Tag Archives: animals

Doggie Day books

This week was National Dog Day, ok, we missed it by a day or two… well, here are three VERY different doggie books that you just HAVE TO READ if you love doggies… and you might just pick up a few for your fellow doggie friends for the holidays (which are going to be here sooner than your dog can chew up a dog bone).




The exciting and funny / hilarious new Chet and Bernie book, Paw and Order, which you’ve all been waiting with doggie breath to come out so you can read it. Now you can.

Harry Truman once said “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”

Cici and I were very happy to get our paws on the latest (7th in the series) Chet and BernieL book, Paw and Order because we are always up for another hilarious adventure seen thru Chet’s canine eyeballs. The story begins in New Orleans. And Bernie’s Porsche and a trip to a BBQ joint turns into a fiasco with some motorcycle dudes who have big necks.  But no matter, Chet and Bernie are on the case and a team not to be messed with.

The dog-eat-dog world of Washington DC will never be the same after Chet and Bernie’s Little adventure. They could have gone straight home from New Orleans but what fun would that have been? They instead detoured because well, Bernie’s sometime girlfriend Suzie the newspaper reporter is now working at the Washington Post and she is on a BIG story that she cannot talk about. So of course,  Chet sniffs around the capital city and Bernie ends up arrested. An international conspiracy unfolds and Chet encounters a strange new animal, a guinea pig, who holds the fate of the nation in his paws.

Chet and Bernie are always a winning combination. With Chet’s sharp eyes and cool nose and Bernie’s talents, they cannot lose, although it is always suspenseful along the way. Another great read for dog lovers, guinea pig aficionados, and Washington DC insiders and outsiders.


Off the Leash: A Year at the Dog Park  by Matthew Gilbert

If you have ever visited a dog park and met some strange, weird, quirky, bizarre dog people, then you will relate to this book. It is about an array of dogs and their people who gather at Amory Park, overlooking Boston near Fenway Park.

Matthew Gilbert, a longtime TV critic at The Boston Globe, describes his reluctant trip into the dog park subculture, as the first-time owner of a stubbornly social Yellow Lab puppy named Toby. Like many Americans, he was happily accustomed to the safe distance of TV viewing and cell-phone web surfing, tethered to the digital leash. But the headstrong, play-obsessed Toby pulls him to Amory, and Amory becomes an exhilarating dose of presence for him. The joyous chaos of wrestling dogs and the park’s cast of offbeat dog owners – the “pack of freaks” – gradually draw him into the here and now. At the dog park, the dog owners go off the leash, too.

Meetings at the dog park can be mayhem, chaotic and fun, depending upon  the day. Sort of a daily or weekly canine soap opera. Dogs love/hate one another as do their owners.  When the dogs have disagreements, so do their human companions. And sometimes the human beans are even worse than the dogs when they are off the leash.

This is a very funny, sunny, very right on, portrait of life at the dog park and relationships and encounters between dogs and the dog owners. Dog Parks: Enter at Your Own Risk. Dog parks are not for the faint of heart or skittish. And Gilbert knows right where the fun begins and ends.  His honest and enthusiastic memoir will make you rethink going to the dog park or yearning to find doggie friends and a pack to belong to.


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Dogs Rule, Nonchalantly by Mark Ulriksen is just plain silly. EVERYONE who is ANYONE with a DOG that is KNOWS that Dogs Rule. Of course, my Polka Dot Princess agrees with me on that one. She Rules this household. Of course.  Ulriken has been working for a little publication called The New Yorker, where he has been a regular contributor since 1993. He has achieved more than 40 magazine covers to his credit.   This book offers great illustrations of doggies, and funny lines to go with the images. We were offput by one illustration of what seemed to be a bad stereotype of a bully breed dog. We do not like those stereotypes as you know. Other than that, numerous breeds were represented in hilarious detail. And some of the jokes were VERY funny.  If you live or love a dog, you know how amusing they can be. And this book capitalizes upon canines and their goofyness with refreshing charm and a breath of doggie sunshine. Dogs penchant for stinky things. Dogs and their always sunny disposition (until you are leaving the house).  And you know the rest of their quirks.




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Pet friendly animal shelters

There is more than enough Love, Compassion, Kindness, and Generosity to Change the status quo…


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“Animal abuse at local shelters is not an isolated anomaly caused by “a few bad apples.” The stunning number and severity of these cases nationwide lead to one disturbing and inescapable conclusion: our shelters are in crisis.”

