Tag Archives: twitter

Funny Pet Photos

your dog/cat can have their own business card…


New Apps Help Pets Get Adopted by Making Funny Pet Photos Easy

Of the 6-8 million animals being cared for in shelters, 3-4 million will be euthanized this year.  Mobile app developer Cat Game Apps wants to help more of these animals find “forever homes” with their new apps Pet Royals and Pet Holidays.

“Engaging photos help more pets get noticed” says developer Tim Wilson.  “And our new apps make it easy for anyone to make engaging photos.”

The new apps make it easy to add accessories to photos.  Users simply take a photo of an animal’s face with their smart phone or tablet, choose the accessories they want to add to the photo, and then adjust the size and position of the accessories using their fingers. Text bubbles with quotes can be added to the images also.

Pet Royals includes a variety of royal accessories like crowns, jewels, hats and fascinators.  Pet Holidays includes holiday accessories such as Santa hats and reindeer antlers as well as items for Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July.

“Every shelter understands the importance of good photos in increasing adoption rates.  But it is not just about getting great pictures of the animals, it is about creating attention getting images and Pet Royals and Pet Holidays make it easy for anyone to create fun and engaging pet photos.” adds Wilson.

Finished images, can be saved to the camera roll, emailed, or shared on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest. “These apps make a shelter’s social media efforts, newsletters and blog posts much more interesting without spending a fortune.” says Wilson. “Photos can also be uploaded to Shutterfly to make thank you cards, donation reminders or fundraising event invitations.”

This app is not just for shelters.  Tim explains, “If you are a small business with an office pet, an animal groomer or a blogger who focuses on the pet market, these apps are also a great way to connect to your audience in a viral way.  You can also just have fun with your own pets!”

For more fundraising ideas visit Cat Game Apps LLC.  The basic versions ofPet Royals and Pet Holidays are free and available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon.

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Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, animals, cats, dogs, holiday gifts, news, pet adoption, pet apps, pet care, publicity, Uncategorized

You deserve a break from Mickey D’s

update:   although I have seen this posted, I do NOT see it on McDonald’s website, NOT on their Facebook page, have only now finally seen it on Twitter…


posted by McDonald’s Corporation: “In our effort to spread the word about our new Chicken McBites, a local U.S. radio ad has inadvertently offended some of our customers. The ad was insensitive in its mention of pit bulls. We apologize. We are pulling the ad, and we’ll do a better job next time. It’s never our intent to offend anyone with how we communicate news about McDonald’s.”

they stlll sell crap and call it food…

Mcdonald’s offensive pit bull ad

and Jamie Olivers pink slime goo (what nuggets are made from)…

oh boy, how yummy… what is really in a chicken nugget…

what Cici and I say… is it Smarter to eat pink goo slime or Adopt a Pit Bull dog who will love you forever????  Obviously, the latter.


mcd’s ad 3

Call McDonald’s today …1-800-244-6227

and tell them politely that you are offended by their ad, will boycott until they pull it and that pit bulls are far safer than their pink goo slime…and that you do NOT appreciate them portraying pit bulls as not being safe to pet…

write to McD’s…


sign a petition



I wonder how they’ll promote their Chicken McBites now?

Maybe they’ll hire Michael Vick as a spokesman?

Chicken McBites ad BITES Mickey D’s IN THE ARSE...

WE ARE A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH…  thanks to all who called and wrote 

Pit Bulls Against McDonald’s



Filed under bigotry against dogs, boycott, dogs, media madness, pit bull, polka dot discrimination, prejudice against dogs, racism, Uncategorized

bye bye Internet, hello China?

Equally important to STOP is SOPA… they want to censor the Internet… because twitter and facebook have been so effective in bringing people together and they want to SHUT US UP…

Call Congress TODAY… Call/write your Reps and Senators… Remind them this is America not China and it is also BILL OF RIGHTS DAY and if they vote to censor the Internet, they are history…

They have proven to the US and the world that they CAN AND DO AGREE ON TYRANNY but NOT on JOBS… Expose their distractions, lies and hypocrisy TODAY…

the bill to criminalize the internet — 91 MILLION spent lobbying for it: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/dec/15/sopa-bill-congress-online-piracy

The Internet is under attack in Congress because some big corporations would rather stifle innovation online than compete against it.

