Category Archives: best friends animal sanctuary

Occupy the Shelters!!!

I LOVE the Adoption Centers model… and had an idea last night… Imagine, what if there were Adoption Centers and housing for both people and pets… homeless people would have decent housing, NOT a shelter where they have NO privacy nor dignity, a job to do, get a pet ready to be adopted, gardening (grow food), adoption center jobs and more… Imagine the miracles for both pets and people… Americans Need Jobs. Americans LOVE animals.

Homeless vets, seniors, all kinds of people could become well again through the power of LOVE… pets make wonderful companions… Both the pets and people and communities would benefit.  Similar to the Pit Bulls and Parolees concept at Villa Lobos… except I see smaller houses, maybe 5 or 6 bedrooms, and/or manufactured homes on land with Adoption Centers similar to Doggie Daycare Centers plus the Rehab Centers… Win win win win win win win…

And what if these Adoption Center places also fed the pets THE BEST PET FOODS, not the cheapest, fed the community pets with the best nutrition, the Rehab Centers could have Holistic Vets on board, there could be a doggie gym for agility, a Doggie Spa, a Shop to buy goodies to support the Adoption Center, a doggie pool, and more… No more doggie discrimination. No more pit bulls being put to sleep for how they look and/or because they are pit bulls.

Dreaming… Instead of coming from a mental / emotional place of Scarcity and we have to accept whatever is donated, shabby, crappy and poor mentality, this is revolutionary in concept and scope… a whole different way of THINKING and IMPLEMENTING… Something, places to BE PROUD OF, Places of Dignity and Health and Well Being for People and Pets… Imagine…

IT is TIME to CHANGE the status quo killing factories shelters into an Adoption Centers model…

Get rid of the Greed… and Hate… Eliminate the Greed and Hate…

That means WE have to change too… Not just Point Fingers and Blame, Accuse and Make Wrong… you cannot change something via hate… only LOVE makes a difference… honey works with bees,vinegar not so much… does not mean to sugarcoat, but learn compassion, forgiveness, and LISTEN…

I do NOT understand why someone would rather kill animals than find homes for them and save lives… AND I also know that when accusations are thrown at them, people resist, shut their ears, get defensive, run away, shut down…

There has to be a Win Win Win for ALL…

Am reminded of John Robbins, heir to the Baskin Robbins fortune, years ago he walked away from his family. And he had a dream about a cow. He writes about this in Diet for a New America. And what impressed me so much is how he got to go to factory farms for three whole months. He visited these horrible places where they not only slaughter animals but keep them in horrendous conditions. And he was there with an OPEN HEART and just Listened to the people who worked there. Somehow he was able to do that. Listen with an Open Compassionate Heart although he was repelled by what the people DID every day to the animals. Read the book, Get Inspired and Find Creative Solutions.

Create a Vision of the Adoption Centers you want and Make it Happen/Implement Step by Step by Step… Until It is Done… Manifest…

RIP Ace, this type of “accident”, killing the wrong homeless animal, or someone’s pet happens every day in every state in this country. Until we replace killing shelters with true Adoption Centers, where animals live happily in a healthy, cage free, communal environment and be socialized to prepare them for their new furrever homes. We can SAVE THEM ALL, not just 90% !

Please read a lot more and enjoy some videos at http://www.ShelterRevolution.Org

Let’s CHANGE this rotten system altogether by acknowledging the Past, weaknesses, corruption, and greed and HEAL ourselves and others…

Like the Fb page is

Shelter Revolution is the marketing effort to tell the world about the ADOPTION CENTER model. This innovative new facility plan brings ‘customers’ in with a whole new approach to displaying adoptable dogs and cats. It creates a calm, enjoyable atmosphere in a “touch and feel” setting.Introducing a new concept called “rehab,” dogs and cats not ready for adoption are sent into the care of local rehabbers to prepare them for return to the Adoption Center and placement.Read all about the other concepts that make up this whole new approach called the Adoption Center model at

We need fun places where customers can go to see happy, healthy animals in large groups. Dogs and cats are SOCIAL animals, not meant to be isolated. For those animals who can’t get along, the Adoption Center model provides for rehab. The process of rehab will bring local rescuers and shelter workers together.

Watch this introductory video for a brief overview

sign this petition :

are you an extremist LIFE SAVER????


Rescue friends- if you have a plea that needs more attention, and exposure, pls be sure to post to the people for paws network. Thanks!

are you an extremist LIFE SAVER????

Are you an “extremist”? Take the quiz.

  1. I want the killing to end.
  2. I think it is wrong for shelters to neglect and abuse animals.
  3. If other communities can end the killing of savable animals, I believe my community should also.
  4. I care about animals and because I care about animals, I do not want harm to come to them.
  5. I believe in democracy and engaging my elected officials to create social change.

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are an “extremist” according to the ASPCA. If you answered “No” to all of these questions, the ASPCA thinks you’ll make a great shelter director and they will fight to defend and protect you.

if you have not read this, please DO…

Now here the ASPCA has (not) kindly but nevertheless has a list telling us what to do Step by Step…. Are you on board?  The Patrick Movement is a powerful force to be reckoned with and animal lovers CAN CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER.



Are you with me???  Consider this your Marching Orders 🙂   Go Forth and SAVE LIVES !!!!

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Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animal abuse, animal planet, animal rescue, ASPCA, belly rubs, best friends animal sanctuary, bigotry against dogs, breed specific laws, canine rehabilitation, cats, children and dogs, conflict resolution, dog dreams, dog friendly, dog rescue, doggie camp, doggie daycare, doggie healing center, dogs, dogs around the world, Dogs Deserve Better, end dog racism, family friendly, fountain of woof, four paws up, gardening, healthy dog food, holistic healing for animals, holistic vet, homemade dog food, Humane Society, K9 approved, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Made in USA, music for dogs, natural health remedies, no kill shelters, non-profits, nonviolent communication, organic, pet care, pet rescue organizations, prejudice against dogs, prison dog program, puppies, puppy love, Uncategorized

Life Savers

A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.

that is the definition of Shelter…

Ideally, shelters should be places, way stations where pets get the assistance they need to get adopted. Instead, way too many of them are killing factories … where innocent pets come in and never make it out alive, where animals are killed in horrific inhumane ways, where shelter workers are cruel, insensitive and downright mean and don’t deserve to work with innocent pets…shelters should be saving lives not ending them.  Shelters should be in the LIFE SAVING business. How can WE turn this around???


