Category Archives: women writers with dogs

Love bites

love bites. Ok not talking about vampire romances or zombies dating. Am talking about the fact that there are people who get love marks on their necks (and other body parts) and I cannot think of the name of them at the moment. That is how out of touch I am with a love life.

My day revolves around a certain dog who wanted an encounter with a skunk this morning. No, thanks. Been there, done that. And in Cici-ville, you know all is upside down since that is her perspective from lying on her back looking at the world.

Photo on 2014-01-26 at 13.54 #3

Anyway, romance is not supposed to be dead for those of us over a certain age (50 or even 60). In fact, I wrote a press release for Dr Christiane Northrup, a wonderful woman’s doctor, who had proof that women get hotter and sexier as they age. And our peak sex lives are supposed to happen as we enter our Golden Years.

OK. well, as usual I guess I am missing out on the trend.  I never did get REALLY married (well, I did for four years) but I am talking about FALLING IN LOVE, TRUE LOVE marriage for 10 years PLUS with my Prince Charming, I have been divorced for 15+ years now and Cici has been my only companion. That is sad, don’t you think?

So to add a little spice to my life (and yours maybe), I am going to write about my romantic life or lack thereof, attempts to write about romance and singlehood as a pet guardian. I will also include travel into the mix. Just thought that I would warn you that I am going to be taking this left turn into a new topic arena. Just in case you are interested, have tips, advice and/or are offended by romantic/sexy topics. Not graphic nor erotic stuff. Do not want to invite voyeurs, perverts or child molesters onto this blog. Anyone with an unhealthy appetite can leave now. Thank you very much.

But if you are willing to go along on a new track with me, hop on the bus, Gus. And don’t fuss about it. And if you think Baby Boomers, seniors and old people do not have a love life, think again. Valentine’s Day is soon upon us and we expect flowers and chocolates. We will be posting about love gifts for your dog and for the pet guardians as well as romantic retreats that are also pet friendly (our annual Valentine’s Day gift guides).

I have been trying to get through writing ONE romantic comedy book for awhile now. Think Jennifer Crusie meets Janet Evanovich meets Ciciville. Well, I had some of the elements down that I want in the book. But so far, I have changed the locale four times, from Las Vegas, to a made up town in Arizona based upon an actual town in Arizona, to 29 Palms and now we have landed on Virginia City, NV. Back to Nevada.

The setting is because it is about a romance blooming in the desert. And it has ghosts, a haunted B&B, that was a former house of ill repute, and a dog that goes humping everyone’s leg in the night. The heroine has two romantic interests. One her boss, Editor/Publisher of the newspapers she works for. Oh no no, you did not. Yes I did. And a new reporter. The two of them are to write dueling columns about a topic, to bring the gender wars into focus, gin up controversy and to sell newspapers. She is not sure how she feels about any of it. And she has two old aunties, who raised her, who think she is getting married to a dog. She IS planning a BIG gala dog wedding to raise funds for the local animal shelter. But her aunties are Lucy and Ethel on steroids. So what do you think? Would you read a book like this?  If I can get passed Chapter 3, perhaps you will be able to do so.


I am also working on the format for the California Travels with Cici guide I wrote, a new travel guide (much smaller) for the Southwest USA, and a chronic pain guide with a pit bull perspective. Perhaps one of these days, I will actually complete ONE of them or ALL of them. It would help a lot to have an agent. But in order to get an agent, I have to complete ONE book. Self-publishing is probably my best option.

In the meantime, if you have any thoughts about dating a dirty old lady (never mind), seniors dating, dogs dating, over the hill writers writing romance novels, (Grandma Moses was in her 90’s when she painted her first painting), then please feel free to comment below (keep it clean). thanks.

oh yeah, love bites… hickeys.  That is what I was trying to remember, the word hickey. Do you think it will be in the dictionary? When you were a kid did you look up all of the dirty words in the dictionary like we did?  what do you know, it was in the dictionary. Bad dictionary. Sit. Stay. Now Go Fetch me the rest of the plot for this book I am writing. Now I definitely have to include hickeys in it, don’t you think?

paw heart

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Filed under Adventure, all you need is a dog, blogging, dog kisses, dogs, romance, self help, travel with dog, travelwriting, true love, women with dogs, women writers with dogs, writing

is your dog working today?