That’s why the founders of Google, YouTube, Craigslist, and Wikipedia wrote that a bill being considered tomorrow by a powerful House committee “would have a chilling effect on innovation” and “give the U.S. Government the power to censor the web using techniques similar to those used by China.”

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. Click here to sign our emergency joint petition with social-news site reddit — telling Congress to protect the Internet. Then pass it on!

Overnight, thousands have signed.

Some background: YouTube started in a garage. If a big company like Viacom thought a video violated copyright law, Viacom couldn’t break YouTube’s links or force the kids who invented YouTube to spend millions in court.

Instead, under the law, Viacom would have to contact YouTube and allow YouTube to decide if the complaint had merit. YouTube had a “safe harbor” of time to voluntarily take down an infringing video without penalty.

Because of this due process, early investors in YouTube knew that big corporations couldn’t shut down YouTube or litigate YouTube to death. This allowed innovation to thrive.

But if the “Stop Online Piracy Act” passes Congress, all of this would change. Innovative sites could be taken down by others (including the government at the behest of big corporations) without due process — like in China…

Sign the Bold Progressives petition… call and write, tell your friends…

and don’t forget Obama, today URGENT…


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Filed under federal laws, grief, news, nonviolent communication, obama, occupation wall street

pit bulls rule the Internet

The good folks over at Mashable did a great blog post about 10 Animals With More Social Media Fans Than Major Media Outlets pages, http://mashable.com/2011/07/12​/animals-social-media/

All is good.

However, they left out all of the good pit bull pages with all of the many thousands if not millions of pit bull fans…

Today is one of four annual Blog the Change Days, where pet bloggers promote their favorite people, organizations, and events that improve the lives of animals in communities and all of the pit bull rescues and pages listed play their part… Send them some love, likes and licks !!! BOL…

This is a good subject for BLOG THE CHANGE… because pit bulls are too often Hairy Puppers who because of dog fighters and a bad reputation given to them by the lame stream media go through Deathly Harrowing experiences.

Of course, the cute and cuddly and funny animals were what they were talking about. And Patrick’s story started off kind of grim, being a Hairy Pupper. Although he is doing great now, about 48 pounds and a happy dog, he had been starved near death and thrown in the trash. Perhaps people who are fans of cute, cuddly and funny pets probably do not want to know about dogs like Patrick nor about pit bulls.

Still, Patrick has the MOST fans of all around the world, around the Internet. He has more Facebook pages and fans than many celebrities, not only more fans than the media pages. Patrick has 60-100 Fb pages … The Patrick Miracle page alone has about 110,000 fans.  How many celebrities have 60-100 facebook pages? And Patrick’s pages are all over the world from Canada, England, France, Germany, to Finland, Sweden, USA, many of the 50 states, and some of those have north and south or specific cities such as North and South Florida, North and South California, Philadelphia, and others.

The Vicktory dogs, former v-dogs, each have their own fb pages, Hector, Handsome Dan, Jhumpa, Cherry Garcia, Audie, and Vicktory 4 Cherry, and others with a few hundred to a few thousand fans each. And of course, we know the Bad Newz that they went through, and survived and are doing great. Seven are now therapy dogs. And many have earned their Canine Good Citizen certificates. They are adopted into loving homes, with kids, other dogs and cats and living a good news life now.

For a complete and updated status report on all of  the Victory Dogs:



There are also many individual pit bull pages including Tuna the Pit Bull and others.

tuna the pit bull


the pit bull princess


And there are folks devoted to changing the perception of pit bulls such as the Stubby Dog Project

The Pit Bull Propaganda Project

Beyond the Myth

Good Pit Bull stories

Love Like a Dog

My small contribution to this is:

America’s Nanny Dogs

And there are the pit bull rescue heroes such as:


Our Pack

Best Friends Animal Society

Jasmine’s House

and all the other pit bull rescues

the boycott sites are also filled with pit bull fans, including No Way Subway, which has 24,000 fans….