For the past couple of years, ever since I got involved with the Patrick movement, I have also participated in a few other high profile cases of animal abuse. In those other cases, Lennox, Wicca, for example, the problem became clear. It was a stubborn, bureaucratic system of people who REFUSED to send those dogs to sanctuaries, that were willing with open arms to even PAY for the dog’s rescue and rehab. All pleas fell on deaf ears and the innocent pups were killed. It was heartbreaking, to say the least.

It is easy to turn away, shut down, and refuse to read or look at ugly photos of animal abuse, in order to stop the pain you feel at the horrors inflicted upon innocent animals. Just leave it to someone else to care. It can be hard to face the truth of what is going on. But the brave and courageous are willing to learn and educate themselves and do the work that needs to be done, for the rewards… the love of animals.  It is time to take off the rose colored glasses. To save even one life is worthwhile.

Those cases took place in other countries, northern Ireland and Montreal, Canada. We here in the USA have similar problems. And thankfully, people who love pit bulls and are true animal lovers, have begun to see the light and identified the true culprits of a shelter system that is broken and kills healthy, treatable animals every day in our local neighborhoods…

Nathan Winograd spells it all out in no uncertain terms in his latest book Friendly Fire, which was available for FREE this weekend on Amazon as an e-book… This is a book that many animal advocates have been waiting for. Winograd and his wife wrote the book not only to expose the cruel system of abuse and death but also to give animal advocates, the media, legislators and others the tools to make necessary shelter reform a reality.


Winograd says that either a shelter is No Kill or it is a slaughterhouse. And the public is not at fault but we are too often blamed by the very organizations that are refusing to change. They spend our money not on saving animal lives but on their own salaries and false marketing schemes.  He gives numerous examples and scenarios. He names names and answers excuses. And shows us there are creative PROVEN ways to save lives.



Try to ladle a bowl of soup out of a pot into a bowl. Go ahead. Notice that either you DO IT or you don’t. Or let me put it another way, either you are pregnant or you are not pregnant. Either a shelter is No Kill or it is not. This is important because some shelters and organizations are trying to fake it by using the words No Kill. Just like some companies whitewash or greenwash, pretend to offer products they say are healthy and natural, eco friendly and/or organic in order to compete in the market place. Just calling yourself No Kill is not a matter of semantics. True No Kill shelters DO NOT KILL healthy and treatable animals.

Winograd has been in the trenches, head of shelters, and has DONE IT himself firsthand. He has created the No Kill Equation and No Kill Advocacy Center. Fundamentally becoming a No Kill shelter requires bottom line, the CHOICE to become No Kill, with no ifs ands nor buts (no excuses), a commitment to becoming No Kill and actionable steps to take. It does not take research, five years or ten years or twenty years. A shelter can become No Kill virtually OVERNIGHT.

Americans are generous, good hearted and too often naive and gullible people, who give millions, if not billions of dollars, to causes in hopes of a cure for diseases (that there are already cures for, most diseases), to end drug addiction, homelessness and other society ills. And the most popular charity is animals. We LOVE our pets and we give money every day because we have been duped into thinking that our money is going to make a difference in the lives of animals. But Winograd points out that the big national organizations such as the ASPCA, Humane Society of the USA, PETA and American Humane Association, the ones with the MOST power and money and credibility, have betrayed our trust and too often collude with and enable the old shelter killing system to continue.

In the arms of the angels of death… the story of a three week old kitten… 


We must demand accountability and donate to people and organizations that truly are saving lives not just having pretty photo ops. We must be discerning and learn the difference between those who are all talk and no action and those who truly DO THE WORK.   First, we CHANGE and then others follow.

There were a few gripping paragraphs in the book (like the above about the three week old kitten) that were hard to read. Some shocking, to me, info that I did not know. And yet, ultimately, I am glad that I am better informed. With knowledge, comes power. And this book can empower regular every day people like you and me to stand up for the animals in ways we have not done because it gives us the ways and means, a road map of how it is and has been and is being done. And the way the book is written, with graphics and sections, you can read a little or the whole book and gain important information.  Below is some of the info that grabbed me.

Did you know…

“Whether by coming to the defense of regressive shelter directors, working to defeat progressive shelter reform legislation, fighting new and innovative programs to save lives, or calling for the wholesale slaughter of entire groups of animals in shelters, HSUS, the ASPCA, PETA and other animal protection groups are the biggest barrier to ensuring the survival of animals in shelters today.”

