Category Archives: dreams

Quality of Life


This is a rant. In case you want to be forewarned. It is not easy to decide when it is time for a pet to leave. Probably has to be one of the hardest decisions to make in life. And that is why I do NOT understand making it harder. But we human beans tend to make things more difficult than they have to be sometimes. Especially the times when we are most stressed. I have not yet had to make this decision. I had to give my first dog away because that was the right thing for me to do. And same with my cats, basically.

I understand that no one has to agree with me… and that I am not God. I realize that some people have more invested in illness or dysfunction or beliefs than they do in life and change and health…

yet it is frustrating for me when people REFUSE to even open up their minds a tiny crack/sliver to even discuss what they’ve already made up their mind to do. They have their minds so made up that they cannot hear anything other than people agreeing with them. If what someone else has to say is god forbid contradictory, the world is coming to an end. it is especially upsetting to me when this has to do with a life / death situation. Why choose death when you can choose life??? it is a mystery to me and perhaps the person does not see it this way.


Dogs, animals, pets always choose life. They live life in the present time and find JOY and Happiness. They do not relish illness nor prolong sickness. They GET OVER IT. They are not attached to being sick nor use illness as an excuse NOT TO LIVE.  Wallace was a great example. He lived a VERY FULL LIFE up until the end. He fought two types of cancers and lived one year beyond what the doctors told him he had to live. He had a bucket list and fulfilled most of it. He became a world champion ambassadog disc dog champion which was unheard of for a shelter dog, never mind a pit bull. Of course, his parents Roo and Clara Yori, deserve a lot of the credit. They knew when it was time for him to fight his illness and when it was time for him to leave this earthly plane.

when my grandmother was still alive, she decided that she was dying of cancer and no one was telling her not even her doctor. It turned out that she was wrong. She went all the way to Houston and was operated on by a world famous heart specialist Dr. Barnard, before he was REALLY famous. And he concluded that she had a heart aneurism and she died of that. Her belief that she was dying became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I have had clients who are 150% committed to doing things THEIR WAY, even if their way produces terrible results. They’d rather be RIGHT and fail. They see themselves as victims of life without any choices to make. But we are POWERFUL and we can ALWAYS make choices.

I know what it is like to cling to being right. I am not a stranger to indulging in moaning, groaning, blaming and complaining. Sometimes I am JUST PLAIN SLOW.  For instance, a few years ago, I had sprained my ankle falling off of a bike. And I walked around with a bandage on my foot. I went to a seminar and during the weekend, there was a time when we could choose to heal something in our lives. It could be anything we chose to heal. Of course, it was obvious that I SHOULD HAVE chosen to heal my ankle. But in a flash of total TRUTH I realized that I was not ready to have my ankle heal so I refused the healing. I was getting too much out of people giving me attention. I limped around for a few more days and then suddenly I realized I WAS DONE. So I called my dance studio and asked them where the dancers went when they sprained their legs. They gave me the number of a chiropractor, I made an appointment. He gave me a 20 minute excruciating treatment afterwards told me to walk on my ankle for twenty minutes. I did and my ankle was HEALED.

During that time I also worked with people who had HIV and AIDS and found that some people were committed to LIFE and others to DEATH. This was NOT usually a conscious choice but it was fairly obvious to others and very sad. Sometimes it made sense, other times not.

I have relieved 98% of my own symptoms of fibromyalgia, gone with the wind, no more aches, cramps, foggy brain, etc.

and I have met many many people who have fibro and are NOT the slightest bit interested in knowing what I did to relieve my pain. You would think that people would be flocking to my door to find out but sadly, no, they are not.

