Category Archives: all you need is a dog

Woof For Equality

On Saturday, more than two million women and men marched in more than 600 cities around the world.  They marched in DC, 500,000, LA, 750,000, NYC and more. Many of the women have never protested before and it was a historic protest of an inauguration ever.


“Women are marching because our children deserve a secretary of education that cares about education.”

“Women are marching because our family and friends deserve healthcare. Did you know that before the ACA, newborns in the NICU would hit their lifetime caps on health insurance coverage. That’s right, Babies who had never felt the sun on their skin could no longer get health insurance.”

“Women are marching because domestic violence crisis centers and after school programs deserve funding.”

“Women are marching because we deserve clean air, clean water, and national parks.”

“Women are marching because we believe the children protected by the DREAM act deserve to be here and they deserve to live with their parents, not in orphanages and foster homes.”

“And most of all, women are marching because we have the right to. The right to protest and speak out against our government is the first amendment. That’s right, #1! It is one of our most fundamental American rights.”




Here are some of the pooches who took part in the peaceful rallies for equality for women, health care, and more.










These adorable pets supported the #WomensMarch


we are America… we are the people… the constitution begins with WE THE PEOPLE

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Filed under affordable housing, all you need is a dog, Democrat, Dog Bless America, dogs, Oprah, politics, Uncategorized, war on women

Dog’s Safety in Films

I was looking forward to seeing the movie A Dogs Purpose. Seemed like a good uplifting positive message that I could certainly use right now. A movie about a dog’s purpose, life into reincarnation. Unfortunately, the word has been spreading that a GermanShepherd dog in the film, Hercules, was abused in a scene having to do with water. The poor dog was forced to go into the water, was traumatized and almost died from the stress.

The dog ‘trainer’ went far beyond the dog’s will and the AMERICAN HUMANE ASSOCIATION once again did NOTHING to help the dog. They were on set apparently and often oversee animals on set and are supposed to ensure the animals safety.  They have suspended, not fired, the person responsible on set. This is not acceptable. This person did NOT DO THEIR JOB OF ENSURING THE DOG’S SAFETY.


Here is a word from the producer of the film. He admits there were a few errors and that they were blown up by PETA. PETA of course could not care less about actually protecting the animals. They have their own agenda.


The AHA in New Jersey were the ones who wanted to exploit Patrick the pit bull who almost starved to death. Instead due to our huge outcry, Patrick was adopted by the loving vets who saved his life.


The author of the book, the producer and others have come out against the actions and Universal initially canceled the premiere of the film.


PETA is calling for a boycott of the film. I do think that the people who performed and allowed the wrongdoing with this dog need to be held accountable. I would beware of any other ‘solutions’ PETA has in mind given their often destructive agenda.



no dog should be forced against their will into water or any situation where they fear for their lives


The director of the film and some of the crew say the dog Hercules is fine.














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Filed under all you need is a dog, animal abuse, dog movies/TV, dogs, Uncategorized

Dogs are Cats are not Republicans

Dogs do not care if you are rich or poor, fat or thin, fashionable or wear holy jeans. they like you, wag their tails at you and lick you if you let them.

Dogs just want to have fun, love to play in the moment and have quirky sense of humor. They do not discriminate against anyone.

Canines are adept at taking naps and eating, two of their favorite hobbies. They are part of the CCC, Canines Cuddle Creatively.

If you have a comfy bed or couch, dogs will hog it up and when you ask them to move, they will move their head or give you an eye roll.

A trained dog will come to you when called, sit stay or fetch upon command. others will ignore you and go their own way.

Pooches enjoy chasing cats, rabbits, birds, ducks, squirrels and other small furry creatures. And some even get along with other species.

If a dog does not like another dog, they will let them know with growls, barks and ferocious stares. They do not force their Live and LET LIVE ideology upon others.

Social pack animals, dogs follow the leader and go along with the crowd.

Dogs sniff out dangerous situations, illnesses, and drugs and have been known to save lives heroically. They do not ignore others who are sick or unhappy, they try to help whenever they can.

Canines are loyal creatures who go the extra mile for their best friends.

Dogs freely give love unconditionally.

A dog is happy chewing on a bone, small or large, big or little.


1. Cats are curious about what you do in your bedroom, but they don’t try to legislate away your freedom to do it.

2. Cats may take away your cushion, but they’ll give it back to you with a gentle push.

3. Cats give you attention and sympathy when you’re sick.

4. Females are treated with importance in the cat world.

5. Cats make use of solar power, often all day long.

6. Cats lick their own problems and take care of other cats too.

7. Cats don’t blame black and brown cats for their troubles.

8. Cats know how to ration their resources.

9. Fat cats are not at the top of the cat hierarchy, are not cat role models, and have more trouble surviving and thriving, not less.