Cici is on the job, as she is every day, here at home… asleep, on the couch or bed, or right now in the kitchen checking out the scraps on the floor… she just finished her bone… soon she will nap, then get a bath (shhhhhh, do not tell her)… here she is researching the news for me…

Photo 603

hey, it worked for Edgar Cayce… 

how about your pooch, are they doing important work today on Bring your Dog to work day???

In good company… Bo Obama also gets to work at home every day at the White House with the President…





dog bake



Pets Best Insurance Top 7 Reasons to Bring Your Dog to the Office

1. They won’t be doing the potty dance waiting for you to get home.

2. You don’t have to pay for doggy day care.

3. You get a mental break and fresh air during their potty breaks (as long as you’re up wind).

4. They make awkward noises and instantly lighten the mood.

5. You can blame that smell on your dog.

6. Your boss just might throw you a bone!

7. Need a smile, just look at their face.

Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop  link



Filed under creativity, dog friendly, dogs, first dog Obama family, funny, justforlaughs, K9 approved, keep pets safe, pet blog hop, pet care, pet insurance, Uncategorized, women writers with dogs

Dogs are a woman’s best friend


It does not take a genius to figure out that dogs can bring companionship, comfort and a good reason to exercise into your life. They will protect you from harm and stand by you during hard times and weather. For those of us who are single women, who are coming home to an empty home or apartment, it is comforting to be greeted by a bunch of wet kisses and tail wags. Someone there to greet you and make the world a friendlier place to live. A best friend. And it also is great to have a travel companion who is always ready for adventure.

But here are a few more benefits that having a dog when you are single can bring.

1. Dogs ARE unconditional love. Guys lie, cheat, steal and break  your heart. Not ALL guys but there are some real FROGS out there in the single universe. And despite our starry eyes and rose colored glasses, when we overlook BIG RED FLAGS (our friends and family usually don’t but how often do we listen to them?) and inherent warts and flaws, we are going to have trouble with a capital T. But your puppy will sniff out trouble and LOVE you always even if you leave her alone to go out on a date with a creepy frog.

2.  Dogs keep you active, young and fit. You do not always want to exercise. That is a massive understatement. You get home from work, before work, on the weekends, you just want to kick back and DO NOTHING, remain or become a couch potato. But when you have a dog, you MUST walk them several times a day.  And you may even take them for hikes and swims on the weekend, so that they get to zoom around. In the process, you get those endorphins flowing too. If you have a Jack Russell Terrier, Golden Retriever or other big dog, they are going to give you a workout like you have never had at a gym.

3.  Enhance your single life. At the dog park, traveling with your dog and all around town, you are going to attract and meet other people. People with dogs. Cute, single guys with dogs. Other women with dogs. All kinds of people with dogs. You will even get to know your neighbors. You have something in common and naturally have a topic of conversation. Much better than awkward encounters at bars, cruises, dances or blind dates. Even if you spend most of your life online, you will meet other people with dogs, especially if you write a dog blog and get involved with pet groups, blog hops and other activities on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere.  And who knows, Prince Charming just might have a dog, too.

4.  Your dog is a good judge of character. Canines cannot help themselves. They are gregarious and social creatures. And they do NOT think twice about flirting with and going up to total strangers with a friendly tail wag and kisses. Your dog may be just the right magnet for meeting men, the kind of men who are reliable, loyal, faithful and good catches. Just the kind of men you want to MEET.  Now some of them may be married guys but some will also be single. And guys can’t lie about their looks, when you meet them in person.  You will still need to be selective but our dogs know the difference between good people and ones with nefarious motives. So if your dog likes the guy, (or growls every time she sees him), you might want to take notice and either give the guy the benefit of your doubts or stay far far away or give them the boot.