I have found numerous supplements, lotions, creams, treatments that take pain away from muscles and joints from my OWN experience, as well as products and protocols that have and are working with my dog to keep her healthy.

so yes, I still have issues when people who are sick, or who’s pets are sick, refuse to hear anything that could be constructive or change their situation. to me, it is fairly simple, I have a problem, let’s say, am getting a cold. I could get the cold and be sick for a week or I could nip it in the bud by taking raw apple cider vinegar, herbs and/or eating chicken soup. Why get the cold? the solutions do not ALwAYS work but mostly they do and if they don’t, I will not rest until I find something that does work. Solutions, resources, options set us free. Hanging onto problems keep us stuck, sick and out of balance.

Does that mean that I am ALWAYS solution oriented? No, I have my problem areas just like everyone else, blaming others, being unforgiving, complaining. AND I Know that I can choose any time to LET GO of the problem and go for the Solutions and be Healed.

Maybe it is the difference between believing in sickness or believing in wellness. That ALL sickness can be HEALED, relieved, and maybe even cured UNTIL it gets to a point of NO RETURN. Some people believe many conditions lead ONLY to suffering and death but that is not true. All over the world there are people and pets who have overcome illnesses that were said to be incurable. Fibromyalgia was said to be incurable. Well, then, I am a living example of someone who overcame an incurable illness. I have a friend who overcame HIV/AIDS, and others who overcame cancer and other illnesses.

We can believe in FEAR or LOVE, not both. We can believe in HEALTH or SICKNESS, not both.

I recently talked with my roommate’s mother who has arthritis and she had a lot of pain in her knees. I told her about a couple of lotions and potions that I use that help me. A few weeks later, we talked to her again and did she buy the lotion? no. why. oh she said, the pain just lasts a couple of days and then it’s gone. I can endure the pain for a few days, she said. but why endure the pain when you can relieve it? oh you prefer to suffer. she laughed but sadly, that was true.

I know that there are benefits to suffering. People feel sorry for you and do things for you. They give you attention. Pat you on the back.

but hey if you prefer to suffer, go ahead and enjoy your suffering. why should anyone try to take those benefits away from you. just do not expect me to pat you on the back and offer you sympathy when I know that YOU HAVE A CHOICE and YOU ARE CHOOSING SUFFERING and PAIN rather than LIFE and HEALTH.

Prolong your agony all that you want, but I am not going to be a cheerleader in your pity parade. and when you make it seem all noble that is called martyrhood and you are punishing others.

so don’t you dare try to shame and guilt me into feeling bad for having the audacity of trying to assist you in making a life affirming choice or at least discovering other options EXIST. For me, I could not stand to know that I could have chosen something else but that I was not even willing to open my brain and heart to it. That WHAT IF would plague me forever. Even if the WHAT IF is wrong for you, what do you have to lose ?  oh yeah, prolonging suffering, agony, and pain and all those stinky benefits of SICKNESS REIGNS.

We were not born to die of terrible illnesses. We were born to LIVE and have fun. And yes, there are tragedies that happen in the world and to good people. But most people do not experience that. Most of us live ordinary lives and can choose whether we fully embrace life or if we just endure it.

stinky cheese is what we used to call the benefits we get out of clinging to what does not work to produce LIFE. rats going through a maze after stinky cheese because they do not know any better. So they chase the impossible. Or they can go through a maze another way and find good cheese, their very possible dreams. Cheese that is good for them.

May the Highest good for ALL prevail … after a lifetime of stinky cheese, I prefer my own cheese with crackers, wine and some chocolate.    Blessed be.


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Filed under Adventure, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animal books, animals, dogs, dreams, Imagine, keep pets safe, losing a pet, pet care, self help

Pets over the bridge

Pet communication comes in various forms. It is amazing what we can learn from our pets when we are willing / open to listening to them. Sometimes, we just don’t know how or are so busy worrying or scattered, filled with our daily lives that we miss the subtle and sometimes not to subtle messages.