10. While Republicans blindly follow authority, it is said that getting Democrats to act in unison is like herding cats.

11. Cats don’t foul their own nest.

12. Cats are popular and well-liked on the Internet and elsewhere

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Filed under all you need is a dog

Mad dogs humping

I once had a crazy dog. He was male and our neighbor’s dog was his best buddy pal. On Friday nights usually we would visit and drink wine, the women, and the doggies would play together. Often, the two male dogs would hump one another. And on occasion, they would wrap their paws around humans, usually men, and do their thing. We laughed and thought it indiscriminately funny. We joked about them being gay dogs and were mortified when their behavior became out of control, when they assaulted people’s legs with their overzealous sex drives. Hormones, who knew.

Thankfully, Cici has never been interested when canine friends or strangers have tried to have their way with her. She lets them know in no uncertain terms that they better move on or she will kick their butts. Growl growl growl. The dog in the photo below looks similar to Cici but she would never do such a thing with a member of her own species, never mind another. Just a funny photo, right.




There has been a lot of public discourse on the Internet and TV about groping women, sexual assault and locker room talk amongst men during this seemingly endless political election cycle due to the fact that the GOP candidate has been accused of assaulting numerous women. I have lost count, has it been nine or 15 or countless hordes? Ir started with the tape of him bragging about being a sexual predator. Women have this week come forth citing that he would peek into the dressing rooms at pageants to gape at half naked and naked young girls. He has even groped his own daughter on TV and called her a ‘piece of ass.’

He has countered the accusations by denying their veracity, threatening to sue the media, attacking the women by calling them dogs, pigs, not good looking enough for him to grope, and pretending to be the victim in the scenarios. It is common for abusers, bullies and predators to DENY, ATTACK AND REVERSE THE VICTIM AND OFFENDER ROLES. As far as I and many women and men are concerned, he is an unregistered sex offender and hopefully in the upcoming court case where he is accused of raping a woman when she was 13, he will reap what he has sown. Certainly, because of these instances and many other ways he has been mean, cruel, insensitive and hurt men, women and children, and his ignorance and belligerent attitude, racist associations and claims, serial lies, even about things he has said on tape, he is unfit for office. As the Australians in Parliament said, he is a revolting slog.


Cici and I have a lot more to say on this topic but will only discuss a few important items here. First of all, where there is smoke there is fire. Remember Bill Cosby? How many women did it take to come forward and accuse him before we started to believe that just maybe there was some truth in what the women were saying.

Women are too often not believed when they accuse a male of raping or groping them without consent. However, rapists lie 100% of the time and too often get off without any jail time due to the favorable to rapists culture we live in. ALL women have been harassed and assaulted by boys or men. ALL WOMEN.

Two, whatever the orange mutant has done and said has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with Bill Clinton, who is NOT running for president. I actually did NOT vote for him either after I found out about his affair while he was governor from the person he had the affair with. This was before I even knew who he was and the story was sleazy and I vowed not to vote for him. NONE OF THIS EXCUSES THE GOP CANDIDATE FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE AND SAID.

Imagine IF Hillary Clinton groped a man…and/or done or said half of what Trump has.


Hypocrisy much?


We LOVE what Seth Meyers said about why it has taken women so long to come forward. Many said it was because of at the last debate Trump lied and said he had never assaulted a woman.

Meyers summed up the issue pretty quickly.

“When people ask why women wait to report sexual assault, that’s why, because instead of believing them, you question their motives,” he said.

“Stop pretending there’s an optimal time for women to go public with these kinds of allegations,” he added. It’s not like if you do it within the first 24 hours, you get a parade and an iTunes gift card.”


By the way, some women haters in the GOP think sexual assault IS FUNNY, they created a hashtag poking fun of the brave women who have come forward to speak their truths.


We also like what this woman wrote:

“The reality of our culture is that all women—yes, all—know what it feels like to be sexually harassed. Chances are they also know what it feels like to be assaulted. Every woman knows what it is to be talked over, paid less, fetishized. Every woman knows what it is to walk alone in her own neighborhood and feel the hairs on the back of her neck tense when a man walks by who gives her a bad feeling. Every woman knows how to quicken her step at night and look ahead into dark corners and cross to the other side of the street when nervous. Every woman knows what it is to be called “honey.”

As women have been saying for lord knows how long and as they will continue to chant for much longer still: We are not your honey.