5. Dogs just want to have FUN. They love to have FUN and adventures and will get you OUT of the house and to the beach, park, pet friendly winery, and shopping mall. You no longer have to settle for meeting men online, through friends, and at desperate single places (speed dating, ugh). You and your dog are going to experience all the fun activities that your town and city have to offer and then move on to other places. As traveling companions, you will get to know all the HOT spots and great places to meet truly eligible single men just by following your dog’s nose. Canines are so good at sniffing out the good ones. And what red-blooded man can resist talking to a woman eating with her dog at an outdoor patio or a woman and her dog romping at the beach. Your dogs will like one another. You will meet someone mature and responsible enough to take care of another creature, someone who have share something in common with, a kind soul, a kindred soul and the rest will be ahhhhhh romantic history.



6. Love is a many splendored dog. Your dog’s breed may be a Heinz 57 pound pup or shelter dog, but if your dog belongs to a recognized breed, even if they are mixed (two recognizable breeds), you have something in common with a bunch of folks who also have dogs of a particular breed. Strike up the band to meeting pug lovers, daschund hounds and/or pit bull aficionados and your match may truly end up in doggie heaven. If your guy loves animals, is kind to animals, and has a dog that looks just like your dog, you could even win a contest (for two people who look just like their dogs and fell in love). And you might just meet at a pug conference, rescue operation or pug show/event. Is that Kismet or Pugmet or what?

7. Your dog will eliminate the frogs for you. A frog who is just out for a romp in the sack is not going to like sharing his bed with a dog, offer to take care of your dog when you are sick or on vacation, or deal with canine comes with the territories such as shedding, rolling in poop, barfing and/or other stinky adventures, never mind understand why you are worried about your pooch and need to get them to the Vet ASAP, or FIND THEM if they are LOST. If the guy is mean to your dog in any way, hurts your dog, abuses your dog, RUN DO NOT WALK AWAY (and call the Police and press charges). If he wants you to get rid of your dog, take them to the shelter/pound or give the dog away, you KNOW that the guy is NOT NOT NOT a keeper, definitely NOT husband material and NOT NOT NOT for you.

8. Dogs can be good babysitters. Not all dogs. And some dogs that you would not expect, like pit bulls (America’s nanny dogs). If you are a single mom and have a dog, both will repel frogs who could not care less about babies, children and pets. While some dogs are very good with children, NEVER leave a baby or child alone with a dog.

9. Dogs want to please you. Some guys do not bring you flowers, write poems, sing songs or dance with you. Even if they are good guys. Guys may not clean house, nor want to go shopping with you, listen to you nor want to go to the cleaners, salon or grocery store. But your dog will do whatever they can do to please you. and if that includes companionship, dogs are right there, on board, in the car and ready to go.

10. Dogs are less expensive than men. Think about it. You do not have to get dressed up, put on make-up nor impress your dog. Your dog is already impressed because you feed them, walk with them and play with them. Ok, you do have to buy pet food, treats, toys and bones and vet care but how much do you have to spend on dates? Maybe you cook for your guy, share some of the expenses of your dates, and if you have a frog, are paying more than your fair share. Add up the cost of clothes, make-up, food, gas, phone bills, gifts for birthdays and anniversaries and movies and compare them to your doggie expenses. Are you paying too much? Also add up the emotional price of dating frogs and/or looking for your one and only in the wrong places and you may wanna stick to your dog like glue and let your dog help you find your perfect match.

11. With a dog you are never alone.  One can be a lonely number. If you have a dog, you will always have someone to come home to. Someone to talk to who may not understand when you are mad, sad, or complaining but will love you anyway. Your dog wants to be with you always, even escorts you to the bathroom. A dog will make you laugh, makes a great snuggle/cuddle partner, keeps your toes warm, comforts you when you are not feeling well or are just plain blue and inspires hope that you will find Prince Charming and/or Live Your DREAMS, whatever they are.






Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop  link





Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animal rescue, dog friendly, dog kisses, dog parks, dog travel, dogs, exercise your dog, four paws up, K9 approved, pet adoption, pet blog hop, pit bull, sleeping with your dog, Uncategorized, women with dogs, women writers with dogs

Cupid Canines

The way to a Woman’s Heart is not Diamonds, hearts, flowers, candy or balloons…

As Valentine’s Day approaches ,

according to a survey conducted by PetPlan Pet Insurance of more than 4,300 American Pet Parents, 66% of women said they would rather receive Valentine’s kisses from their four-legged friends than their two-legged sweethearts.