Follow the money… and Greed… in a country where War is Good Business and Greed is Standard, is it any wonder that homeless and poor people and animals are cruelly disposed of  by the Money/Profit at ALL Cost crowd?  But it DOES NOT have to continue to be this way. There are people making a difference and saving lives.

An interview with Nathan Winograd 

As Director of Operations for the San Francisco SPCA, Winograd was instrumental in advancing some of the most progressive shelter programs in the nation, and helped establish the first No Kill city. By making a commitment to stop the killing as Executive Director for the Tompkins County (NY) SPCA, he put programs in place that took Tompkins County No Kill.

In your experience, what’s the most critical step to build a No Kill community?
If you ask 100 animal welfare professionals this question, all 100 would say spay/neuter. But all 100 would be wrong. That is not to say that high volume, low cost sterilization services aren’t important, they are. In fact, they are crucial. But that is not why most dogs and cats are currently being killed in shelters. It isn’t “pet overpopulation.” What we are actually suffering from as a nation, what is actually killing a high number of animals, is an over-population of shelter directors mired in the failed philosophies of the past and complacent with the status quo. We know how to stop the killing, but many shelter directors refuse to implement the No Kill model. As a result, a widespread, institutionalized culture of lifesaving is not possible without wholesale regime change in shelters and national animal protection groups, replacing them with compassionate leaders who reject killing as a method for achieving results.

Simply, shelters are not adopting out enough animals… it is NOT that animals are unwanted, too many (overpopulation) nor is it that there are not enough homes/adopters… 

America’s approximately 4,000 animal shelters are currently adopting out more than 4 million pets per year – between 2 and 3 per shelter, per day. By simply increasing that by an additional 2 pets per shelter, per day, the 3 million healthy and treatable pets who currently lose their lives in shelters will be saved.

A Kentucky community recently celebrated its second No Kill year. A Canadian community reduced killing by 70%. A New Zealand animal control shelter finished the year with a 96% rate of lifesaving. Another in Australia surpasses even that. A municipal shelter in Nevada is saving 95% of all animals, even with a per capita intake rate that is four times the rate of Los Angeles, seven times the rate of New York City, and over twice the national average. How can you know whether shelters are truly doing all they can to save the life of animals? The answer is the “90% Rule.”

Shelters that work with their local animal rescue organizations, create FUN adoption events, provide low cost/free spay/neutering clinics, photograph animals in a positive way, obtain media coverage on a regular basis, provide necessary services for the animals to make them adoptable, and do EVERYTHING possible to Save Lives and make ADOPTION their FIRST PRIORITY are what is needed. How can YOU support YOUR local shelter to SAVE MORE LIVES???

Great Example of Shelter with HIGH Adoption Rate (low kill rate)

I love that they used the Occupy movement in their ad… Occupy Hearts and Homes…

And their INTENTION and goal is to become a No Kill Shelter. Bonney Brown, the Executive Director, I believe, used to work for Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.

      National Average 2009: 58% (Source-Maddies’s Fund)
    Nevada Humane Society Save Rate

  • 2010: Dogs: 94% Cats: 95%

Pet Adoptions (Live Release of All Animals)

  • 2010: 9,668 up 5% (484 more adoptions)
  • 2009: 9,184 up 6% (549 more adoptions)
  • 2008: 8,635 up 7% (605 more adoptions)
  • 2007: 8,030 up 61% (3,040 more adoptions)
  • 2006: 4,990 (pre no-kill initiative)
  • Every cat, dog, kitten, and puppy is neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped before adoption.

Animals Losing their Lives in Washoe County Shelters

    • 2010: 12% decrease
    • 2009: 27% decrease
    • 2008: 10% decrease
    • 2007: 52% decrease (2,700 fewer dogs & cats lost their lives in 2007 than 2006)

About No Kill

List of No Kill shelters online

ALL dogs (and cats and other animals) deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, dignity and love… and who knows that dog you adopted or fostered just may rescue you… like Hercules… imagine what a terrible waste it would have been if Hercules had been killed

there are many creative folks doing wonderful adjunct programs, helping to save/rescue animals…folks like those below…

Good buddies: Grizzled truckers transport rescued animals to safety

In the face of animal overpopulation and abuse, volunteers take matters into their own hands

According to the American Humane Association, about 3.7 million stray and unwanted animals are put to sleep in U.S. shelters each year.

Operation Roger always needs more truck drivers and volunteers to provide layover homes for animals in transit. To get involved, visit the organization’s website or email

Pilots N Paws always needs pilots to transport animals to safe situations. General-aviation pilots who are interested in helping out should visit the organization’s website or email

To help support Susanne Spirit’s Musical “Trucking” Dog Adoption Program, visit her website or her Facebook page, or email

the big animal organizations who are supposed to be protecting animals such as the ASPCA, Humane Society of the US and others need to get on board with creative, working solutions for increasing adoption rates at shelters, SAVING LIVES and becoming NO KILL not standing in the way of PROGRESS.

in the world of the ASPCA, saving lives is “extremist” but subjecting the animals to daily neglect, cruelty, and the ultimate form of violence—killing—is to be defended and protected.