there are the stop and end bsl and bdl sites as well as other groups, adoption sites and shelters that do not have pit bull in their name…

There are many books about pit bulls on the Internet including The Lost Dogs book by Jim Gorant, The Pit Bull Placebo, and others.

pit bull groups and businesses…

there may be some overlap of fans on various pages… but I bet you cannot look through these pages and find stereotypical pit bulls and owners, can you?

the truth about pit bulls


a pit bull on my pillow


people for pit bulls


pit bulls — the other good dog


pit bull lovers gathering place


pit bulls for peace and love


two popular animal planet shows

Pit Bulls and Parolees, 145,000 fans


Pit Boss,  223,000 fans


ah, all of these positively pit bull pages, imagine !

and let’s not forget to count all of the twitterers, websites, and blogs about pit bulls…

such as @PitOwnr, @MentorPitBulls and many many others.

The Happy Pit Bull blog

The Real Pit Bull blog

Pit Bull Lovers Blog

Princess the Pit Bull

Of Pit Bulls and Patience

Cici says: Let’s face it. Pit bulls rule the Internet. People cannot get enough of our goofy, silly, sweet, loving, licky faces, quirky ways and waggy tails.

Woof !

petey the lil rascals, our gang mascot

It is now hop hop hop Saturday Blog Hop time, you know what to do, grab the code, thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume


Filed under all you need is a dog, animal abuse, animal communication, animal planet, animal rescue, animal stars, blog the change, blogging, boycott, breed specific laws, breeds, Little Rascals, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, Patrick, pet adoption, Uncategorized

Honor the dogs

just in case you think that Subway is being unfairly targeted/boycotted… consider this:  I just found this update on the link below that talked about sponsors that canceled but Subwway DID NOT cancel their sponsorship. They sponsored the Michael Vick reality show for the one season that it was on the air and now they “probably” will not sponsor the BET award next year. Meaning, they do not care what we think or how many customers they will lose by sponsoring M. Vick.

JUNE 2011 UPDATE: “The Michael Vick Project” went off the air last year after one season. On June 26, 2011, Vick received the Subway Sportsman of the Year Award at the BET Awards. Although Subway sponsored Vick’s reality show for its duration, a company representative said it was not involved in deciding who won the sportsman award. Due to the large amount of complaints the company has received, the rep said Subway will probably not sponsor the award again next year.

these companies supported Michael Vick’s reality show:  Checkers/Rally’s, hotwire, ford, mcdonald’s, 7up, lysol, subway, buick, KFC, Overture Films



Fourteen companies pulled their ads from BET’s The Michael Vick Project due to the amount of complaints they received.  Subway was NOT NOT NOT on the list of companies that pulled their ads… Subway has said that they are innocent re: BET awards but there is NO backpedaling from this… just saying… I guess they think we’re dumb and cannot read. well, Subway now what you got to say for yourself. Trying to cover up and LYING is worse than the original offense.

Now some people are starting to talk about boycotting all of the sponsors of the BET awards besides just Subway, to be fair, they want to be equal opportunity dog-cotters. Below is the info about the other sponsors of the BET awards (some, like Subway, were going to sponsor a failed M. Vick reality show too).  Is it enough to just boycott Subway? To single Subway out and target Subway? Is it fair to make local Subway shop owners pay for corporate’s mistake? Are you going to boycott the whole list of companies below?  Curious bloggers want to know.

I was going to post this as a note on Facebook but here I have more space.  It seems that team Vick is busy getting sponsorships lined up. Now for me, I don’t drink soda, nor coffee, do not do caffeine, and am not going to buy a Ford or a Nissan, and have issues with Domino’s because of lousy service (although since I complained, they have definitely made an effort at better customer service) so what do you think?  Are you going to boycott all of the companies who sponsor Vick? if so, for how long? Are you going to write/call all of them?

I admit it, I was angry about last week’s debacle in New Jersey where Vick sold autographs for $150 and 150 insane people actually paid for his signature. And what really ticked me off was that the protesters to this event were cordoned off and away from the store. So when I saw the info about the BET Awards, I was livid. Here we go again, oh no, not if I can help it. And now this boycott has snowballed from zero to more than 15,000 folks signing on board the No Way Subway page and almost 2000 on the Boycott BET page.

