brains and FOOLED them into egotistical thinking instead of WHAT IS BEST FOR THE ANIMAL which SHOULD BE the FIRST NUMBER ONE Priority.

Why should these dogs Have to Pay ANYMORE for the Price of their Fame that they DID NOT ask for????

I am here to poke MY LIGHT into the deep dark crevices of People’s TRUE Heart’s Intentions (not what they say but what they DO)…It is amazing what self-proclaimed animal lovers DO when push comes to shove. Ugh.

First case in point, is about Patrick the Miracle Dog, who’s celebrity fame and status has put him in the midst of a custody battle… On June 2, a judge will decide his fate… and I for one am very concerned about the outcome. I know that other people are, too… But how many are questioning the role of the media and Facebook in this??? Well, that is what I am here to point out that perhaps if Patrick was not plastered all over Facebook and the media, his custody would not be an issue. I also know that Patrick’s story has woken up a lot of people around the world and spurred people on to do GOOD…

All I am suggesting is that Patrick’s Fame has been a double edged sword leading to trolls, scammers and other abusers of animals to crawl out of the woodwork clamoring for a piece of the Patrick fame pie as well as awakening GOOD people who have done amazing things like donating to their local shelters, getting animals adopted and working to change animal abuse awareness and laws.

Now the second case that had me sick and crying all night… Coffee… As I said, I do hope and pray that I am wrong about this, but I kept warning before the media circus erupted that Coffee, the Abused Dog at Met’s Games in NYC that Coffee should have been taken OUT OF HARM’S WAY first before any media spotlight was shone upon her abuse.  In my humble opinion.

Alas, I was NOT listened to and Coffee was NOT at the Yankees game on Sunday, according to the Wall Street Journal, so am worried about the story of her abuse plastered all over the Internet and Media that the low lives who have been abusing her, what will they do? how will they react? Is COFFEE IS NOW IN POTENTIALLY A MORE HARMFUL SITUATION THAN SHE HAS BEEN IN???  Or have the abusers just paid off the ASPCA and not worried about a thing. Business as usual.

Do we know what these low lives will do? Well, we have some clues… they have been willing to dress her up, put a shock collar on her, taken all of her teeth out of her mouth and made her sit in the hot sun, rain and all kinds of weather for HOURS a day WITHOUT food, water or being able to BREATHE OR MOVE for FOUR YEARS, making money off of their abuse of her… terrifying her… zapping her every time she dared to move…MAKING MONEY OFF OF HER…

what makes us think that once CAUGHT IN THE ACT IN PUBLIC that they are suddenly going to become paragons of decency and morality and DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THE DOG????


That is the sickening Question…


I do NOT give a rat’s behind about doing things the RIGHT way (whatever that is), or about authorities or rescue groups. All I want to know and All I keep asking, IS Coffee Safe and OUT of Harm’s Way Now, Today???  Jason seems to think Yes.

Does the Cheese Stand ALONE, What do YOU Think????


my hope for Coffee:

Media Circus–122493589.html

people have told me to hope for the best… well, ok, but HOPE has to be based on something not just on THIN AIR… or because people do not want to think about it or question anything or are in DENIAL of the TRUTH…

Look at how many people walked by Patrick on that railing and DID NOT CARE ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING and how many MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WALKED BY COFFEE FOR FOUR YEARS…

so am I now to HOPE that ANYBODY gave a hoot enough to rescue Coffee before the Media Blitz????

I am an optimistic realist not a PIE IN THE SKY believer … Can Fairy Tales Come True??? Absolutely… Do I believe in Miracles??? YES… AND I also know the dark side of human nature from Mother Theresa who said that She Saw the HITLER WITHIN herself and decided to then GO FORTH AND DO GOOD… (am paraphrasing)…

How MANY people do YOU know willing to SEE THE HITLER WITHIN THEMSELVES LIKE MOTHER THERESA????  Yeah, not too many…

Better to point the finger OUT THERE…

I am the first one willing to admit / confess that I DO NOT DO well with Uncertainty… and that yes, I DO MAKE MISTAKES… some horrendous ones… but if there is one thing I learned from my BIGGEST MISTAKE   (my marriage) is that HAVING YOUR HEAD UP YOUR A–HOLE MAY NOT BE THE BEST VIEW/PERSPECTIVE… I was in Fantasy, Delusion, Illusion and wishin/hopin and REFUSED to see what was right in front of my EYES… My friends told me but NOPE I wanted to Believe what I wanted to Believe and I WAS WRONG… DEAD WRONG… and I HAVE PAID AND PAID AND PAID AND PAID AND PAID the Price for being so naive and foolish and just plain stupid…

As I once said in a poem Marriage on the Rocks,

But soon I learned
you just can’t win
An argument
With a mountain.,,

I was trying to PREVENT A DISASTER with Coffee that I could see brewing… and I still HOPE that I am WRONG and that it is not a disaster AND the ONLY REAL HOPE I have is based upon My Belief in the Divine… who hopefully has ANGELS surrounding Coffee as I speak… protecting that poor abused fur baby…

or else there is a Higher Purpose/Good for this Disaster…

Jason, thank you for bringing this to light and again, I HOPE and PRAY you can get Coffee to safety.


Filed under animal abuse, media madness, Patrick, people abuse, Uncategorized