“We are done being quiet. We are done looking for our place, trying not to cause trouble, trying to smooth things over. We are done being told that we are worth less, both for the work we do and for the nature of who we are. We are done being tasked with bringing the next generation into this world and raising them and feeding them and loving them only to have them grow up and spit in our face and lurch at us and whistle and tell us how much we do or do not please them with our looks and our behavior and our words.

“We are done feeling threatened walking down the sidewalk in our own neighborhood, in any neighborhood, at any time of day. We are done with feeling unsafe in our skins. We are done with being told our views and opinions are “emotional” and not logical. We are done being dismissed and diminished and interrupted and talked over. We are done with people not listening—never really listening—to what we say and how we say it, until a man says it, too.

“We are done being told that we are only attractive up to a certain age. We are done being told that we can be sexy or motherly and that both are acceptable but nothing but and never together. We are done with people telling us we’re “sweet.” We are done with trying to dilute ourselves to make someone else feel bigger. We are done asking you about your day and you never asking us in return or asking only as an afterthought when you realize you should. We are done feeling like imposters, never asking for more, only taking what is given.

“We are done waiting—for respect, for health care, for equal pay, for the same sense of safety and entitlement that others get to carry with them through their lives.

“We are done being the ones who always have to compromise our own dreams and ambitions for yours.

“We are done.”



Millions of women put forth their own stories on Twitter about their FIRST assault. After I wrote my own, numerous other incidences bubbled up inside of me. Situations that  I had forgotten about like the rabbits foot incident, the gold lame pants I wore in public when I was 10, the time my uncle groped me, when a guy stopped to ask my friend and I a question, he in his car with his genitals in hand, and so on. Too many incidents of being assaulted and harassed by men. Maybe because I was cute or pretty or naive or young or a female and fair game for predators. Perhaps because ALL women, no matter their age, attractiveness, or weight or height or race or religion are assaulted every day BY MEN AND/OR BOYS on the streets of America and worldwide.The men and boys get a pass because BOYS WILL BE BOYS. But we females have to deal with this all of our lives EVERY DAY worrying about what we wear, what routes to walk to work, streets to go on, neighborhoods to avoid, if we should go to a party or drink, or should we date this guy or not and if so, will he be a gentleman and care about US or just what his friends think and try to get away with assaulting us sexually. And girls and women who dare to speak out and accuse their predators are too often not believed, accused, shamed, and publicly humiliated. Our bodies, minds and spirits violated and re-traumatized because of having the audacity to SAY NO.

NO, we are not objects.

NO, we are not pretty things.

NO, we are not toys to be used.

NO, our bodies are not PUBLIC PROPERTY.

NO MEANS NO… no matter where, when or how we say it NO MEANS NO. It does NOT MEAN MAYBE OR YES. NO MEANS NO, go away and leave us alone. NO your hands are not welcome on any part of my body. NO, your tongue is not welcome being thrust down my throat or slobbered on my lips. NO, your words are insulting, demeaning, hateful and INAPPROPRIATE. NO, your eyes staring at my breasts or butt or vagina ARE NOT WELCOME.

Bottom line we deserve a PRESIDENT that we can trust not to rape, grope, or assault little girls, teenagers and women, especially not one who has been terrorizing females and minorities for decades.

Or as the comedian Andy Borowitz said:

Trump: “This is just a case of he-said-she-said-she-said-she-said-she-said-she-said-she-said-she-said.”


Andy Borowitz


According to Trump’s Law of Projection, the fact that he just accused Hillary Clinton of being on drugs is conclusive proof that he is on drugs.




Please vote.


fyi,  Republican women are unendorsing Trump twice as fast as men








Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, around the world, doggie breath, dogs, Made in USA, politics, Republican, Uncategorized, war on women, Washington, women with dogs

The Promised Land on a Horse with No Name

500 women over the age of 50 on the monterey bay peninsula are experiencing what I have as well as people across the country have been writing to me telling me their stories. Cici and I are overwhelmed with gratitude for the people who have sent me kind words, donations and offers to help us.  A special thank you to Melody and Diane, two inspiring women who gave us hope and friendship on the road.


Thank you to Eleanor at Vox and Karen Turner for their kindness and assistance with this article.


We have been featured on some pretty high profile pages, see below.








We also love what our friend Wanda Sue wrote about us in this week’s Cedar Street Times:


Monterey Workshop addresses Affordable Housing Solutions

Ask yourself: Now what was that all about?

Reducing a speech, lecture, or event into a one-line summary isn’t easy, but you’ll be surprised what you discover by condensing a major phenomenon into ten words or less.

If interested, try this: Focus on one specific event, such as the first Presidential Debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump last Monday. Then ask: What was that all about?

