Category Archives: animal stars

Home for the holidays

An interview with Little Red’s mom Susan…

Little Red is one of the former Vick(tory) dogs…

last Christmas Little Red had some challenges with the Christmas tree and decorations

2-6-11 We’ve had a rough few days. I decorated my Christmas tree and put up my house decorations over the weekend. When I turned on the lights, Little freaked. She ran to my bedroom where she usually is too afraid to go and didn’t leave for two days (except for potty breaks). I tried to comfort her and help her see that the lights wouldn’t hurt her. She was too terrified to respond to anything — even treats. I’ve never seen her so frightened –not even her first days here. I stayed home from work on Monday (I was sick and sick at heart). I stopped lighting any of the inside Christmas lights to see if would help her. It has, but even unlit — the tree seems like a scary monster to Little. She finally came back into the living room last night and slept in her usual spot. She let me cover her with her blanket. But tonight, she is back in my bedroom curled up on a dog bed. If she hears me get treats for the other dogs, she comes out to investigate but as soon as the treats are gone, she hurries back to the bedroom. It doesn’t help that it’s been sub-zero for days (yesterday 27 below without wind chill). Little’s feet are so cold that she doesn’t want to do her usual running. Exercise helps relieve her stress but it’s just too cold. All of my dogs are scurrying out and right back inside. Maybe tomorrow will be warmer and Little will be able to go for a good run. We’ll see.
and the good news… a gift for Little
12-11-11 What a difference a week makes. This is a picture I just took of Little sleeping on her easy chair with a fully lit Christmas tree! This past week has been about helping Little overcome her fear of the inside Christmas lights. I took the advice of so many of Little’s Facebook friends. I used lots of treats, the Chill Out spray, melatonin, and very small steps every day. Now the lights are on and Little is comfortable enough to fall asleep in the Christmas glow. Yesterday when we went to her CGC class, she stood between the seats and pressed her cheek against mine like she always does. But she stayed close the entire drive and put one paw on my shoulder. If she could have climbed into my lap, she would have. Little really wanted to be close to me and I like to think she was thanking me for all of the treats and love. I know I was thanking her for all of the bravery and trust.
1-14-12 Can you say relaxed!!!  Little loves listening to her new CD — “Through a Dog’s Ear”. She got this wonderful gift from her good friends CeilaSue and CiCi. We love it! All 5 dogs respond to this music in the most amazing way. After breakfast (which is at 5 am in my household), the dogs are up and down and in and out and have a hard time settling. Now I put on the CD and the dogs all take extended naps while I have time to sink into a novel before the day really gets going. The music is classical piano pieces and the cadences are designed to calm dogs. It’s been clinically tested with shelter dogs and I can say unequivocally that it works!!! We’ve been listening to the music every morning in preparation for Little’s 1st acupuncture session. I played the CD for her to keep her calm. It was really a special time. I’ll write about it later this weekend. Right now we’ve got some more listening and napping to do.
Little Red in her fall coat 9-30-11

“no matter what she did, Susan never felt the diminutive pit bull truly relax. Little Red slept with her eyes open, her body curled up tight, on guard through the night. Her muscles were always tense, almost as if anticipating a kick or blow. Susan was desperate to help her dog feel safe.

Then one night, she put on a CD of specially arranged classical music designed to calm dogs. “She heard that music, and she just sprawled out on her bed and sighed. She went to sleep with her eyes closed, like her whole body was breathing a sigh of relief.”

“Susan uses the music every day for Little Red, in addition to acupuncture and lots of tender loving care. “It was like a miracle. There’s something intoxicating about that music,” she says.

now onto the interview…

please tell a little bit about your background with dogs/pit bulls... and general background…  I’ve been involved with rescue dogs for many years although I’ve never had a pit bull and didn’t know much about them. When I heard about the Vick bust, I became interested in learning more about the dogs who were rescued.   It wasn’t so much that they were pit bulls as much as the fact that the Vick dogs had suffered such abuse and they were surviving and thriving with love and attention.  It seemed like a miracle that such traumatized dogs could learn to trust people again.