…the kind of concerted effort to fight No Kill across the country that the ASPCA takes requires people. It isn’t Ed Sayres sitting alone at his keyboard. He and other leaders of the ASPCA may be calling the shots, but the people of the ASPCA are implementing his regressive policies. Ed Sayes may have ordered Oreo killed, but the people of the ASPCA killed her. Ed Sayres may have ordered Oreo’s Law to be defeated, but the people of the ASPCA walked the halls of the state capitol in Albany and lobbied legislators to vote “No.” Ed Sayres may have ordered the ASPCA to oppose No Kill in San Francisco, but the people of the ASPCA testified against it in front of the San Francisco Animal Welfare Commission. Ed Sayres may have ordered sick kittens sent to New York City’s medieval and abusive pound, but it is ASPCA employees who delivered them there to be killed.

Despite the millions hoarded in their bank accounts raised through emotional commercials that prey on animal lovers by promoting the fiction that they will use donations to save animals, the ASPCA has a long sordid history of not only fighting reform efforts nationwide, but of neglecting the needs of the animals suffering in the shelter down the street, even sending animals to be killed there.

…the ASPCA is committed to killing, to protecting killers, to defending abusers if they happen to run shelters, and to hiding abuse within its own facility as the ASPCA did in trying to protect a veterinarian who kicked a dog to death? Regardless of whether it was run by Roger Caras who called No Kill a “hoax” and a “cancer,” or Larry Hawk, who continued that legacy, or Ed Sayres, who counts over 35,000 dead New York animals as his legacy, there is simply no evidence that the ASPCA “can do better than this” because, when it comes to ending the systematic killing of animals in U.S. shelters, they never have. In fact, they have never even tried, not since the death of their remarkable founder over 120 years ago.

Yes, I am an Extremist according to this…and am also horrified by this info. Had no idea, makes me sick, sick, sick … you would think that people who work with animals would LOVE them and want to save them, protect them, take care of them. Just makes me ill to think that these big organizations all they want to do is kill, kill, kill.  I also wonder if it is Follow the Money…

How MUCH MONEY do they get to Keep on KILLING as opposed to SAVING LIVES???

Are you an “extremist”? Take the quiz.

  1. I want the killing to end.
  2. I think it is wrong for shelters to neglect and abuse animals.
  3. If other communities can end the killing of savable animals, I believe my community should also.
  4. I care about animals and because I care about animals, I do not want harm to come to them.
  5. I believe in democracy and engaging my elected officials to create social change.

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are an “extremist” according to the ASPCA. If you answered “No” to all of these questions, the ASPCA thinks you’ll make a great shelter director and they will fight to defend and protect you.

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Filed under adoption, animal abuse, animal rescue, ASPCA, best friends animal sanctuary, bigotry against dogs, dog friendly, dog rescue, end dog racism, keep pets safe, mutts, no kill shelters, pet adoption, pet care, pet rescue organizations, prejudice against dogs, Uncategorized

heroes welcome: adopt a Vicktory dog

Today am feeling sad about a neighbor’s sweet puppy Coco, a chi mix, a tiny dog with markings similar to my Cici… the neighbor brought Coco to me last night for help and assistance, and wanted me to keep her… I could not do so, the dog is only six months old, not house trained nor fixed. At the time they visited I was reeling from the violent police attack on Occupy Oakland as well as just found out that the dogs below are up for adoption, so I was a bit scattered. I called my friend and dog rescuer for assistance and she told me that the people would have to surrender the dog to the SPCA and then another rescue group could get the puppy and get her adopted.

looking back, I feel sick to my stomach. The boy David was crying when I told him this. We brought him and Coco to another neighbor to see if they might want the pup to play with their dog. They said no. If I had it all to do over again, I’d still be knocking on doors until someone said yes.

The sweet shy little puppy, I kissed her head several times and she kissed me back… I do NOT want her to go to the SPCA. She could get lost in the system. I called them this morning and was not very assured. They have a lot of chi’s and chi mixes up for adoption. The gal was ok but there are four gals and some kind of evaluation process. IF Coco passes the eval then she goes to adoption. If not, she gets euthanized. The shelter system is BARBARIC.

So I worry about what happened last night to Coco. The mother of David told me that her friend was going to pick up the dog and keep her for the night. Apparently, the father or her boyfriend, is mean and told David that the dog could not stay. And the mother does not have a car to take Coco to the SPCA. Hoping that the friend came by and got Coco and can take care of the puppy.

Now am thinking of all the things I should have done… I should have taken a photo of Coco, I should have gotten their phone number and address and last name, we talked about it but it did not happen, I should have let David sleep in the living room with the dog last night and so on and on…I pray Coco and David are ok.

Cici, who used to cuddle with me ALL THE TIME, every day for five years, has not been lately, all of a sudden, for about the last month, has come up to me today and is snuggling right beside me… what a comfort she is to me !

Currently, at Best Friends Animal Society, there are FIVE Vicktory Dogs who are up for adoption. Don’t you think it is time they go home??? It HAS been 3 1/2 years. Ellen, Squeaker, Georgia, Ray and Oscar♥. please share.

Little Red

10-26-11 I’ve been thinking about the Vicktory dogs Georgia, Oscar and Squeeker. They have been in sanctuary for over 3 1/2 years and every year that goes by is one year less they will live in a home. (Little came home at 8 1/2 years old). These dogs are ready or nearly ready to find their forever homes. I hope people will reach out and adopt them as soon as possible so they have a chance at a happy home. I can’t tell you how close I came to NOT applying to adopt Little. I had been watching her progress & sponsoring her for over 3 years. I day-dreamed about adopting her but I thought there would be many, many other people with pitbull experience who wanted he. I didn’t think I would be considered since I had 4 other dogs. I met Little twice & spent a week volunteering in her unit. The last day I was at BF — the last hour before I was leaving for home — I got up the nerve to go to the adoptions office and ask about her. I expected to be told that she already had a home — as soon as she passed her CGC. I was floored when I found out no one else had completed an application. Kristi told me there were people interested, but no applications. That was all I needed, I started the process that day and 6 months later she was home. The moral of this story — if you think you are interested in adopting these dogs – go for it. Don’t wait and expect someone else to do it. They need homes now and they are getting on in years. It would be a tragedy if these dogs pass away without ever knowing the joy of living in a home. Little’s Mom






How to Adopt

One of the most awesome dogs that have already been adopted (they are ALL awesome), Cherry Garcia was adopted by a family in New England who have another pibble and have two cats. One of the cats, Walker, really helped Cherry settle into his new home.  They are best buddies, still regularly snuggle together and groom each other. Cherry (a Very Important Dog) and  family go to lots of events to show how fabulous Pitbulls are. Even after the horrible situation from his past, Cherry shows no aggression toward anyone. Like all dogs, he just wants to be loved.  Check out the progress of Cherry, Ginger Girl, Little Red, Handsome Dan, Hector the Pitbull and others on Facebook.

