Tag Archives: fish

Pet friendly Aquariums

while waiting to watch Shark Tank, I moseyed over to Animal Planet and Tanked was on. Hadn’t watched an episode in awhile so I checked it out. And guess what, they were doing a dog house aquarium for a vet in Vegas. Cool. Except I fell asleep and missed it.

Good thing that they played the episode again. And this time I was wide awake and watched it. Very cool aquarium for dogs, with a treat dispenser, too.  Dogs like to watch fish swim and try to catch them through the glass. The glass gets scratched but it has some kind of film on there so they can keep it fresh and unscratched. I imagine Cici would LOVE an aquarium like this. Keep her busy stalking the fish. Just do not know how I would make one and am sure that the Tanked guys are not going to make me a cheap one. Oh well. what do you think ? Would your doggies and cats like to have a house aquarium like this ???


So then I decided to google to see if there was an easy way to make an aquarium for your dog. Instead, I found out that some aquariums in cities actually are pet friendly. Check them out below.

If you are looking for something unusual to do for spring break, Easter or summer travel, you might want to include a trip to one of these places with the pooches. And you can always find  pet friendly hotels nearby to stay at with your pooch.

If you go, let us know and if you include a photo or two, and/or a funny or heartwarming story, you just might win a prize or two, right here in doggie city.

are aquariums pet friendly?  well it depends, some just allow service animals (Monterey Bay Aquarium) but this one in Key West is pet friendly, for dogs on leashes

Are you pet friendly?

Yes! Dogs are welcome anytime as long as they are on leashes. The aquarium reserves the right to request the removal of any animal displaying aggressive behavior or for excessive noise.


and this one rescues shelter dogs for dog greeters at their aquarium in Chicago



here is another pet friendly aquarium at rockport, texas


and if you are looking to visit some pet friendly colleges, here are ten of them



Filed under Adventure, animal planet, animal rescue, dog friendly, dog travel, dog treats, dogs, four paws up, K9 approved, K9 travel, keep pets safe, Las Vegas, pet care, pet travel

SLO has gone to the dogs…

Cici got to travel on a Tiki tour boat and see/hear the sea otters, seals and seal lions in Morro Bay.  She kept looking around and sniffing for fish.

And we met a chi-wow-wow named Lillie who out-diva’d my polka dot princess.  Seriously this tiny pup has x-ray eyes, follows her guardian man Leslie wherever he goes and does not stop shaking until he comes back to her. Then she sat on my chest and went into Zen meditation mode. What a cutie, am missing her already.  (me and Lillie and her dad Leslie at Thomas Organics restaurant in Paso Robles).

photo (1)

Emma, some kind of heeler, herder puppy, two years old, with a black eye, Cici and Emma had some fun together playing, jawing, wrestling, running around on the beach.


April, an adorable Beagle mix, also white but with some brindle/brown markings. Cici and April chased one another, too.  Here are most of the dogs walking with Robyn.

photo (2)

Zoe, the Saluki, kind of kept to herself (I think she is kind of scared of other dogs) and she is a lapdog.


and Demi (who I keep wanting to call Murphy), a Heinz 57 type of gal with her mom Deb at the Ecluse Winery (Deb took all of these photos except the Saluki).

photo (3)

can you imagine a more diverse group of dogs???



All of the dogs are female and they and their owners/guardians and I went on a press trip (very intense) for three days and two nights to San Luis Obispo county (seven cities in three days)… whew !!!     (Cambria, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, San Simeon, San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles).   www.visitSanLuisObispoCounty.com

will be writing more about the FUN we had and the dog friendly places we met along the way in future blog posts including one for  Mama’s Day which is coming up May 12.

All of the dogs also got to meet some white Labs and a blind dog named Toby at the Ecluse winery in Paso Robles.