Yes, I think M. Vick should still be in jail and not lauded nor honored for anything. And I think that sending a message to these companies wallets/bottomline is important to show that WE MEAN BUSINESS and VOTE with OUR DOLLARS.  That if they want to sponsor sub-humans, they are going to pay a big price for it.  I also think that Chris Brown was an inappropriate honoree for what he did to  Rihanna and that violent video games should not be sold period and most especially not to children. And it seems that this could be a full-time occupation, dogging Vick at every turn.  Is that the way you want to spend your time?

For me, I want to honor the dogs… Sweet Jasmine, Ginger, Red, Stella, Cherry Garcia, Handsome Dan, Hector the Inspector, Georgia, Mel, Leo, Lucas, the little red dog, all of the dogs Vick brutalized and/or murdered. I want to HONOR the dogs. And tell the world about them. Seven of the dogs are now therapy dogs.

Jhumpa Jones just got her therapy certificate!

And many have been adopted to loving families and are living harmoniously, peacefully with other dogs, kids and even cats. For me, the dogs are the HEROES and deserve awards.  Also, their caretakers are HEROES, BadRap, Best Friends, Our Pack, Monterey SPCA and the others who loved and took care of these traumatized (often pancaked, too scared to move, eat or bark) dogs who they socialized, trained, fostered and adopted and helped these special dogs to become good Canine Citizens and the best ambassadors for their breed EVER.


Vote for Leo daily for the SPCA’s Hero Dog of the Year Award for Therapy Dogs. http://www.herodogawards.org/view-entries.html#search/leo

Here he is with his toys. For a dog who didn’t seem to really know what they were when we first got him, he’s got a great collection now!

Instead of dogging Vick at every turn, I want to HONOR the Dogs with Good Positive Publicity.

Ta da, the world famous Cherry (Belly) Garcia and his sister Madison were recently HONORED as STARS in Connecticut at the screening of the Beyond the Myth film about pit bulls.  Here is Cherry Garcia with his pal Titan.  Ok, am going to cry again, Cherry was one of the most abused of the bait dogs at Bad Newz and it has taken his wonderful parents and Madson a long time to help him be able to be with strangers so this film screening and being on TV was a BIG VICTORY FOR CHERRY (he has two facebook pages, one Cherry Garcia, the other Victory 4 Cherry).  How could ANYONE WITH A HEART look at that sweet face/eyes and hurt him????  Am soooo proud of this sweetheart of a dog.   He melts my heart. Cherry is the black dog on the left, in case you did not know and Titan is the white dog on the right.

Vick can go you know what, you know where. And he will get his in the end. I believe in karma. you sow what you reap. And he’s reaped plenty of really bad karma and the more accolades being thrown at him, the more money, fame, more awards he gets truly are a curse on him although it may not seem like it.  I gotta make peace with that because spending my time and energy on him makes me ill. I had nightmares before and don’t want to go there again.

So where do you draw the line in the sand? How do you decide who is going to be the next company to withdraw your dollars from? How are you going to spend your life, time and energy and dollars?  Just saying… For numerous reasons, for the most part, I don’t buy supermarket brands. I try to be selective as to who gets my dollars. And like with voting for elections sometimes you just gotta buy stuff you don’t think is the best because you just cannot afford the best. For instance, am going to start juicing and eat more fresh produce for my health. and I know organic is better. I also don’t know if I can get all the organic produce I want unless I grow it myself.  Questions to muse/consider and decide for yourself.

Peace out.  Do good.

dog cott everyone… HONOR THE DOGS…

Let the twittering begin! Follow  @Boycott_BET #BoycottBET #nosickvick

V7 – The Official Brand of Michael Vick – Coming Soon…

Here is the toll free number for leaving a comment for the BET network 1-800-711-1630…

For more than a decade, the BET AWARDS has reigned as the biggest family event rivaling all top awards shows.