“The ASPCA and HSUS are not only the richest animal protection charities in the U.S., they are among the overall richest charities in the nation.”

“shelter killing is the leading cause of death for healthy dogs and cats in the United States. Today, an animal entering a shelter has only one chance in two of making it out alive, and in some places it is as low as one in ten, with shelters blaming a lack of available homes as the cause of death. And yet, there are over seven times as many people looking to bring an animal into their home every year as there are animals being killed in shelters because they lack one. Half of all animals who enter our nation’s shelters go out the back door in body bags rather than out the front door in the loving arms of adopters despite the fact that there are plenty of homes available.


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“A CRISIS OF UNCARING Not only are millions of animals needlessly killed in our nation’s shelters every year, but they are neglected and abused in the process.”

“ASK PEOPLE WHAT it means to “rescue” an animal and every single one of them will tell you it means to deliver an animal from harm’s way and into safety. That, after all, is the common sense definition of the word. It’s also the dictionary definition. And it’s the one that HSUS and the ASPCA hope you think of when they put out fundraising appeals for the animals they claim to “rescue.” In their television commercials, in their publications, on their Facebook page and whenever they reach out to the media to announce their latest campaign—all of which are designed to tug on the heartstrings of Americans—they use the word “rescue” to define their involvement in cases involving animal neglect, abuse, hoarding or exploitation. Yet for many of these animals, a “rescue” ASPCA-style or HSUS-style isn’t a rescue at all, but a classic case of out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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“quite often the shelters to which the ASPCA and HSUS send animals are kill shelters that are as heartless as the circumstances from which many of the animals have been “rescued.”

“With their combined 300 million dollars in annual revenues and the support of millions of people who love animals, the ASPCA and HSUS have not only the means to provide their own housing and care for animals but also the ability to find them homes. Yet when they assist in a large-scale “rescue,” they often dump the animals at local shelters, pocket the donations meant for their care and then walk away. After the photo ops and the fundraising solicitations have been sent out, the animals get shipped off to shelters across the country, where they are either put to death or local animals are put to death so the ASPCA or HSUS animals can be taken in.

“Why doesn’t HSUS or the ASPCA find the animals homes themselves among their millions of animal-loving members and what amounts to endless resources? Indeed, not only does HSUS boast over 12 million supporters, but the ASPCA, located in New York City, has immediate access to the single largest adoption market in the country. But HSUS will not place the animals in homes themselves. And despite the millions hoarded in their bank accounts, the ASPCA has a long, sordid history of a paltry level of adoptions in its own shelter and, worse, of neglecting the needs of the animals suffering in the city pound down the street, even sending animals to be killed there. Kittens and puppies have gone from the ASPCA to one of the most abusive pounds in the nation, only to end up on its nightly “kill list” (see pages 85-88).

“in spite of the feel-good headlines, many of the so-called “rescued” animals actually end up dead or displace others who are then killed—we are left to ask one, inescapable and obvious question: What the hell kind of rescue is that?”

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“Many Americans believe that HSUS and the ASPCA own and operate shelters across the country. In reality, HSUS does not operate a single shelter, nor is it officially affiliated with any of them. The ASPCA runs one shelter in New York City which saves fewer animals a year than many rescue groups operating on a fraction of the ASPCA’s budget.

“Local and state organizations have complained about such misleading fundraising tactics, even asking the Attorneys General of their states to open an investigation, as was done in Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Then, it was HSUS that was the worst offender, raising over 30 million dollars but spending only seven million before their President Wayne Pacelle announced “Mission: Accomplished” and headed out of town, leaving behind thousands of animals in need who were then shipped off to kill shelters nationwide (they had a policy of not working with No Kill shelters), sticking the money Americans donated specifically for Hurricane Katrina animals into HSUS bank accounts.*

“In 2010, ASPCA revenues exceeded 140 million dollars. They only adopted out 3,389 animals. That is roughly $41,000 per animal. By contrast, during the same time frame, a New York No Kill shelter and sanctuary took in $635,000 and saved 2,932 animals. That is $216 per animal—or the equivalent of the ASPCA saving 645,040 animals. A No Kill animal control shelter in New York took in $439,000 and saved 2,315 animals. That is $190 per animal—or the equivalent of the ASPCA saving 736,842 animals. This amounts to one-fourth of all animals being killed in shelters nationwide, but for a home.”