And that’s not all. Petplan’s survey reveals that 67% of FEMALE Pet Parents would end a relationship with a significant other if their partner clashed with their pet, and nearly 60% of women plan to spend more on their four-legged loves than their human lovers this Valentine’s Day. Move over diamonds – it looks like Pets are a WOMAN’s Best Friend !


MEN picked their partners over their pets in every category; nearly 60% said kisses would be sweeter from their significant other, and nearly 70% plan to spend the most money on their two-legged honeys this February 14. Less than half of the men surveyed said they would leave a partner who didn’t connect with their pet.

Despite these differences, men and women agreed that their pets make a cute Cupid; 68% polled say their dogs and cats bring them and their significant others closer. And the overwhelming majority (81%) of pet parents plans to give their fur-kids a special gift for Valentine’s Day. (Our annual Valentine’s Day Gift Guide will be posted soon)… lots of goodies for pet parents and their pooches.

“When it comes to our pets, we wear our hearts on our sleeves,”

This Valentine’s Day…

Give your Fur Friend a Healthy GOO Glow !

Thank you Healthy Goo for all your Hard Work and for this blog post.

and here are some savvy tips on how to find love in all the right doggie places…

Cupid Costume for Your Dog

Cici would destroy this homemade costume in 2 minutes or less…  (video)


what do you think, is your pet your best friend and are you buying them a gift and/or dressing them up for V-DAY???


Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop  link


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Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animals, cats, dogs, four paws up, gifts for your dog, pet blog hop, Uncategorized, Valentine's Day, women with dogs, women writers with dogs

Pet Blogger Challenge 2013

Welcome… If this is the first you’ve heard of the Pet Blogger Challenge and you’d like to participate, you can find the questions in this post.

Questions for Repeat Offenders

1. How long have you been blogging and provide a link to your post from last year’s Pet Blogger Challenge so we can refresh our memories.

I have been blogging about five years, how is that possible??? wow, and here is last year’s post…

2. What do you consider the most important goals you set out in last year’s post?

having fun writing, every day, ok, well, been slacking on the writing every day blog posts but I did start a couple of other blogs this past year, too, so there… pfffttt to my inner critic…

3. Have you made progress toward those goals, or have your goals changed over the past year?

I think that writing good quality blog posts is important for my blogs and I’ve expanded the content/focus of what I’ve wanted to write about this year… eclectic… particularly important to me were political issues that popped up and felt important to me… so I added my voice to women’s issues that people were talking about and of course, the presidential election that went on forever. All in all, I think as a writer being flexible and willing to change, also as a human being at this time of momentous change on the planet, is important… so going with the flow of my passions and what needs expressing should be in there in my goals.

I now have between 300-500+ visitors a day, sometimes 1,000, my biggest day was 8,878 or something CRAZY (up from 200-300 a day) and I’ve definitely expanded the groups, people, I communicate with on a regular basis. And I’ve had a number of folks guest blog for me which is always FUN.

4. How often do you post?

As I said above, the goal has been to blog every day, but I have cut down to maybe 3-4 times a week, except when unusually inspired. Branching out to other subject matter leaves less time, too.

5. Has your opinion of blogging on a schedule or as the spirit moves you changed?

Don’t think it has changed much. As a writer, it is good discipline to write every day about SOMETHING.

If you don’t publish on a schedule, why? How do you think your decision affects your audience? How do you know when a topic is “post-worthy?”

6. How much time do you spend writing your blog per week? How much time visiting other blogs? Share your tips for staying on top of it all.

It ebbs and flows… average, I’d say it takes 10-20 hours a week writing and maybe 3-5 hours visiting other blogs.

7. How do you measure the success of a post and of your blog in general (comments, shares, traffic)? Do you look strictly at the numbers, or do you have a way of assessing the quality of those interactions?