A great time was had by ALL…lots of divine food, wine and treats and s’mores at Grover Beach…

well except for one day…  every dog has her day…

Cici’s terrible horrible no good very bad day…

well, you know that Cici has three nemesis, right…

1. cats

2. bull dogs

3. skateboards (and scooters)

all three of the above make her freak out… bark and act like she is having a canine melt down…

and guess what happened to my girl?

she met all three of her nemesis in ONE day… and she flipped out….

otherwise, we all had tons of fun…

More about the trip/media tour…










Filed under AAA, Adventure, all you need is a dog, beach parties for dogs, California, dog friendly, dog travel, dog treats, dogs, four paws up, K9 travel, keep pets safe, pet care, pet friendly dining, pet friendly lodging, pet friendly winery, pet travel, travel with dog, Uncategorized

Choosing your child’s first pet

My first pets

I think that the article below by my guest Dr. Tim has good info for parents.  What do you remember about your first pet? was it a cat, dog, frog, fish, rabbit or bird? Name? Fond memories? Sad? Bad? Please do tell.

what struck me is how traumatic my two experiences with pets were when I was a child… because my parents were not good role models nor did they value pets. And those attitudes do stay with people later in life. The good news is that you can heal and change… which takes real courage, honesty and willingness to FACE the bad and make amends. It also takes knowledge, patience and support.

First, I had a parakeet, two parakeets actually. One died and I was blamed for its death at the ripe old age of 8. No child is able to be 100% responsible for the care of a pet at that age or younger, I would say until about age 16. I did not feed the bird consistently nor take care of its cage often enough but my parents should have supported me and set me up to win not lose. It is crucial for parents to monitor children’s care of pets to make sure that the pet is being properly cared for and that the child treats the pets appropriately. Any parent who lays a guilt trip and dumps shame upon a kid for THEIR lack of parenting is destroying that child’s self esteem and should NOT be a parent (or teacher for that matter) in my humble opinion.

Second, we were not allowed to have dogs or cats as pets in the garden apartments. But there were always neighborhood feral cats running around. At about age 11-12, sixth grade, going into seventh, the girls in the neighborhood found a mama kitty who had babies. We each adopted one of the kittens as our own cat to take care of. It was a BIG secret because if/when the super or our parents would find out about the cats, we would get into trouble and the cats would get taken away. My kitten’s name was Ginger, a sweet gray and white kitty. My mother HATED cats. I painted a cardboard box with her name for my Ginger to sleep in. We kept the cats “underground” constantly changing their safe place from bicycle / carriage room (storage) to laundry room surrounding the court. We fed them thru taking tuna and other food from our homes. We also had a carnival to raise money for our cats.

I do not remember specifically what ended up happening but I imagine that we were eventually found out and that the cats were taken away. And I was devastated.

Here’s a kitten similar to how Ginger looked, available for adoption at Animal Friends Rescue Project. Call (831) 333-0722 for more info. For senior dogs, check out Peace of Mind Dog Rescue.  Also check out animals available for adoption at the Salinas Shelter, the Monterey County Animal Shelter, the Marina Shelter – (831) 384-2528, the Santa Cruz SPCA, the Santa Cruz Animal Services, the SPCA of Monterey County, and the Los Coches Vet Hospital – (831) 678-2658.  Click here for a more complete listing of other places to adopt a rescued cat or dog in this area.  If you scroll through shelter and/or rescue pages, you will be overwhelmed with the number of pets that need homes. Perfectly good, healthy pets. Adopt don’t shop for your child’s first pet !


We never discussed it and I can imagine that it must have been really painful. On top of that, the girls and I drifted apart as they became involved in a mean, bullying gang. The two situations merged and growing up became synonymous with “bad” experiences. But I digress.

Later in my 20’s I got my own dog and my parents did not like it but I lived 3,000 miles away so it did not matter. Still, the legacy that they left for me regarding pets/animals was not very constructive. I always loved animals and my parents hated them. A conflict for any child. And it can be worked through as an adult.