Winograd outlines specific cases of dogs like Oreo, Fay, Zephyr, Scruffy, Ace and others mistreated or killed or who died at a shelter because of the shelter staff.

If you bring an animal to the local shelter, within minutes, that animal may be put to death. 

“No chance at adoption. No food, water or shelter, just a trip from the front counter to the gas chamber or to be poisoned with an overdose of barbiturates.”
“Scruffy was an orphaned kitten rescued by a man named Daniel in Phoenix, Arizona. Daniel bottle-fed Scruffy several times a day, every day, until she was old enough to eat on her own. Every night, Scruffy slept on Daniel’s pillow. Daniel credited Scruffy with helping him overcome a long-term addiction to drugs. After all, Scruffy needed him. And he needed Scruffy.

“In 2011, the nine-month-old Scruffy cut herself on fencing and Daniel took her to the Arizona Humane Society veterinary clinic for treatment. Unable to immediately come up with four hundred dollars to pay for it, Daniel asked if they would accept his mother’s credit card by telephone (she lived in a different state) or accept cash the following day when she was able to wire it to him. The Arizona Humane Society refused to do either. They told him that the only way they would treat Scruffy was if he signed over “ownership” to them. With a heavy heart but desperate for Scruffy to get the care she needed, Daniel agreed. But instead of treating Scruffy as promised, the Arizona Humane Society put her to death.

HSUS and our beloved Vicktory dogs

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“HSUS also fraudulently fundraised off of the Vick dogs, telling people that the dogs were in HSUS custody, when they were not. Shortly after the case broke, HSUS contacted the U.S. Attorney prosecuting Vick and asked if they could see the dogs, then being held at six animal control shelters in Virginia. The U.S. Attorney agreed but only on condition that they take no photographs and not publicly talk about the dogs, citing fears of compromising the case, sensitivities involved in the prosecution and issues surrounding rules of evidence. HSUS agreed and then promptly violated that agreement. HSUS staffers took photographs of the dogs with people wearing HSUS shirts to make it appear that HSUS was directly involved in their care and then used these photographs to fundraise. Not only was that a lie, not only did they want the dogs dead, not only were they not going to use the money for the Vick dogs, but the U.S. Attorney’s Office felt so betrayed that they did not want to work with any animal groups.”

Why do HSUS and PETA hate pit bulls?

“While PETA was busy killing over 95 percent of the animals they took in, Wayne Pacelle defended them in Newsweek magazine by arguing that while No Kill might be noble, it was essentially impossible. But with cities and towns across the country having already achieved it, how could No Kill be “unachievable”? In fact, an HSUS-financed study proved that despite four million animals killed every year, the number of Americans looking to bring a new dog or cat into their homes topped 23 million. If there was an imbalance between supply and demand, Pacelle’s own study showed it went in the other direction.”

“Most people have no idea that at many animal shelters across the country, any pit bull that comes through the front door doesn’t go out the back door alive. From San Jose to Schenectady, many shelters have enacted policies requiring the automatic destruction of the huge and ever-growing number of ‘pits’ they encounter. This news shocks and outrages the compassionate dog-lover… Here’s another shocker: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the very organization that is trying to get you to denounce the killing of chickens for the table, foxes for fur or frogs for dissection, supports the shelters’ pit-bull policy…”

Is PETA a cult?
“PETA systematically seeks out, then kills, roughly 2,000 animals every year. Over 27,000 animals have died at the hands of PETA employees over the last decade alone. While communities across the country are ending the killing of healthy and treatable animals, with save rates as high as 98 percent, in 2011, PETA killed 96 percent of all dogs and cats and 93 percent of other companion animals such as rabbits that it took in, despite revenues of over 30 million dollars a year and millions of animal-loving members.

PETA seeks out and takes in animals for primarily one purpose: to kill them.
“Ingrid Newkirk founded PETA after a job working at the Washington Humane Society where she killed animals. It was a job she has admitted to doing with relish, explaining how she often came into work early to do it (see pages 178-179). She has stated that she does not believe that animals have a right to live, and that, in fact, animals want to die, calling killing “a gift” (see pages 179-180). Perhaps most disturbing of all, she has recruited a legion of cult-like devotees who actively seek out then kill thousands of animals every year at her behest.”