Here are a few of my experiences communicating with pets here and also some who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge…

* a dog I hardly had a relationship with passed… and he came to me in a dream, he was a German shepherd, I think he just wanted to let me know he was safe and at peace…

* my cat Abundance of five years came to me in a dream a number of years after he had run away and he came to me sitting on my belly purring like he used to do in life… it was a visit that was very healing for me because i was devastated when he left and i felt at peace that he had come back to me after he had passed on

before Abundance left the earthly plane, we were having some amazing communications… I had interviewed Susan McElroy who taught me a bit about pet communication. She said to use images rather than words… I was practicing with my two cats Abundance and Precious while I was working at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary… one morning, I was sitting at my computer and Abundance kept meowing and bugging me… finally, I decided to tune into what he was trying to tell me. Immediately, I saw that I had accidentally put my other cat Precious in a room with a closed door with no litter box, no food, nor water… Abundance was meowing to let me know to get Precious out of there. I opened the door and sure enough, he was in there and scooted out.

* a white cat that i was feeding in the neighborhood, i found out a few others were feeding her too…. got that she was very sick, she was very very skinny… took her to a vet and the vet said she had cancer and not much to do for her, and would be very expensive but not much hope… suggested euthanasia as the humane choice, i cried all the way to the spca in pasadena with this cat… they let me be with her in a room before the procedure…. I prayed with her and saw her being lifted up into my father’s and family’s arms/hands into heaven while the procedure was going on… she was met by loving people when she passed…

* with my dog Cici, she responds MUCH MUCH better to me when I communicate telepathically to her than when I verbalize. She actually listens and does what i ask her to do (usually not always)…


how about you? are your pets psychically attuned to you? do you listen and decipher their messages easily?  is your pet telepathic?  Can you use your intuition with your pet to understand what they want/need?

I believe that we are all intuitive, people and pets. And that we can learn to “tune in or tap into” the messages. Just like learning to listen to a sound from a frequency that we are not used to being able to hear. We can become quiet within and within that stillness hear messages, see message and more. Our loved ones including our pets love to “speak” to us and love it when we listen to them.

The loss of a beloved pet can be truly painful and difficult to deal with. A compassionate ear and heart and having been there can help a lot. When I lost Abundance, a “friend” kept telling me, it’s just a cat. She surely did NOT understand what I was going through. To me, Abundance was MUCH more than “just a cat.” He was a beloved companion of five years and a family member. He was my heart and soul and every little thing reminded me of him. I was in a lot of pain and did not think I could bear it. The sadness and grief was overwhelming.

Have you longed to hear from a pet who has crossed the bridge?  I’d be happy to do a session with you and your pet(s). It can be one of the most healing experiences for a pet parent that is going through the grieving process.

Email or call me to set up a time (over the phone) at 702-225-8206.

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Filed under Adventure, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animals, cats, dog speak, dogs, dreams, K9 approved, keep pets safe, Rainbow Bridge, Uncategorized

A Dog’s New Years Resolutions

New Year’s Eve is almost here… some tips from last year that are still relevant.

Do you set goals? Write New Year’s Resolutions?

Some dogs who are ready to party hardy…

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Fun New Years Resolutions for Pets, check out Animal Planet’s ‘official’ pet resolutions!

Cici’s Top 22 New Years Resolutions

1. Eat more treats. (Have Mom, get more Dr. Harvey’s Power Patties).

2. Scavenge for more food other than the bread left out for the birds.

3. Get more belly rubs.

4. Give more kisses.

5. Take more walks and runs at the park.

6. Get yourself to the beach and swim.


8. Chase more cats, squirrels and birds.

9. Dream more about chasing cats, squirrels and birds.

10. Dine on fine cuisine and travel more.

11. Play more with neighbor dogs.

12. Start a barkday list a few months early.

13. Hoover the food off the kitchen floor while it’s fresh.

14. Dig a hole in the back yard to recline in for the spring/summer.

15. Squirm out of taking photos and dressing up.

16. Learn how to drive to feel my fur in the wind.

17. Be a good ambassador and END BSL.

18. No more itchies.

19. Make more doggie friends.

20. Eat more.

21. Get more bones, deer antler chews and Chew On.

22. Help doggie pals get adopted.

  • Feel free to share your pet’s resolutions in the comments.  We wish you and your furries a very happy and healthy 2013!




Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop  link



Filed under adoption, animal planet, bathing your dog, belly rubs, birds in sky, bones, boycott, breed specific laws, dog dreams, dog kisses, dog treats, dogs, dreams, end dog racism, exercise your dog, food, holiday tips, K9 approved, keep pets safe, pet blog hop, pet care, pet food, pet friendly dining, Uncategorized

Wallace’s bucket list

Sweet Wallace has a bucket list… perhaps you can help make some of his dreams come true…Roo and Clara do not know how long he has to live since he was diagnosed with cancer but plan on his quality of life as their most important priority…

excerpt from book:

how to help




Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, dog health, dogs, dreams, ellen degeneres, four paws up, keep pets safe, losing a pet, pet care, pit bull, Uncategorized, writing

I hear 99% of Americans protesting…

I realize that this is not what I usually write about but it is so important that I feel compelled to discuss it. At first, the media was blacking out coverage, now there is some coverage, mostly trying to dismiss the worldwide nonviolent protests happening all around the world, people protesting for Freedom and economic justice, JOBS, universal health care, homes and more… And as the powers that be deride, ridicule and try to play down the protests, the protests are getting bigger and spreading all over the nation and Canada.

the whole world is watching…


There were about 20,000 Americans protesting on Wall Street this week, and for the past three weeks… and around the country… demanding that giant banks pay their fair share of taxes, end the foreclosure crisis, and create jobs. We are the 99% of Americans who have been forced to bear the brunt of the recession, financial insecurity. The 1% elite who have bought politicians and those responsible for the financial recession, none of the criminals have gone to jail but hundreds of non-violent protesters have been arrested… the GOP even contributed millions to the NYPD as incentive to bust up the protesters on Wall Street, are changing laws to fit their agenda all in an effort to beat Obama in the next election and more, so much more.


Regular every day middle class Americans ARE FED UP of being forced OUT into the streets, without food, without homes, without jobs, without pensions and benefits and without health care and the American Dream.

these are the real working class people (the middle class) who are protesting, not hippies and homeless people as the media says…

faces of the protesters:

The Wall Street Protesters Are Now In 15 Major Cities Across The Country

protesters are single dads and single moms, nurses, veterans, librarians, teachers, engineers, doctors, veterans and regular every day working people, union members, seniors, disabled, people all over America, middle class people, even a corporate lawyer … Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Independents, they are ALL represented, this is NOT about race, ethnicity nor party politics… it is about people’s needs vs corporate greed. 

“We Are the 99%.” “The reason I’m here now is to speak for the other 99 percent of this country that has been denied a seat at the negotiating table,” protester Henry James Ferry told TIME early in the movement’s second week. “I don’t hate capitalism; I don’t hate rich people. I think you should come down to Wall Street and make as much money as you want. And when you do, you should pay a fair tax rate back to the city and the country that gave you the opportunity.”

Read more:

Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass

I Hear America Singing.

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,
Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe
and strong,
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deck-
hand singing on the steamboat deck,
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing
as he stands,
The woodcutter’s song, the ploughboy’s on his way in the morn-
ing, or at noon intermission or at sundown,
The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work,
or of the girl sewing or washing,
Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
The day what belongs to the day—at night the party of young
fellows, robust, friendly,
Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.

I hear 99% of Americans protesting… by CeliaSue Hecht

i hear 99% of America protesting, the Wall Street elite who fear monger and steal elections and dreams

Those single moms, teachers, union members, seniors and twentysomethings,

each one protesting the unjust, unfair and economic uncertainty they’ve been forced to bear

The college graduate with a 3.87 GPA and $65,000 in student loan debt who makes $180 a week.