There are many benefits to having a pet. Taking care of an animal can enhance a child’s self esteem and confidence and help them mature. A lonely child can have a companion and someone to talk to who won’t judge them or make fun of their feelings. A child who has difficulty reading can boost their reading skills by having a dog listen to them read. In a scary world, children are comforted by their pets who can also help them grieve. Having a loyal friend is a value that is priceless for many years to come.

Teaching Kids Animal Compassion
Choosing the right pet for your child is key
By Dr. Tim Hunt, DVM

Children can learn so many valuable lessons by caring for a pet. Having pets at a young age instills kids with a sense of confidence that they can take care of an animal and help it to live a thriving life.

More importantly I find pets can be great therapy for kids. Have you ever seen a kid talk to a pet and the animal responds by wagging its tail or purring? A pet gives a kid a way to share their feelings with another living creature that will never respond in a judgmental or bullying way. Animals are unbiased companions, just what many kids need.

Having pets also teaches children that animals are not expendable items. If children are involved in the daily care of animals, it can help to make them a more compassionate person later in life. Over the years I have been able to follow kids who first owned pets in elementary school as they grow up through high school, and I have seen them grow up to be compassionate young adults.

On the other hand, kids that don’t get the experience of having a pet early may become afraid of animals, especially if their parents don’t particularly care for animals. But even parents who aren’t crazy about pets or did not own them as kids can help change this trend.

People sometimes ask me what are some good pets for a young child to have, and why. Here are some pointers for choosing your child’s first pet:

When to get a pet – People often ask me what the best age is for children to have a pet. I believe between ages 4 and 8 is ideal, although older kids can also benefit. I got my first pets, mice and guinea pigs, when I was 8. I didn’t get my first dog until I was 20, but since then I have been making up for lost time. Today I own 40 outdoor dogs and two more who live indoors!

Start with easier pets – Many people don’t want to start with the responsibility of a dog or cat. For these folks, I recommend a nontraditional pet like a rat or a guinea pig. Rats are extremely cuddly, they don’t bite and they only live two years. Guinea pigs also do not bite, unlike hamsters and gerbils which can tend to be nippy.

Aim for “fail-safe” pets – Kids are so impressionable. The worst thing that can happen is a six-year-old kid gets bitten by a dog and then becomes scared of dogs for years to come. Choose pets that are easy to care for. Spend time with your child and the new pet, reading and learning together how to care for the animal.

Pick a pet that fits your family’s lifestyle – Look at the purpose the pet will serve in your family. Do you and your kids spend more time indoors or outside? Is your child very active or does he or she prefer reading or playing quietly. If a child has ADD or ADHD, I recommend starting with a calm dog to help give them an example of what calm can be. For a hyperactive adult, I recommend the opposite: a high-energy dog they can play with to form a bond, such as a Lab or Golden Retriever, German Short-haired Pointer or Border Collie.

Pets and exercise – With so many kids overweight, people wonder if a dog can help their child get more exercise. The answer is yes, and it has less to do with the kind of dog than the simple act of walking it. A particularly excitable dog is not necessary. It is more important that the child spend at least half an hour daily walking the dog. Get a kid away from the screens and electronics for that long and they will start to realize there is more to life.

Purebred or mixed breed? It is not necessary to pick a purebred dog for your first pet. Many mutts you can get from the pound or animal shelter make terrific pets. I strongly encourage people to adopt pound and shelter animals. Try to find out what breeds are in your dogs background to help you better understand your dog’s behavior. With purebred animals, it is especially important to do your research and make sure the pet fits your family’s lifestyle.

Cats for quiet kids – I find that cats are great pets for very introverted kids. Having a cat helps draw the child out in a non-threatening way. Once the child and cat get to know each other the cat will come and sit in the child’s lap. Cats also don’t require as much work or attention as dogs. I find that cats are particularly good for kids with physical or other disabilities that limit how much they can care for a pet.

No matter what kind of animal you choose for your first pet, remember that your attitude toward the animal can influence how your child treats animals for life. This is particularly important when an animal becomes sick or old. If a parent views the animal as disposable, the kid will too.