“In a cult, any information from outside the cult is considered evil, especially if it is opposing the cult. Cults train their members to reject any critical information given to them, and to not even entertain the thought that the information might be true.

“PETA is letting loose upon the world individuals who not only maniacally believe that killing is a good thing and that the living want to die, but who are legally armed with lethal drugs which they have already proven—27,751 times in the last ten years—that they are not adverse to using.

“Newkirk wrote that PETA is not an animal rights organization, stating in no uncertain terms: “We do not advocate ‘right to life’ for animals.”

“PETA is an organization that publicly claims to represent the best interest of animals—indeed their “ethical treatment”—while at the same time engages in a campaign to exterminate them.”


“it is the public’s love and compassion for companion animals that could create profound social and legal precedents that would benefit all animals, such as laws making it illegal to kill them. A recent survey revealed that three out of four Americans already believe that shelters should not be allowed to kill healthy animals.”

“A great thing happens when you remove a regressive director and appoint new leadership that immediately and comprehensively implements alternatives to killing: the killing stops.

“The truth is it doesn’t take five years to implement alternatives to killing. It doesn’t take five years to set up a foster program, to recruit volunteers or to set up offsite adoption venues. All of these things can be done in a matter of weeks, or even days; whatever need dictates to prevent killing. No Kill requires action, not endless planning and five years of fundraising.”

“In 2010, the Governor of Delaware introduced a bill called the Delaware Companion Animal Protection Act. The proposed law included a rescue rights provision. It made foster care official state policy, required posting “all stray animals on the Internet with sufficient detail to allow them to be recognized and claimed by their owners” and more. Like all legislation, it involved compromise. But it was a fairly strong, comprehensive bill mandating progressive protocols statewide.

“The bill outlawed some of the most egregious sheltering practices that cause animals to be killed and it mandated common sense procedures that gave them every opportunity for life. And no one thought doing either of those things would be a bad or controversial idea. Why? Because there was no one to confuse them into thinking it was. The large national animal protection groups had no idea this legislation had been introduced. Wisely, activists who worked with the legislators to draft the language did not publicize their efforts, knowing that to do so would be to invite opposition. And not being informed, the opposition never materialized and the bill sailed through the Delaware legislature effortlessly.”

“it is a generous and animal-loving American public that pays their salaries. And the more Americans hinge their donations on an organization’s sincerity, integrity and performance rather than its superficial label, the sooner our nation’s large animal protection groups will be forced—by sheer necessity—to start building, rather than blocking, the road to a brighter future for America’s animals.

what can U do?

“THE LARGE ANIMAL protection groups have never created a single No Kill community in the U.S. because that has never been their goal. But smaller organizations have. Individuals have. If you want to help animals, do it yourself: like the activist who started a No Kill movement in his community where he took on not only an entrenched shelter director, but also the mighty ASPCA—and won.

“Or the animal rescuer who singlehandedly created the infrastructure necessary for her local shelter to go No Kill. Or the husband-and-wife team that began marketing shelter animals, resulting in adoption rates of over 95 percent. Or the long-time animal welfare professional who took over a shelter known for cruel treatment of animals and high rates of killing and overnight turned it one of the safest communities for homeless animals in America.

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Their story can be your story. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish if you grant yourself the authority.


Filed under adoption, animal abuse, animal books, animal rescue, animal stars, ASPCA, badrap, best friends animal sanctuary, book review, cats, creativity, dog rescue, dogs, fundraising, Humane Society, keep pets safe, Lennox, Michael Vick dogs, no kill shelters, pit bull, self help, Uncategorized

Channeling your furry friends

Join a variety of eccentric pet personalities as they host shows that offer insight into the secret lives of their four-footed best friends.

Whether your pet is a furry feline or rugged reptile, you can enjoy hilarious pet programming that includes domestic animal advice from a tiger, style tips from a snarky iguana and curated cat videos provided by an internet junkie cat. Petsami also provides viewers with an interactive experience by allowing them to upload their own videos to the channel, create captions for different videos and even vote on whether cats or dogs are cuter.

In addition, renowned pet expert Laura Nativo and celebrity Carrie Ann Inaba are onboard to create fun shows for audiences around the world.