when / why / how did you meet little red and decide to adopt her?  I was volunteering at Best Friends in February 2009 and had heard that 22 of the Vick dogs went to BF.  One particular dog broke my heart – her picture seemed so sad and poignant.  It was Little.  I sponsored her and read everything about her through BF.   I had her picture in my office and I looked at her face every day.  I volunteer once a year for a week at BF and in 2010, I asked if I could meet her.  The staff took me to where she lived (Beefcake was her companion) and I got to watch her in the yard.  She was the “out” dog  so she was right in front of her unit and I asked some of the staff to take her picture with my camera.  The next Feb. (2011) when I went on my annual visit, I asked if I could volunteer in her unit.  I had no idea I could volunteer where she lived.  That year, I spend 6 days watching her and I got to observe her shy dog class.  I was already in love with her but never dreamed I could adopt her.  I was sure so many people with experience with pit bulls would have already applied and I’d never have a chance.   On the last day at BF, I screwed up my courage and went to the adoption office to inquire about her status.  I was shocked when Kristi Littrell told me that several people were interested in adopting her but no one had put in a formal application.  That was it for me.  I completed the application and did all the things necessary to be qualified.  Little passed her canine citizenship test in August and a few weeks later I brought all of my dogs to  Best Friends to meet her.  The meeting went very well and in Sept. 2011 she came to live with me.

what is the hardest thing about adopting little red (the process, problems you’ve had with her health, emotional trauma, or?)  Little’s emotional trauma was very difficult and enormously sad.  She was very frightened and nervous for the first few weeks and months.  She was afraid of coming inside the house and I had to carry her through every doorway.  The normal sounds of a household (washer/dryer/dishwasher) frightened her and she wasn’t sure if she could trust me.  It took many weeks for her to feel comfortable at home.  I believe she also missed her caregivers very much, especially Betsy Kidder who had been with her since she was rescued.  She was very lonely and sad about losing all of her canine and human friends.

progress you’ve had with little red … examples  

She smiles every day and she loves to run and prance around her pasture. She also jumps on my lap for her special treats.

why did you want to adopt a pit bull ?

I didn’t necessarily want to adopt a pit bull.  I wanted to adopt Little Red.  Something in her eyes made me want to help her regain the joy in life that every dog should feel.

how many dogs do you have?  5 dogs counting Little:    Cheeto, a heeler cross from Old Friends at BF; Daisy a beagle from my local shelter, PomPom, a 3-legged Pomeranian with 3 teeth who was abandoned; and Ella a mini-dach rescued from a puppy mill.

does little have a favorite best friend?   She and Cheeto are good friends.  She also likes my PomPom very much.  The little 3 lb dog bosses her around and she is so happy to obey.  Little  really  likes other dogs and is very comfortable with them.   In September, we visited with Halle (another Vick dog) and her 2 pit bull brothers.  Little was in heaven. She adored them all and fell in love with Jagger, a small pit bull pup with a spinal abnormality. Little was totally smitten with Jagger  and followed him everywhere.  She loves pittie play. None of my other dogs play like pit bulls do and Little misses that..

little’s favorite toy, food, treat, place?

Little doesn’t play with toys.  She loves boiled chicken which is the treat all my dogs love.  I cook it for them every week. .  She also found an antelope horn in the pasture and she carried it around and chewed it for several months until it was gone.  Santa is bringing her a new one for Christmas.  I’m going to let her “find” it in the pasture.

does little like to travel ?  No she doesn’t.  She is a homebody who likes to run in her pasture and snuggle in her bed.

fears/phobias still to overcome?  Loud noises, changes in her routine, new people. Sometimes she dreams and I can tell that she is upset.  When that happens, I sit with her and play special music that is bio-acoustically engineered to calm her (Through a Dog’s Ear  cd’s).  I also use an herbal spray (Chill Out) that helps her regain her emotional composure.

biggest reward from adopting little?  How happy she is to be in a home.  We are very bonded to each other and I love to hear her snore lightly each evening as she drifts peacefully off to sleep.

unexpected joys?  challenges? Watching her run with abandon across the pasture.  She has a 6-acre fenced yard so she never has to be leashed.  She loves to explore and when I whistle for her, she comes racing to me at top speed, circles around and stops at my side.  She looks up at me and smiles her funny, squinty smile and it makes me laugh.

The biggest challenge is her health.  She has allergies that flare quite frequently.  Because she is Babasia positive, my Vet does not want to keep giving her antibiotics for fear that she will develop an immunity.  When her feet flare, they can get infected very quickly.   We’ve tried so many things to help her and have had the best results with acupuncture and laser treatments for her feet.  She is also on a grain free diet. She has new boots for the snow and that will help to keep her feet dry.

anything else you would like to share?  Little is a constant joy.  She has started to smile more and more and she now comes to me to seek attention and affection.  She’s home and she knows this is a safe place where she will always be loved.  She has blossomed.


Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop  link


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Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, allergies, animal rescue, animal stars, best friends animal sanctuary, dog health, dog rescue, keep pets safe, Michael Vick dogs, music for dogs, pet adoption, pet blog hop, pet care, pit bull, Uncategorized, Vicktory dogs

2,000 dogs will be dogs

It’s been 11 years since actor John O’Hurley began an unlikely new Thanksgiving tradition: Co-hosting a dog show on national television in front of tens of millions of viewers. And, the 58-year-old admits, he has the now-famous mockumentary “Best In Show” to thank for the gig…

“The National Dog Show Presented by Purina.” “It was just an odd opportunity and yet it’s returned just so much joy to me over the 11 years I’ve been doing it.”

Every year a whopping 2,000 show dogs representing more than 150 breeds descend on the Kennel Club of Philadelphia, and while canine expert David Frei provides commentary and sportscaster Mary Carillio does the sideline interviews (with the handlers, not the actual canines), O’Hurley brings plenty of humor to the show and admits he’s more of a dog lover than an expert … though he’s learned plenty over the last decade.

“I’m amazed at how well behaved the dogs are with each other. You take a dog to go to a dog park and you get a dog fight in the middle of it. That doesn’t happen at the dog show,” O’Hurley explains. “You have 2,000 well-behaved dogs who are just happy as heck to be there. It’s a very exciting arena with all these great smells and all these people around who want to pet them. There really is an aesthetic sense to it. You’re seeing the best of the breeds and they are just beautiful to see.”

O’Hurley and some furry friends. (NBC)

As for why he thinks the show pulls in more than 20 million viewers every year, O’Hurley says it’s simply too difficult for viewers to pass the pups by.

“I think it’s a perfect piece of television. It falls on a huge family day and there’s something for everybody, whether you’re 5 or 95, everybody loves the world of dogs,” he shares. “If you’re twiddling through the remote and you come upon the dog show you just have to pause and watch it for a little while.”

The “Dancing With the Stars” contestant has had dogs in his life since he was just 4 years old and his family brought home a Dachshund named Taffy. Today, he and wife Lisa are raising a King Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Sadie and a Havanese named Lucy (along with their son, William, who turns 6 in December), but O’Hurley is adamant about the fact that dog ownership and those considering it should think long and hard.

“Having a dog really is a lifelong responsibility. You’re responsible for that little life in the same way that you would be for a child. And, unfortunately, our rescue shelters are filled with people who didn’t take the responsibility seriously. It’s not a trial thing,” notes O’Hurley, who works with others involved with the dog show to promote responsible pet ownership. “It’s not, ‘Oh it’s a cute puppy, but unfortunately as it grew up it doesn’t fit our lifestyle.’ Get to know the idiosyncrasies of each breed and make sure they fit your lifestyle,” he implores.

But whether or not a dog fits your lifestyle, dogs will be dogs, as O’Hurley occasionally gets to see firsthand. “In show number three, a Great Dane was walking around the ring, walked in front of David and me at the NBC booth, took one look at us, and then squatted down and gave a little review of our performance,” he recalls with a laugh. “And it took someone with Olympic elephant equipment to get it out of there.”

“The National Dog Show Presented by Purina” airs Thanksgiving Day at 12 p.m. ET/PT.


Filed under animal stars, dog movies/TV, dog shows, dogs, family friendly, four paws up, Happy Thanksgiving, K9 approved

Wallace and Hector’s cross country trip

Wallace is checking off his bucket list…and more !!!!

Great Salt Lake, Wallace Was Here

Wallace hits the beach


Wallace at the dog park

Wallace met Betty White

She was so nice and so sweet! She loved on both me and my bro Hector the Pit Bull! She met us on a break during rehearsal, and when it was mentioned that she really needed to get some lunch before she was due back on stage, her response was “I can eat lunch anytime”, and stayed just a bit longer to give us some more love! Thanks Betty for being so gracious with your time, and for loving dogs of all shapes and sizes!

Here’s a disc used by me and signed by the beautiful Wendie Malick from Hot In Cleveland. She thought I was so gorgeous, she even put it in writing!

BadRap Reunion

Roo and Clara drove 35 hours from Minnesota with Hector and Wallace.  Seven of the V-dogs who touched down in California five years ago were reunited for this photo at the recent Hoedown.

