Tag Archives: get your prehistoric laws outta my vagina

Americans love dogs

Americans love dogs but do we love women?  just throwing that out since it seems like some people who call themselves American are waging war on women. They also don’t seem to care that much about dogs, animals, the environment, other people either.

in life, we have choices to make every day…  and sometimes they are easy and other times they are difficult…

and it is not always as simple as this…


Mitt Romney drove to Canada with the family Irish setter on the roof of the car. and even now dogs do not like Romney…

Here’s the follow up: Barbara Bush comforting the dog, post-Romney encounter…Barbara: Don’t worry honey, he’s not going on vacation with us.





and what about this menu?  is there anything on it that working or unemployed or seniors or women or middle class or poor people want????

Romney does not care about the poor, wants to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, and wants women to go back to 1950…

Roe v. Wade
Favors a repeal
“I’d like to see Roe v. Wade overturned and allow the states and the elected representatives of the people, and the people themselves, have the ability to put in place pro-life legislation.”
5 June 2007, Republican Presidential Debate (Manchester, New Hampshire)


President Obama echoed his support for the Supreme Court’s pro-choice decision in Roe v. Wade.

“Government should not intrude on private family matters,” Obama said in a statement, adding that he also supports policies to prevent “unintended pregnancies.”

Romney was weak about Rush Limbaugh, “It’s not the language I would have used,” Romney said of Limbaugh’s comments  while President Obama called Sandra Fluke personally.

Obama said at a news conference that he’d called Fluke after Limbaugh made his comments “because I thought about Malia and Sasha, and one of the things I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on. I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way, and I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re good citizens.”

Obama on women’s health care

A 32-page regulatory proposal offers options for providing preventive care, and President Barack Obama‘s health care law requires health plans to cover prevention at no cost to the consumer.

Romney’s support for personhood amendments and the Blunt Amendment is evidence that he’s going as far to the right as anyone can when it comes to women’s reproductive health.


President Obama: auto industry bailout

Romney would have allowed the industry to collapse and lose 1.3 million

manufacturing jobs

Romney wants to tax the middle class and poor while President Obama wants to tax the 1%…

Romney’s pitch is that he’s Mr. Fix It — a corporate turnaround artist with an MBA. Looking for a candidate who’ll get the economy moving and put people back to work? Just so long as you overlook his only leadership experience in government and all the mass layoffs he orchestrated at his vulture-capital firm, Romney’s your guy.

What happens to that pitch if the economy improves, growth strengthens, and job creation picks up steam before the election? I don’t know. More importantly, I don’t think Romney knows, either.

Santorum’s pitch is altogether different. Whether the unemployment rate is 8.3% or 3.8%, Santorum is offering a message about culture, values, and religion. He doesn’t like contraception; he wants to restrict access to pornography; and a spirited defense of the separation of church and state makes him, in Santorum’s words, want to “vomit.”

As the former senator put it yesterday, “My campaign doesn’t hinge on unemployment rates and growth rates. It’s something more foundational that’s going on.”

Whether one finds Santorum’s agenda offensive or not, at least this is coherent and consistent. Unlike so many Republicans, he’s not rooting for bad economic news before the election, because the health of the economy is independent of his right-wing societal vision.


vast differences of Character, Vision and Values for our country… and if you are upset, paranoid and/or concerned about the NDAA and other bills restricting our civil liberties, the right wing GOP’ers meanwhile have invaded women’s privates and privacy in horrific ways, and want women who have abortions to be sent to jail for killing their unborn fetus “person.”


http://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/03/20/guest-post-a-doctor-on-transvaginal-ultrasounds/   a dr speaks out against unwanted, unnecessary t.v. ultrasounds, politics

What good is a law that adds only pain and difficulty to perhaps the most painful and difficult decision a woman can make? Shouldn’t women have a right to protect themselves from strangers’ opinions on their most personal matters? Shouldn’t we have the right not to know?


There are bills like these being considered and/or passed in states that have GOP governors and/or where the GOP has the majority.

GOP legislators have sought to exempt religious orgs from having to offer health insurance that covers contraceptives.

…In Arizona and Kansas, Republican state legislators pushed bills allowing a doctor to lie about the health status of your fetus for fear you might opt to get an abortion.

And should you make that harrowing choice, Virginia Republicans, following in the footsteps of their colleagues in a number of other states, passed a law requiring that you have an ultrasound first.

But the women behind Government Free VJJ have a different kind of approach:

“Follow these simple steps,” the website beckons…

1. Knit or crochet a lady part
2. Print a message to enclose
3. Mail it to your male Senator or Congressional Representative [links provided]
4. We’re in the process of arranging hand delivery to congressional offices in Washington, until then, go ahead and mail yours in!
5. Record your items in this spreadsheet so we can track which representatives still need to receive a “gift”!
6. Don’t forget to thank your representative if he respects women and supports our rights.

There are kntting and crochet patterns available to make a “snatchel.”



here is the crochet pattern…


‎”I am a woman and I have these human rights: The right to life. The right to privacy. The right to freedom. The right to bodily integrity. The right to decide when and how I reproduce.”


book your gyn appt, call the RNC http://www.politicalshake.com/2012/03/20/need-to-see-a-gynecologist-call-the-rnc-today-republican-national-committee-inundated-with-calls-and-emails-from-women/

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Filed under all you need is a dog, All you need is love, dogs, first dog Obama family, God, moms, obama, people abuse, politics, sexism, Uncategorized, USA Today, women with dogs