Tag Archives: Willie Nelson

United Continental discrimination

Here we go again.

Despite the fact that many communities are repealing heinous discriminatory bans of pit bulls, United-Continental airlines has just banned nine breeds of “dangerous” dogs from flying their “not very friendly skies.”

The restricted breeds include the following:

  • Pit Bull Terriers
  • American Staffordshire Terriers
  • Presa Canario
  • Perro de Presa Canario
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Cane Corso
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Tosa (or Tosa Ken)
  • Ca de Bou

please sign and share  this petition, call and write and tell them to reconsider and repeal this breed ban on innocent dogs.


I sent their media people two emails… here is one I sent to media.relations@united.com:

Smart move… at a time when most communities are repealing breed bans, why in the world would you ban people friendly breeds of dogs from flying on your airline?  I did not see dachshunds and Chihuahuas (breeds that show the highest likelihood of aggression aka dog bites towards strangers) on your list.

In a 2008 study published in Applied Animal Behavior Science, dog breeds were ranked based on their propensity for aggression toward owners, strangers and other dogs. The breeds with the highest likelihood of directing aggression toward strangers were dachshunds and Chihuahuas, with 20 percent of the sample attempting to bite or biting humans, compared with 7 percent for pit bulls.

NO breed deserves to be banned. Dogs are individuals as humans.

Mark Buehrle Forced to Move Due to Absurd Pitbull Ban

Mark Buehrle has a dream.

A dream that his four little dogs will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the ferocity of their appearance but by the content of their tameness. A 1989 pitbull ban in Miami-Dade County forced Buehrle to distance himself from the Miami Marlins ballpark in order to legally keep one of his dog.

According to the Miami Herald, Buehrle is an avid dog lover and wouldn’t even fathom parting with his pitbull Slater over the ban. The All-Star ace even said that if there hadn’t been a place for him and his family to move that permitted the pitbull, he wouldn’t have signed in Miami. Luckily for the Marlins, Broward County shares his love for canines…


Willie Nelson on archaic breed ban laws


When communities are considering breed-discriminatory legislation, they often place “pit bull” owners in a separate category from the rest of the dog owning population, and they draw on negative stereotypes and generalizations about “the kinds of people who have pit bulls.” But as this video shows, many “pit bull” owners have other kinds of dogs, too.  Stop relying on stereotypes and generalizations. For more information, please visit animalfarmfoundation.org.

Rachael Ray and Jennifer Aniston also have pit bull pups along with a whole slew of celebrities. Are you going to outlaw their dogs, too????

celebs and their pit bulls


more info about United…

the carrier has delayed thousands of flights, wiped out the paid itineraries of an unknown number of travelers, “mishandled” who knows how many checked bags, misplaced the seat assignments of a clutch of its most frequent flyers, and generally annoyed the hell out of huge swathes of its customer base.

United has yet to apologize because being an airline means never having to say you’re sorry.

In fact, being an airline means never having to give you the seat on the plane for which you paid. It means never having to fly on time. It means not having to get you home if it strands you halfway around the world. Being an airline means never even having to fly you to the city that appears on the ticket you purchased. Actually, being an airline means never having to fly aircraft—which pretty much means you’re not even an airline.


Filed under bigotry against dogs, boycott, breed specific laws, dog travel, dogs, dogs around the world, end dog racism, K9 travel, keep pets safe, legislation against dogs, Little Rascals, pet travel, pit bull, Rachael Ray, travel, travel with dog, Uncategorized

you are always on my mind, Willie Nelson / Malibu…

Best Friends Animal Society and Willie Nelson have teamed up to fight dogfighting in Georgia… making it illegal and giving the law oomph…. yay…






and while I am not on the subject, was doing a search for a Chocolate Van to drive me and the pup around and came up with a new chocolate factory in the Bay area and

Chocolate Television… an indie station devoted to chocolate… imagine the possibilities…  but really, who wants to watch others eat and enjoy, you have to watch and indulge in chocolate samples yourself… 






The latest word on the new Malibu fires…  my friend is supposed to be In Las Vegas… have not heard a word… prayers for residents of Malibu …  sheesh, what a year this has been, fires, floods, earthquakes, oil spill, fires, cyclone in Bangladesh, weather and elements and people are churning… loss of homes, sadness, and hopefully, all will be well in time… 









MALIBU, Calif. – A fast-moving wildfire pushed by Santa Ana winds raced through the canyons and over the mountains of this wealthy enclave for the second time in little more than a month Saturday, destroying dozens of homes and forcing as many as 14,000 residents to flee.