It looks easy – but check out the video of photographer Mark wrangling these squirmy dogs and giggling cowboys and cowgirls to get this fantastic shot:

Wallace was kind enough to grant a photo session with his new book when he was here for the big hoedown slumber party. Although what he REALLY wants in this moment is a break so he can “Please pretty please get back to that awesome toy box pleeease?”

Wallace and Roo in 2008

One of the greatest pleasures we’ve had this year was to see Hector the Pit Bull again at our reunion. It’s been over four years since we put him on a plane to his wonderful new life with Roo and Clara. He’s still the same floppy guy, only with a little gray now around his muzzle. And those EYES!

and that Hector famous flop…


Blog Hop time…thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code

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Filed under Adventure, All you need is love, animal books, animal communication, animal rescue, animal stars, badrap, Bay area, beach, beach parties for dogs, best friends animal sanctuary, California, dog parks, dog rescue, dog travel, dogs, exercise your dog, four paws up, K9 approved, K9 travel, keep pets safe, lost dogs book, love, Michael Vick dogs, pet blog hop, pet care, pet travel, pit bull, publicity, travel with dog, Uncategorized, Vicktory dogs

Cherry, Jonny, and Wallace, oh my…

WALLACE is not technically a Vicktory-dog (former M. Vick dog), his brother Hector is though, and Wallace is a star in his own right… The book about Wallace by Jim Gorant (author of The Lost Dogs book) is a winner. Sadly, Wallace is very ill with cancer. Please see Prayers for Wallace and Angus blog post.   thanks.


A toy company, Gund, held a contest and Jonny won. They will be making a plush toy from his likeness, and it will be available in 2013.

Cherry Garcia has his own street in Burlington, Vermont (near Ben and Jerry’s store)…

Dogs Deserve Better

“The founder and executive director of Dogs Deserve Better, a chained dog rescue that operates where Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick once owned a dog-fighting compound, is facing animal abuse charges, said Surry County Chief Animal Control Officer Tracy Terry.

“Tamira Thayne, who opened the Good Newz Rehab Center for Chained and Penned Dogs in June 2011, was charged with one count of inadequate care of animals, a Class 4 misdemeanor, on Aug. 23, said Terry. A hearing on that charge is scheduled for Sept. 25 in Surry General District Court.”,0,7663188.story

Evidence found:

Just a reminder…

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code


Filed under adoption, animal abuse, animal books, animal rescue, animal stars, dogs, Dogs Deserve Better, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, no kill shelters, pit bull, stuffed animals, Uncategorized, Vicktory dogs

Pet stories wanted

This week is an Extreme Pet Bloggers Blog Hop… with lots of giveaways and parties… my polka dot princess Cici, a six year old rescued Dalmatian pit bull mix and I (Monterey Bay area dog travel blogger and newshound) provide lots of tips about traveling with your dog/pets with dogitude. And Cici shares her polka dot pig belly and lots and lots of kisses. We have been blogging since October 2007.


Every pet has a story. A past, a present and hopefully, a future with a family. The bonds we share with our pets last a lifetime. The fun we have with our pets make everlasting memories.

Uplifting, poignant, inspiring, engaging, and humorous pet stories WANTED !!!!

Pet memoirs and books focusing on the bond between humans and animals have become increasingly popular over the last few years… do you have a great tale to tell?

Is your pet pit bull a hero, famous, a celebrity?

Has your pet unique qualities (couch puptato, extra adventurous, mischievous, entertaining or curious, or friendly to cats, cows, pigs, monkeys, ducks and other animals)?

Does your pet make a silly noise, have a special trick, a funny quirk or won an award for fetching beer, standing on their head or failed at puppy school?

Will your pet do ANYTHING for treats, food, toys or ????

Are you grieving the loss of your pet? Did they have an unusual illness?

Harboring a fugitive from the BSL wars or saved a pet, rescued one from harm?

Could your pet blog become a pet book???

Would you like to co-create a pet book with me?

Celebrate your Pet

Boast and brag about your pet in a furrever book for your family and friends to cherish the memories.

Amusing shaggy dog tale stories.  

Your travel adventures together.  

Why you love her (or him) so much.  

Poems, photos, cartoons and images.

Cherish the good times. And share the love.