The art teacher with a spinal injury who lost his job of 24 years, is about to lose his home, cannot work nor collect disability or unemployment worrying about his family.

The unemployed woman laid off after 20 years who wants to donate a kidney to save a friend’s life who may not be able to because of high cost she is forced to pay.

The child of a mother with no job, no home, no healthcare who committed suicide in 2010.

A former student who now has to dumpster dive in order to eat.

The 45 million Americans who are eating due to food stamps and the shrinking middle class.

Each one protesting what belonged to him or her and now is gone.

The way America used to be, the former greatness of the USA now fading into oblivion.

Protesting with open mouths, signs, and strong determination, to revive the American dream, end the wars, and bring FREEDOM and LIBERTY for ALL back to America.

what do the protesters want?  justice…

do you seriously want your dog to have to beg in the streets for food because you can no longer take care of them????  Get Empowered… Join the Protests !!!

if you have a Bank of America account and do not want to pay the new $5 a month fee, change banks before November 5, open an account at a local credit union,

Whose Side Are You On: The Moral Clarity of #OccupyWallStreet #Occupy

Dear Wall Street

15 core issues our country must face

$30 a week is not exactly eating caviar

Join the ongoing Virtual March on Wall Street and bring your dog/cat/pets… LOL… We have the POWER…

Occupy Wall Street protests are coming to a city near you… Boston, LA, SF and more… Canada, too…

Berkeley, CA; Protesters target Bank of America | Long Beach, CA | Los Angeles, CA; Day 3 | Napa, CA | Sacramento, CA | San Diego, CA | Santa Barbara, CA; “People have nothing left to lose except their chains.” | Santa Cruz, CA | Colorado Springs, CO; Day 2 | Denver, CO (VIDEO); Hundreds march | Hartford, CT | Washington, D.C.; “We’re fed up …” (VIDEO / DISPATCH) | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Lake Worth, FL | Miami, FL |Orlando, FL | Tallahassee, FL | Tampa, FL | Hilo, HI | Mason City, IA | Boise, ID |Chicago, IL; Day 11 (VIDEO | VIDEO) | Normal, IL | Indianapolis, IN (VIDEO) | Wichita, KS | Lexington, KY | Louisville, KY (VIDEO) | New Orleans, LA | Boston, MA; Food tent up and running | Baltimore, MD (VIDEO) | Portland, ME; Protesters set up tents in Lincoln Park (VIDEO) | Detroit, MI | Minneapolis, MN (VIDEO) | Columbia, MO | Kansas City, MO | St. Louis, MO | Missoula, MT | Asheville, NC; Built to last | Raleigh, NC |Jersey City, NJ; Protesters target Goldman Sachs | Trenton, NJ | Albuquerque, NM; Hundreds march without permit, no arrests (VIDEO / VIDEO) | Las Vegas, NV (VIDEO)Albany, NY; Protest takes root | Buffalo, NY | Latham, NY (VIDEO) | Rochester, NY(VIDEO) | Syracuse, NY (VIDEO) | Cincinnati, OH (VIDEO) | Dayton, OH | Eugene, ORPortland, OR | Salem, OR | Allentown, PA | Philadelphia, PA | Pittsburgh, PA |Memphis, TN (VIDEO) | Nashville, TN | Austin, TX | McAllen, TX | Victoria, TX; “It’s going to grow bigger.” | Salt Lake City, UT; “We will make this a permanent demonstration …” | Richmond, VA; “A lot of Americans are fed up …” | Burlington, VT; Over 100 gather | Seattle, WA; Mayor orders removal of tents | Spokane, WA; Day 5 |Tacoma, WA

“I love it!” – Yoko Ono


it is time for the Blog Hop, thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume, grab the code here…