Whether your family chooses a hamster or a dog, be prepared to care for your pet in sickness and in health. If the animal gets sick at least seek treatment. Even if the outcome isn’t good and the animal passes away, children will remember “we tried.” And that will stay with them their whole life.



About Dr. Tim:

Dr. Tim Hunt is a licensed veterinarian in both Michigan and Alaska. Drawing upon his 22 years as a vet and 17 years racing sled dogs, he created Dr. Tim’s Premium All Natural Pet Food to replicate the natural, wild diet of dogs and cats. Dr. Tim is recognized as an expert on all aspects of pet health and a staunch advocate for the welfare of all animals. He and his wife Mary live on 50 acres in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with four house cats, two house dogs and 40 outdoor dogs. Learn more at http://www.DrTims.com.

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Filed under cats, dogs, guest blog, Monterey, Pacific Grove, pet adoption, pet care, Uncategorized

social butterfly dogs

  1. Bernese Mountain Dog
  2. Briard
  3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  4. Cockapoo (Cockapoodle)
  5. Coton de Tulear
  6. Goldador
  7. Golden Retriever
  8. Goldendoodle
  9. Harrier
  10. Havanese
  11. Irish Setter
  12. Labradoodle
  13. Labrador Retriever
  14. Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
  15. Puggle

According to Rachael Ray’s pet blog, the above are the dog friendliest dogs… is your dog the social butterfly of dogs, very friendly to other dogs?  is it one of the above or another breed?  Do dogs of a feather stick together?

Cici has played with more than 600 dogs of all kinds of breeds … her favs tend to be Golden retrievers, labs, German Shepherds, Boxers, Labradoodles, Australian Shepherd, Border Collies (BIG dogs) AND she has best lil pals too, mini poodles, tiny terriers, and other breeds.   She has issues with bull dogs of all types for some reason. She used to have issues with other pit bull terriers but has had a few pit bull puppy friends, too.  Depends upon the individual dogs.


plus, she has met/sniffed/chased or stalked bees, birds, bugs, bunny rabbits, cats, chickens, chipmunks, cows, deer, ducks, elk, fish, geese, goats, horses, lizards, llamas, peacocks, sheep, skunks, squirrels, wild turkeys, yaks, and zebras…

and she LOVES kids… the other day she played with a bunch of kids at the neighborhood park playground, licking them, showing off her belly, the kids were on the swings, she was a bit leery of the swings, but she ran and chased and raced with the girls and they enjoyed playing with her.  She wanted to stay and play all day.

what other farm animals or other pets does your dog play with?

Today is saturday, sheeeesh, where does the weeks go?  So fast. Maybe it’s the rain which is pouring again. And of course, Japan, do not pass by this blog without checking out what you can do for Japan (last blog post). Do not pass go, do not collect $200…

Anyway, since it is Saturday, Pet Blogger’s Hop, jump aboard another Blog Hop and thanks to Life with Dogs, here is the code…

enter at your own risk of having FUN…


As you hop around, don’t forget to stop by the first three entries on the list, our hosts: Confessions of the Plume, Two Little Cavaliers and Life with Dogs.


Filed under big dogs welcome, breeds, bugs, bunny rabbits, cats, chickens, cows, deer, dog parks, dogs, farm animals, goat, horses, keep pets safe, llamas, mutts, nanny dogs, pit bull, Rachael Ray, sheep, skunk

Restitution: And the People Said Amen…

My wish tonight is for everything
to become upside right

instead of inside out
and tumbled like weeds

that is where
i draw my personal line
in the sand

and hope and pray
and wish upon a star
that everything will right
itself again

Dogs are not cats

and cats are not birds

and never will fish be

leopards and porpoises

are not horses and cows

are not sheep and monkeys are not

caterpillars and squirrels are not camels

and chickens

are never gonna be


no matter how many of us wish and pray

for them to be so

the world should not have
gone awry
our meters on empty
our fortunes unkempt

Destiny awaits us
dare we rush away
from its call
hurtling ourselves deeper
into darkness and spaces
that were never meant to be
so painful

we should not have bent
and crawled and run and tangled
ourselves up into big blue balls
twisted with grief and sadness

do we have to wait for
the end to come
in order to be free?