I guess the plan then was as TV entertainment for families, for you and your children, here at BET we honor dog killers and women beaters, so that you can see how great it is to grow up to be psychopaths, too…  You too can make lots of money and win awards just like this one.

Read more: http://tv.broadwayworld.com/article/Coca-Cola-Dominos-And-More-Set-As-BET-Awards-11-Sponsors-626-20110625#ixzz1Qdgu5AKZ

the rest of the sponsors include Starbucks, Domino’s Pizza, Coca-Cola, Ford, and more.

Speaking of car companies, now another group is dog-cotting Nissan.

The Rally Against Michael Vick
Well, another Nissan dealer has partnered with Michael Vick – Lynchburg Nissan in Lynchburg, Virginia. Another reason to boycott all Nissan dealers. Nissan USA told me that they have no control over who their dealers do business with but now at least two Nissan dealers are in bed with Michael Vick. I don’t see any other car companies jumping on the Vick bandwagon, buy your cars from those companies instead.

Jeez, how did I miss this, it was on June 10th. But notice the sponsor was Lynchburg Nissan. When I boycotted Woodbury Nissan in NJ for using Vick in a commercial, the parent company assured me it was just a dealership decision. Now another Nissan dealer has partnered with him. Unbelievable.

Michael Vick – Virginia’s Finest Meet & Greet
Flyers, posters, and billboard to promote “Virginia’s Finest Meet & Greet”, an event put together by V7/Team Vick, sponsoring CVA Elite Youth Football.

Contact info for Lynchburg Nissan
Nissan Dealer in Forest Virginia – LYNCHBURG VA Nissan dealer BEDFORD VA Nissan dealer MADISON HEIGH
Lynchburg Nissan Forest Virginia 888-691-9608

Contact info for Nissan USA
NissanUSA.com – Contact

Press Release I Wrote and Sent about ubout Subway Boycott:




You would think that people would learn the lesson by now that the cover-up can be worse than the original mistake. Just ask Congressman Anthony Weiner. But some people and companies apparently have not gotten that memo yet.

Now it is Subway’s turn to learn. The sandwich shop giant contends that they innocently sponsored the recent BET awards and did not know who was being chosen for the Sportsmen of the Year Award (Michael Vick won the award).

Vick was one of five finalists winning out over Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Derrick Rose. Woman beater Chris Brown also won several BET awards.

Subway said this after more than 15,000 now former customers signed onto a Facebook page No Way Subway in a matter of hours vowing to boycott Subway. The dog lovers told Subway in no uncertain terms No Way would Subway get their dollars ANYMORE via email and phone calls.

Just in case you think that Subway is being unfairly targeted/boycotted, consider this:

Subway was one of the companies that supported Michael Vick’s failed reality show:  Checkers/Rally’s, Hotwire, Ford, Mcdonald’s, 7up, Lysol, Buick, KFC, Overture Films were others.

Major Sponsors Drop Michael Vick’s Reality Show


Fourteen companies pulled their ads from BET’s The Michael Vick Project due to the amount of complaints they received.  Subway was NOT on the list of companies that pulled their ads. Now what does Subway have to say besides the $5 foot-longs do not contain dog meat.

There is another page Boycotting BET and a petition to get Vick to give back the award.

Ironic that the convicted felon took the honors and Subway got the heat. Not the most well-thought out PR plan for a family food establishment to associate with and pay financial tribute to a well-known dog killer.

Subway Contact Information
Franchise World Headquarters
325 Bic Drive
Milford, CT 06461-3059 USA
Ph: 203.877.4281 -or-
Ph: 800.888.4848

# # #


Filed under animal abuse, badrap, best friends animal sanctuary, end dog racism, end dogfighting, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, pit bull, Uncategorized

historic way to start May

there is no better way to celebrate the end of Osama bin Laden, then BRINGING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!!!!

and when they do come home may they all be greeted like this from their fur babies…

These are the best videos of Homecoming, bring your Kleenex…  some really good links to articles, too…



PAKISTAN (WORKING DOGS) – It took 79 Navy Seals and one dog to kill Osama bin Laden in his compound in Pakistan. Read about different soldier dogs and what they do in the Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy Seals.