Hmmm, good question. I look at numbers and comments AND I think how often do people interact with me (on a regular basis, every blue moon) counts too. Sometimes I am passionate about the topic or think something is hysterically funny or interesting and no one else does, ok, I can live with that. And there are always controversies that brew up and create lots of traffic out of nowhere. Sometimes that is a real pain frankly. And sometimes it is affirming. So quality depends upon who I am interacting with and how I value them.  Are they credible or some troll ?  Is it another writer/blogger or a fly by night visitor?  I LOVE that I have almost 200 subscribers and would like that number to increase, of course to 2,000, then I will know that I have ARRIVED… LOL…

I watched a movie about the author Jackie Suzanne last night. She wrote Valley of the Dolls in the 70’s and a few other books. What was inspiring to me as a writer was how she sold her books everywhere and made her book #1. She created her own opportunities and went for what she wanted in a BIG way. She had chutzpah and created a public persona. Ok, writing diva here I come, LOL…

8. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one issue you’re having with your blog, what would it be?

Another great question. I’d love people’s input on topics they find that generate the most comments/traffic at their blog. I prefer to focus on POSITIVE topics and not so much on cuteness of my dog… AND there is a time and a place for funny photos. where do YOU get your funny photos and pet news (besides from living with your furry friends)??? How can my blog be more relevant, I guess. Since Cici and I are not traveling much anymore, does it matter that I do not write that much about traveling anymore, do you care?  thanks.

9. What goals do you have for your blog in 2013?

My blog is helping to expand my writing opportunities (income and creative-wise). It is becoming more innovative and FUN to read. More pertinent and relevant. And I’d love to have my blog have more impact, positive impact, upon how animals/pit bulls are treated and seen by the public at large. It is important for me that Cici is seen as a great ambassadog, even when she is being naughty. And to make more friends with people who blog and writers who blog about writing/romance fiction.



Whew, we survived another Pet Blogger Challenge… now join the fun, thanks to Amy at Go Pet Friendly for this year’s …


Filed under breed specific laws, pet adoption, pet blog hop, pet care, pet travel, pit bull, politics, wild women, women writers with dogs

doggie bakery and ice cream truck

ahhh I have  found a new profession…dog baker

I tried making the treats but did it wrong, no matter, they came out to be a cake with peanut butter and cici still likes them…

all I’d need is a truck with a kitchen… or not… I could do a doggie ice cream truck…

Lu & Wally’s Sweet Potato & Flax Wheat-Free

The ingredients:

1 medium sweet potato (1/2 cup)

1 egg

1/2 cup flaxseed meal

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup rice flour

The directions:

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Microwave sweet potato until soft and mashable.   (About 5 minutes, but maybe more, depending on the size of your potato.)

3. Cut sweet potato in half and scoop 1/2 cup of potato.

4. In a medium bowl, combine sweet potato, egg, flax meal and cinnamon.

5. Stir until well blended and then add the rice flour.

6. Stir until a soft dough forms.

7. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface.   With your hands, or a rolling pin, press the dough into a rectangle that is 1/4″ thick.

8. With a pizza cutter or a knife, cut the dough into 1/2″  x 1/2″  squares.  We were able to get 96 squares out of this batch.

9. Transfer the squares to a baking sheet.

10. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

Makes approximately 8 dozen 1/2″ dog treats.


what mine looks like sort of…


now these muffins sound ugh/disgusting anyway

carrot bacon muffins for dogs 


3 Cups of Unbleached flour

1 Tbs Baking powder

1/2 Cup of Butter

6 Eggs

1/2 Cup of olive Oil

2 Jars of chicken baby food

2 Cups Shredded or chopped carrots

3 Strips of cooked bacon or ham


Combine butter, eggs, oil, baby food and

carrots in a large bowl. Mix well. Slowly add the

flour and baking powder. Pour batter into a well

greased muffin pan. Cut up a few cooked bacon

slices and place on top of the muffins. I used

two to three pieces of bacon on each muffin.