These dogs are shy and need the confidence that comes from being loved every day by a family. You can follow Cherry’s progress at Vicktory 4 Cherry. If you think you’re ready to bring one of these special dogs into your life, contact Best Friends Animal Society at

Tours and volunteer opportunities at Best Friends

Call (435) 644-2001 ext 4537. Full tours take approximately an hour and a half and wind through the magnificent red-rock landscape of Angel Canyon.

If a tour just isn’t enough, and you have time to interact more closely with the sanctuary animals, please contact us about volunteer opportunities at (435) 644-2001 ext 4119.

love the new badrap website

find the former vick dogs under blogs,_nypd_gets_violent_during_solidarity_march/


Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, badrap, belly rubs, Best Friends, best friends animal sanctuary, K9 approved, Michael Vick dogs, pit bull, Uncategorized

from high kill to no kill

There are some animal advocates who are committed to creating a No Kill Nation so shelters and communities jump on board. Creativity and imagination plus persistence and willingness to save lives against the odds are making this dream come true in various communities around the USA.  Make the story of Rockwall or Austin, the story of your community…  (click on the pdf link at the end of the No Kill blog, link below)…

Read this inspirational story about two naive people in Texas who built a compassionate and humane empire with a grassroots group of volunteers… the staff of the shelter were committed to laziness. Hard to imagine for people who love animals, but the staff kill animals because they do not want to work hard. Obviously, people like this DO NOT BELONG and should NOT work at any animal shelter. Another obstacle to NO KILL but don’t know how it works, is IF dead animal bodies have value, are sold by shelters to rendering plants who grind them up to put into name brand dog and cat food (does anyone know how this works?) then shelters may want to or could be addicted to that revenue stream. UGH…  But Pam and Michael did NOT accept the staff’s excuses.  Due to their efforts, the shelter had a stunning 97% rate of lifesaving for one of the busiest months of the year, an August to remember.

Other model programs:

Save a life.. get a Muttigree

1. Get a magic bus

what if each of the Patrick movement pages people got together and raised funds for a magic bus, called for volunteers and animal rescue groups to travel to places where animals are in high kill shelters, even in another state, on a regular basis, once a month? quarterly? and bring 100 animals to where they can be adopted/fostered???

Be inspired by the Muttshack Bus adventures

2.  A Picture is worth a 1000 words

this is fantastic !!!! save shelter dogs just by changing adoption photos, wow…photographers could partner up with their local shelter and do the animals a great service like this woman…

3. Creative adoption practices

support your local shelters in teaming up with pet stores to do adoption events, bring animals inside store, and show customers how great these animals are, do local publicity for the events and more

4. Create fun adoption videos

that make people smile, entertain and want to adopt pound pups and kitties

5. Coordinate low cost and free spay/neuter clinics, and educate the public about the HIGH COST of leaving their pets intact…

6. Educate the public about puppy mills, shut down the breeders of puppy mills, and make puppy mills illegal in all 50 states

7. Make ZERO tolerance the rule of the land for animal abusers, animal cruelty including dog fighters

8. Fame When celebrities and others with means are willing to save/rescue, they make a big difference in terms of publicity, education and taking care of animals

9.  It’s Me and the Dog When dogs in shelters are socialized, trained, and live in human-like dwellings, the easier it is to adopt them (less behavioral problems/issues)

10. Make it EASY to adopt by going where the people are so that they’ll get to know shelter animals rather than shop at breeders or for puppy mill animals at pet stores

More info:

And when you shop… … support your local No Kill shelter/animal rescue group !

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Filed under best friends animal sanctuary, creativity, mutts, pet adoption, Uncategorized

what would you do if you found a dog…

There are so many situations/dilemmas we animal lovers find ourselves in daily. Sometimes, we see dogs on the Internet or cats or other animals and we want to help them all. But alas we cannot. Limited time, resources, energy. Some people post incessantly, some try to change laws to save lives, and others donate what they can. All good although the postings get to be too much for me. So many animals in need, dying, on death row, abused, treated cruelly, not getting the homes and care they need. Breaks your heart. Then occasionally, a heartwarming tale with a happy ending makes your day.

Now, this morning, I scanned my facebook news to see if I could post something somewhere, as my way of contributing. And I saw this story below.  What would you do in this situation if you were the truck driver?

A group/facebook page called People for Pit Bulls had written/posted about this a number of times and were asking for media attention so I first posted what they wrote onto The Patrick Movement for California page and other pages. Then I suggested that they contact local media, I found one local media person and wrote to her myself. I shared this with P4P and suggested that they get as many people as people to write/call local media in Bakersfield. This is what I wrote:

a truck driver from Pennsylvania found this little dog limping on the side of the road in Bakersfield. The driver had to leave the dog at the local animal shelter where the dog will be put to sleep unless help can be found asap. The truck driver will donate as much as possible to get the dog vet care and/or boarding until a proper home can be found. Is there a local rescue group who can help this dog?  Can you write about this situation?   Thank you.

Kern Co. Animal Control bakersfield
ID# A865670
(661) 868-7144 or (661) 321-3000
Unaltered male, 2ish years old. Beautiful blue with white markings, light brown eyes.   around 45 lbs…

here is the response I received from the reporter:

Thanks for your interest. I’ll forward this to my editor, though I can’t guarantee we’ll be able to cover it. I’m not sure if we can recommend any particular local rescue groups, though just off the top of my head I might suggest contacting the local Humane Society or SPCA.