highlights from Twitter and Facebook:

Michael Moore…


What, Bush worry? Here’s what he has to say about Osama bin Laden: “I just don’t spend that much time on him.” http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/0
Cost of war to the U.S. since 2001: 1.2 trillion dollars…
Twitter first to deliver news of bin Laden’s death http://is.gd/0GqCEM
With #OsamabinLaden Dead, It’s Time to End the #WaronTerror http://ow.ly/4Lamk
Video of the celebration at Ground Zero http://flic.kr/p/9DLLxB
If he’s dead & AlQaeda not in Afghanistan, can we now end the occupation, quit bombing civilians/weddings & bring our troops home?
@petershankman: Trump makes official statement, asking for release of Bin Laden’s death certificate.
me: Osama Bin Laden keeled over when he saw Obama’s birth certificate?


Trump Card: White Denial, Racial Resentment and the Art of the Heel
#OsamaBinLaden dead, Dallas mayor Dwayne Caraway calls for his body to be awarded “key to the city”.

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Filed under John Lennon, Support Our Troops, Uncategorized, War is Over

her cuteness…

i was feeding her some bones the other day that I did not want her to chew up quickly, swallow too much of and choke on. she is very greedy and does not seem to want to chew them as much as I’d like her to. I thought that was what bones are good for dogs. oh well, here’s some photos from that fiasco. what do you think, she enjoyed the treat or not?  perhaps these photos show off a little bit more of her personality than previous photos?


she makes me laugh, every day.  Now she’s been sleeping in her chair bed the last few nights, guess she read all those stupid tweets about how sleeping with our dogs is bad for us humans. It is great for me to be able to stretch out and have the bed all to myself and I miss cuddling with her cuteness at night. Oh well…

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Filed under canine cuteness, dog treats, silly dog, sleeping with your dog

twitter anyone?

you can meet fun people on the Internet, twitter, facebook, blogging…  networking…

and other pet bloggers are a very interesting bunch… some are authors, trainers, groomers, communicators, animal rescuers, pet product company spokespeople or just plain old dog owners. some have one dog, like me, others, a bunch of canines.

Edie Jarolim, is one such lady who I follow on Twitter. Her tweets are always fun, interesting and sometimes downright howlarious… so one day I clicked on over to her blog,

A guilt-free zone for good dog owners

http://willmydoghateme.com/,  and found out she has written a book called Am I Boring My Dog? and 99 Other Things Every Dog Wishes You Knew…

after reading her posts, I wanted more, so I got a copy of the book.

indeed, it’s a wow-ser!

didn’t really know what to expect, except I hoped it would be fun like her blog and imagine, IT IS !

maybe you have a dog, or have dreamed of getting one, for sure you know other people in those categories, so get this book!  it answers basic questions such as should I get a mixed breed or a purebred, what should I call my dog, why should I get a dog rather than a cat, how do I know my child is ready for a dog, and outrageous others such as is there such a thing as a dog travel agent, a doggie shrink, and will my dog hate me if I dress her (YES!)…and do all dogs get grumpy when they get old?

and the best part is it is easy to read in small bits of time, because it is organized into bite-sized pieces, so if you are hurrying around for the howlidays and don’t have a spare second, no worries. This book provides practical info while making you chuckle, all in a short amount of time, no small feat.

cici and I especially enjoyed the section on  Fun and Games on the Road.

love the dog you’re with, and treat the dog owners in your life with this Erma Bombeck meets Victoria Stillwell read.

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Filed under all you need is a dog, comedy, dog travel, dogs

dog mansions and pooch food banks…

these two realities exist side by side in our current time… people who spend extravagantly and those who help others in need… can’t help but think what if the owners of the pooch palaces were to give to others as extravagantly as they do to their pooches, this economic recession could be over tomorrow… hmmmm….

thanks to Guy Kawasaki’s tweet, which linked to womans day magazine feature, which shows a french chateau, mexican hacienda and other doggie palaces for pampered pooches…


kudos to K9 cuisine’s donation to pet food bank …



Filed under dog crazy, pet care