Bake at 350 degrees for sixty minutes. I

suggest checking the muffins at the fifty minute

mark as all ovens are different! After two or

three days store in an airtight container.

none of these really fit but did not know how to make my own…

Dog travel writer

what strangers think I do

what friends think I do

what I think I do

what B&B owners/hotel owners think I do

what PR agencies think I do

what my dog thinks I do

will fill in when my computer behaves again…


If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help get the woof out by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook. Thank you! Cici the Polka Dot Princess and CS



Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with Dogs,Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code…


Filed under all you need is a dog, blogging, dog travel, dog treats, dogs, K9 travel, pet blog hop, pet care, pet food, pet friendly dining, pet travel, Uncategorized, women writers with dogs, writing

wild about cici

I get emails from folks wanting me to hawk their products all the time, from dog food to books that have nothing to do with dogs to all sorts of weird and sundry items. A few months ago, someone said they would send me a gift t-shirt but they did not have my size in any of the t-shirts I picked out. Never heard from them again.

So then I get an email from Deborah from Three Dogz products. And I was cranky as usual. But she persevered kindly and invited me to go to her website and pick out a t-shirt that she would send to me as a sample. After going back and forth via email with questions, I finally picked out a color and a saying I liked. She said that she would send along a little something extra, too.

Imagine my surprise then when I received a package that was like dog mom xmas in july… not only did she send me one t-shirt, not two, not three, but FOUR t-shirts, two organic ones, with various sayings, one polka dotty one with Wild About Cici on it, customized, in other words, plus a mouse pad and a matching coffee/tea coaster (smaller one). Plus there was “Just Enough” Paw Print Tissue for gift bags as well as the “Ribbon by the Yard”. “The Wild About Cici” shirt (which comes with a matching doggie shirt) was sent with a matching window decal and a couple of bandanas for Cici so we could match!  Talk about going the extra mile.  Four paws up !

I love her website, too. It is very user friendly and has lots of options to choose from, with a bunch of different colors to sizes to sayings. And all sorts of items. There are even breed specific love t-shirts and products. And t-shirts for doggie dads, too.

And the shirts are nice quality and fit.  Look at this one…

What are you waiting for? Check it out.  And tell Deborah that Cici and I sent you.

I’m just wild about Cici, she’s not being so wild about me, but that’s another story… if/when some time today I can get the most awesome polka dot princess in the universe to wear her bandana and pose for a photo, I will post it right here so that I can utilize the photo for tonight’s Saturday Blog Hop … or not, we shall see… she has not been very cooperative this week…ok here is the bug, best I could do,


anyway, did you hear about the coyote who went into the Quizno’s store in Orange county (near LA)? On the news last night… must have been a boycotting Subway coyote, k9 solidarity !!!

well, Cici, August 1 is her birthday and she will be FIVE YEARS OLD already… created a wish list at Giving Paw if anyone wants to give her a gift, she would love a new collar, leash, bed and so on… thanks !

Now it is time for the Saturday Blog Hop, so here we go, hopping thanks to Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions from the Plume and catch the code here


Filed under gift giving, gifts for your dog, pet blog hop, pet care, product review, publicity, Uncategorized, women with dogs, women writers with dogs

holiday tips for the road

If you are going to the Rapture today, have a great time…

Cici and I had fun driving around for two years… these are a few things that kept us safe and sane. With Memorial Day weekend coming up, these tips are helpful for holidays and can also be good for summer travel with your pooches.

l.  Comfy and cozy and restrained. I had Cici all set up in the back seat with her own blankets and bedding, toys and bones to chew on. Familiar stuff. She could stretch out and snooze while I drove. Or gnaw on bones. Whatever she felt like doing was ok with me because she was out of the way. No coming up into the front of the car or sitting beside me. I did not strap her in but now have a harness for her that attaches to the seat belt which I will use when/if we go on another road trip.  We have been invited back east in June, not sure yet if we will go.

2.  Speaking dog language. I sing songs to her, making them up as I go along. She has learned that when I sing the beach song that means we are going to the beach and she perks up. Or when I sing the doggie park song, she’ll be ready to play with doggie pals. One of the sweetest sounds is the yum yum song, meaning we’re gonna go eat some food. Salivation.

3. Give me a potty break. I take frequent breaks/stops along the way to our destinations and often times intentionally stop at places I know that she will enjoy, if possible. Beaches, dog parks, pet friendly wineries as well as shopping malls and pet stores. When we have the time to do this, it definitely breaks up the monotony of the road and makes the traveling easier and more fun.

