Tag Archives: scratching dogs

allergies are nothing to sneeze at

you all know how Cici has been itchy forever… and how I tried to feed her out of it, change her diet… took her to the vet, who gave her toxic pills and a shot and cost an arm, a leg and a foot, how I gave her coconut oil internally and externally and other natural topic remedies including Dr. Harvey’s wonderful herbal protection shampoo…

and although the diet, shampoo and oil are all good, she was still itchy. Much better, but still a bit itchy.

So into the fray of dog itchy madness comes Super Goo… to save my dog…created by a vet, this organic peanut butter with super immune building extracts to get at the root causes of doggie distress… means no more itchy paws, ears, scratching, bumps and misery… could it be true and Goo-berlicious, too?

here is what is going on so far… have to keep the doggie goo refrigerated… try to make it as thin as possible in the bowl and do not feed water or food for a few minutes afterward… this week she is getting two teaspoons of goo a day.

well, the goo is definitely gooey… and it is funny to watch cici lick it off her tongue for several minutes… sticky… at first, she did not want to eat/lick it but I made yummy noises and held the bowl for her and she licked it all up… I guess she trusts me to know what is goo for her LOL… plus I now have a goo song for her… sung to the tune of good vibrations (beach boys) but instead of good vibrations, I sing gooberations…  am picking up gooberations, she’s giving me gooberations… goo goo goo gooberations…

am supposed to be giving her an accelerated protocol, to see how she does, as a gooey pig (similar to a guinea pig)… and this week, we start off slow just to get her used to the goo…

she is much better itchy wise, but still has a little itching going on … what I noticed was that her front paws are no longer all blackish and she does not seem to scratch and lick anywhere near as much as she was doing… so hopefully the goo will take care of the rest of the itches… sounds good to me… what do you think??? here is what the company says….

allergy prone dogs?

ALLERGIES [ Are Nothing to Sneeze AT ]  For Man or DOG !

While Allergies in Man & Dog have been long regarded more as a nuisance, rather than a legitimate “Medical Disease”. More and more everyday, Medical Professionals and Pro-Active Medical Consumers are realizing that ALLERGY is actually an “Engine of Disease”, which drives a progressive sequence of multiple diseases throughout a sufferers life.

Unfortunately, everyday you see the Skin, Health & compromised Quality of Life for You and Your Pet, as the result of ALLERGIES. In fact, it is estimated that up to 25% of all Canine’s suffer from Allergies. Research further supports that some of our most popular Breeds are Genetically Predisposed to an even higher incidence of Allergy.

While many PET Parents move to special FOOD Diets in an effort to mitigate their DOGs constant Itching, Biting, Ear & Skin Issues .. hoping / Thinking them to be FOOD Allergy Driven…

Research indicates that 85% of All ALLERGY Canine’s suffer not from Food Allergy But from Allergy to Tree / Weed / Grass / Pollens, Mites & Mold Spores.

So while special Foods are nutritious and Food rotation is suggested  They do nothing to address / treat the canine’s true Source of Allergy Source i.e. Environmentals.

Friendly Reminder: Whether Man or Animal, Med’s only fool the body into believing that there is No Problem by masking symptoms. Unfortunately, Allergy is Not a Static Disease, rather a lifetime, progressive, cumulative, source of chronic inflammation whose progression continues / exacerbates unabated, only to re-emerge with a vengeance when the med’s wear off.

To address this suffering canine population, under the Veterinary Dermatologist / Medical Director leadership of Dr. Kristin Holm, Healthy GOO is pleased to introduce Doggy GOO !

In addition to Supporting and Balancing the Innate, Acquired & GUT Tier’s of your Dog’s Immune System, Doggy GOO also sublingually builds natural immune system tolerance to everyday Grass / Tree / Weed Pollens, Mites and Mold Spores .

And BEST of ALL, It’s achieved 100% GOO Naturally !

While sounding Cute & Playful, Doggy GOO is All Veterinary Dermatologist BUSINESS !

100% Natural, Scientifically Formulated by Healthy GOO’s Medical Director, Dr. Kristin Holm, a Board-Certified Veterinary Dermatologist.

Clinically-supported beneficial yeast ingredient engages the body’s first line / innate immune defenses with the correct / respective response to a wide range of challenges depending on the need, but it also works together, with the other facets of the dog’s immune system toward optimal immune support, prebiotic sourcing, anti-oxidation and overall health harmonization. As a dried, complex fermentation product comprised of beneficial metabolites, proteins, peptides, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, polyphenols, organic acids, beta-glucans and mannans, it contains the same active ingredient that is found in the human supplement EpiCor™.

Clinically supported, environmental extracts leverage the adaptive capability of the acquired immune tier by Sublingually building Immune System Tolerance to common Environmental Allergens including 3 – Grasses, 3 – Trees, 4 – Weeds, 2 – Dust Mites, 3 – Molds and 2 – Foods ( Beef & Wheat).

Clinically supported, Bacillus coagulans / BC30™ Probiotic displaces undesirable bacteria in the GI tract and regulates the digestive system by successfully colonizing the intestines and producing lactic acid.  This results in an increased response to various pathogen challenges and improved digestibility of nutrients for better absorption.

Suggested Uses include:
1) Pre-Emptively building immune system tolerance to environmental allergy sources in dams, puppies or breeds that are genetically predisposed to atopy;
2) Establishing and building long-term immune tolerance to environmental allergens, allowing eventual discontinuation of short-term immune-suppressive medications; and
3) Establishing and maintaining gastrointestinal tract health, with the added benefits of strengthening the immune system.

Before Cyclosporine, Steroids or Allergy Immunotherapy SHOTs, may we suggest trying 100% natural Doggy GOO™.

The “GOO” in Doggy GOO™ is the best Organic Peanut Butter on today’s “Human” market. And because Doggy GOO is Dog GOO-ilicious, not only is 100% pet compliance ensured, but the PET will make sure that their Owner is also 100% compliant.

Aspects of Doggy GOO are presently patent-pending.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.




Filed under dog friendly, dog health, dogs, itchy red ears, natural health remedies, pet care, product review, Uncategorized