Filed under affordable housing, blog hop, dreams, John Lennon, K9 approved, people abuse, poems, racism, Republican, San Francisco, self help, stuff white people like, travel, Uncategorized, What a wonderful world

creating a peaceful dog oasis

imagine creating a fido delicious peaceful paradise backyard both for us humans and cici…

I’d like it to have a garden, fountain, pool/water, a sand box for cici to dig and a bunch of plants, trees with fruit… perhaps…

need a wooden box, organic soil, flowers and plants, wheat grass, grass and oat grass seeds, veggie, fruit seeds, wild bird seed, rocks, herbs, water fountain, fruit trees, sand box and more…

already put an ad on freecycle and craigslist, but so far, nada.

if you have any other suggestions on how to get any of the above for free or inexpensively, or if you’d like to donate, every little bit helps, thanks.

At the Cambria Pines Lodge, they have an amazing organic garden with a flower bed (shown below)… would love to recreate something like that. we’ve got a wheelbarrow and a wooden futon frame that I could get creative with.

Also want to create a community garden… and have artists paint the fence with murals. there is graffiti already on one side of the fence (outside) that could be painted over… images of PEACE… calming… Findhorn garden… a showcase for talented artists in this community…

this is an amazing peace site:

how to do this without spending a fortune????

and just how to do this hands on practically…   this site has some great ideas, tips and resources…

Nobody speaks for Fido when it comes to the backyard landscape. Yet he spends more time there than anyone else in the family.

What I call a K-9 conscious garden design blends amenities for you and your dog into a harmonious space. It also addresses the most common safety problems that can hurt your pooch and send your vet bill into the stratosphere.

Dogs are naturally mobile creatures, forever on the hunt for food like their ancestors the wolves. When they are cooped up with nothing interesting or mysterious to explore, they adopt undesirable behaviors out of frustration and boredom. Planting a tall grass meadow with flowers is not only a beautiful, wildlife-friendly form of gardening, it gives your dog hours of investigatory pleasure every day. Sure, manicured lawns are great for Frisbee, but when you’re at work that meadow becomes a primal bit of heaven for man’s best friend.

If you live in the city and don’t have room for a meadow, here’s a good alternative. Wheat grass juice is a big health drink for us and it’s just as good for dogs. They will naturally graze on it when they need the nutrients it contains rather than browsing your flowerpots. Consider planting wheat grass in low, wide troughs. Use flat plastic under-the-bed storage boxes with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage. Fill the boxes with potting soil and sow with seed. Dirt-cheap organic seed for wheat and oats can be found in the bread-making section of the health food store.

Since ancient times, herbs have been used to repel fleas in human dwellings. They’ll also discourage fleas in the yard and in your dog’s general hangout areas. If you grow enough of them you can cut the branches, dry and use them to stuff your dog’s bed for a natural pesticide. Many herbs were once known as fleabane because they are so widely used for this purpose, and some may also discourage ticks.

Plant a fleabane garden or incorporate fleabane plants around the garden. When my dog Dot rubs against them I can smell the aromatic oils on her fur, which not only discourages pests, it covers up dog smell with fragrance! I recommend Menta pulegium, also known as pennyroyal. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthum) is also beautiful silvery gray plant and quite effective, too. Old-fashioned tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is top of the list, as well. All are perennial. When you shop, insist on the botanical names to ensure you get the exact plant that repels fleas.

Keep in mind, too, that some plants and landscaping materials are very bad for dogs. Vets say that when dogs are bored they will chew on most anything, and when that something is toxic you have a problem. Cocoa bean mulch contains caffeine and hulls of nuts falling from trees are rich in tannin, so both can be highly toxic if chewed. These include domestic walnuts or wild hickory. A few of the many plants poisonous to dogs are castor bean, foxglove, pokeweed, buckeye and yew. The master list of dog-toxic plants can be found at the ASPCA web site,

happy dogs sunbathing… cici LOVES to lie in the dirt in the yard and enjoy the rays… this is Little Red with her new dog pal / new home… (Little Red, one of the former v-dogs)…