The channel launched with six shows, including:

  • CuteWinTail – Similar to the format of FishBowl’s incredibly successful CuteWinFail, each episode of CuteWinTail presents three clips and lets audiences decide which is the “most epic” as it applies to the world of pet and animals. Each week, an episode ends with “Pet of the Week.”
  • Leash Line – Leash Line is a weekly news magazine show, profiling true stories of amazing animals from around the world. Its host, Monkey, is the proud pet of Emmy Award Winning Reporter Lu Parker, who also serves as executive producer.
  • One Minute Meerkat – This weekly show examines what Meerkats are really saying, translating their thoughts through extremely complex technology. It turns out Meerkats are very similar to humans and each week is just as relatable as the next.
  • Ask a Tiger – A weekly support show hosted by Sabin the Nepalese tiger, who offers domestic pets advice based on his expertise from the wild. Sabin also provides comedic user-generated clips to serve as examples of animal-human interaction.
  • KlipKat – From her Venice apartment, internet junkie KlipKat shares her take on favorite cat clips and invites users to submit LOL speak captions for them. The highest rated user captions are featured in the next episode.
  • How2BCute – Hoshi the Hamster, Ivanna Iguana and Gus the Guppy are the G.H.I. (think Statler and Waldorf). They are too cool for school and spend their time each day, interacting with users and influencers with snarky, yet entertaining comments.

  If you would like to learn more about Petsami, please visit www.petsami.com and




Tune into Access Hollywood Live today at 8 am ET / 11 am PT to watch Carrie Ann Inaba talk about her new show Crib Cat on Petsami and she’ll help adopt some pets today!

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Filed under adoption, animal stars, animals, dogs, justforlaughs, Uncategorized, wild animals

imagine peace for ALL

peace for ALL the people the animals the earth…the air, the water, the stars, the sun, peace everywhere shiny happy people… imagine… love, joy, health, peace,what is your dream/hope for world peace???





see the light of peace

from John and Yoko .. send light to each other… peace, joy health, love to ALL… so beautiful




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Filed under Imagine, John Lennon, peace, Yoko Ono

february is love your pet month

Happy February!  I just made that up, Love your Pet month, that should be every month.

Cici is a real celebrity this week.  pardon me while I brag, BOL…



she’s also in the American Dog magazine contest, please vote for her.  Just click on her photo.





she was also retweeted by Rachael Ray magazine…


ok, now thought this was interesting news





So back to the bragging, if you would like to join us in the Love Your mutt week… tell us why you love your pet in a single sentence. Photos are welcome.

All you gotta do is facebook, tweet and/or comment here, why you love your pet.

Tweets can be sent to me at:  @(suemagic) #ilovemypet

the best answer winners will win a surprise gift.  (funny, heartwarming, etc)…


Saturday Blog Hop code


Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, contest, love, pet blog hop, Uncategorized

dead dogs don’t lie…

Updates:  a beautiful message about forgiveness from Best Friends



according to CBS news, Vick is only banned from getting a dog until 2012… 

good to see some media speak out against his getting a dog, although Jane does not get the full extent of his guilt… and at least some are asking people their opinions…



muzzle vick, http://www.sacbee.com/2010/12/18/3266846/leading-off-muzzle-vicks-notion.html

A group called HumaneWatchers (on facebook) is fronting for the people who kill seals, fur and agribusiness. They put a big ad in the NY Times on Sunday (see my blog post about Humanewatch exposed). What I don’t understand about the Humane Society, I have some emails from Wayne Pacelle, is that first they wanted to kill all of the dogs and now they say Vick is making progress. Remains to be seen by many.

It occurs to me why all the positive media spin on vick… it is because Jim Gorant’s book The Lost Dogs is getting a lot of publicity. Gorant is doing a lot of media.  As the truth gets out there about the dogs that vick terrorized and killed with his own hands, vick’s PR goes into action… which is why it is sooooo important for pit bull / dog / animal lovers to speak out against his lies.  Denial ain’t just a river, ya know.

So I apologize to Jim Gorant for giving this important pivotal paragraph away (at the end of this post) and apologize to all who read this post. I am squeamish and avoided reading the 2-3 paragraphs in the book that I knew would make me ill. The book itself is not graphic at all. It is amazing and honors the dogs. The book is all about the dogs and also outlines how they built the case against Vick. The paragraph makes you sad, angry and want to puke but I think it needs to be said … because some people want to believe that vick is somehow magically reformed because he is playing well on the field of football, a brutal sport, I might add.