When I did the exercise, fifteen hours of contemplation resulted in extracting a comment Hillary made at the opening of the debate. Paraphrased, the most-important message I culled from event was:

One out of two Americans lives paycheck to paycheck

Never mind the fact neither candidate mentioned the H word. Hillary’s statement implied poverty is already a national epidemic. Mass homelessness proportional to disenfranchised Americans of the  Great Depression years seems imminent, even in a paradise like Monterey..

That not-too-distant future is now for CeliaSue Hecht, about whom you’ve read in this newspaper.

The former journalist who’s now homeless lives a nomadic life which is currently reminiscent of Biblical times.

Monterey’s rider on a horse with no name

CeliaSue is a stalwart symbol of bright, sober and mature homeless women with both courage and talent. She is a well-bred middle-class, college-educated former New Yorker, age 66, whom homelessness turned into a living example of the legendary person crossing the desert on a horse with no name. The steed in her case is a dusty white van shared with her dog Cici. It serves as the office from which she freelances as a writer and blogger.

During the six-months in which the City of Monterey was researching the feasibility of adopting five amendments to its Housing Element, each of which might hopefully ameliorate the affordable housing crisis in the city, CeliaSue Hecht went south to avoid becoming a starfish on another cold winter beach in Monterey.

Hoping to find a cozy room at an inn, she found instead, what I would succinctly define as a temporary oasis in The Promised Land for the Homeless, otherwise known as the desert near Giant Rock Airport.


The Promised Land for the Homeless?

CeliaSue has been sleeping in a trailer on a campsite where she helps tend a herd of thirty-plus goats. There is no running water or electricity, but a perk in this region noted for flying saucer sightings is an occasional anomaly above the yucca trees that could be a fortuitous sign or even revelation of future things to come.

Look at the photo and ask yourself: What is this streak all about?  Then try to define it in ten words or less.

As a  help, you might remember the most-beloved Bible story of them all, in which a bright star appears over the manger in which an infant sleeps while shepherds tend their flocks by night.

When I asked myself what this is all about, the answer was: History repeats itself.

If this goat could talk, it might reveal where the homeless go from here by baa-baa-baa-ing, “There’s lots of  land in the Great American Southwest!




if you live on the Central Coast of California or know someone who does and have an RV, camper, mobile home or trailer that is gently used and would like to provide a home for a senior or veteran, please call CeliaSue at 702-225-8206…have a list of those in need of housing. You can also contribute here:


Filed under Adventure, affordable housing, all you need is a dog, California, Dalmatian, dog friendly, dog travel, dogs, Don't worry be happy, donations, farm animals, goat, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Palm Springs, travel with dog, women with dogs

Dog laws pros and cons

California has now made it legal for people to break car windows in order to break a dog out of a hot car.

“As of August 2016, Vermont joined forces with Tennessee, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio in passing laws to protect good Samaritans who assist dogs locked in hot cars.”

Palm Springs has made it illegal for people to leave their dogs in their cars.

Many people applaud these measures. Don’t get me wrong, dogs shouldn’t die in hot cars AND there are other issues about this to consider and SOLVE which these laws do NOT DO.

For instance, people like me who take their dogs on trips, who are single and alone and cannot leave their pooches in the motel, and must take their dogs with them wherever they go, sure, these laws are meant to save dog’s lives… but in Palm Springs it is illegal to keep your dog in a car, even if it is COOL weather or night, this goes TOO FAR. if dogs are not allowed in stores, there is NO PLACE FOR THEM TO BE. Where am I supposed to put CICI, tie her up outside a store ????

A woman called the police while I was shopping at Trader Joe’s one cool morning. I usually take Cici inside with me and did not know about the law. She was fine with the windows wide open. As I was at the cashier and leaving, the manager asked if that was my car and told me about the woman and the law.




There are laws that DESERVE TO BE BROKEN or should never have been made to begin with in my humble opinion.  What do you think ?


Speaking of which, MONTREAL’s wrong minded response to an incident and just passed a really horrible BSL law that will put too many dogs lives at stake. Rescues are trying to get dogs out of Montreal ASAP as we speak but families are being torn apart and heartbroken for what ????? outlawing dogs for the WAY THEY LOOK IS JUST PLAIN INSANE and goes against EVERYTHING dog experts agree upon on how to COMBAT effectively dog bites and dog aggression. Breed Specific Legislation does NOTHING but waste taxpayer dollars and has proven to be completely ineffective at curbing dog bites. In fact, in some places, dog bites went up because BREED and dog’s looks have NOTHING TO DO WITH whether  a dog will bite or be aggressive or not.

There are 5 or  red flags that are PROVEN that can lead to a dog attacking or biting.