Pet artists, photographers, designers and videographers, too… please send us your pet creations, too…

If you need assistance in getting your pet book published, let us know…

a dog’s eye view of Blood Mountain for FUN…

We will be reviewing some pet books soon… and


Cici and I’d love to share your pet here on our blog, in a book and everywhere… let us know…the ball is in your pet’s court… bounce it back soon…

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code

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Filed under animal books, animal communication, animal rescue, animal stars, animals, Best Friends, big dogs welcome, blogging, breeds, dog friendly, dog health, dog rescue, dog speak, dog training, dog travel, dogs, dogs around the world, four paws up, K9 travel, keep pets safe, kids and dogs, kitty loves puppy, losing a pet, lost dog, pet blog hop, pet care, pet press, pet travel, pit bull, poems, Uncategorized, writing

TV & Movies Going to the Dogs

Two deaf pit bulls…

Dog Jack movie… a dog becomes a hero

An adaptation of Florence Biros’ classic children’s novel, “Dog Jack” is a Civil War tale about 14-year-old Jed, a slave who escapes with loyal dog Jack to join the Union Army. Hounded by runaway-slave trackers, Jed and Jack receive the reluctant help of a troubled minister and finally reach the army of the North. When he enlists, however, Jed finds that he must confront not just the forces of the Confederacy but also the prejudices of his fellow soldiers. Jed’s trials continue in a dramatic climax, when the young soldier faces his former master on the battlefield and must grapple with hard, surprising truths about his own past. “Dog Jack” is inspired by the historical true-life adventures of the beloved canine mascot of the Pennsylvania 102nd, who was so prized by his regiment for his skills in battle that he was twice exchanged for Confederate prisoners of war.

Dogs in the city

A new TV show with dog trainer Justin Silver…


Summer documentaries about dogs

Dog Trainer Victoria Stilwell’s It’s Me or the Dog returns to Animal Planet June 2, 2012

what dog trainer do you like the best?

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with Dogs,Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code…

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Filed under animal communication, animal planet, animal stars, dogs, pet blog hop, pet care, pit bull, Uncategorized, videos

heroic pit bulls reign

Despite all of the craziness going on in our world this week, there has been a bunch of good news regarding pit bulls, yay… here are a few of the stories…


Lilly the pit bull lost her foot and leg saving her owner from certain death by a freight train…

If you would like to help the heroic Lilly, who will need a lot of medical care and therapy…

“A fund has been set up to help offset Lilly’s medical care, which will likely run into the thousands of dollars. For more information, visit

United Airline has lifted the ban on pit bull terriers and Staffordshires, nine breeds total due to public pressure and outcry…,0,4836681.story

Wonderful and creative way to help pit bulls…

great tribute for the V dogs…

pit bull bans lifted

Pit bulls are no longer a restricted household pet in DeKalb County, a zoning change that its advocates say should help the county focus more on all dangerous dogs and possibly improve the adoption rate from its shelter.

and thanks to Stubby dog, Cici stars in a video…

She shows off her polka dot belly without a sound, and a single roll onto her back!


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Filed under animal rescue, animal stars, dogs, K9 approved, keep pets safe, Little Rascals, nanny dogs, news, pit bull, true love, Uncategorized

Happy Vicktory dog day

On April 25th, 2007, police served a warrant in Surry, Va. The day before, Michael Vick’s cousin, Davon Boddie, was arrested on drug charges and listed the house as his address. The police and animal-control officers found 66 dogs and what appeared to be a dog-training complex of dark-painted buildings in the woods just behind the house owned by M. Vick. Police obtained another warrant and seized the dogs.

This photo is of the dogs rescue from the property. Thankfully, there were people who began the fight for the V Dogs lives. And thus began the journey for a collective group of dogs who would change the perception people had of pit bulls and fighting dogs and the laws that would one day open doors for countless dogs worldwide.

It all started on this day in 2007.

Happy 5th year anniversary to all of the Vicktory dogs, their pet guardians, foster parents and trainers, all of the folks who have loved them and been with them every step of their amazing journeys… BadRap, Best Friends, Our Pack, Monterey SPCA and others, the dogs could not have made it without ALL OF YOU.

If you have not read the book about these dogs, it is time to honor the dogs by getting a copy of The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant and reading it or giving it as a gift to your local shelter, a friend or loved one. This book will warm your heart and uplift your spirit. Yes, there are a few rough paragraphs to get through. But in the end, the story is one of tremendous courage, triumph and spirit. Against all odds, despite PETA and the Humane Society and others insistence that the dogs be euthanized, most of the dogs have not only survived but are thriving in homes with other dogs, cats, children and continue to inspire others. Eight of the dogs have become therapy dogs, visiting sick people and reading with children, have won awards and given the key to the city. A few of the dogs have passed onto the Rainbow Bridge. Some of the pet guardians do speaking engagements and events. And a few have rescued other pit bulls who needed love and homes, too.