Thanks again,

I think it is important when in the process of doing a rescue, to not blame the media, other people, or shelters, it is counterproductive.

P4P wrote that they had contacted doggie magazines and some other folks. WRONG. Doggie magazines require MONTHS lead time. Newspapers are DAILY. So is TV and radio. Plus, this is not a national story. (well, the deplorable state of our animal shelters IS a national story). But the fastest, easiest and best way, in my humble opinion, as a reporter/editor with media background, also as a publicist for 25+ years, is to contact THE LOCAL MEDIA. Also online media if you have contacts or can find them.

This is what they wrote:

People For Pit Bulls According to a Marketing Group in NYC on the news. He (Patrick) was very well marketed….I read that in the New York Times months ago and a cruelty group posted on it a few months ago also…I have just found it strange that there are so many abuse cases, some as bad and worse, and they never get the attention they should. I am glad PAtrick got it, but now others need it…perhaps it is in the money.

what I wrote back:

Patrick got media attention because people CARED about him, and there was VISUAL PROOF of his abuse. Dogs are NOT marketing material. People responded to Patrick OUT OF THEIR HEARTS not some marketing scheme.

I realize that the people are probably upset, frustrated, and stressed because they’re trying to save a dog’s life. Just don’t bite the hands that are trying to FEED YOU.

Now there was another post saying that someone is willing to adopt the dog, but a rescue still needs to pull him from the shelter.

Is there anyone reading this that can help in Bakersfield or nearby?????

Good fortune. I hope this turns out well.

I am writing about this because this is a very common scenario that I see over and over and over again.  There HAS to be a better way. There HAS GOT to be a better shelter system. And there HAS to be better education. People have to understand that dogs are not something to throw away like trash by the side of the road or in a garbage bin. That if they are moving, allergic, the dog has fleas, barks too much, they are having tough times financially or they’re having a baby, that is NO REASON/EXCUSE to GET RID of their pet dog, cat, iguana, rabbit, whatever. THERE ARE SOLUTIONS if one wants to find them. If one is willing there is a way.  If you have a pet, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to feed, house, keep safe, train, and LOVE. If you throw your pet away, ie, take it to a shelter, it will more than likely END UP DEAD.

How someone who has loved an animal for any length of time can do that is beyond me.  I once had to take a sweet kitty cat to a shelter (Pasadena) to get put down because it was terminally ill of cancer and the owners had thrown the poor kitty out in the street. They had that kitty for 15 years. And then their son/daughter had a baby. So out with the kitty cat into the street !!!! I had been feeding the cat and then I talked to other neighbors and they were also feeding the cat. Yet, the cat was very skinny. Finally, someone suggested that I take the kitty to a vet or shelter. I did not want to do it. But I put on my grown up pants and went. The vet confirmed that the kitty was dying and in pain and it would take a lot of surgery and still not save the kitty. She was willing to take the kitty but suggested the humane solution was to put the kitty down. I cried the entire time I took the kitty to the vet, at the vet and at the shelter. The BEST shelter EVER. They let me be in a private room with the kitty to say good-bye and pray which I did. They gave me all the time I needed, too. Very beautiful. And when it was over, I was sad but knew the kitty was in a better place. And when I told the owner, she cried and THANKED ME for doing what she did NOT have the courage to do. I did not tell her that it could have been different. That she had inflicted how many months of pain onto that kitty. IF she had been responsible, perhaps that kitty could have lived its last years with LOVE and DIGNITY in a new home with another family. She could have asked the neighbors. Someone might have taken that kitty into their home. Personally, that is what I would have done. But I have learned that people do not always do the right thing.  Oh well.

What would YOU Do??? Curious minds want to know.  Thanks.

Now for some inspiration.  A video I created for Patrick. Look at the DIFFERENCE that LOVE and CARE made for this once starved and thrown in the trash dog, transformed into a healthy and handsome boy !!!

An interesting event to help rescues/shelters across America, Best Friends Strut Your Mutt…

and I also made a video for The Vicktory dogs… look at how far they have come. Once, made to fight or used as bait dogs, chained up 24/7, unsocialized, traumatized and abused daily, 7-8 have now become therapy dogs, and most of the 52 dogs have been adopted into happy homes. It is worthwhile telling the GOOD NEWS over and over again.

and yes, I am HAVING SO MUCH FUN creating videos. If you’d like one, let me know.

Now it is that time of the week again, Blog Hoppin time… thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions from the Plume, hop on board by catching the code here….


Filed under all you need is a dog, animal abuse, Best Friends, best friends animal sanctuary, Michael Vick dogs, mutts, Patrick, pit bull, Uncategorized, videos

Vick to Congress: I must speak out on the evils of getting caught

Two exemplary speakers are going before Congress today to speak about the evils of dog fighting to help get a bill against animal fighting passed.  No, not someone from BadRap, who regularly rescues dogs who have been involved in fight busts like 11 of the former M. Vick dogs. No, not someone from Best Friends who also sees the effects regularly with dogs taken from fight busts and who took in and cared for 22 of the former M. Vick dogs. No, not someone from the ASPCA or Our Pack or SPCA who also know firsthand the evils of dog fighting as evidenced by the dogs.

No, instead the speakers are… wait for it:

M. Vick, dog killer and dog fighter for six years aka the most notorioous animal abuser of all time who never got charged with animal cruelty but instead got a plea deal and Wayne Pacelle of HSUS who thinks Vick will make a good pet parent.


Vick will speak on the evils of getting caught. Dog fighting is wrong (but I loved it and would still be doing it if I had not been caught) if only you could expunge my record if I pretend I am sorry, although I am not one bit except for having gotten caught and my plea deal should have allowed me to get out of jail earlier. Can you please erase everything so that I can continue to make millions and pretend I am not the sociopath I am ?  And oh yeah, and can you arrange for me to get another dog to have fun with, I mean, as a pet for my kids. I’ve got a pool all set up out back for my enjoyment.