4.  Time and traffic. We usually were not in a rush to get anywhere, so our time schedule was flexible. If we had to be somewhere at a certain time, I’d leave more than enough time to get there. When traveling on a holiday weekend, go a day or two ahead if you can or a day or two later to avoid the rush hour traffic.  Same with summer travel. Be aware of times when traffic gets jammed up and take a different route, if possible.

5. Unexpected things will always happen so prepare and expect an adventure. Bring car oil, gas can, a flashlight, a spare tire, camping gear, water, extra dog food and treats, towels, pillows, clothing, extra cash or credit card and other items you might need (shampoo, scissors, bandages, ointments and creams and oils) just in case.

6.  Maps and driving directions. Keep in glove compartment. I am not always good about this. I know the general direction or city/place and then get there and not know where to go and have to search online or on my computer. Keep phone numbers and addresses handy, too.  If you have a cell phone/I-phone, probably makes this easier. I have yet to succumb to the 21st century on this one but if you are traveling alone, especially in desolate areas such as the desert, having a cell phone is a good idea. Hopefully, there is a connection/dial tone when you need to use it.

7.  Be a good guest. Bring your best manners with you. And pet waste bags. If renting a car, cover the seats with sheets and keep your pooch in a crate or harnessed to a dog bed in the back seat. Let the fur fly somewhere else than in the rental car or you might have to pay a hefty fee. Also, be sure of the rental car company’s pet policy before you get to the rental counter. At the pet friendly inn, hotel, motel, B&B or campground, find out ahead of time their do’s and don’ts, nearby places to visit including restaurants where you can take your pooch and fun dog friendly activities in the area.

8.  Be considerate. Not everyone loves dogs and some people are afraid of dogs. And they don’t have to nor do some like pit bulls and other big dogs. And they do not have to either. Of course, rude comments, aggressive behavior and insults are not acceptable and discrimination is unwarranted. But if your dog is well behaved, does not run up to strangers, knock babies over, lick kid’s ice cream cones,  bark or yap incessantly, share fur and drool everywhere or jump up on tables, people and furniture, a better time will be had for all. Make sure your fur baby is a good ambassador for the breed and species.

9.  Accidents may happen. Bring your vet’s phone number, medical records, ID tags, photos of your pet and other info with you, just in case. Also any medications and a pet first aid kit (like the green one we suggested).

10.  One is the loneliest number. Dogs do not like to be left alone in a hotel room, strange places or even in the familiar confines of your car. Do not ever leave your four legged friend unattended in a parked vehicle. On warm days, the temperature in your vehicle is unbearable, 120 degrees, even with the windows slightly open. In addition, your pet could be taken away by unscrupulous pet thieves looking to make a quick buck.

11.  Does your Dog Have a License? If you and your dog are going to share the driving, be sure that they have their Pet’s Driver’s License. Kidding but Cici does now have her Pet Driver’s License, with all her ID listed on it plus a photo of her on it. Between this, her collar ID tag, microchip registered, she is all set to get up and go. Cannot wait for someone to ask for my driver’s license, I will definitely show them hers.

Now it’s time to take a Blog Hop road trip catching dogs with Life with Dogs and Two Cavalier Dogs online, here be the code


Filed under AAA, Adventure, auto club, blog hop, dog travel, driving, happy holidays, K9 travel, pet travel, pit bull, rental cars, Uncategorized, women travel, women writers with dogs

Pacific Grove: hiking with your dog

Cici has a new doggie friend, a Jack Russell named ANGEL. they played fetch at the park. Mostly, Cici tried to take Angel’s ball away from her and chewed on and hid the ball… but it was great for her to PLAY and BE A DOG…

and it was fabulous to see the new photos of Patrick just being a dog,

Below, is an article I wrote for Coastal Canine Magazine. Good for me to just be a writer… no drama.

Asilomar Coastal Trail
by CeliaSue Hecht

Nothing beats walking your dog along the Asilomar Coastal Trail along Sunset Drive in Pacific Grove. “Asilomar” is Spanish for “a refuge by the sea.” Once you have walked this coastal trail, you will know how fitting the name is.