for the world to be so
fragile and scattered
and shattered

for truth to be so obscured
and muted
for losses so permeated
and permeable

for people to shout to the heavens
save us
and the heavens
cry out with answers
but their cries fall on
ears that have not heard
a word in years

why is a child crying
when his mother
should be bawling
her very heart out

how can our leaders
fall so far short
of greatness
and dare to pluck their power
off of our trees
and stick their noses
so far out at us
like children and Pinocchio
saying nah nah nah nah

nanny nanny boo boo
the preschoolers wail
but is this proper behavior
for grown-ups
never mind our fearless leaders

where is that light in this dark tunnel
how do we find our way
when we are grasping for air
like miners looking for canaries
in caves that never should have been
tampered with

there isn’t a breath in sight
but there is California burning at night
with fetid air
and Arnold spraying poisons into our
in order to make money
for people who don’t deserve it
and to make things worse for the rest of us

how can we the people breathe
when there are so many untold truths
unburied bodies
and bold lies
that stick at our craw
and won’t go away

is it not better for us to
hurl ourselves into the wind
then to knock our heads
against the stoneheads of
the powers that be

we must hold onto each other’s hands
and never let go
for in our unity
there must be peace

We will find Peace
even if they don’t get it
and never will.

There’s a chance Peace will come

in our lives… John Lennon

All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance…




Let there be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me… Peace Shield

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Filed under animals, Arnold, California, California fires, cats, dogs, dreams, environment, God, green, John Lennon, Malibu, news, peace, poems, world peace

Our hearts & prayers go out to our friends in southern California

Today CC has her last surgery… will be glad when this ordeal is over…

Speaking of ordeals, we went outside yesterday afternoon and I could smell smoke…

been receiving dispatches from our friends in Malibu about the fires…

one has lost her internet connection because of the fire… the other one sent this:

If you’d like some local Malibu news about the fires one of our newspapers has a website that is updated periodically.


Just when we thought we were winding down here I heard sirens this morning at about 10:30, saw smoke rising and a fire helicopter flying in and circling – very near the bottom of my road! It turned out that a large truck had lost it’s brakes coming down Kanan Dume Rd. to Pacific Coast Hwy. He crashed into a Mercedes (both men killed immediately) while a 3rd car was hit and caught fire, igniting a brush fire… it’s been intense here since Sunday morning…

and I was reading the LA Times blogs this morning and found this one about a hotel offering shelter for owners and their pets, all kinds of pets…


Hotels offering cut rates to evacuees

The fires bearing down on Southern California have closed popular tourist destinations, state parks and national forests in the region. The state’s record number of emergency evacuees — perhaps more than 800,000 — means travelers heading to affected areas may find it’s not business as usual.
Hotels from around the area are reaching out to evacuees who need a place to stay by offering reduced rates.
The U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego reports that one-half to one-third of their guests are local evacuees but says it will honor all regular bookings, said manager Mark Dibella. He said even the hotel’s owners — members of the Sycuan Indian tribe — have come to stay after being evacuated from their reservation.

The 97-year-old hotel has reduced room rates for evacuees — from $300 per night down to $165 to $250, depending on the type of suite needed — and relaxed their policy on pets. “It’s Noah’s ark here,” said Dibella, noting guests are now allowed to bring large dogs, fish, birds and other pets. “We are not turning away anybody in need of keeping their pet with them.” The hotel also reduced the per-pet rate from $150 to $50. Contact the hotel at http://www.usgrant.net or call (800) 237-5029.

— Mary Forgione, Jane Engle and Valli Herman

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Filed under animals, California, California fires, cats, dogs, Malibu, news