The fire erupted in the wee hours after the long-predicted Santa Anas finally returned, and it quickly grew before the winds died down. Forty-nine homes were destroyed and another 27 damaged, said Los Angeles County Fire Chief P. Michael Freeman.


By midafternoon the fire was estimated at 4,500 acres, or about 7 square miles, with 25 percent containment….


Some evacuees were treated to moments of joy and relief.


Geraldine Gilliland, 56, shrieked with happiness as an animal control officer reunited her with her six dogs and 21-year-old cat, left in her house when the fire drove workers at the property down the canyon.

“Oh my God. They got them, they got them, they got them!” she said, kneeling to embrace her pets.

“You can’t put a price on human life or canine life; these are my babies.”

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Filed under animals, ASPCA, Best Friends, breed specific laws, CA, California, California fires, Charlie's Chocolate Factory, chocolate, chocolate factory tours, chocolate tours, chocolate travel, chocolate TV, dogs, end dog racism, end dogfighting, Georgia, Humane Society, Malibu, mutts, pit bull, Willie Nelson

Restitution: And the People Said Amen…

My wish tonight is for everything
to become upside right

instead of inside out
and tumbled like weeds

that is where
i draw my personal line
in the sand

and hope and pray
and wish upon a star
that everything will right
itself again

Dogs are not cats

and cats are not birds

and never will fish be

leopards and porpoises

are not horses and cows

are not sheep and monkeys are not

caterpillars and squirrels are not camels

and chickens

are never gonna be


no matter how many of us wish and pray

for them to be so

the world should not have
gone awry
our meters on empty
our fortunes unkempt

Destiny awaits us
dare we rush away
from its call
hurtling ourselves deeper
into darkness and spaces
that were never meant to be
so painful

we should not have bent
and crawled and run and tangled
ourselves up into big blue balls
twisted with grief and sadness

do we have to wait for
the end to come
in order to be free?

for the world to be so
fragile and scattered
and shattered

for truth to be so obscured
and muted
for losses so permeated
and permeable

for people to shout to the heavens
save us
and the heavens
cry out with answers
but their cries fall on
ears that have not heard
a word in years

why is a child crying
when his mother
should be bawling
her very heart out

how can our leaders
fall so far short
of greatness
and dare to pluck their power
off of our trees
and stick their noses
so far out at us
like children and Pinocchio
saying nah nah nah nah

nanny nanny boo boo
the preschoolers wail
but is this proper behavior
for grown-ups
never mind our fearless leaders

where is that light in this dark tunnel
how do we find our way
when we are grasping for air
like miners looking for canaries
in caves that never should have been
tampered with

there isn’t a breath in sight
but there is California burning at night
with fetid air
and Arnold spraying poisons into our
in order to make money
for people who don’t deserve it
and to make things worse for the rest of us

how can we the people breathe
when there are so many untold truths
unburied bodies
and bold lies
that stick at our craw
and won’t go away

is it not better for us to
hurl ourselves into the wind
then to knock our heads
against the stoneheads of
the powers that be

we must hold onto each other’s hands
and never let go
for in our unity
there must be peace

We will find Peace
even if they don’t get it
and never will.

There’s a chance Peace will come

in our lives… John Lennon

All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance…




Let there be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me… Peace Shield

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Filed under animals, Arnold, California, California fires, cats, dogs, dreams, environment, God, green, John Lennon, Malibu, news, peace, poems, world peace