A tip for pooches eating plants:

If your dog is chewing up your plants, this spicy, cayenne pepper

spray solution may be enough to discourage them. Be

aware that it requires repeated applications. The effectiveness

wears off in a day or two. The rain and automatic sprinklers

also wash it away. A dog won’t be discouraged by just one hot

bite either. They’ll go back and test it a few times with undesirable

results before they finally accept that the plant is not

worth tampering with. Use this spray every day for a couple

of weeks to condition the dog to leave the plant alone. Be sure

to spray the plant early in the morning so that the spray can

dry out before the sun hits the leaves.

1 Tablespoon cayenne pepper

2 Tablespoons powdered garlic

2 Cups hot water

Stir the cayenne pepper and garlic into hot water. Allow it to

set a few minutes then strain the remnants of the spices

through a fine kitchen sieve. Pour the strained liquid into a

plant spray bottle. Use as needed.

download the free ebook for more tips, ideas:


Filed under creativity, dog dreams, dog friendly, dog spa, dogs, dreams, eco friendly/green, fountain of woof, gardening, Imagine, K9 approved, Michael Vick dogs, peace, pet care, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, spoil your dog rotten, Uncategorized, water fountains, world peace

dream the dream for Earth day…

people thought that she was just a funky OLD mangy dog… just by looking at her until she opened up her mouth and surprised everyone… just goes to show you not to judge a book by its cover, literally…

that is what we’ve got to say for this Earth day, Cici and I…

Earth day is about US people and the planet we live on… be kind, love a dog, have compassion, give generously and SING !

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Filed under dogs, dreams, environment, four paws up, green

jingle bells…dog playing in the snow…

had a dream where Cici was going swimming with dogs while the kitty cats were snuggling inside… kinda fun…

like this video of a dog playing wildly/madly in the snow…

oh what fun it is !

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Filed under beach, beach parties for dogs, big dogs welcome, dog dreams, dog friendly, dogs, Don't worry be happy, dreams, four paws up, funny, holiday spirit, silly dog, snow

dream big doggie dreams…

It can be tough to start up a business… most businesses fail within the first few years and yet many people have the dream of creating their dream doggie business…

Perhaps you are looking for funding for your pet related business and are seeking an angel investor or venture capital… sometimes people max out their credit cards, get business loans from the Small Biz Administration or ask friends and family to help them out.  Not a good idea to mix business and relatives…

I would like to get funds from angel investors to create a doggie day camp and holistic dog healing center. And now that we’ve stayed in a yurt in a campground, I would love to find people who would like to fund my dream.  Perhaps there are others out there who have similar dreams and we can pool our resources.  Hawaii, Calfornia or Oregon coast would be wonderful places for this… Tag, you’re it !

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Filed under dog friendly, dogs, dreams, four paws up, K9 approved, money, mutts, pet care

let sleeping dogs lie in your bed with you?

Cici has a new boyfriend… a golden retriever named Dallas she met yesterday. It was puppy love at first sight and then she smothered the poor dog with a whole lotta licks and kisses. Jumped on him and would not let go. Thankfully he enjoyed her attention. They wrestled a bit and it was good fun. Nice for her to play with another dog, it’s been more than three months. 

Now what are your thoughts on this subject,  sleeping  with your dog. Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t. If I want to get a night’s sleep, it is usually better to let her sleep with me. However, she takes up the entire bed and I am often left hanging on, clinging to the side of the bed. No matter how many times I push her over, she eventually ends up snuggling up close to me and taking over the bed.  It is enjoyable to cuddle and it eliminates having to take her out in the middle of the night. When she is on the floor, she wakes me up at all hours to let her out but when she sleeps with me, she does not need to go out. Go figure.I guess from the beginning I did it wrong according to Cesar Millan and others… oh well…  

Now this is more like it…

oh please, sometimes humans are way too serious…

is this the cutest?



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