BadRap helped rehab many of the dogs from the Bad Newz Kennels and when you read Gorant’s book, you will have a better idea how much courage, bravery, patience, love and I don’t even have the words that Donna Reynolds and the others from BadRap, Best Friends Animal Society and other rescues gave to these dogs who were so brutally traumatized by vick. I am haunted for life and so are these dogs, even though they have been loved, cared for and are doing well in their new homes.

You can buy the lost dogs book at Amazon…

Time Magazine just named Michael Vick to the Top of Everything List and as Bad Rap categorized that for anyone to EVER consider giving vick a puppy, kudos and naming him on a top list of anything, is so appalling there are no words.  Bad Rap categorized this in the have you been smokin crack category… they quoted the paragraph and had a link to an article in the Atlantic Journal Constitution about vick.   You can send the AJC your opinion by clicking on the name of the writer of the article.  Also tell the Humane Society what you think, ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh…

Please send Time magazine and the AJC a few choice words, perhaps copy and paste the paragraph about the little red dog to them, if enough people do that, maybe people will get it…

you can click on the name of the writer Alexandra Silver to send an email to Time magazine, you can also sign the petition from Change.org

Write to Michael Vick and tell him politely not to get a dog. Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AgaON/zKwR/Dz2M

A dog shouldn’t be adopted to someone with a history of animals abuse, just like a child shouldn’t be adopted to someone with a history of child abuse.

ok, here it is, say a prayer, a moment of silence, and cry for the lost little red dog…

From The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant, senior editor of Sports Illustrated…..

“As that dog lay on the ground, fighting for air, Quanis Phillips grabbed its front legs and Michael Vick grabbed its back legs. They swung the dog over their head like a jump rope then slammed it to the ground. The first impact didn’t kill it. So, Phillips and Vick slammed it again. The two men kept at it, alternating back and forth, pounding the creature against the ground until, at last, the little red dog was dead.


Filed under dogs, lost dog, Michael Vick dogs, pit bull, publicity

5 tips on helping a dog heal …

there are so very many good things to say about the Stanford Inn… the pet friendly zen-like inn, the superb vegan cuisine, and organic gardens show a rare commitment to sustainability, healing and animals…   Jeff and Joan Stanford have created an authentic healing haven retreat where stress and hectic lives are quickly left behind.

each room has a fireplace, phone, internet access, complimentary breakfast and afternoon tea with goodies in the lobby, this is the pet friendliest inn with llamas, cats, dogs, raccoons, ducks and other animals… and the wonderful conducive to healing environment, includes a sauna and pool with 24 hour access… ahhhh…

when you check in with dogs, you are given pet bowls, sweet potato treats, and pet sheets…

to make the treats: they slice jumbo sweet potatoes, cook them briefly to soften, then dehydrate them for 16-22 hours… the benefits of sweet potatoes , Okinawans who have the world’s highest proportion of people over 100 consume a diet very high in sweet potatoes…

there is a Stanford cookbook available in the gift shop for purchase with enticing and delectable vegan recipes.

The food is incredible.  Finally, had a huckleberry muffin… the eggs are organic, everything is fresh, I don’t even like veggies that much, but the food is soooo very tasty… the Raven’s Florentine with poached eggs and hollandaise sauce was amazing.  I don’t even like hashed brown potatoes or scones, but they have the BEST scones on the planet, plus the hash browns are not greasy and they are also made with sweet potatoes and regular potatoes. Plus,  at 4 pm, there was a knock at the door, and I was given two warm fresh from the oven chocolate cookies, with another dog treat and a handwritten note from Joan and Jeff… now, that is class and superb customer service !

cici enjoyed meeting other dogs, cats and other animals… and it was really easy to walk her around the property and fun to meet so many other dog friendly visitors such as the family with two rescued greyhound dogs and these two furry black and white terriers named Willie and Ziggy (zig zag)….

our room was in the Forest area not far from the duck pond and lobby.

the very real and moving tale about Jeff Stanford’s 12 year old dog named Gypsy also speaks volumes to the Stanford’s commitment to their animals… recently, Gypsy was diagnosed with cancer and is now recovering … much of the ordeal and recovery is outlined at Jeff’s blog… basically, Gypsy was given a very bad prognosis two months ago from the doctors. He is now doing well on a vegan diet with supplements, nori rolls and lots of tlc.  Jeff also had a ‘miracle’ horse who was diagnosed with cancer in 1988 and lived until 2004 because of a leg injury.  His dogs Murphy (black lab shown above) and Gypsy have been on a vegan diet for four years now.