Wayne Pacelle:  what a guy who else but Vick (a serial killer in the making with a long history, six years of  enjoying committing animal abuse)  could I bring with me so that I can make money and pretend everything is honky dory?

Politics does indeed make strange dogfellows … Highlights of his Sociopath in the House meeting other Sociopaths Speaking Tour: Vick will meet Bachmann, Palin and others.  Bachmann was overheard to say Let Us Pray for Gay Dogs while Palin was letting Todd and the kids eat freshly killed Moose. Now Vick and Pacelle can cross off one more whistle stop on the Vick PR Rehab Express… aka Vick is really human tour aka Second Chances for dog killers who play football Tour. suckers all aboard… choo choo choo… That is if Vick actually shows up (he’s been known to chicken out, cancel last minute speaking arrangements due to foot in mouth aka I cannot help spouting off how I am, an irredeemable and unrepentant dog killer no matter how much money they are paying me to say otherwise, disease)…

Afterwards, Vick and Pacelle will be having lunch with Obama and talking over old times, like when Obama congratulated Vick’s manager on his second chance a few months ago. Rumor has it that the lunch will be freshly catered by Subway and feature Green Ham and Baloney sub sandwiches.  For dessert, a lovely four tier dog cake will be served in Vick’s honor. Said dog cake will be dunked into small tubs of champagne in honor of Vick’s former pet dog Champagne who Vick threw into the ring and laughed at while his dog got brutally hurt.  The dog cake dunking will begin a cool new tradition at the White House and give a whole new meaning to the saying Let Them Eat Cake. Subway’s new motto: Let Them Eat Baloney.

A couple of surprise guests, will include Oprah Winfrey, who will be on hand to give Vick, Obama and Pacelle a trip to dog fighting country where they will meet up with old and new friends and continue the celebration. And reps from Nike will be giving out $200 shoes to throw at children.   Nike’s new motto: Let Them Eat Shoes.

Not to be outdone, in the West Wing, apparently Obama will be showing off the puppy Second Chance that his staff is grooming and training. Obama will be giving the poor dog to Vick as soon as Vick’s ban is up in 2012.  Some say the pup is a consolation prize but no worries there are more than 4 million shelter trash dogs to choose from. First dog Bo will be at doggie daycare for the occasion. Just in case. Obama would not want to have to explain to his children what happened to Bo.

Also on the agenda for Congress this week:

Tomorrow, Casey Anthony is going to be speaking to Congress about the evils of motherhood… oh correction evils of killing your child and getting a book deal… correction… evils of abusing your child and getting a movie deal… evils of getting caught lying and going to jail.

The day after that, Rupert Murdoch is going to be speaking to Congress about the evils of getting caught listening into people’s private phone conversations and deleting their messages and then discuss ways AT&T and other phone companies should make it easier for phone hackers aka Fox News reporters to do their job.

By the end of the week Congress and the President are going to be having a party on the taxpayers without the taxes that they’ve NOT gotten from the big corporations nor the elite 1% millionaire/billionaires… and pretend our economy is not in the toilet for the poor and the middle class and the job creators with job creation disorder (who sent our jobs oversea) will give themselves a new raise/bonus.

from the Green Dogs Baloney and Ham Gazette Special Edition aka Cici and me


Filed under animal abuse, badrap, best friends animal sanctuary, boycott, economy, end dogfighting, Entertainment Tonight, laughter is the best medicine, media madness, Michael Vick dogs, obama, Oprah, Uncategorized

just dogs, hah…

One time I was in traffic court waiting for the Judge. There was an mean grumpy older black woman sitting on the bench waiting with me. She had a boy perhaps five years old with her. This boy had a light, a radiance, a glow about him and the sweetest smile and personality. I just wanted to hug and kiss him he was so adorable. He could not sit still as children of that age who are normal cannot do. He was full of energy and entertaining and no one minded as he made everyone smile. Everyone but the grumpy grandmother or mother. She said something to him like If you don’t sit down and be quiet, I am going to get the police to lock you up and put you away.  It was a horrible thing to tell a young child and especially a boy who clearly wanted attention and had a loving heart. I told her to knock it off that it was an awful thing to tell a child and I told the boy, she is lying to you. The biotch got mad and humppphhhhed away, tried to threaten me first with a Mind Your Own Business before I tell the police about you.  I was NOT afraid of her idle threats but what about the boy who did not know any better??? What would he believe???   Would he live a life of fear ??? I prayed for that boy for a long time, that he find a better home filled with loving people who would give him the love and attention he needed.

Another time I was in a supermarket going through the aisles when I heard a baby cry. It was not just crying, it was screaming loud and hysterical. Could not stop crying. The father did not know what to do and was trying to shut the baby up in a very crude manner.  I could not walk by like everyone else. I prayed first for healing and angels around the baby and me. I approached gently and asked if I could pray with them.  Miraculously, he said yes. As I prayed, I could feel that the father and baby were calming down and by the end, the crying baby subsided.  I softly suggested to the father that in my experience when babies are upset, it is usually because the people around them, their caretakers are upset. And that if he could just relax himself, that would be help the baby, too. He was very thankful, relieved and happy.

It is the same with dogs as it is with children, pretty much. How adults treat dogs and children has impact, negative or positive.  I don’t know how anyone could say just dogs . Have you ever met a dog, had a dog, or know someone who loved a dog? Do you have a heart?  Eyes to see?

Any two bit bully can scare those weaker than them in size and muscle. But it takes a TRUE HERO to overcome their fears.

That’s one reason it really irks/irritates me when people say they’re just dogs. Twice yesterday, I had to tell people this saying M. Vick killed a few dogs is like saying Hitler killed a few Jews (actually besides the 8 million Jews he killed, there were 6 million Gypsies, disabled, Socialists and others Hitler had killed)… Most people do not know that.

Here are some of the Vicktory dogs. They are not “just dogs” …  They are HEROES in the truest meaning of the words. So when people say they are just dogs, show them these just dogs, proudly, seven of them are now therapy dogs… Pay tribute to these dogs.