For Audie, Cherry, Danimal, Ernie, Frodo, Georgia, Ginger, Grace, Halle, Hector, Iggy, Jasmine, Jhumpa, Jonny J, Leo, Little Red, Mel, Oscar, Red, Squeaker, Stella, Teddles, Uba, Ziggy  and all of the other brave dogs…

Oscar just passed his CGC. He is an official Canine Good Citizen and is now eligible for adoption (has a pending home).

Ginger having her cake and eating her Happy cake, too…


What have you learned from these survivors of cruelty? How has this landmark case influenced your views on evaluating victims of cruelty? What have these dogs taught you about the importance of “seeing the dog, not the story?

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with Dogs,Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code…


Filed under adoption, all you need is a dog, All you need is love, animal abuse, animal books, animal rescue, animal stars, badrap, best friends animal sanctuary, dog rescue, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, lost dogs book, Michael Vick dogs, pet blog hop, pit bull, Uncategorized

dog commercials and ads

love love love the Subaru dog tested dog approved commercials… especially this one with the Dalmatian on the beach sunbathing…

these are cute too

the only thing better would be for the dog Subaru commercials to star some pit bulls…

MSN has a wonderful pit bull ad on MSN’s homepage (

tell them you like it !

Underneath the ad, click the link for ‘Ad Feedback’ and tell them you love seeing those  pit bull smiles!  (thanks to StubbyDog project)

If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help get the woof out by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook. Thank you! Cici the Polka Dot Princess and CS 

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with Dogs,Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab the blog hop code…


Filed under all you need is a dog, animal stars, animals, beach, beach parties for dogs, camping, canine cuteness, cats, Dalmatian, dog travel, doggie camp, dogs, drive, driving, four paws up, K9 approved, K9 travel, keep pets safe, pet blog hop, pet travel, pit bull, Uncategorized

Channeling your furry friends

Join a variety of eccentric pet personalities as they host shows that offer insight into the secret lives of their four-footed best friends.

Whether your pet is a furry feline or rugged reptile, you can enjoy hilarious pet programming that includes domestic animal advice from a tiger, style tips from a snarky iguana and curated cat videos provided by an internet junkie cat. Petsami also provides viewers with an interactive experience by allowing them to upload their own videos to the channel, create captions for different videos and even vote on whether cats or dogs are cuter.

In addition, renowned pet expert Laura Nativo and celebrity Carrie Ann Inaba are onboard to create fun shows for audiences around the world.

The channel launched with six shows, including:

  • CuteWinTail – Similar to the format of FishBowl’s incredibly successful CuteWinFail, each episode of CuteWinTail presents three clips and lets audiences decide which is the “most epic” as it applies to the world of pet and animals. Each week, an episode ends with “Pet of the Week.”
  • Leash Line – Leash Line is a weekly news magazine show, profiling true stories of amazing animals from around the world. Its host, Monkey, is the proud pet of Emmy Award Winning Reporter Lu Parker, who also serves as executive producer.
  • One Minute Meerkat – This weekly show examines what Meerkats are really saying, translating their thoughts through extremely complex technology. It turns out Meerkats are very similar to humans and each week is just as relatable as the next.
  • Ask a Tiger – A weekly support show hosted by Sabin the Nepalese tiger, who offers domestic pets advice based on his expertise from the wild. Sabin also provides comedic user-generated clips to serve as examples of animal-human interaction.
  • KlipKat – From her Venice apartment, internet junkie KlipKat shares her take on favorite cat clips and invites users to submit LOL speak captions for them. The highest rated user captions are featured in the next episode.
  • How2BCute – Hoshi the Hamster, Ivanna Iguana and Gus the Guppy are the G.H.I. (think Statler and Waldorf). They are too cool for school and spend their time each day, interacting with users and influencers with snarky, yet entertaining comments.

  If you would like to learn more about Petsami, please visit and



Tune into Access Hollywood Live today at 8 am ET / 11 am PT to watch Carrie Ann Inaba talk about her new show Crib Cat on Petsami and she’ll help adopt some pets today!

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Filed under adoption, animal stars, animals, dogs, justforlaughs, Uncategorized, wild animals