Jeff gave me some tips for other pet owners facing a grim prognosis for their dogs.  He says:

1. do what the doctors tell you to do

2. Find a trusted healer, holistic vet and create a healing environment; be calm and present with the dog

3. put the dog on a whole foods diet. (Jeff feeds his dogs Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance veg. food)  Dogs are omnivores, read the China Study by Colin Campbell

4. get rid of the toxins

Nori contains porphyran which has been shown to cause the death of cancer cells. (Nori is a red seaweed. Red seaweeds are the source of carrageenen and agar agar.) Algae are also an important emergency food. Spirulina contains compounds which help the body extract toxins (similar to brown seaweed) and in a variety of ways assists in killing cancer cells.

5. supplement the diet

BioPreparation for pets from Optimum Choices, check our their web site at BioPreparation_for_animals The founder of the company believes that the anti-cancer properties are due to realignment and re-balancing of the body through the metabolism of the algae.

Jeff is feeding Gypsy Nori rolls with BioPreparation supplements

Nori rolls recipe:



almond butter



Jeff also suggests that the grain quinoa is good for dogs… boil for 15 minutes, cool and feed with veggies.

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Filed under California, dog friendly, dogs, four paws up, K9 approved, pet care

holistic healing for animals….


aromatherapy, acupressure, massage, yoga and zen for dogs…

this post started because I’ve been wanting to write about dog massage and acupressure for awhile now but I was very inspired by Best Friend’s message about working with the Vicktory dogs with Jin Shin Jyutsu recently…




and then I did some research and found these wonderful resources below… 


doggie massage…



jin shin jytusu



pet massage

















basic tips for dogs, massage is not just petting your dog 




for range of motion




back paws foot massage








doggie yoga


k9 karma on animal planet 
















blogtalk radio for conscious animals









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Filed under all you need is a dog, animals, belly rubs, canine reflexology, canine rehabilitation, dog friendly, dog physical therapy, dog spa, doggie healing center, dogs, four paws up, holistic healing for animals, horses, K9 approved, Michael Vick dogs, mutts, natural health remedies, pet care, pit bull, self help, swimming dogs, zen dog

My dog’s a genius, I knew it…

This basic canine intelligence test was developed by researcher Stanley Coren, PhD, at the University of British Columbia. “Animals who keep trying until they succeed are brighter,” Coren says, “but the longer it takes, the less bright they are. Giving up is not a good sign.” With your dog watching, put a treat under a can; then see how long it takes for her to retrieve it. Less than 15 seconds is very good. Set up three cans, and place a treat under one while your pet watches. Remove him from the room for a couple minutes and then let him back in. Does he run straight to the cans? Does he find the right one? How many commands, hand signals, and noises does your pet respond to? More than 200 means you have a superpet.

not only did CC get the first and second treats right away, but I didn’t know that she had gotten the first one… duh… she was sooooo fast at retrieving and eating it up in a flash…  such a genius… she also continued looking for the treats afterwards and sniffing at the bowls, where did those treats go??? it’s like when she eats up a raw bone or rawhide bone and finishes it and looks around, wherever did that bone get to?  (in your tummy, silly)… 

she knows a few commands but not 200 … so she’s not a superpet… oh well, but this morning, first thing upon arising, she looked for the raw bone that I had taken away from her last night, that she had been chewing on for a couple of hours, and now she is happily chewing it again… but the point is that she remembered the bone overnight… smarty pants.

Doggie IQ test

some of these are too too much… but a few are fun to do…




and here is that children’s book, Flat Stanley, that inspired me to come up with the Flat Fido idea…


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Filed under all you need is a dog, doggie camp, moms, mutts, rainbows, writing, Yoko Ono

pit bulls are sweet, loving nanny dogs…

found some wonderful sites about pit bulls, how we raise our dogs, no dogs are genetically mean, pit bulls were nanny dogs, raised with children,  and a woman claims she loves her partner because he treats her like a dog…  





she looks just like my dog as a pup except my dog has lots and lots of spots (her dalmatian side)…











Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animals, belly rubs, Best Friends, CA, California, canine rehabilitation, children and dogs, Dalmatian, dog friendly, dog parks, dog prayers, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, love, mutts, nanny dogs, pet adoption, pet care, pit bull, travel with dog, wild animals, world peace