Breathe in the fresh ocean breezes, enjoy the sight of the waves lapping the craggy rocks, and hear the pounding surf, while your dog walks alongside the narrow trail beside you. This hike is easily accessible from Pacific Grove. There is a bright yellow “Asilomar State Park” sign at the trailhead. The trail is a mile long and ends at Asilomar State Beach.

To the right, the trail turns into a wooden boardwalk with a bridge that takes you to a rustic wooden gazebo and overlook. To the left is a decomposed granite trail that follows the rocky coastline taking you past tidepools, sandy dunes, native plants, small coves, and several small beaches that are especially nice during low tide.

Dogs are to be on leash but will enjoy exploring every inch of the trail with their noses. They love smelling the fragrant beach sagewort and other native beach plants.

Depending upon the time of day, you may see a lot of people or only a few. You can take your time and enjoy a casual stroll or pick up the pace for a fast, vigorous hike. On one visit, we contemplated the roaring waves leaping and crashing over rocks, and saw seagulls, pelicans and other seabirds. If you are lucky, you may also spot deer grazing along the trail or sea otters foraging along the coast.

We made our way towards the end of Asilomar Beach, where we watched surfers riding the waves. Here, the vast expanse of wet sand truly beckons dogs. Dogs must be leashed while on the state beach, but just beyond the border, about 100 yards from the road, is the start of Spanish Bay Beach where dogs can romp off leash, play fetch the frisbee or ball, swim in the shallow surf, or dig in the sand. Canine heaven.

This is a fairly moderate, flat hike. At times, the trail ascends up and curves around. There are no restrooms or water available, so be prepared. There is a dispenser of ‘Mutt Mitts’ for your convenience. If you plan to visit in the afternoon or early evening as the weather cools off, you might want to bring a sweater.

Getting there: Take Del Monte Avenue from Monterey through the tunnel into Pacific Grove. Now you are on Lighthouse Avenue. Continue on Lighthouse, past the Shell Gas Station until the street dead-ends at the Point Pinos Lighthouse and the golf course. Here, you might see deer chomping on the grass. Take a left onto Asilomar Avenue and the second right onto Jewell Avenue. Jewell Avenue takes you to Sunset Drive, which goes along the ocean. Take a left onto Sunset. About 50 feet down is where the coastal hiking trail begins. You can park anywhere along Sunset Drive. There is no parking here from midnight to 5 a.m.

CeliaSue Hecht is a published freelance writer. Her work has been featured in more than 40 publications. She has a dog travel blog called Have Dog Blog Will Travel and assists business owners in getting published.

Saturday Blog Hopping time with Life with Dogs and here is the Blogging Hopping Code …


Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, blog hop, Pacific Grove, Patrick, Uncategorized, women with dogs, women writers with dogs, writing

a GRAND project…






a GRAND Project…

since NO ONE deserves to be exiled in a shelter, not animals nor humans… am putting out that women of means over 50, women like Oprah, Suze Orman, Shirley MacClaine, Tina and others support women with low and no income over 50 with pets… giving a new leash on life… One on one, a woman of means can Adopt a Woman and help her get back on her feet, ( giving her a strong support system)…

the mission is to create a community of women supporting one another…

l. Eco friendly Home/B&B with gardens …. each woman has her own room and bathroom (whenever possible)… and works a rotating job on site such as answering phones, taking reservations, tending the gardens, housecleaning, pet sitting and dog walking, fencing the property, doing construction, renovation and home improvement tasks as needed…

2. RV/Mobile home park, each woman has her own RV/mobile or park model and works a rotating job on site such as answering phones, taking reservations, tending the gardens, pet sitting and dog walking…

3. Yurt Motel, each woman has her own Yurt and works a rotating job on site such as answering phones, taking reservations, tending the gardens, pet sitting and dog walking…

In addition, women can choose to train a dog from an animal shelter/rescue to give the dog manners and get the dog adopted…

If you are a 501c3 organization (animal rescue, shelter or other), pet business owner, have land you would like to invest in a GRAND project or would like to donate items such as gardening supplies, fencing, computers, food (dog and human), prepaid cells phones, prepaid phone cards and more, please contact me and I will send you more info…

An Idea Whose Time Has Arrived…


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Filed under affordable housing, self help, sustainable travel, women with dogs, women writers with dogs, yurts