Now look at these dogs and I double dog dare you to tell me these sweet innocent loving beings are just dogs. Anyone who says that is just plain ignorant … NO dog is just a dog. And these dogs are the BEST dogs on the planet.  Super dogs who have not only survived horrific abuse of the worst kind but most are thriving thanks to the loving care, patience, and TLC they received from loving people at Badrap, Best Friends, Monterey SPCA, Our Pack, and others and their adopters, foster parents, and other volunteers). These are heroes.

Most of these dogs did not know how to be dogs. They were not socialized, had never been on a leash, never had toys to play with, did not sleep on a bed, were chained up 24/7, they never experienced any affection from humans or been in a car or groomed. They were often terrified of humans and pancaked (lay flat on the ground unmoving) a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, exhibited a freeze response to life-threatening situations. In the wild, animals can make the choice of flight (flee) or fright but their body can make a third choice in extremely dangerous situations, and that is to freeze. Being immobile, they become almost invisible to predators. Not human predators, but other animals. Given that many of these dogs froze at the sight of the dangerous predator humans they knew, anyone with a heart cannot bear the idea of what they went through. The terror that they experienced. Makes me cry and sick to my stomach every time I think about it and I try not to think about it.

So for the record, these are NOT his dogs, he proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he did not deserve them. They are MUCH TOO GOOD. And if anyone deserves AWARDS, it is the heroic Vicktory dogs. For their bravery, for overcoming all of the odds, for letting go of their fear/terrors, for learning how to be dogs, for leaping over their obstacles, and learning to love and forgive human beings. For their service to humanity. For all of the good that they’ve done and for all of the hope they bring to the world.

This book is their story… it is inspiring, hopeful and an amazing read… written like a mystery, I read it in two days, could not put it down.

This is Jonny Justice, a therapy dog, a reading with kids dog

this is Mel, Richard Hunter’s dog…

these are the three dogs that I met personally at the Monterey SPCA, Ginger, Stella and Red (now deceased from cancer).


Slide show: where the dogs were in 2010

Vicktory dogs 2011

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Honor the dogs

just in case you think that Subway is being unfairly targeted/boycotted… consider this:  I just found this update on the link below that talked about sponsors that canceled but Subwway DID NOT cancel their sponsorship. They sponsored the Michael Vick reality show for the one season that it was on the air and now they “probably” will not sponsor the BET award next year. Meaning, they do not care what we think or how many customers they will lose by sponsoring M. Vick.

JUNE 2011 UPDATE: “The Michael Vick Project” went off the air last year after one season. On June 26, 2011, Vick received the Subway Sportsman of the Year Award at the BET Awards. Although Subway sponsored Vick’s reality show for its duration, a company representative said it was not involved in deciding who won the sportsman award. Due to the large amount of complaints the company has received, the rep said Subway will probably not sponsor the award again next year.

these companies supported Michael Vick’s reality show:  Checkers/Rally’s, hotwire, ford, mcdonald’s, 7up, lysol, subway, buick, KFC, Overture Films

Fourteen companies pulled their ads from BET’s The Michael Vick Project due to the amount of complaints they received.  Subway was NOT NOT NOT on the list of companies that pulled their ads… Subway has said that they are innocent re: BET awards but there is NO backpedaling from this… just saying… I guess they think we’re dumb and cannot read. well, Subway now what you got to say for yourself. Trying to cover up and LYING is worse than the original offense.

Now some people are starting to talk about boycotting all of the sponsors of the BET awards besides just Subway, to be fair, they want to be equal opportunity dog-cotters. Below is the info about the other sponsors of the BET awards (some, like Subway, were going to sponsor a failed M. Vick reality show too).  Is it enough to just boycott Subway? To single Subway out and target Subway? Is it fair to make local Subway shop owners pay for corporate’s mistake? Are you going to boycott the whole list of companies below?  Curious bloggers want to know.

I was going to post this as a note on Facebook but here I have more space.  It seems that team Vick is busy getting sponsorships lined up. Now for me, I don’t drink soda, nor coffee, do not do caffeine, and am not going to buy a Ford or a Nissan, and have issues with Domino’s because of lousy service (although since I complained, they have definitely made an effort at better customer service) so what do you think?  Are you going to boycott all of the companies who sponsor Vick? if so, for how long? Are you going to write/call all of them?

I admit it, I was angry about last week’s debacle in New Jersey where Vick sold autographs for $150 and 150 insane people actually paid for his signature. And what really ticked me off was that the protesters to this event were cordoned off and away from the store. So when I saw the info about the BET Awards, I was livid. Here we go again, oh no, not if I can help it. And now this boycott has snowballed from zero to more than 15,000 folks signing on board the No Way Subway page and almost 2000 on the Boycott BET page.

Yes, I think M. Vick should still be in jail and not lauded nor honored for anything. And I think that sending a message to these companies wallets/bottomline is important to show that WE MEAN BUSINESS and VOTE with OUR DOLLARS.  That if they want to sponsor sub-humans, they are going to pay a big price for it.  I also think that Chris Brown was an inappropriate honoree for what he did to  Rihanna and that violent video games should not be sold period and most especially not to children. And it seems that this could be a full-time occupation, dogging Vick at every turn.  Is that the way you want to spend your time?

For me, I want to honor the dogs… Sweet Jasmine, Ginger, Red, Stella, Cherry Garcia, Handsome Dan, Hector the Inspector, Georgia, Mel, Leo, Lucas, the little red dog, all of the dogs Vick brutalized and/or murdered. I want to HONOR the dogs. And tell the world about them. Seven of the dogs are now therapy dogs.

Jhumpa Jones just got her therapy certificate!

And many have been adopted to loving families and are living harmoniously, peacefully with other dogs, kids and even cats. For me, the dogs are the HEROES and deserve awards.  Also, their caretakers are HEROES, BadRap, Best Friends, Our Pack, Monterey SPCA and the others who loved and took care of these traumatized (often pancaked, too scared to move, eat or bark) dogs who they socialized, trained, fostered and adopted and helped these special dogs to become good Canine Citizens and the best ambassadors for their breed EVER.