A dog who is or has been abused, a dog who is left alone in a yard, all day and night and is not socialized nor trained, a dog who is left to roam the streets, a mama with puppies, a dog who is sick and NEVER LEAVE A CHILD OF ANY AGE ALONE WITH A DOG, NO DOG, NONE. These are the RED FLAGS … AND APPLY TO ALL BREEDS of DOGS!!!!!!

“legislators voted in 37 to 23 favor of breed-specific legislation, effectively outlawing any dog that resembles a pit bull — unless owners meet a strict set of conditions.

“Under the ban — which loosely covers American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers and Staffordshire bull terriers — no dog considered a pit bull can be adopted from Montreal shelters.

“For dogs that don’t have an ‘owner’ on the day of the passing of the legislation, the way the legislation is drafted, the dogs have to be euthanized,” Alanna Devine, of the Montreal SPCA, told The Dodo last week.

“…The legislation was proposed after a spate of dog attacks in the city. Among them, the most notorious resulted in a woman being killed by a dog in her yard last June. But, even in that case, there’s doubt whether the dog that attacked her was even a pit bull.

“Under the law, people who own dogs deemed pit bulls have until March to undergo a criminal background check and pay $150 for a special permit. Their dog will have to be sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped —as well as muzzled and on a 4-foot leash at all times in public.”




What you can do:

Sign the petition, write to the officials, speak out against BSL and adopt a dog from MONTREAL asap.






Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, animal rescue, around the world, breed specific laws, dog rescue, dogs, dogs around the world, K9 travel, keep pets safe, Palm Springs, pet adoption, pit bull, politics, Uncategorized

Campers for Seniors with Dogs


if you live on the Central Coast of California or know someone who does and have an RV, camper, mobile home or trailer that is gently used and would like to provide a home for a senior or veteran, please call CeliaSue at 702-225-8206…have a list of those in need of housing. Hundreds of senior women and veterans have been displaced with their pets. Single women without children, women who are not mentally ill, not drug addicts, not alcoholics, with low income, not working or cannot find work, veterans, and other seniors with dogs, over 50 years of age, some ill and who’s health has deteriorated without shelter. Thank you for your kindness and SAVING LIVES.
People such as Stu and Stacey are sleeping in a tent in Carmel Valley and are experiencing bronchitis and asthma due to the unhealthy air filled with smoke from the Big Sur fire, 77,000 acres is burning, and 55% contained, causing people without homes numerous breathing issues and medical problems.





Filed under Adventure, affordable housing, all you need is a dog, California, California fires, Carmel, dogs, eco friendly/green, economy, fundraising, K9 approved, keep pets safe, Monterey, Pacific Grove, pet care, pet friendly lodging

happy birthday, cici, 10 years

my sweet polka dot princess has a birthday today, yay,



am back in the hospital and have been for the past week, so she is hanging out with the newspaper gang. Mark is giving her a nice big bone and baking her a birthday cake, not really the cake, and singing her happy bark day…. with these doggies.


well, now i have three blood clots, apparently, they come back, and no breast cancer. have to wait for blood clots to be gone to get diagnosis about ovaries.


shall be leaving the hospital some time this week, they tell me. so far, on another floor, where i like it a lot more, they had three therapy dogs visit me, trevor, puff and roxie, and a harp lady played me some music. am still waiting for my massage and spa treatments. oh well.


the nurse who brought cici into the hospital last time was my nurse again and she got in trouble for cici and a lot of the nurses and aides up there are awesome (Suzette, Tina, Reggie, Sammy, Taylor) at Garden East at CHOMP. here in Terrace west, ugh, except for a couple today and last night, Miguel, Bobby and Julie.


and Dr. Davis is awesome, he looks like Col. Sanders, and i told him so, he laughed and laughed and gave me a hug. What a great doctor, plus he told me about his four rescue doggies.


Gotta love dog loving doctors, nurses and people of all kinds.




Filed under all you need is a dog, dogs

Best Pet Blogs

We have been selected as one of the best Pet blogs to follow by first site guide …  see below.

Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 10.14.15 AM

It is always nice to be appreciated.  Thanks !

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Filed under all you need is a dog, animal stars, animals, California

Walking dogs across USA

Kait & John Seyal, along with their two dogs Max & Grace, walked across the US from DE to CA. They walked to promote pet therapy and animal rescue. Along the way, they stopped at hospitals, nursing homes, veteran facilities, children’s homes and anywhere else where a dog is needed. They relied on the kindness of strangers to get through this journey with giving them a place to stay, food, company, etc.

How inspiring!

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Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animal rescue, animals, camping