Vote for Leo daily for the SPCA’s Hero Dog of the Year Award for Therapy Dogs.

Here he is with his toys. For a dog who didn’t seem to really know what they were when we first got him, he’s got a great collection now!

Instead of dogging Vick at every turn, I want to HONOR the Dogs with Good Positive Publicity.

Ta da, the world famous Cherry (Belly) Garcia and his sister Madison were recently HONORED as STARS in Connecticut at the screening of the Beyond the Myth film about pit bulls.  Here is Cherry Garcia with his pal Titan.  Ok, am going to cry again, Cherry was one of the most abused of the bait dogs at Bad Newz and it has taken his wonderful parents and Madson a long time to help him be able to be with strangers so this film screening and being on TV was a BIG VICTORY FOR CHERRY (he has two facebook pages, one Cherry Garcia, the other Victory 4 Cherry).  How could ANYONE WITH A HEART look at that sweet face/eyes and hurt him????  Am soooo proud of this sweetheart of a dog.   He melts my heart. Cherry is the black dog on the left, in case you did not know and Titan is the white dog on the right.

Vick can go you know what, you know where. And he will get his in the end. I believe in karma. you sow what you reap. And he’s reaped plenty of really bad karma and the more accolades being thrown at him, the more money, fame, more awards he gets truly are a curse on him although it may not seem like it.  I gotta make peace with that because spending my time and energy on him makes me ill. I had nightmares before and don’t want to go there again.

So where do you draw the line in the sand? How do you decide who is going to be the next company to withdraw your dollars from? How are you going to spend your life, time and energy and dollars?  Just saying… For numerous reasons, for the most part, I don’t buy supermarket brands. I try to be selective as to who gets my dollars. And like with voting for elections sometimes you just gotta buy stuff you don’t think is the best because you just cannot afford the best. For instance, am going to start juicing and eat more fresh produce for my health. and I know organic is better. I also don’t know if I can get all the organic produce I want unless I grow it myself.  Questions to muse/consider and decide for yourself.

Peace out.  Do good.

dog cott everyone… HONOR THE DOGS…

Let the twittering begin! Follow  @Boycott_BET #BoycottBET #nosickvick

V7 – The Official Brand of Michael Vick – Coming Soon…

Here is the toll free number for leaving a comment for the BET network 1-800-711-1630…

For more than a decade, the BET AWARDS has reigned as the biggest family event rivaling all top awards shows.

I guess the plan then was as TV entertainment for families, for you and your children, here at BET we honor dog killers and women beaters, so that you can see how great it is to grow up to be psychopaths, too…  You too can make lots of money and win awards just like this one.

Read more:

the rest of the sponsors include Starbucks, Domino’s Pizza, Coca-Cola, Ford, and more.

Speaking of car companies, now another group is dog-cotting Nissan.

The Rally Against Michael Vick
Well, another Nissan dealer has partnered with Michael Vick – Lynchburg Nissan in Lynchburg, Virginia. Another reason to boycott all Nissan dealers. Nissan USA told me that they have no control over who their dealers do business with but now at least two Nissan dealers are in bed with Michael Vick. I don’t see any other car companies jumping on the Vick bandwagon, buy your cars from those companies instead.

Jeez, how did I miss this, it was on June 10th. But notice the sponsor was Lynchburg Nissan. When I boycotted Woodbury Nissan in NJ for using Vick in a commercial, the parent company assured me it was just a dealership decision. Now another Nissan dealer has partnered with him. Unbelievable.

Michael Vick – Virginia’s Finest Meet & Greet
Flyers, posters, and billboard to promote “Virginia’s Finest Meet & Greet”, an event put together by V7/Team Vick, sponsoring CVA Elite Youth Football.

Contact info for Lynchburg Nissan
Nissan Dealer in Forest Virginia – LYNCHBURG VA Nissan dealer BEDFORD VA Nissan dealer MADISON HEIGH
Lynchburg Nissan Forest Virginia 888-691-9608

Contact info for Nissan USA – Contact

Press Release I Wrote and Sent about ubout Subway Boycott:




You would think that people would learn the lesson by now that the cover-up can be worse than the original mistake. Just ask Congressman Anthony Weiner. But some people and companies apparently have not gotten that memo yet.

Now it is Subway’s turn to learn. The sandwich shop giant contends that they innocently sponsored the recent BET awards and did not know who was being chosen for the Sportsmen of the Year Award (Michael Vick won the award).

Vick was one of five finalists winning out over Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Derrick Rose. Woman beater Chris Brown also won several BET awards.

Subway said this after more than 15,000 now former customers signed onto a Facebook page No Way Subway in a matter of hours vowing to boycott Subway. The dog lovers told Subway in no uncertain terms No Way would Subway get their dollars ANYMORE via email and phone calls.

Just in case you think that Subway is being unfairly targeted/boycotted, consider this:

Subway was one of the companies that supported Michael Vick’s failed reality show:  Checkers/Rally’s, Hotwire, Ford, Mcdonald’s, 7up, Lysol, Buick, KFC, Overture Films were others.

Major Sponsors Drop Michael Vick’s Reality Show

Fourteen companies pulled their ads from BET’s The Michael Vick Project due to the amount of complaints they received.  Subway was NOT on the list of companies that pulled their ads. Now what does Subway have to say besides the $5 foot-longs do not contain dog meat.

There is another page Boycotting BET and a petition to get Vick to give back the award.

Ironic that the convicted felon took the honors and Subway got the heat. Not the most well-thought out PR plan for a family food establishment to associate with and pay financial tribute to a well-known dog killer.

Subway Contact Information
Franchise World Headquarters
325 Bic Drive
Milford, CT 06461-3059 USA
Ph: 203.877.4281 -or-
Ph: 800.888.4848

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Filed under animal abuse, badrap, best friends animal sanctuary, end dog racism, end dogfighting, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, pit bull, Uncategorized